单词 | 河里 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 河里 noun —river nExamples:塔里木河—Tarim River of Xinjiang 底格里斯河—Tigris River, Iraq 三里河—Sanlihe (Beijing street name) 苏里南河—Suriname River See also:河 n—river n
教科文组织促进伏尔加河 -- 里海沿岸可持续发展跨学科行动已在 2002 年 [...] 5 月的第四次 大江大河论坛上推出。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO’s interdisciplinary initiative for sustainable [...] development of the Volga-Caspian Basin was launched [...]at the 4th Great Rivers Forum in May 2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
钓鱼协会的专家们确信,这一举措能够有效增加易 北 河里 的 梭 子鱼数量。 wacker.com | Experts at the sport-fishing association expect this measure to [...] increase the size of the river’s pike population. wacker.com |
这一内有爆炸装置的玩具是受害人在托武 兹 河里 捡 到 的,该河发源于亚美尼 亚境内,流经 Alibayli 村。 daccess-ods.un.org | The toy stuffed with an explosive device was found by the [...] victim in the Tovuz River, springing from the territory [...]of Armenia and flowing through the village of Alibayli. daccess-ods.un.org |
F步道在整个福克斯冰河里是最艰难也是最耗时的一个。 4tern.com | Track F is the hardest track among all the hiking trails in Fox Glacier. 4tern.com |
许多老帆船停泊在河里,您 可以搭乘游船到附近的群岛和纳坦尼(Naantali)。 visitfinland.com | There are old sailing [...] ships moored in the river, and you can take [...]cruises out into the archipelago or to nearby Naantali. visitfinland.com |
加强控制 [...] 可以确保渠道流量更接近要求,既有农业效益又有环境效益(因为有更多水量留 在河 里)。 wrdmap.org | More efficient control can ensure that canal flows match requirements more closely and [...] have the potential to yield both agricultural benefits and environmental benefits (since more [...] water remains in the river). wrdmap.org |
与宿命论的价值观相 反,人不是陷在某条被称作命运的生命 “ 河 ” 里。 sallee.info | In contrast to the fatalistic worldview, man is [...] not trapped in some “river” of life called fate. sallee.info |
精神潜到河里去救 雨,但不成功,他们都暴跌超过瀑布。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Spirit dives into the river to try to rescue Rain, [...] but is unsuccessful and they both plummet over a waterfall. seekcartoon.com |
第 33 项决议(俄罗斯联邦提交)建议在提交讨论的决议第 02110 段之(iv)中增加文 字,以使得伏尔加河/里海地 区的行动能得以继续,将对“伏尔加展望”的研究扩展到整个 里海地区伏尔加河/里海地区将“大伏尔加线路”项目并入这次行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Draft resolution 33 (Russian Federation) proposes additional wording to the resolution proposed in paragraph [...] 02110, subparagraph [...] (iv), by which the Volga River/Caspian Sea Basin initiative would be continued, extending the “Volga Vision” study to the entire Caspian Sea Basin and integrating [...]the “Great [...]Volga route” project into this initiative. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有大约 10,000 人居住在印度的那格河里国家公园 里面。 teebweb.org | Nagarhole National Park in India has around 10,000 people living inside. teebweb.org |
渔业监督员Lutz Otto先生说,瓦克农特里茨污水处理厂排出的水非常干净 , 河里 的 肉 食类和非肉食类的鱼儿们都喜欢去那里,这是因为排水处的水更加清澈、暖和,更利于捕食。 wacker.com | According to fisheries inspector Lutz Otto, water discharged from the WACKER wastewater treatment plant in Nünchritz is clean and popular with predatory and other fish, which easily find food in the clear and relatively warm water. wacker.com |
一位日本神道教作者写得好:“生命像漂浮在 河里的一片叶子。 sallee.info | One Shinto writer put it so well: “Life [...] is like a leaf floating in a river. sallee.info |
离开阿斯隆驶上N55公路前往朗福德郡(County [...] Longford),那是一个充满水的地方——香 侬 河 、 里 湖 、英尼河(the River Inny)以及高万湖(Lough [...]Gowan)都流经那里。 discoverireland.com | Continue along the N55 from Athlone to County Longford [...] where you are never far from [...] water – the River Shannon, Lough Ree, the River Inny and Lough [...]Gowan all flow through here. discoverireland.com |
不丹的塔拉水电项目已经使王楚 (Wangchu) 河的 30 公里河段干 枯,并对附近很大一片区域的丰富 物种产生了不利影响。 banktrack.org | The Tala Hydropower Project in [...] Bhutan has almost totally [...] dried up a 30 kilometer-long stretch of the Wangchu River, and adversely [...]impacted the rich biodiversity of a much larger region. banktrack.org |
苏州河上海境内段长54公里,河道平均宽度45米。 shanghaibiennale.org | The part of Suzhou River included in Shanghai area is 54 kilometers long, on average [...] 45 meters wide. shanghaibiennale.org |
山地大猩猩栖息在公园里,河畔地 带约有20 000头河马,而自西伯利亚迁徙的鸟儿也在这里过冬。 glifr.com | Mountain gorillas are found in [...] the park, some 20,000 hippopotamuses live in the rivers and birds from [...]Siberia spend the winter there. glifr.com |
在科多里河谷上 游开展活动的红十字国际委员会,为留下过冬的人提供了四 个月的口粮和非粮食物品。 daccess-ods.un.org | The International Committee of the Red Cross, which operates in the upper Kodori Valley, provided four-month food rations and non-food items to individuals who remained for the winter. daccess-ods.un.org |
在海的远端,您会发现一座岛屿,这 里河 流 平 静蜿蜒、湖泊与运河风景如画,最适合独木舟、行船和游泳。 discoverireland.com | Beyond the sea, you’ll find an [...] island rich with tranquil waterways [...] with meandering rivers, picturesque canals and [...]peaceful lakes – perfect places to canoe, sail and swim. discoverireland.com |
五里河大厦 拥有 1 万7000 平方米的零售空间,设有多个国际品牌的专柜与专卖店,包括路易威登和普拉达。 wearnes.com | Wulihe Plaza has 17,000 sq metres of retail space that houses the likes of international brands such as Louis Vuitton and Prada. wearnes.com |
Shanidze 女士(格鲁吉亚)说,俄罗斯入侵并 占领格鲁吉亚已经导致在南奥塞梯和邻近地区以及 在科多里河谷和 上阿布哈兹的种族清洗。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Georgia) said that the Russian invasion and occupation of Georgia had resulted in ethnic cleansing in South Ossetia and adjacent areas as well as in Kodori Valley and Upper Abkhazia. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一数字中包括茨欣瓦利地区/南奥塞梯 19,111 [...] 名国内流离失所 者,上科 多里河谷 1 ,821 名流离失所者,和将在流离失所中过冬的流离失所者―― [...]即 由于安全或财产被毁等原 因 而 无法返回邻 近茨欣瓦利地区/ 南奥塞梯地区的 11,500 [...]人,和来自阿哈尔 戈里的 大约 5,173 名流离失所者。 daccess-ods.un.org | This figure includes 19,111 IDPs from the [...] Tskhinvali region/ South Ossetia, 1,821 IDPs [...] from the upper Kodori Valley, as well [...]as those IDPs who will spend the winter in [...]displacement, namely 11,500 who cannot return to the area adjacent to the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia for reasons such as security or destruction of property, and some 5,173 IDPs from Akhalgori. daccess-ods.un.org |
哈曼-ACE 形象专卖店相继诞生!北京巨声音响之 十 里河 店 是 首批诞生的形象专卖店。 acehk.com | Giant Sound of Beijing store is the first born Shilihe image store. acehk.com |
独联体维持和平部队撤出后,出于安全和后勤原因,观察团撤回了它同前独 联体在祖格迪迪地区东北角的维持和平岗哨设在一起的临时观察哨,以前曾用该 观察哨监测通往科多里河谷上 游道路上的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the withdrawal of the CIS peacekeeping force, the Mission withdrew its temporary observation post, which was co-located, for security and logistics reasons, with the former CIS peacekeeping post in the north-eastern corner of the Zugdidi sector, and which had monitored the movement on the road to the upper Kodori Valley. daccess-ods.un.org |
在辫状的怀马卡里里河(Waimakariri River)上乘坐喷射快艇。 cn.yha.co.nz | Jet boating on the braided Waimakariri River. yha.co.nz |
2009/10 年期间的主要优先事项将是确保 冲突区和科多里河谷继 续得到监测,并对所有涉嫌违反《莫斯科协定》的活动进 行详细调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main priorities during the 2009/10 period will be to ensure continued monitoring of the zone of conflict and the Kodori Valley and to conduct detailed investigations into all alleged violations of the Moscow Agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |
密蘇里河與堪薩斯河在此交會,擁有美國規模數一數二的羅馬復興式建築群,當地鐵路交通也相當繁忙,運送物資南至墨西哥、北至加拿大,這塊小河谷即為「西底區」,是堪薩斯市遺忘的寶藏。 thisbigcity.net | This small river basin is the [...] West Bottoms, the forgotten gem of Kansas City thisbigcity.net |
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; [...] 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 [...] 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔 尼 河之 间 的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 [...] 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 [...]境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。 daccess-ods.un.org | By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in [...] ensuring that the area between the Blue [...] Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized [...]armed personnel, assets and weapons, [...]taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel. daccess-ods.un.org |
委員要求政府當局確保:(a)在工程設計方面採納適當的 措施,盡量利用可再生能源和提高能源效益;(b)該計劃所包括 的各項新設施,應在離河畔較遠的地點興建,以便城 門 河 沿岸 可有更多綠化地帶供市民享用;(c)重建後的香港體院會為殘疾 運動員提供足夠的體育及配套設施和無障礙通道;及(d)拆卸位 [...] 於火炭院址的室外單車場以騰出地方建造的新的多用途大樓會 提供單車訓練設施。 legco.gov.hk | Members requested the Administration to ensure that: (a) the design of the Project should incorporate appropriate measures to maximize the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency; (b) the new facilities for the Project would [...] be constructed further [...] away from the riverside in order to provide a larger green area along the Shing Mun River for public enjoyment; [...](c) adequate sports [...]and ancillary facilities and barrier-free access would be provided for disabled athletes in the redeveloped HKSI; and (d) training facilities for cycling would be provided following the demolition of the outdoor velodrome at Fo Tan venue to make way for the construction of the new multi-purpose building. legco.gov.hk |