

单词 油漆

油漆 noun, plural ()

varnishes pl

油漆 ()

oil paints




油漆光 n

varnish n

See also:


paint n
lacquer n

paint (furniture, walls etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

在纺织品和服装中,有机锡类存在于纺织品、塑料制品/橡胶油墨、油漆、金 属闪光材料和传热材料中。
In textiles and apparel, organotins may be associated with textiles
[...] plastics/ rubber, inks, paints, metallic glitter, [...]
and heat transfer material.
如下图所示,这些车辆油漆过, 显然状 况非常好。
As the image below indicates, the
[...] vehicles are freshly painted and are visibly [...]
in very good condition.
该计划包括有关场地的翻修项目 油漆、 地面、顶棚、电缆等)。
This plan includes a number of provisions for refurbishing the space in question (painting, floors, ceilings, cabling, etc.).
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够更有效率地管理机队,减少将直升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要, 因此减少了空中飞行时间;减少零部件库存,因为老化的中型和重型车队的主要 维修工作及事故维修油漆采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务部分外包,以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours, as improvements in maintenance and repairs to helipads have allowed for more efficient air fleet management that result in lower requirements for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident repair and painting is outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace Agreement-related activities, and dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to accommodate the increase in demand, as fewer vehicles are available.
油漆塗料 而言,我們正進行一項顧問研 究以優油漆塗料 的防霉功能,當中包括在現有公屋搜集霉 菌的樣本以制訂一套切合本油漆塗 料防霉功能的測試方 法。
We are now carrying out a consultancy study to enhance the anti-mould property of paints, which involves collecting samples of mould from existing estates for devising a local mould growth resistance paint test.
平治designo的可選擇配備包括精緻木材或石質飾邊、華美真皮車廂及特選車 油漆 , 讓 您輕易塑造出獨特的個人風格,您亦可隨意組合配搭,達至和諧的整體效果。
The designo options for your Mercedes-Benz include fine wood or stone trim, exquisite leather upholstery and select exterior paint finishes, all of which can be used to create individual highlights or combined to form a harmonious whole.
这一创意是为了描述Ushio和他的艺术家妻子Noriko Shinohara,用彩油漆互相 击打,代表着他们在40年婚姻生活的琐事中产生的内部冲突。
The concept was to depict Ushio and his
artist wife Noriko Shinohara boxing each
[...] other with colored paint, representing [...]
the inner conflict the two have developed during
their chaotic forty year marriage.
(66) 經營鑄鐵工、機械工程師及農具及其他機器之製造商、工具製造商、黃 銅鑄工、金屬工、鍋爐生產商、技工、機械師、鋼鐵轉爐商、鐵匠、木 工、建築商油漆工、 冶金家、電器工程師、供水工程師、燃氣生產商 、農民、印刷商、搬運商及商人之業務,以及購買、出售、製造、修理 、轉換、改製、出租及處置各類機械、工具、機車車輛及五金器具,及 經營本公司認為能夠就上述者便利經營或旨在直接或間接提高本公司當 時之任何財產及權利之價值之任何其他業務(製造或其他)。
(66) To carry on the business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, and manufacturers of agricultural implements and other machinery, tool-makers, brass-founders, metal-workers, boiler-makers, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood-workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, electrical engineers, water supply engineers, gas-makers, farmers, printers, carriers, and merchants, and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, and deal in machinery, implements, rolling-stock, and hardware of all kinds, and to carry on any other business (manufacturing or otherwise) which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above, or otherwise calculated, directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of any of the property and rights of the Company for the time being.
过去几十年,更深入了解工业生产过程对环境和社会的不良影响方面,并研 制工具和技术以提高资源效率(例如使食品和饮料的金属和玻璃容器更加坚固, 但是更轻,并设计汽车,使其更容易拆卸而便利回收利用),同时减少对环境的 影响(例如不用以溶剂为基质油漆和 粘 合剂,改用水基和其他代用品),在这些 方面都有显著的进展。
Over the last few decades, significant progress has been made on improving understanding of the adverse environmental and social impacts of industrial production processes and in the development of tools and techniques to improve resource efficiency (for example, making metal and glass food and beverage containers stronger but lighter, and facilitating recycling by designing motor vehicles in ways that make disassembly easier) and reduce environmental impacts (for example, replacing solvent-based paints and adhesives with water-based and other alternatives).
各国还必 须评估战略办法规定的新政策问题的影响:纳米技术和所制造的纳米材料;产品 中的化学品;电子废物油漆中的铅。
Countries will also have to assess the implications of the emerging policy issues defined under the Strategic Approach: nanotechnology and manufactured nanomaterials; chemicals in products; electronic waste; and lead in paint.
将喷枪前端向上,在拆卸喷嘴的同时扣动扳机以帮助 喷枪泄压和防止任何残留在喷枪内 油漆 或 溶 剂进入 空气管道。
Hold the front end of the gun up and trigger the gun while
removing the nozzle to help drain the gun
[...] and prevent any paint or solvent left [...]
in the gun from entering the air passages.
[...] 》 107 责任: BLI 是不可能的情况下,承担责任,根据环境法 》 第 107 附近的污染, BLI 已不在站点,操作并不拥有的网站,虽然它是在操作中,也不能以任何方式参加了铅 油漆或 含石棉材料的结构中的位置。
CERCLA 107 Liability: BLI is not potentially liable for contamination at the site under CERCLA Section 107 due to the fact that BLI has not operated at
the site, did not own the
[...] site while it was in operation, nor in any manner participated in placement of lead-based paint or asbestos containing [...]
materials in the structure.
不要使用您的指甲撬開機殼兩邊的底盤,這可能會導致 油漆 剝 落 或損傷。
Do not use your fingernails to separate edges or lift the sides of the chassis, as paint chipping or injury may occur.
其设计用途包括纸张、纺织品与非织造布 油 墨 、 油漆 与 涂 料、塑料涂料、压敏型聚合物以及不能使用某些有害化学品的环保应用。
They are designed for use in applications that include paper, textile and
[...] nonwovens, graphic arts and inks, paints and coatings, [...]
and plastic coatings, pressure
senstive polymers and in “green” applications where certain chemicals of concern cannot be present.
产品由于聚合物链醋酸乙烯含量高, 所以也能够在较低的温度下胶合, 这使VINNOL® H 30/48 M成了奶酪、
[...] 酸奶等热敏食品或药品的理想包装材料, 进一步扩大了瓦克的印油墨、 油漆和涂料产品系列。
VINNOL® H 30/48 M is therefore perfectly suited for packaging thermosensitive
pharmaceuticals and foods, such as cheese or yogurt, thus adding to WACKER’s
[...] extensive portfolio for inks, paints and coatings.
ECKART 拥有全系列的金属颜料和金属效果颜料应用于涂料 油漆 行 业
ECKART has a complete range of metal pigments and metal-effect pigments for the coatings and paints industry.
因為環境工 程界別註冊專業工程師在保護環境和控制上有足夠的訓練和經驗,他 們亦應被納為“ 合資格工程師” ,可籌備申油漆工程和其他指明工 序的牌照。
As registered professional engineers with adequate training and experience in environmental protection and control, they should also be included as “qualified engineers” for preparing the licence applications for paint works and other specified processes.
互認機制的另一方面就是從項目著手,優先處理較易達到共識及有急需的項目,例 油漆 及 碳粉盒的環保標籤共同基礎標準等。
The projects which are easier to reach mutual recognition and in urgent need will be handled with priority, such as the common core criteria of paints and toner cartridge.
ECKART 为专业零售商提供了完整系列油漆 和 涂 料,当中既包括特殊效果和耐热涂料,又包括一些特殊用漆。
ECKART offers a complete line of paints and coatings for specialist retailer, from effect and thermo coatings to special-purpose paints.
本公司已於2010年底開發成功一系列奈米功能性膠團(詳見產品目錄B24~B34,共11項),為油溶性,可均勻溶解於泛用有機溶劑中(例如:EAC,甲苯,MEK,松香水…等等)是散熱導熱、抗菌防黴、增勒、耐磨、抗UV、抗IR、吸收雷達波、阻燃、遠紅外線、負離子、除臭、光觸媒、除醛、抗靜電、防塵、導電等功能性奈米塗料、塑料 油漆 及 工 業用途所必需的添加聖品,添加劑量約為0.5~5%。
At the end of 2010, our company has successfully developed a series of nano-functional gels (See product catalog B24 ~ B34, a total of 11 items) that are oil-soluble, can be uniformly dissolved in organic solvents (eg: EAC, toluene, MEK, pine oil... and so on), and possess functions of thermal releasing, antimicrobial/antifungi, toughening, wear-resisting, UV block, IR block, wave absorber, flame retardant, far infrared radiation, negative-ion, deodorant, photocatalyst, aldehyde remove, anti-electrostatic
, dust-proof, electroconductive for
[...] coatings, plastics, paints and industrial [...]
uses, which are excellent multiple functional
as additives to those kind of base materials, add quantity about 0.5~5%.
选择安装位置,避免喷头振动以 油漆 、 粘 合剂或生产 过程中使用的其他类似产品产生的静电电荷和污物。
Select an installation position to avoid vibrations on
the printhead, electrostatic charge and
[...] soiling caused by lacquer, adhesive or other [...]
similar products used in the production process.
部队后勤基地工程科负责监督执行技术性的设施管理工作(发电、电气、冷 暖通风、管道工、木工、金属工、砖瓦工 油漆 ) ; 实 施小型内部建筑项目并查 验为支持扩建联黎部队总部而由外部合同完成的技术方面的工作。
At the Force Logistics Base, the Engineering Section is tasked with overseeing and carrying out facilities management of a technical nature (power generation, electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, carpentry, metal work, masonry and painting), carrying out small-scale construction projects in-house and verifying technical aspects of work completed under external contracts in support of the expanded UNIFIL headquarters.
(17) 以一般藥劑師及藥商身份經營業務,及購買、出售、進口、出口、精煉 、準備及以其他方式經營各類藥物、藥品及化學製劑、商品及復合製品 (不論來源於動物、植物或礦物)、衛浴用品、化妝品 油漆 、 顏料 、油 類及 油質及皂性物質、香水及各類油膏及輔料。
(17) To carry on business as general chemists and druggists and to buy, sell, import, export, refine, prepare and otherwise deal in all kinds of pharmaceutical, medicinal, and chemical preparations, articles and compounds (whether of animal, vegetable or mineral origin), toilet requisites, cosmetics, paints, pigments, oils and oleaginous and saponaceous substances, perfumes and all kinds of unguents and ingredients.
玩具或家具上剥落油漆及灰 尘造成婴儿铅中毒的情况仍然很常见,这甚至会发生在一岁以下的婴儿身上。
Lead poisoning from peeling paint, paint dust on toys or furniture is still common in infants, even those under a year old.
此种油将会有细菌控制及腐蚀的问题.油液的PH值也将会是一个问题会导致铝的磨损 和化学反应.也会溶油漆.一个理想的油箱要求在工作时保证吸油口的正压力,停机 时使空气通过排气通道排出.
A positive head reservoir is required to maintain a positive inlet pressure when operating, and to keep air out of internal passageways when shut down.
也可存在于合成纤维、纺织品和服装饰品 油漆 、 油 墨 、 装饰 物、 塑料制品和金属部件中。
It is also associated with synthetic fibers, accessories for textiles
[...] and clothing, paints, inks, trims, plastics, [...]
and metal components.
要谨防电池松懈、边缘锐利和带有发射器的玩具,大一些的孩子可能会有这类玩具,同时还要小心含 油漆 , 玩 具制造中有时会用到它们。
Beware of loose batteries, sharp edges, and projectile toys, which older siblings may have, and be careful of lead paint sometimes used in toy manufacturing.
无论您是需要粘合剂、密封胶油漆 、 还是其他特种化学品,富乐公司都有适合的产品, [...]
Whether you need adhesives, sealants, paints or other specialty
[...] chemicals, H.B.Fuller has the right [...]
solution to help you develop new products,
improve your processes or address evolving customer demands.
总部设在慕尼黑的瓦克集团将以“Go for the Optimum”为主题, 于2012年9月13至15日在伊斯坦布尔涂料展会(paintistanbul)上展出一系列面向土耳其涂料 油漆 工 业 的聚合物和有机硅产品。
Under the slogan “Go for the Optimum”, the Munich-based WACKER Group will present a broad range of polymer and silicone products for the Turkish paint and coatings industry at paintistanbul from September 13 – 15, 2012.
但是,正如该报告其它部分所解释的那样, 世界上许多国家已经大大减少油漆 中 汞 的使用,因此目前这种来源可能不如 10-30 年前更具普遍性 (UNEP 2002)。
However, as explained in other sections of this report, the use of mercury in paints has decreased substantially in many nations of the world, therefore this source of exposure may be less common today than it was 10-30 years ago (UNEP 2002).




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