

单词 河池地区

See also:

地区 n

area n
region n
district n
place n
section n
country n

地区 pl

regions pl
territories pl


as suffix city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)
district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)

地区 adj

local adj

External sources (not reviewed)

渔民应当能参与关于保护鱼种和保护沿海岸 区 和 江河 地区的政策决定。
Fisher peoples should participate in policy decisions on the conservation of fish stocks
[...] and the protection of coastal regions and rivers.
利用各种热源如空气及来池 塘、河流和地下的水来制造水暖热泵。
Water-heating heat pumps are manufactured using various heat
[...] sources: air, water from ponds and rivers and the ground.
For information on disposal of batteries outside the United [...]
States, contact your local waste disposal facility.
该项目将通过提供助学金、奖学金和优秀教师培训费以及捐助汽车维修教学设备等方式,帮助广 西 河池 市 贫 困和生态脆 地区 的 学 生接受职业教育,鼓励优秀教师提高教学技能,同时也为在全国推广实施教育扶贫工程积累并提供经验。
The aim is to support students in gaining vocational skills while encouraging the improvement of teaching skills in poverty-stricken areas of Guangxi province.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止;
[...] [...] 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔 河之 间的地区没有 任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 [...] [...]
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the
Lebanese Armed Forces in
[...] ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized [...]
armed personnel,
assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
在特派团各个地方增建化池和渗水沟将能够更好地管理污水和废水, 帮助保护军营和周地区的环境。
[...] of additional septic tanks and soak pits throughout the mission will effect better management of sewage and waste-water and help to protect the environment of the camps and surrounding areas.
我 / 我們謹此向環境保護署(環保署)提交下列文件和資料以作證明﹕ i) 本人的身份證副本 /
[...] 本公司的商業登記證副本*; ii) 涉及土地的地界圖則(需清楚顯示在該 地 上 的 河 溪 、 水道 池 塘 , 及擺放活動的土地範圍); iii) 涉及土地的私人土地批地契約和任何其他相關的土地文件(例如租約或證明其司理身分的文件); [...] [...]
iv) 建築地盤負責人/機構的書面證明(如被棄置的拆建物料來自建築地盤);及 v) 其他相資料或文件 (請列明)
I / We submit to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) the following documents and information as certification: i) copy of my / our Hong Kong Identity Card(s) / Business
Registration(s)*; ii) a site plan
[...] showing clearly the rivers/streams/watercourses/ponds on the land and [...]
the boundary of the affected
area for the depositing activity; iii) the land lease or other related land documents (such as tenancy agreement or other documents that certify the identity of the trustee(s)); iv) written permission from the person / organisation in charge of the construction site (if the construction and demolition
2011年国家发改委在宁夏中南部、广西白色 河池 市 启动了通过职业教育促进就业和脱贫的试点工作,这项工作旨在增强集中连片特 地区 扶 贫 开发的"造血"功能,实现人才培养、扶贫开发和生态保护的和谐统一。
Hechi and Baise in Guangxi, along with south-central areas in Ningxia, have been selected by the NDRC to carry out pilot programs to achieve synergy effects of talent development, poverty alleviation and ecological protection since 2011, where BCCC has been [...]
playing an active role.
与缓池不同的是, 逻辑区对操 作系统是透明的,可用于安装操 作系统或者保存其他要求高速低延迟访问的 数据。
The logical partition, unlike the cache pool, is exposed to the [...]
operating system, and can be used to install an OS to it
or store other data that requires fast, low-latency access.
亚太经社会还帮助大湄公河次区域国 家制定信息技术行业贸易和投资的扶持政 策,同时还对不同的贸易和投资政策改革措 施的效果进行研究,以推动大湄河 次 区域 更多地利用 信息技术并鼓励扩大信息技术 产品和服务贸易。
ESCAP is also helping countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in developing enabling policies for trade and investment in the IT sector, while also studying the effects of different trade and investment policy reform measures aimed at promoting greater use of IT and encouraging greater trade in IT products and services in the GMS countries.
访谈:胡连存介绍池地区如何通过禁止牧羊阻止沙漠扩大,以及为何 该项目能造福未来。
In the interview, Hu Liancun
[...] reports how the Yanchi region stopped the desert [...]
from spreading by prohibiting the grazing
of sheep, and why the project has brought hope for the future.
与自然和谐相处的概念已载入各种多边及区域 宣言中,包括:《世界大自然宪章》、《里约环境与发
[...] 展宣言》、美国圣地亚哥宣言第二次首脑会议、喀尔 巴阡与多河地区的《环境与可持续发展宣言》、《南 美洲国家联盟组织条约》、《南亚区域合作联盟宣言》 [...]
首与政府首脑第七次首脑会议最后宣言——人民通 商条约》。
The concept of harmony with nature had been enshrined in various multilateral and regional declarations, including the World Charter for Nature, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Second Summit of the Americas Santiago Declaration, the Declaration on
Environment and Sustainable Development in the
[...] Carpathian and Danube Region, the Constitutive [...]
Treaty of the Union of South American
Nations, the fifteenth Summit Declaration of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Final Declaration of the seventh Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our Americans — Treaty of Commerce for the People.
2012 年 5 月 7 日,俄罗斯联邦总统新当选总统颁布命令,发布实施外交政策
[...] 战略的措施,确认了俄罗斯调解人对德涅斯特地区有关事项严格坚持的做法,即 “继续积极参与,争取在尊重主权、领土完整和摩尔多瓦共和国中立地位基础上 解决德涅斯河地区冲突 ,确定德涅斯 河地区 的 特 殊地位。
A decree issued by the newly re-elected President of the Russian Federation on 7 May 2012 on measures to implement foreign policy strategy confirmed the approach to which the Russian mediators had strictly adhered in matters related to the Dniester region, which is “to continue to participate actively in the quest for a resolution to the Dniester region conflict on the basis of respect for sovereignty,
territorial integrity and the neutral status of the
[...] Republic of Moldova in determining the special status of the Dniester region.
1992 年 7 月 21 日签署了俄罗斯-摩尔多瓦关于和平解决摩尔多瓦共和国德涅 斯河地区冲突 原则协议,其中除当事方同意停止针对对方的武装袭击、并在设 立的安全区内建立监测机构外,还包括重要规定,订立了立即过渡到和平解决冲 突的条件。
The Russia-Moldova Agreement on principles of peaceful settlement of
the armed conflict in
[...] the Dniester region of the Republic of Moldova, signed on 21 July 1992, contained, in addition to agreements by the parties [...]
to cease armed attacks
against each other and to establish monitoring bodies in the security zone that was established, important provisions that set the conditions for an immediate transition to a peaceful settlement of the conflict.
无论是单独旅行还是与家人同行,酒店都可提供一流的优质服务,让您高效办公,尽情放松,焕发活力: 公寓内设面积为 180 平方米的多功能会议地、宾 客休息室、24 小时健身中心、屋顶臭氧消毒池和 儿 童游 区。
Whether travelling alone or with the family, the hotel provides incredible services for business, relaxation or rejuvenation: 180 square meters
multifunctional meeting space,
[...] resident lounge, 24-hour access fitness center, rooftop ozone depletion swimming pool and kids' play area.
黃定光議員: 主席,近年,地很多 酒樓、食肆的養 池 養 了 一些 河 豚 極相 像的魚類,地稱為 巴魚(“尾巴”的“巴”),供顧客食用。
MR WONG TING-KWONG (in Cantonese):
[...] President, in recent years, a fish species bearing a striking resemblance to puffer fish, called bayu on the Mainland, are [...]
kept in aquariums
in many mainland restaurants and food premises for consumption by customers.
地区河湖众 多,水网密布,水资源丰富,是著名的江南水乡,境内水域面积697平方公里,相当于全市总面积的11%。
Shanghai benefits of plenty of waterways, [...]
a huge water network and great water resources: it is the famous Jiangnan area
(697 square kilometers), which represents about 11% of the whole city area.
黄荣辉等[41 ] 研究指出, 当暖池 (范围相对较小, 110°~140°E, 10°~20°N)增暖, 从菲律 宾周围经南海到中印半岛上空的对流活动增强, 西 太平洋副热带高压的位置偏北, 我国江淮流域夏季 降水偏少; 反之当菲律宾附近池区对流减弱时, 江 淮流域降水偏多, 黄河流域 的降水偏少, 易发生干旱; 暖池对中国东部降水的影响主要是通过大气环流遥 相关型联系起来的.
41] has pointed out, when the western tropical Pacific warm pool (a relatively small area with a center in about 110°-140°E and 10°-20°N ) is warmer than normal, the convective activities from around the Philippines to the Indo-China Peninsula through the South China Sea are intensified, the western Pacific subtropical high may shift northward, the summer rainfall tends to decrease in the Yangtze River basin and the Huaihe River basin. On the contrary, when the convective activities are weak there, the western Pacific subtropical high may shift southward, and the summer rainfall tends to increase in the Yangtze River basin and the Huaihe River basin and to decrease in the Yellow River basin and yield a drought summer there.
(c) 通过水和环境卫生信托基金向非洲城市用水方案、亚洲城市用水方案和 拉丁美洲和加勒比城市用水方案提供支助,同时还支助在维多利亚湖区和湄河 区开展 可推广的示范举措;这些方案和可推广的示范举措将重点放在改善城市贫 民用水和环境卫生,从而显示与各国政府、用水和环境卫生服务业以及包括社区 组织在内的民间社会在地协力 采取的创新方法。
(c) Providing support to the Water for African Cities Programme, Water for Asian Cities Programme and Water for Latin America and Caribbean Cities Programme through the Water and Sanitation Trust Fund, together with support to the replicable model-setting initiatives in the Lake Victoria and Mekong regions.
例如,在湄河地区,协 调打击人口贩运湄公河部长级倡议一直十分积极地促进各国建立国家 [...]
立法框架,以便将贩运人口定为刑事罪,同时规定适当的惩罚措施,并保护受害 者和支持证人。
For example,
[...] COMMIT in the Mekong region has been particularly [...]
active in promoting the establishment of national legal frameworks
to criminalize trafficking, provide for appropriate penalties, protect victims and support witnesses.
泰国的能源公司目前正在湄河地区 进 行项目 可行性研究,特别是在老挝境内,正在评估的水电 [...]
计划就超过了 10 个,其中包括计划在湄公河主河 段上建造的两个备受争议的项目。
Thai energy companies are now conducting feasibility studies
[...] throughout the region, especially in [...]
Laos where they are evaluating more than
10 hydropower schemes, including two controversial projects on the Mekong River’s mainstream.
点击这里看到一个Leakwise系统4分钟的演讲)的Leakwise产品系列包括:身份证- 221油脂光泽监测系统 - 水为污水坑探测器烃(湿),坦克 池 塘 和 地 下 水 井的ID - 223油脂光泽监测系统 - 油气水的污水坑(湿,干)池塘探 测器和 河 的 ID - 225油膜厚监控系统 - 油气层油/水分离器地下水井,污 池 ( 湿),坦克厚度监测仪,并池塘的ID - 227油脂光泽海洋监测系统的应用 - 水浪骑探测器对海洋油气海上应用,泻湖,湖泊 河 流 , 河 渠 , 池 塘 , 大保留的ID - 227册无线溢油检测系统海洋应用 - 无线油气检测和监测上和海上应用
) The Leakwise product family includes: ID-221 Oil Sheen Monitoring System — Hydrocarbon on water
detector for sumps (wet), tanks, ponds, and groundwater wells ID-223 Oil Sheen Monitoring System — Hydrocarbon on water detector
[...] for sumps (wet and dry), ponds, and canals ID-225 Oil Thickness Monitoring System — Hydrocarbon layer thickness monitor for oil/water separators, groundwater wells, sumps (wet), tanks, and ponds ID-227 Oil Sheen Monitoring System for Marine Applications — Hydrocarbon on water wave rider detector for marine offshore applications, lagoons, lakes, rivers, open canals, and large retention ponds ID-227 WL Wireless Oil Spill [...]
Detection System
for Marine Applications — Wireless hydrocarbon detection and monitoring for on and offshore applications
在政治空间允许的地方,湄河地区 的 水 电开 发项目已引发受影响的社区、学术界和民间社会组 织之间激烈的争议。1 批评家们担忧,大坝建造计 划的推行没有真正地与当地社区和其他利益相关者 进行协商,无论是在国家层面还是地区层面都缺乏 [...]
[...] development in the Mekong region has been hotly contested - where political space permits - by affected communities, [...]
academics, and civil
society organizations.1Critics are concerned that plans for dam construction are moving forward without genuine consultation with local communities and other stakeholders, and without strong planning processes at the national and regional level.
地区安全 局势的次区域层面,实际上遍及整 个马河区域, 包含几内亚湾的海盗行径、毒品贩运、 洗钱、基地组织在伊斯兰马格里布和博科哈拉姆构成 的恐怖主义威胁,以及利比亚武器的流入等跨界威 胁。
The subregional aspect of the security situation in the border zone actually extends to the entire Mano River region and encompasses [...]
such cross-border
threats as piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, drug trafficking, money-laundering and the terrorist threats posed by Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb and Boko Haram, as well as the influx of weapons from Libya.
产生差异的主要原因是如下各项所需资源减少:(a) 建筑事务,原因是多年
期项目接近完成以及混合行动采取利用本身资源和军力增强手段的战略;(b) 设
[...] 备购置,主要原因是 2011/12 年度期间计划采购所有水罐和化池 、 电 气设备、地防御 设备、发电机、净水设备和预制设施,2012/13 年度期间不再需要为此 [...]
编列经费;(c) 给部队和警察派遣国政府的特遣队所属自我维持装备偿款,原因
是根据当地实有的装备计算偿款,并对建制警察部队费用估计数适用了 16%的较 高延迟部署率,而 2011/12 年度期间的延迟部署率是 10%。
The variance is attributable primarily to reduced requirements with respect to: (a) construction services owing to the near completion of the multi-year projects and the Operation’s strategy to engage in-house resources and military enablers; (b) acquisition of equipment, owing
mainly to the planned
[...] procurement of all water and septic tanks, electrical equipment, field defence equipment, [...]
generators, water
purification equipment and prefabricated facilities in 2011/12, for which no provision was made in the 2012/13 period; (c) reimbursement of troop- and policecontributing Governments for contingent-owned self-sustainment equipment, based on actual equipment on the ground and reflecting the application of a higher delayed deployment factor of 16 per cent to the cost estimates for formed police units, as compared with a 10 per cent factor for the 2011/12 period.
下一代互联网采用IPv6早已成为业界共识,产业链和政府为实现该目标已努力10年之久,然而时至今日我们取得的成绩和10年前的期望仍存在差距,而IPv4所能维持的时间已经屈指可数, 2011年2月1日,IANA(互联网数字分配机构)已经将剩余IPv4地址分配完毕, I P v 4 地 址 资 源 池 已 经 枯竭,而负责亚太运营 地 址 分 配的R IR ( 区 域 互联网注册机构)——APNIC(亚太互联网络信息中心)也将在2011年4月份耗尽剩余IPv4地址,IPv4/IPv6网络过渡需求变得越来越迫切。
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) will run out of unallocated IP addresses in August 2011 and the Regional Internet Registries (RIR) will run out of unallocated IP addresses in May 2012.
然 而 ,有市民就 一 些 事宜表示關 注
[...] ,包括受影響設施( 例 如 戴麟趾康復中 心 、 堅地城游泳池、 正 街街市西座 和 休憩用地) 的 [...]
重 置 ;通 風井對山道的 居 民 、 般咸道 的學生和居 民可能 造成的不良影響; 擬議車
站入口 位 置 ;以及科士街 樹牆的 保 育事宜。
However, there are concerns over the reprovisioning of the affected facilities (such as
David Trench Rehabilitation Centre,
[...] Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Centre Street Market [...]
West Block and open spaces); the possible
adverse effect of ventilation shafts to the residents at Hill Road and to students and residents at Bonham Road; the proposed locations of station entrances and the preservation of tree walls at Forbes Street etc.
这意味 着 要通过职 业 教育和继 续 教育加强对 人力资 源部门 的 投 入 ; 通 过 劳 动 口粮来创 造区 财 富 , 如 新 建 和 养 护公路池塘、 运 河 、 学校或保健中 心 。
This example means the investment in human resources sector through vocational training,
education enrichment, or
[...] community property creation through labour rice to support many activities such as construction and restoration of roads, ponds, canals, schools, or health [...]




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