单词 | 沴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 猴noun—monkeynmonkeyspl沴—miasmaExamples:僧帽猴—genus Cebidae 猴子偷桃—(coll.) grabbing sb.by the balls "monkey steals the peach" (martial arts), distracting an opponent with one hand and seizing his testicles with the other 沐猴而冠—fig. worthless person in imposing attire
看到猴子的爪子在唐人街出售后,IR开始用他的双手手指的愿望。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After seeing a Monkey's Paw sold in Chinatown, I.R. starts making wishes using the fingers of his hands. seekcartoon.com |
的边缘,雄壮的瀑布,坐落在一个巨大的猴面包树的外壳是一个繁华的城市,被称为赞比西亚省的鸟类。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | On the edge of a majestic waterfall, nestled in the shell of an enormous Baobab tree is a bustling city of birds called Zambezia. seekcartoon.com |
我们向我们的成员组织免费发放智猴玩具, 向非成员要求小额捐款。 worldhepatitisalliance.org | We are sending monkeys free to our members, and ask for a small donation from non-members. worldhepatitisalliance.org |
我的姨母艾米莉亚与恒河猕猴几乎一模一样,而说到我父亲罗耶里奥,毫无疑问,没有人比他更像一只狒狒了。 shanghaibiennale.org | My aunt Amalia was almost identical to a rhesus macaque and Rogelio, my father, was without a doubt the closest thing to a baboon. shanghaibiennale.org |
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品——植物性阳光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。 clarinsusa.com | By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which protects skin cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions. clarinsusa.com |
遗憾的是,这些让人高度关注的案例在工作人员 中众所周知,似乎起着杀鸡儆猴的作用,不成文地告诫员工如果真的举报不法行 为会落到何等下场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately these high profile cases are well known by the staff members and seem to be serving as a bad example and implicit warning of what will happen if a staff member does report misconduct. daccess-ods.un.org |
毕业熊仔最受欢迎的包括Guilliver白色浅咖啡色米色公仔穿上毕业袍毕业帽和证书,德国Nici各款毕业公仔有绵羊毕业公仔猩猩猴子长颈鹿斑马公仔Nici白马树熊狮子老虎兔子小狗花猫毕业公仔,我们也有独家Nici与法拉利联合推出的法拉利黑马公仔,可以穿上毕业袍十分适合送给男性。 givegift.com.hk | Popular graduation bear includes Guilliver white teddy dressed in graduation gown, hat and certificate. There is German Nici graduation teddy bear series, sheep plush gorrillas monkey giraffe zebra Nici teddy dolls white horse koala lion tiger rabbit doggie kitten graduation dolls, we also carry the exclusive Nici Ferrari black horse doll, a perfect graduation bear for guys. givegift.com.hk |
这位天才的年轻艺术家,很明显还沉醉于儿时那迷幻世界,笼子里的猴子,草地上的秋千,这些都让 Swatch 腕表充满了快乐和愉悦。 swatch.com | This talented young artist clearly keeps at least one foot in the monkey-barred, swing-set playground of his childhood-steeped fantasy world, which makes for Swatch watches that tickle and please. swatch.com |
植物性阳光防护复合成分2(山扁豆、橄榄、豌豆、悬铃木和猴面包树萃取精华):抵抗AP1因子(皮肤光老化的罪魁祸首)的作用,预防细纹和皱纹的过早产生。 clarinsusa.com | Phyto-Sunactyl 2 Complex (extracts of Senna, Olive, Pea, Plane Tree and Baobab): helps protect against the formation of premature lines and wrinkles as it fights photoaging's worst enemy (the AP1 factor). clarinsusa.com |
现有一份指南概括介绍了这一活动的实施方法,还有很多利用这些 智猴玩具让更多人了解病毒性肝炎的创意 worldhepatitisalliance.org | A guide is available which outlines how to implement the campaign and lots of great ideas for using the monkeys to get the most visibility for viral hepatitis! worldhepatitisalliance.org |
例如,在厄瓜多尔的亚马逊河地区,开采石油和 非法伐木致使猴子、西猯和其它动物在偏远地区寻求 庇护地,而且严重威胁到自愿过着与世隔绝生活的 Tagaeri 人和 Taromenane 人等土着社区的生存。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Amazonian region in Ecuador, for example, oil exploitation and illegal logging have caused monkeys, peccaries and other animals to seek refuge in remote areas and seriously endangered the survival of indigenous communities living in voluntary isolation, such as the Tagaeri and Taromenane. daccess-ods.un.org |
进一步分析表明黄山短尾猴与四川短尾猴之间存在着极显着的遗传分化(FST = 0.399,P<0.001),基于最大似然法和邻接法构建的系统发生树均将两者聚为不同的类群,支持将它们归入各自的管理单元[动物学报52(4): 724–730, 2006]。 actazool.org | The phylogenetic tree and AMOVA analysis demonstrated that there were distinctive genetic divergences between the two Tibetan macaque populations (FST = 0.399, P<0.001), supporting the treatment of the Huangshan and Sichuan Tibetan macaque populations as two different management units [Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(4):724–730, 2006]. actazool.org |
在试点活动中,来自摩罗.多斯.普拉泽雷斯、猴子山(Morro dos Macacos)、摩罗.多.波莱尔(Morro do Borel)、摩罗.多.乌鲁布(Morro do Urubu)、荷欣尼亚(Rocinha)这5个低收入社区的111名青年接受了培训,学习如何应用 这种名为“联合国儿童基金会-地理信息系统(GIS)”的程序,以评估其所在社区的风险和不安全因素。 unicef.org | In the pilot initiative, 111 youth in five low-income communities – Morro dos Prazeres, Morro dos Macacos, Morro do Borel, Morro do Urubu and Rocinha – were trained to use this programme, known as UNICEF- Geographic Information System (GIS), to assess the risks and vulnerabilities in their neighbourhoods. unicef.org |
此外, 寻求庇护者还遭受蛇头和人贩子迫害,留在国内的家 人则成为杀鸡儆猴的惩罚对象。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, asylum seekers fell prey to smugglers and traffickers in persons and their families who had remained in the country were the target of sanctions as a collective deterrent measure. daccess-ods.un.org |
英国)惠特利奥尼尔是从世界各地挑选nine植物药在所有这些,组成,最具代表性的是猴面包树,而奥尼尔的惠特利杜松子酒优秀品质的秘密在于对酒精的纯度和比例植物产品中使用的四个蒸馏这是其工艺生产小批量和发展传统的铜蒸馏器,每个提交。 malacatin.com | (UK) Whitley Neill is composed of nine botanicals picked from around the world, Of all these, the most representative is the Baobab, The Secret of the excellent quality of Whitley Neill Gin lies in the purity of the alcohol and the proportion botanical products used in each of the four distillation which is submitted in its craft production, developed in small quantities and in traditional copper stills. 42º. malacatin.com |
在这个过程中,我逐渐发现,狐猴、红毛猩猩、长尾猴、大狒狒和狭鼻小目猿与我自己的父母、兄弟、姨母、祖父母和表兄妹们有着惊人的相似之处。 shanghaibiennale.org | Then, as I did so, as a therapy or as some inefficient or meditative practice for myself, I started discovering amazing similarities between cynocephaly, orangutans, guenons, giant baboons, catarrhinis and my own parents, brothers, aunts, grandparents and cousins. shanghaibiennale.org |
在婆罗洲的丛林中研究难以捉摸的夜间性活动灵长类动物蜂猴的一个国际科学家团队发现了一个全新的物种。 chinese.eurekalert.org | An international team of scientists studying the elusive nocturnal primate the slow loris in the jungles of Borneo have discovered an entirely new species. chinese.eurekalert.org |
通过了 ALINORM 09/32/24 附录 IV 提出的最大残留限量草案,并 将其推进到步骤 6,注意到欧洲共同体和挪威就苹果中的灭多威(094),芸苔、梨果和 生菜中的戊唑醇(189),以及香蕉和猕猴桃中的啶酰菌胺(221)的最大残留限量提出的 保留意见,其理由已在 CAC/32 LIM 16 做了解释。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission adopted the draft MRLs as proposed draft in Appendix IV of ALINORM 09/32/24 at Step 5 and advanced them to Step 6, noting the reservations expressed by the European Community and Norway on the MRLs for methomyl (094) in apples; tebuconazole (189) in brassica, pomefruits and lettuce, head and boscalid (221) in banana and kiwi for reasons explained in CAC/32 LIM 16. codexalimentarius.org |
叶展建兴 - 加入她的冒险尤里邪恶的战斗机器人猴子,挽救她的某些混乱的土地。 cn.moba-app.com | Leaf Bound Lite - Join Yuri on her adventure to battle evil robot monkeys, and save her land from certain mayhem. moba-app.com |
在Edinburgh Zoo您可以与超过1000头稀有濒危动物近距离接触,包括狮子、老虎、美洲虎、小熊猫、考拉和北极熊,而在Longleat Safari Park,和您一起走在路上的有高大的长颈鹿、调皮捣蛋的猴子,以及斑马、犀牛、老虎和狮子。 visitbritain.com | At Edinburgh Zoo you can get close to over 1,000 rare and endangered animals including lions, tigers, jaguars, red pandas, koalas and polar bears while at Longleat Safari Park you’ll share the road with giant giraffes and meddlesome monkeys as well as zebras, rhinos, tigers and lions. visitbritain.com |
欧共体代表团虽然不反对批准新的工作,但认为乙烯的使用应局限于猕猴桃。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of the European Community, while not objecting to approval of new work, expressed the view that the use of ethylene should be limited to kiwifruit. codexalimentarius.org |
重要的是,初学者 博尔萨的valores 不要冒险进入 行动 低流动性,因为最终如果你不收购了着名的“猴子”,需要出售,并不能找到任何人谁愿意买。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | It is important that the beginner in stock exchange not venture into actions with low liquidity because eventually if you do not may acquire the famous "monkeys", need to sell and can not find anyone who wants to buy. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
如输送的是全血或红血球,则必须先进行血液交叉配合试验;如输送血小板或血浆,则只需进行血型及恒河猴因子测试。 hksh.org.hk | Compatibility testing must be performed for the transfusion of whole blood and all red cell components, while only ABO and Rh typing are required for the transfusion of platelet and plasma components. hksh.org.hk |
吴敏乐:中国是许多大田作物的重要 基因库 水稻 大豆和奇异果 猕猴桃 皆源自中国 中国仍有许多地方品种 从 粮食安全 气候变化以及环境变化适应性 的角度来看 保护这些地方品种对德国而 言也是一个重要的目标 我们不仅保护已 知的农作物品种 同时 也保护这些农作 物的野生近缘植物 在这方面 未来中国 医药及农业领域具有很大的发展潜力 这 同样能造福德国 netzhammerbreiholz.de | In view of food security and climate change, and of adaptation to changing circumstances, conserving these local varieties is also an important goal for Germany. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
一项研究发现,猴类似于人,当交流遵循一种自然韵律的时候,它们交流得最好,这支持了一种理论,即现代人的说话方式是从灵长类祖先交流时使用的有韵律的面部表达进化而来的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A study finds that monkeys, like humans, converse best when communication follows a natural cadence, supporting the theory that modern human speech evolved from the rhythmic facial expressions used during communication by ancestral primates. chinese.eurekalert.org |
1991年,花会接到游人70万人次,全年接待游人250万人次;首次成功举办“全国名花展览会”,早首届无锡全国菊花大赛上荣获“香型独头菊”三等奖和布置优秀奖;儿童游乐区新建:“荷花杯”,“滑行龙”,“碰碰车”大型玩具,大门内新建:“碧桃园”和“十二生肖园”,在桥北动物区新建:“猴山”和“熊池”;在大门内外广场兴建两组喷泉;投资300万元,在公园东区修建了地下“觅乐宫”,建筑面积约2600平方米 。 lywch.cn | In 1991, the Flower show received 700,000 tourists, with the whole year receiving 2.5 million tourists; successfully held “National Famous Flower Exhibition” for the first time; won the third prize and the Outstanding Arrangement Prize of “Aromatic Single Clove Chrysanthemum” at the first Wuxi National Chrysanthemum Competition; installed large toys "Lotus Cup”, “Sliding Dragon”, “Bumper Cars” at the Children’s Adventure Playground; built “Flowering Beach Garden” and “Zodiac Park” in the yard; built “Monkey Hill” and “Bear Garden” in Qiaobei Zoo; built two sets of fountains inside and outside the gate; invested three million yuan to built underground “Pleasure Seeking Palace” in the east part of the park covering an area of 2,600 square meters. lywch.cn |
其中放养的动物有兽类中奔跑、跳远、跳高的冠军——澳洲袋鼠;有现代鸟类中最大的鸟、奔跑最快、下蛋最大的鸟——驼鸟;有人造湖泊中的40多种上千羽水禽鸟类,有千姿百态的2400多羽属国内外珍稀鸟类;有珍贵的金丝猴馆、鳄鱼池、熊猫馆、鹦鹉馆及海狮馆等;在步行区内,游客可以细细地看,静静地听,可以慢慢的观赏品味,可以购食物喂动物,还可以拍照留影。 sn-iz.com | In which breeds the animal has in the beasts to run, the long jump, the high jump champion - Australia kangaroo Has in the modern birds the biggest bird, runs quickly, lays eggs the biggest bird - ostrich Has in the man-made lake 40 many kinds of over a thousand feather aquatic bird birds, has the differ in thousands of ways more than 2400 feathers to be the domestic and foreign rare and precious birds Has the precious rhinopithecus roxellanae hall, the alligator fishpond, the panda hall, the parrot hall and the sea lion hall and so on In the walk area, the tourist may thin look thin that, calmly listens, may slowly watching savor, may buy food to feed the animal, but also may photograph the souvenir photo. sn-iz.com |