

单词 油气



liquefied petroleum gas


oilfields and gasfields


China National Petroleum Corporation

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,国 家发改委能源研究所(ERI)有
[...] 70 名科研人员,国土资 源部(MLNR)油气资源战略研究中心有 50 名科研人 员,为中央政府提供研发支持。
In addition, the Energy Research Institute (ERI) under the NDRC employs about 70
researchers, and the MLNR’s Strategic
[...] Research Center of Oil and Gas Resources [...]
keeps 50 researchers to provide research
support for the central government.
越来越多的国 家推广使用液化油气和压 缩天然气以及合成燃料,以减少当地空气污染。
A growing number of countries are promoting
[...] the use of liquefied petroleum gas and compressed natural gas, [...]
as well as synthetic fuels,
in order to reduce local air pollution.
这两家子公司将通过开展合作来发挥分散矿业 油气 开发领域风险和投资的作用。
These subsidiaries fulfill similar roles of
engaging in partnerships to dilute risk and investment in the areas
[...] of mining and hydrocarbon exploration respectively.
相比之下,由于价格和产量较高,采矿 油气 行 业等以自然 资源为基础的行业显著扩张,在非洲尤其如此。
By contrast, owing to stronger prices and
output, natural resource-based sectors, such
[...] as mining and hydrocarbon industries, expanded [...]
significantly, especially in Africa.
预计专家组将进行初步研究,以便研究与制定开采规定有关的一些问题,包 括开发近油气的相 关经验,以及与陆地采矿财务机制相比较。
A preliminary study by a group of experts is envisaged for the purpose of examining some of the issues associated with the development of an
exploitation code, including relevant
[...] experience from offshore oil and gas development, [...]
as well as comparisons with fiscal regimes for land-based mining.
加拿大政府与法兰西共和国政府关于勘探和开采跨 油气田 的 协定》有 21 条和 6 个附件,其中确认,有必要共同管理石油和天然气,以确 保跨海洋边油气资源 的保护和管理,在两国之间分配跨 油气 田 中 发现的储 藏,并促进安全和环境保护。
The Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the French Republic relating to the
Exploration and
[...] Exploitation of Transboundary Hydrocarbon Fields, containing 21 articles and 6 annexes, recognizes the need for a common approach to oil and gas management to ensure the conservation and management of hydrocarbon resources that straddle [...]
the maritime boundary, to apportion between the two countries the reserves found in transboundary fields and to promote safety and the
protection of the environment.
同样,为海洋产业服务的预报问题,也必须考虑海 油气 开发 、重要港口、航线、旅游胜地和娱乐中心等的需求。
Similarly, aspects of forecasting for
coastal industries will depend upon the
[...] existence of offshore oil and gas exploitation, [...]
major ports, ferry routes, tourist resorts, and recreational centres.
我国煤化工业能发挥丰富的煤炭资源优势,补充国 油 、 气 资 源 不足和满足对 化工产品的需求,推动煤化工洁净电力联产的发展,保障能源安全,促进经济 [...]
China's coal chemical industries could bring the advantages of abundant coal
resources into play, make up for the
[...] insufficiency of domestic oil and gas resources, [...]
satisfy the demand for chemical products,
impel the development of coal chemical industry with pure electric power, safeguard energy security, and facilitate the economic sustainable development.
此外, 南方共同市场缔约国和联系国的总统们在 2010 年 8 月 3 日《关于在阿根廷大陆
[...] 架勘探不可再生自然资源的特别宣言》中抵制联合王国在阿根廷大陆架勘探不可 再生自然资源的行为,认为这违反了大会第 31/49 号决议,并承诺不为意图支持 钻油气活动 从而影响阿根廷共和国权利的船只作业提供便利(见 A/C.4/65/ SR.2,第 16 和 17 段)。
Furthermore, in the Special Declaration on Exploration of Non-renewable Natural Resources on the Argentine Continental Shelf of 3 August 2010, the Presidents of the States parties of MERCOSUR and associated States had rejected the exploration of non-renewable natural resources being carried out by the United Kingdom on the Argentine continental shelf, in violation of General Assembly resolution 31/49, and
undertook to refrain from
[...] facilitating the activities of ships intended to provide support to activities involving drilling for hydrocarbons that would affect [...]
the rights of the Argentine
Republic (see A/C.4/65/SR.2, paras. 16 and 17).
通过去年油气区举行的几轮招标,伊拉克 油气 行 业 注入了国 际经验,而这将使我们更能提高生产和出口能力,从 而促进经济发展。
Through bidding rounds held in the areas of oil and gas last year, Iraq has brought international [...]
experience to these sectors,
which will improve our ability to increase production and export capacity to promote economic development.
除了为所有目的而言重申加拿大和法国之间的最终边界之外,该协定的序言 部分确认双方所占越油气田储 量份额比例是该协定的基础,并强调了良好的油 田实践、安全、保护环境和保护越 油气 田 资 源的重要性。
In addition to reiterating the definitive boundary between Canada and France for all purposes, the Agreement’s preamble recognizes proportionality based on respective share of reserves
in a
[...] transboundary field as the basis of the Agreement and highlights the importance of good oil field practice, safety, protection of the environment and the conservation of [...]
resources in transboundary fields.
英国的这种单方面行为迫使阿根廷政府自 2005 年
[...] 12 月中断了南大西洋渔业 委员会会议,并于 2007 年 3 月终止了油气问题联合声明》。
As a result of those unilateral British acts, the Argentine Government suspended the meetings of the
South Atlantic Fisheries Commission from December 2005 and denounced the
[...] Joint Declaration on Hydrocarbons in March 2007.
2010 年 2 月,阿根廷政府向联合王国提交了抗议书,坚决拒绝接受“英国企 图核准在领土周围的阿根廷大陆架内进 油气 的 勘 探和开采活动”(见 A/64/653, 附件),并“为应对英国的行动”采取了若干措施,包括“通过了法规,对没有 阿根廷主管当局颁发的有关许可证、直接或间接从 油气 勘 探或开采的公司作出 处罚(见 A/64/711,附件)。
In February 2010, the Government of Argentina submitted a note of protest to the United Kingdom firmly rejecting “the British
attempt to authorize
[...] the carrying out of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities in the area of the Argentine continental shelf” around the Territory (see A/64/653, annex), and adopted a number of measures “in response to the British actions”, including “rules allowing it to penalize companies that engage directly or indirectly in oil and gas exploration or [...]
exploitation without
the relevant permits issued by the competent Argentine authorities” (see A/64/711, annex).
While there are examples of natural resource-rich (NRR) countries that have achieved sustained
economic growth from extractive
[...] resources – particularly oil and gas, minerals and [...]
metals – several other such countries
have been afflicted by conflicts, political instability and rent-seeking behaviour.
前瞻性表述基于Surmont的经验和当前信念以及Surmont所做的假设和目前掌握的信息,存在各种各样的风险和不确定性,包括但不限于与资源界定、预料不到的成本与费用、关键投入未落实、监管部门批准 油气 价 格 波动以及以合适的条件获得充足资本的能力等有关的表述。
Forward-looking statements are based on Surmont's experience and current beliefs as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, Surmont, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, those associated with resource definition, unanticipated costs and expenses,
unavailability of key inputs, regulatory
[...] approvals, fluctuating oil and gas prices, and [...]
the ability to access sufficient capital under suitable conditions.
联伊援助团还通过会见各集团的国民议会议员,继续参与讨论宪法的议程, 促请他们解决有关的立法程序问题,包括 油气 法 和 联邦最高法院法有关的问 题。
UNAMI also continued to engage on the constitutional agenda through meetings with members of the Council of Representatives from various blocs to urge them to address
relevant legislative processes, including those
[...] relating to the hydrocarbon law and the law [...]
on the Federal Supreme Court.
内阁中的主要变动包括三名副总理中的两名,以及内政部 油气 工业 部及财政和预算部,并且人权事务部与司法部进行合并。
Key changes in the Cabinet included two of the three
Vice Prime Ministers, the Ministries
[...] of the Interior, Hydrocarbons, Finance and Budget, [...]
and the merging of the Ministry
of Human Rights with the Ministry of Justice.
The SCDA system of the center provides real-time data acquisition and processing, dynamic process display, alert management, historical data management and trend display, gas transmission process optimization, instrument troubleshooting and diagnosis, network monitoring and management to automate the oil transmission system, carry out remote measurement, dynamic fault processing and troubleshooting to ensure the safe and stable operation of oil pipelines.
协会的目标是证明液化油气的好 处,确立液化 油气 作 为 有益于低碳世界 的清洁能源的位置,同时为发展和支持液化 油气 市 场、识别和激励创新、促进 遵守健康、安全和环境标准及良好商业惯例以及推动所有利益攸关方之间的沟通 创造环境。
The goal of the Association is to demonstrate the
benefits of LP gas and
[...] position it as clean energy for a low-carbon world while creating the environment to develop and sustain LP gas markets, identify and stimulate innovation, promote [...]
compliance with health,
safety and environmental standards and good business practices and drive communication among all stakeholders.
中国海洋石油总公司是中国最大的海 油气 生 产 商,公司将实施Emptoris采购和Emptoris合同管理等Emptoris解决方案套件,以提升采购经营的整体竞争力、透明度和效率。
CNOOC, which is also China's largest offshore oil and natural gas [...]
producer, will implement the Emptoris Solution Suite,
including Emptoris Sourcing and Emptoris Contract Management, to improve the overall competitiveness, transparency and efficiency of its procurement operations.
例如,部分由于公共投资率提 高,油气部门最近几年蓬勃发展。
For example, the non-hydrocarbon sector has grown [...]
vigorously in recent years, helped partially by rising public investment rates.
任何国家或公司未经中国政府允许在中国管 辖海域从油气勘探开发活动,都侵犯了中国的主权和 权益,是非 法、无效的。
Oil and gas exploration activities by any country or company in the waters under China’s jurisdiction without permission of the Chinese Government constitutes violation of China’s sovereignty, rights and interests, and thus are illegal and invalid”.
Popularize oil and gas field construction [...]
and under-well work water conservation techniques.
某些挑战尚待应对,例 如以团结全体伊拉克人的方式审查《宪法》;以有助 于维护伊拉克统一和领土完整的方式解决有争议的 内部行政边界问题,特别是基尔库克的地位问题;以
在多国部队撤出后不使该国出现权力真空的方式向 伊拉克安全部队和平移交安全责任;以营造有利于投
[...] 资环境和有助于伊拉克人从本国战略能源中充分获 益的方式通过早该通过油气资源 法;以及以提高伊 拉克人民族团结意识的方式就收入分配安排达成协 议。
There are certain challenges that remain to be addressed, such as reviewing the Constitution in a way that will unify Iraqis as a whole; settling the issues of the disputed internal administrative boundaries and, in particular, the status of Kirkuk in a way that will help preserve the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq; peacefully transferring security responsibilities to the Iraqi Security Forces in a way that will not create a power vacuum in the country after the withdrawal of the multinational force; adopting the long-overdue hydrocarbon resources law in a way that will create an investment-friendly environment and help
all Iraqis to benefit fully from
[...] their country’s strategic energy resources; and reaching [...]
an accord on income-sharing arrangements
in a way that will strengthen the sense of Iraqi nationhood and union.
通过详细审查可持续性报告,PwC 观察到对
[...] BES 影响或依 赖性较高行业中的公司 (即油气、公 共设施、化工、大型制药公司和食品零售商) [...]
更愿意将生物多 样性识别为关键战略问题 (19% VS 整体 9%),也更愿意报告为减少对生物多样性的影响所采取的 行动 (36% VS 整体 24%)。
Looking more closely at the sustainability reports, PwC observes that companies in sectors
sometimes characterized by high impact or
[...] dependence on BES (i.e. oil and gas, utilities, [...]
chemicals, big pharmaceutical companies
and food retailers) are more likely to identify biodiversity as a key strategic issue (19% versus 9% overall) and are also more likely to report actions to reduce impacts on biodiversity (36% versus 24% overall).
随着 DNV收购KEMA并成立DNV KEMA能源及可持续发展公司,我们得 以更好地协助中国在更多方面实现其可持续和包容性经济增长的目 标——尤其是在海事油气、可 再生能源、发电和输配电领域。
With DNV’s Greater China organization of more than 900 employees, a steadily growing pool of competence and talents, we remain strongly committed to contribute to China’s innovation targets and endeavors to develop further into a balanced, harmonic and sustainable country and society.
管理下述海洋地质和地球物理企业的活动:在 世界海洋各地区、北极、南极和大陆架从事地质和地球 物理研究的企业,或参与油气的海洋研究、勘探和测 量生产设备和技术用品的企业
Managed the activities of maritimegeological and geophysical enterprises engaged in geological and geophysical research in various areas of the world oceans, in the Arctic and Antarctic and on the continental shelf, or involved in the production of equipment and technical supplies for maritime research, exploration and surveying for oil and gas.
执行机构对使用在工业化国家刚刚成熟的新技术的复杂项目的持续时间的预测有时 过于乐观,比如从泡沫塑料和制冷成套设备 油气 技 术的转换,或从泡沫塑料成套设备向 液态二氧化碳技术的转换。
Implementing agencies were sometimes overly optimistic with their forecast of project duration for complex projects using new technologies which had only just become mature in industrialized countries, such as conversion of foam and refrigeration manufacturing plants to hydrocarbon technology, or conversion of foam plants to LCD technology.
油气调控中心油气长输 管道SCDA系统为基础,通过先进的计算机技术、网络技术、通信技术、高性能的专业软件,制定短道预测需求和输送计划,进行远程调控等操作,成为世界上调度运行的管线最多、管道运送的介质最全的长 油气 管 道调控控制中枢。
The center, based on the
[...] SCDA system of the long-distance oil and gas pipelines, leverages advanced computer, network and communication technologies, and high-performance professional software to make short-term demand and transmission plans and carry out remote control, becoming a control center that controls the largest number of pipelines and uses the [...]
most transmission media in the world.
据估计, 越南的沼气方案提供足以取代木柴、农业废物、木炭、煤油和液化 油气 等 通常 能源的廉价清洁能源。
It is estimated that the programme in Viet Nam provides enough clean and cheap energy to replace the usual sources of energy, such as firewood, agricultural waste, charcoal, kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas.




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