

单词 河村

See also:


river n

mythical ape

External sources (not reviewed)

我們很高興見到深圳河治理工程現正動工,但我們仍期望政府對其 他主要河道進行徹底的改善工程,這包括梧桐河、雙 河 、 林 村河 等。
We are glad to have learnt that the river training project of the Shenzhen River has commenced, but we still hope that
the Government can carry out improvement work in other major rivers
[...] such as River Indus, Beas River and Lam Tsuen River.
村 河 引 入 社 山村的 水 道已封閉及 淤塞, 做 成生態 污染。
The flow channel
[...] leading from Lam Tsuen River to She Shan Tsuen is [...]
closed and clogged, causing ecological pollution.
鑒 於 國 內一個 普通的村如 沙河村的 村 公所亦 可容納2千 人,北區應興建一 個 像 樣 的文娛中心。
Given that even the village office of an ordinary village in the Mainland, such as the village office of the Shahe Village, could accommodate two thousand people, a presentable civic centre should be constructed in the North District.
东北大学多元物质科学研究所(所长: 河村 纯 一教授)的津留俊英和羽多野忠助理研究员组成的研究小组,在实证试验中,成功实现了可将软X 线多层膜的掠入射镜向反射波控制在0.1 nm 精度中的新技术。
A research group led by Assistant Professor Toshihide Tsuru and Assistant Professor Tadashi Hatano at Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University has successfully performed demonstration on a technology to control reflection wavefronts of soft X-ray multilayer mirrors with an accuracy of 0.1 nm.
东北大学多元物质科学研究所(所长 河村 纯 一 ,以下称为“多元研”)以及原子分子材料科学高等研究机构(机构长:山本嘉则,以下称为“WPI”),根据使用超临界氨的氨热法的氮化镓(GaN)结晶生长,开发了酸性矿化剂的气相合成法,成功地高速实现育成结晶中残留的氧浓度低于往常的百分之一的氮化镓大块单结晶的育成。
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials and WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University have developed a vapor-phase synthesis method of acidic mineralizer and high-temperature ammonothermal growth of gallium nitride (GaN) single crystals in a supercritical ammonia.
在 13 個易受水浸的㆞點進行河道清理工程,包括沙埔、新田、石湖圍、錦 繡花園、落馬洲、虎㆞ 、雙河、林村河、小 欖、掃管笏、寶塘㆘、篤 尾涌及紫田村。
Stream clearance at 13 flood prone locations including Sha Po, San Tin, Shek Wu
Wai, Fairview Park, Lok Ma Chau, Fu
[...] Tei Au, Beas River, Lam Tsuen River, Siu Lam, So [...]
Kwun Wat, Po Tong Ha, Tuk Mei Chung and Tsz Tin Tsuen.
河滨村庄被洪水冲走, 许多地区受到山体滑坡的影响,多达 170 000 [...]
Riverside villages were swept away and [...]
many areas were affected by landslides, with up to 170,000 persons affected.
如果你是户外运动的热爱者,那么伦敦德里以其众多美丽 河 流 、 湖泊、 村 公 园 以及壮丽的斯普林山脉( Sperrin Mountains)是你的理想选择。
If you’re a fan of outdoor living then Londonderry is the
[...] place to be with wonderful rivers, lakes, country parks [...]
and the wonderful Sperrin Mountains to enjoy.
5 月 14 日和 6 月 10
[...] 日,有人向一辆汽车投掷石块,该汽车正在为来自 Ibër/Ibar 河北部各村 庄的 科索沃阿族人提供人道主义运输服务。
On 14 May and 10 June, stones were thrown
at a bus providing a humanitarian transportation service for
[...] Kosovo Albanians from villages north of the Ibër/Ibar river.
我們現正 為 109CD 號工程計劃餘下工程進行策 劃和設計工作 ,有關工 程 主 要 包括村河上 游 、 社山河和大埔河上 游 的河道 改善工程。
The planning and design of the remaining works
under 109CD,
[...] involved mainly river improvement works for Upper Lam Tsuen River, She Shan River and Upper [...]
Tai Po River, are underway.
為紓緩大埔墟低窪地區在暴雨期間的水浸問題,我們亦建議建造一個 抽洪站,以助把地面徑流排放入 村河。
To alleviate the flooding problem in the low-lying area of Tai Po Market during heavy rainstorms,
we also propose to construct a floodwater pumping station to help discharging the
[...] surface run-off into Lam Tsuen River.
(b) 把 64CD 號工程計劃的餘 下部分保留為乙級,改稱 為「鄉郊排水系統修復計 劃-沙村河排水系統 修復工程」。
(b) the retention of the remainder of 64CD,
[...] retitled “Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme - drainage rehabilitation works at Sha Po Tsuen Stream” in [...]
Category B.
遗憾地是,所谓的外德涅斯特当局再次破坏了这 些倡议,他们开始收取非法关税,阻碍位于德涅斯河左岸村落的选举进程并且没收校舍,严重侵犯摩尔 多瓦公民用其母语学习的权利。
Unfortunately, the so-called Transdniestrian authorities time and again have undermined these initiatives by introducing illegal customs
taxes, impeding the
[...] elections process in the villages situated on the left bank of the Dniester River, and confiscating [...]
school premises, gravely
violating the right of the Moldovan citizens to study in their native language.
化遗产旗舰项目建议,即“伯利恒的基督诞生教堂、耶稣诞生地和具有显著普遍价值的古 迹”
[...] 以及“文化路线—耶稣基督之路”,涵盖从加沙地带(Nusseirat 遗址,圣希拉容修道 院所在地)到约河西岸(布尔村 和 圣乔治教堂)的文化、宗教和考古景点,人们认识到 [...]
这一项目不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括纳布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教 传统和民间传统。
Two flagship project ideas were accepted by the Joint UNESCO-Palestinian Authority Committee meeting, aimed at the preservation and promotion of the Palestinian cultural heritage, namely “The Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Birthplace of Jesus and Monuments of Outstanding Universal Value” and “Cultural Itinerary of Jesus Christ Route”, covering cultural, religious and archaeological sites in Gaza (the site of Nusseirat,
location of the Saint Hilarion
[...] Monastery) and in the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the [...]
Church of Saint Georgos), it
being understood that the project will include not only sites and traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus.
[...] (Nusseirat 遗址,圣希拉容修道院所在地)到约 河 西 岸 (布尔 村 和 圣乔治教 堂)的文化、宗教和考古景点,不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括 [...]
Excavations and preservation, training, cultural tourism “Cultural Itinerary Jesus Christ Route”, covering the cultural, religious and archaeological sites from the Gaza strip (the site of Nusseirat,
location of the Saint Hilarion
[...] Monastery) to the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the [...]
Church of Saint Georgos) including
not only the sites and the traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ, but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus.
(b) 大埔村河上游、大埔河上游及社山河 3 條排水道的建造工程在 2007 年 9 月已展開。
(b) The construction of drainage channels
[...] at upper Lam Tsuen River, upper Tai Po River and She Shan [...]
River in Tai Po commenced in September 2007.
奶酪通常产自于Mincio河岸旁的农村, 那 儿牲畜吃着“长得和膝盖一样高的肥嫩的苜宿”,互相争夺,以至于在1525年,Gonzaga的农场监工发现很难找到已经应允给西班牙国王的八块上好的三年存奶酪。
The cheese often
[...] came from the countryside on the banks of the Mincio River, where cattle [...]
grazed on  “knee-high fat clover”
, and was sought after to such an extent that in 1525, the Gonzaga’s farm overseer found it hard to obtain “eight pieces of good three-year-old cheese” these having been promised to the king of Spain.
在南部的部分地区,别墅,小城堡和葡萄园扫 村 , 尤 其是 河 边 的干邑包含许多的的中世纪石头和半木结构房屋。
In the southern part of the region,
villas, small chateaux and
[...] vineyards sweep the countryside, especially around riverside Cognac containing [...]
a number of medieval
stone and half timbered houses.
他察悉332DS號工程計劃的範圍 只會包括村河下游 集水區內未有敷設污水渠的 鄉村,並詢問何時會為其餘在上游集水區內未有敷 設污水渠的鄉村提供公共污水收集系統。
Noting that the scope of 332DS would only cover
[...] unsewered villages in the lower catchment of Lam Tsuen River, he enquired about [...]
the timing for provision
of public sewerage to the remaining unsewered villages in the upper catchment.
(b) 可否詳細交代有關繼續進行大埔 村河 上 游、大埔河上游及社山河 三處的排水道建造工程的施工詳情和涉及款項?
(b) Will the Administration explain in detail the construction work and funding involved in
continuing the construction works of drainage channels
[...] at upper Lam Tsuen River, upper Tai Po River [...]
and She Shan River in Tai Po?
在大埔村河上游 、大埔河上游及社山河三處進行的河道改善工程,預計在 2012 年年中竣工。
The river improvement works at upper Lam Tsuen River, upper Tai Po River and She Shan [...]
River in Tai Po are scheduled for completion by mid 2012.
[...] 工程師(工程管理)補充,正在林錦公路上建造的污 水幹渠亦會接達村河的上 游集水區,以便日後把 公共污水收集系統擴展至其餘13個未有敷設污水 [...]
The Chief Engineer (Project Management) (CE(PM)) added that the trunk sewers under construction at Lam
Kam Road would also reach the upper
[...] catchment of Lam Tsuen River to enable subsequent [...]
extension of public sewerage to the remaining 13 unsewered areas.
問題: 在
[...] 2011-12 年度需要特別留意的事項中提及會「繼續在大埔 村河 上 游 、 大埔河上游及社山河三處進行排水道建造工程」。
Under Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2011−12, it is stated that the Department will
continue with the construction of drainage channels
[...] at upper Lam Tsuen River, upper Tai Po River and She Shan [...]
River at Tai Po.
村河上游、社 山河、大埔河上 游、坪朗和官坑 雨水排放系統改 善工程 工務小組委員會委員在 2012 年 2 月 8 日的會議上,同意向財 務委員會建議,把 152CD 號 工程計劃的核准預算費提高 1 億 4,190 萬元,即由 4 億 2,630 萬元增至 5 億 6,820 萬元 ( 按付款當日價格計算) 。
PWSC Members agreed at the meeting on 8 February 2012 to recommend to Finance Committee to increase the approved project estimate of 152CD by $141.9 million from $426.3 million to $568.2 million in money-of-the-day prices.
問題: 渠務署正在大埔村河上游 、大埔河上游及社山河三處進行排水道建造 工程,以及在易受水浸地區進行其他防洪項目的設計及建造工程。
The Drainage Services Department is carrying
out the construction of drainage
[...] channels at upper Lam Tsuen River, upper Tai Po River [...]
and She Shan River at Tai Po, and the
design and construction of other flood prevention projects in flood prone areas.
2007 年 7 月,我們把 109CD
[...] 號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級,編 定為 152CD 號工程計劃,稱為「村河上游、社山河、大埔河上游、 坪朗和官坑雨水排放系統改善工程」;按付款當日價格計算,估計所 [...]
需費用為 4 億 2,630 萬元,用以在大埔進行雨水排放系統改善工程。
In July 2007, we upgraded part of 109CD to Category A as 152CD
“Drainage improvement works
[...] in upper Lam Tsuen River, She Shan River, upper Tai Po River, Ping Long [...]
and Kwun Hang” at an estimated
cost of $426.3 million in MOD prices for carrying out the drainage improvement works in Tai Po.
大埔雨水排放系統改善工程,村河 上 游 、社山河及大埔河上游河道改 善工程及附屬道路工程。
(4) Drainage Improvement Works in Tai Po, River Improvement Works and Ancillary Road Works
[...] in Upper Lam Tsuen River, She Shan River and Upper [...]
Tai Po River.
内陆地区东南的布洛涅,通过扫村 的 林地 和 河 流 峡 谷到达阿拉斯这是明显的一个最漂亮的城镇,位于法国北部著名的为它的挂毯和内衬修复的17世纪和18世纪的豪宅。
Further inland south-east of Boulogne,
[...] through sweeping countryside of woodland and river valleys you reach [...]
Arras which is noticeably
one of the prettiest towns of Northern France renowned for its Tapestries and lined with restored 17th and 18th century mansions.
問題: 就大埔村河上游、大埔河上游及社山河三處的排水道建造工程,請告 知本委員會過去兩年(即 2008-09 至 2009-10 [...]
年度)該工程的工作進度、所 涉開支,以及預計完成日期。
Question : Regarding the construction of drainage
[...] channels at upper Lam Tsuen River, upper Tai Po River and She Shan [...]
River in Tai Po, please advise
the Committee the work progress, expenditure in the past two years (i.e. 2008-09 to 2009-10), and scheduled completion date for the works.
(d) 工務工程編號4152CD ⎯⎯村河 上游、社山河、大埔河上游、坪朗和 官坑雨水排放系統改善工程。
(c) Creation of a post in the Lands Unit of the Planning and Lands Branch of the Development Bureau; and (d) PWP Item No. 4152CD - Drainage improvement works in upper Lam Tsuen River, She Shan River, upper Tai Po River, Ping Long and Kwun Hang.




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