

单词 治罪

See also:


punish v
research v

treat (a disease)
wipe out (a pest)
harness (a river)


sin n
guilt n
sinner n
fault n
guild n

External sources (not reviewed)

这种调查将是结束巴基斯坦治罪行 不受惩罚现象的重要一步。
Such an investigation would constitute a major step towards
[...] ending impunity for political crimes in Pakistan.
美国代 表]虽然对禁止未成年人死刑和排除 治罪 略 有 质疑,但实际上不反对有关死 刑或酷刑的规定。
Although briefly questioning the juvenile death penalty and
[...] the exclusion of political crimes, [the U.S. representative] [...]
did not object in substance
to the provisions dealing with the death penalty or torture.
因此,就此类 违约行为提出的引渡或相互司法协助的要求不 可仅以其涉及治罪行、与政治犯罪 相 关 的罪 行或有政治动机的罪行为由而加以拒绝。
Accordingly, a request for extradition or for
mutual legal assistance
[...] based on such offences may not be refused on the sole ground that it concerns a political offence or an offence connected with a political offence or [...]
an offence inspired by political motives.
此外,簡易程治罪條例 (第 228 章)對政治團 體或其他任何團體申請在指定公眾場所進行非慈善用途籌款亦有所規定。
In addition, the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. 228) regulates any applications, from political organizations [...]
or any other bodies,
to raise fund for a non-charitable purpose in confined public places.
治罪法草 案》关 于引渡或起诉义务的第 9 条草案规定,在其领土上发现据指控犯有灭绝种族罪 行、危害人类罪行、危害联合国和有关人员罪行或战争罪行之个人的缔约国有义 务引渡或起诉该个人。
Draft article 9 thereof on the obligation to extradite and prosecute imposes an obligation on the State Party in the territory of which an individual alleged to have committed a crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against United Nations and associated personnel or war crimes is found shall extradite or prosecute that individual.
[...] 同条约中为引渡或起诉规定的限制、条件、要求和可能的例外,包括“双重犯 罪”、“特定性”规则等引渡法方面以及与 治罪 行 例 外和本国国民不引渡有关 的问题。
It would have been helpful, for instance, to explore further whether such classification and differentiation provided some possible understanding of the qualifications, conditions, requirements, and possible exceptions to extradition or prosecution provided for in the various treaties, including such aspects of extradition law concerning “double criminality”,
the rule of “specialty”, as well as issues
[...] concerning the political offence exception and non-extradition [...]
of nationals.
一些委员还回顾,特别是在制定 1996 年《危害人类和平及安治罪法草 案》的工作过程中,委员会曾经梳理过现在提出的一些问题。
Some members also recalled that the issues being raised had already been canvassed in the Commission in particular in relation to its work culminating in the adoption of the 1996 Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind.
現時,社會福利署(“社署”)署長可根據《簡易程 治罪 條 例 》(香 港法例第 228 章)第 4(17)(i)條的規定,對於為慈善用途而在公眾地方進行 [...]
的籌款活動或售賣徽章、紀念品或類似物件的活動,發出“公開籌款許可 證”。
At present, the Director of Social Welfare may issue Public
Subscription Permits (PSPs) under section 4(17)(i)
[...] of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. [...]
228) for any collection of money or sale
or exchange for donation of badges, tokens or similar articles for charitable purposes in public places.
特别报告员还注 意到其他一些案件,往往是被控犯有 治罪 行 的 人被长期秘密拘留。
A number of other cases of prolonged secret detention, most often of
[...] persons accused of political crimes, were also brought [...]
to his attention.
[...] 犯有国际法规定的严重犯罪行为时存在豁免例外,此处还提到委员会以往的工 作,特别是 1996 年《危害人类和平及安治罪法草 案》。
Some members argued that there was sufficient basis in State practice to affirm the existence of exceptions to immunity of State officials when such officials had committed grave crimes under international law and references were also made to the
previous work of the Commission, and in particular to
[...] the 1996 draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and [...]
Security of Mankind.
[...] 會聯同其他相關部門按《簡易程 治罪 條 例 》(第 228 章)第 4A 條,檢控非法擴展營業範圍的店鋪。
Besides, the FEHD and other concerned
departments may also act under section 4A
[...] of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. [...]
228) to prosecute shops for unauthorized extension of business.
(二 ) 基 於 公 共 秩 序 理 由
[...] ,香港 法例第 228 章《 簡 易 程治 罪 條例》第 4(17)(i)條規定,若任 [...]
何人士在 公眾地方為 慈 善 用 途 而 進 行 籌 款 活動, 或 售 賣 徽 章 、 紀念品 或 類似物件的活動,
須向社 署署長申 請 公 開 籌 款 許 可證。
(b) In the interest of public order, section
[...] 4(17)(i) of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. [...]
228) states that any person who organizes,
provides equipment for, or participates in any collection of money or exchange for donation of badges, token or similar articles in a public place for charitable purpose, is required to apply for PSP from the DSW.
可遵循治罪法草案》第 9 条草案的思路,作为逐渐发展 进程的一环,重新拟订第 3 条和第 4 条草案。
Draft article 3 and 4 could be reformulated, as a matter of progressive development, along the lines of draft article 9 of the Draft Code.
(c) 至於鄭議員關於違例者的問題第㆔部分,在㆒九九○年十㆒月至本年十月底的 12
[...] 個月內,當局就非法傾倒廢物而根據英國傾物入海法令提出的檢控,共有 73 宗;至於就輕微拋垃圾的違例事件而根據簡易程 治罪 條 例提出的檢控,則有 80 宗。
Referring to the third part -- about offenders -- of Mr CHENG's question, during the last 12 months from November 1990 to the end of October this year, there were 73 prosecutions under the Dumping at Sea
Act for illegal dumping activities, and 80 prosecutions under
[...] the Summary Offences Ordinance for minor littering offences.
推动通过《危害人治罪法》 ,并全面修订内部法令,以便采纳国际刑事法 院《罗马规约》所载的标准。
To promote
[...] the adoption of the Crimes against Humanity Act [...]
and general reforms to domestic law for the purpose of incorporating
the norms contained in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
議員促請政府當局與內地訂立移交協定時,仿效當局與其 他司法管轄區簽訂的現有移交逃犯協定,加入與豁除 治罪 行 及 政治 迫害的一般規定有關的條文。
The Administration was urged to include in the rendition agreement with the Mainland the
normal exclusion in
[...] relation to political offences and political prejudice in the existing Surrender of Fugitive Offenders Agreements [...]
with other jurisdictions.
另一些行动者则主要关注惩处既往罪行和进行赔偿的机制很难建立,使人对当前 的治罪行机 构与机制是否有效感到怀疑。
Other stakeholders, mindful of the problems involved in
establishing punishment and reparation
[...] mechanisms for past crimes, have expressed [...]
concerns over the effectiveness of the current law enforcement bodies.
一些评论指出,政治例外条款不适用于恐怖主义罪行等犯罪(如突尼斯),或 相关国家正在改革,以便使国内刑法所列严重罪行(对应《罗马规约》的罪行)不 被认为是治罪行、与政治罪行相 关的普通罪行或基于政治原因进行惩罚的罪行 (如哥斯达黎加)。
In some instances, it was noted that the political exception clause did not apply to certain offences such as terrorist crimes (e.g., Tunisia) or that there were reforms which would entail that serious crimes as listed in the domestic codes (corresponding to crimes under the Rome Statute) would not be considered political crimes or ordinary crimes related to political crimes or crimes for which punishment was being sought for political reasons (e.g., Costa Rica).
此 外,根据摩洛哥法律,如果引渡所针对的行为被认为是 治罪 或 与 政 治罪相 关,则不准予引渡。
Moreover, according to Moroccan law, extradition shall not be
granted if the act for which extradition is sought is
[...] considered to be a political offence or related to a political offence.
食環署在2009年和2010年分別收到21 406宗和24 483宗有
[...] 關在公眾地方造成阻礙的投訴,並根據《簡易程 治罪條 例》第4A條分別就26 285宗和23 [...]
The FEHD received 21 406 and 24 483 complaints concerning obstruction in public places in 2009 and
2010 respectively and 26 285 and 23 537 prosecutions were initiated under section
[...] 4A of the Summary Offences Ordinance.
[...] 事案件,并且由于国家遵循三权分立原则,所以直至做出判决 治罪 犯 , 行政部 门都不能干涉这些诉讼。
The criminal case run under its legal procedures and due to the independence of the powers pursued by the
state, the executive can not interfere in the course of these processes until there is a
[...] ruling condemning the perpetrators.
(b) 兩 項 或 以 上 罪 行 , 而 最 少 其 中 一 項 是 受 此 項 禁 制
[...] 的 , (3) 加 諸 任 何 不 是 簡 易 程治 罪 罪 行 起 訴 程 序 的 任 何 法 例 禁 制,( [...]
除 非 起 訴 是 由 刑 事 檢 察 長 或 任 何 其
他 人 士 提 出 , 或 代 他 提 出 或 經 他 同 意 提 出 的 , ) 亦 適 用 於 根 據 上 文 第 1 條 針 對 串 謀 觸 犯 該 罪 行 的 起 訴 程 序 。
(3) Any prohibition by or under any enactment on
the institution of
[...] proceedings for any offence which is not a summary offence otherwise [...]
than by, or on behalf or with the
consent of, the Director of Public Prosecutions or any other person shall apply also in relation to proceedings under section 1 above for conspiracy to commit that offence.
(二 ) 至於高空墜 物,根據《簡 易程治罪條例》,如有人 自 建 築 物 掉 下 任 何 東西, [...]
或 容許任 何 東西自建 築 物 墜 下,以 致 對 在 公 眾 地方 之內或附 近 的人造 成 危 險 或 損傷者,則 掉 下 該 東西或
容許東西墜 下的人即 屬 犯罪, 可處罰 款1萬 元 及 監 禁 6 個月。
(b) On the question of objects falling from height,
[...] according to the Summary Offences Ordinance, if anything [...]
is dropped or allowed to fall from
any building to the danger or injury of any person in or near a public place, the person who drops that thing or allows it to fall commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for six months.
在纵向模式下,国家不可以任何通常适用于国家间法律协助或引渡条约的 理由(例如不引渡国民、治罪例外 、双重犯罪条件或一罪不二审情况)拒绝合 作。
Under the vertical model, States may not refuse to cooperate on any of the grounds usually applicable under inter-State legal assistance or
extradition treaties (such as non-extradition
[...] of nationals, political offence exception, [...]
double criminality requirement or
为引渡和相互提供司法协助之目的,第 15 条 a 分段至 c 分段,以及第 15 条全部所述 之违约行为不得视为治罪行、与政 治 犯 罪相 关的罪行或有政治动机的罪行。
For the purpose of extradition, offences set forth in Article 15 subparagraphs 1(a) to (c), and for the
purpose of mutual legal
[...] assistance, offences set forth in Article 15 shall not be regarded as political offences nor as offences connected with political offences nor as offences inspired by political motives.
(一 ) 《 簡 易 程治罪條例》( 第 228 章 ) 第 4C 條規定,任何人士在 公 [...]
眾 地 方 舉 辦 或 參 加 舞 獅 / 舞 龍 / 舞 麒 麟 或 任何附隨 的 武 術 表 演 , 均 要 按 照 警 務 處處長 所 發
出 的許可 證 的條件舉 行。
(a) Section 4C of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. 228) [...]
stipulates that any person who organizes or participates in
a lion dance, dragon dance or unicorn dance, or any attendant martial arts display in a public place shall be subject to the conditions of the permit issued by the Commissioner of Police.
本 條 例 並 無 規 定 任 何 在 刑 事 訴 訟 中 被 控 可 經 公 訴 或 簡 易 程治 罪 罪 名 的 人 可 受 強 制 為 或 針 對 本 身 作 供,亦 無 規 定 可 以 強 制 任 何 人 在 任 何 訴 訟 中 回 答 任 何 可 以 使 他 自 招 罪 責 的 問 題 。
Nothing in this Ordinance shall render any person who in any criminal proceedings is charged with an indictable offence or any offence of the punishable on summary conviction compellable to give evidence for or against himself, or shall render any person in any proceedings compellable to answer any question tending to criminate himself.
此外,在過去兩年及今年首 6 個月,全港整體因觸犯《簡易程治罪條例 》(第 228 章)第 4B 條“自建築物掉下的物體”而被 定罪的個案共有 208 宗,但當局並沒有因在公屋高空擲物而被定 [...]
During the past two years and the first
six months of this
[...] year, there were 208 convicted cases of conviction under section 4B of the Summary Offences [...]
Ordinance (Cap.
228) (Objects dropped from buildings) in Hong Kong, but the Administration does not have a breakdown of the number of convicted cases involving objects being thrown from heights in public housing estates.
在规 约序言部分,缔约国申明,“对于整个国际社会关注的最严重犯罪,绝不能听之 任之不予处罚,为有效治罪犯, 必须通过国家一级采取措施并加强国际合作”, 缔约国“决心使上述犯罪的罪犯不再逍遥法外,从而有助于预防这种犯罪”。
In the preamble to the Statute, the States parties affirm that “the most serious crimes of concern to the international
community as a whole must not go
[...] unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured [...]
by taking measures at the
national level and by enhancing international cooperation”, and that the parties are “determined to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes and thus to contribute to the prevention of such crimes”.




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