单词 | 河口 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 河口 —estuaryless common: the mouth of a river 河口 noun —estuaries plExamples:信口开河—blurt sth out • speak without thinking [idiom.] 口若悬河—eloquent • have the gift of the gab • voluble • glib • mouth like a torrent [idiom.] See also:河 n—river n
但是,湿地,尤其是淡水与河口生境 仍然极易被忽 视,并且人们在此方面的观念和做法也极难改变。 teebweb.org | Wetlands, however, particularly [...] freshwaters and estuarine habitats, are [...]still quite neglected and there is a major challenge [...]in changing perceptions and practices. teebweb.org |
世界渔业的 90%以上以这种或那种方式依赖河口和 近 岸生境,其中 许多生境很容易受到水体富营养化和有毒藻类大量繁殖的有害影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | More than 90 per cent of the world’s fisheries depend in one way [...] or another on estuarine and near-shore [...]habitats and many of these [...]habitats are vulnerable to the harmful effects of eutrophication and toxic algal blooms. daccess-ods.un.org |
应优先重视:珊瑚礁生态系统;河口 ; 温 带和热带沼泽地, 包括红树林;海草海床;其他产卵和繁殖场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Priority should be accorded to coral reef [...] ecosystems; estuaries; temperate and [...]tropical wetlands, including mangroves; seagrass [...]beds; and other spawning and nursery areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
巨大鋼門將自地底升起,阻擋洪水湧來 , 河口 防 洪 壩緜延數公里,將預防海水倒灌;自動充氣包將封住隧道及地下鐵路,避免水災淹沒。 thisbigcity.net | River-mouth barrages, many kilometres [...] long, will hold back storm surges, while giant self-inflating bags, that mould themselves [...]to contours, will seal off tunnels and underground railways from encroaching water. thisbigcity.net |
来自各洲 15 个国家的 22 [...] 名学生参加了该课程培训,该课程还包括到瓜的亚 纳 河河口 和 邻 近的沿海地 区进行实地考察。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Twenty-two students from 15 different countries [...] from several continents attended the course, which included [...] fieldwork in the Guadiana estuary and adjacent [...]coastal areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
3.15 水体富营养化:指在人类活动的影响下,生物所需的氮、磷等营养物质大量进入湖泊、 河口、海 湾等缓流水体,引起藻类及其他浮游生物迅速繁殖,水体溶解氧量下降,水质恶化。 greencouncil.org | 3.15 Eutrophication of water body: the phenomenon that under mankind’s influence, nitrogen and phosphor needed by living organisms entering in [...] a large amount into slow-flow water [...] bodies like lakes, river estuary and sea gulf, [...]causing algae and other plankton to [...]reproduce rapidly, the level of dissolved oxygen in the water to decrease and water quality to deteriorate. greencouncil.org |
此外,我們會與廣東方面持續推進珠三角水環境保護,以及改善區 域空氣質素的工作,包括第一,籌備開展《珠 江 河口 水 質 管理規劃合作 前期研究》,共同制訂長遠的區域水污染控制策略和水環境管理方案; 第二,推行《珠江三角洲地區空氣質素管理計劃》下的防治措施;及第 [...] [...] 三,探討制訂2010年後的減排目標,共同建立污染聯防聯治機制的合作 安排。 legco.gov.hk | Work in these areas includes: first, preparing for the commencement of the Pearl River Estuary Water Quality Joint Management Planning Advance Study to [...] draw up long-term [...] strategies to contain water pollution and proposals on the management of the water environment [...]in the region; [...]second, launching the prevention and control measures under the PRD Regional Air Quality Management Plan; and third, discussing the setting of post-2010 emission reduction targets and making collaborative arrangements for setting up joint mechanisms in pollution prevention and control. legco.gov.hk |
日内瓦湖位于罗纳河口,是 中欧最大的淡水湖。 swissworld.org | Lake Geneva, which lies on the course of the Rhone, is the largest freshwater lake in central Europe. swissworld.org |
包括在以下会议上的接触:在里斯本与葡萄牙政府各主管部门举行的第一次会 [...] 议;与学术机构、市政当局、国际沿海生态水文学中心潜在成员和地方利益攸 关方(水务公司、当地政府官员及其他)在阿尔加维大学举行的第二次会议; 在Castro [...] Marim自然保护区举行的最后一次会议;以及教科文组织在瓜迪亚纳 河河口流域的生态水文学展示项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (a) There was ample access to authorities, research institutes, universities and governmental departments of the Portuguese Republic, including the first meeting held at Lisbon with authorities of the Portuguese Government, the second one held at the University of Algarve with academic authorities, municipal authorities, potential ICCE members, and local stakeholders (water companies, local government officers, others); and the last one, at Castro Marim [...] Nature Reserve (Vila Real Sto António) and UNESCO ecohydrology demonstration project [...] at the outlet of Guadiana River basin. unesdoc.unesco.org |
就埃尔姆斯-多拉德河口所缔结的各项协定被许 多人认为是在两个国家间无法就边界达成任何协定的情况下处理问题的典范。 daccess-ods.un.org | The agreements that have been concluded with respect to the Ems-Dollard estuary are regarded by many as exemplary of how to deal with a situation where no agreement concerning a boundary can be reached between two countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
Seagate (提帕拉) 位於北欖府 (又稱帕南或「河口城」),距曼谷 (位於中泰國湄南河出河口) 僅一小時車程。 seagate.com | Seagate Teparuk is situated in the province of Samut [...] Prakan, also known as [...] Pak Nam, or "Wall of the Sea", only one hour from Bangkok at the mouth of Chao Phraya River in central Thailand. seagate.com |
最终,葡萄牙航海家们“来到了一条 大 河 的 河口 , 这 条 河 通常 被认为是尼罗河”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Eventually, the Portuguese voyagers [...] “came to the mouth of a certain great river commonly supposed [...]to be the Nile”. daccess-ods.un.org |
規劃及工程研究會評估附近 具特殊科學研究價值的散頭灣海草羣和東涌灣的 [...] 馬蹄蟹所受的潛在影響,以及將來填海對東涌河流 域和河口的生態環境可能造成的影響。 legco.gov.hk | The P&E Study will assess the potential impact on the seagrass communities at the nearby San Tau Site of Special Scientific Interest and the horse-shoe crabs at the Bay, as well as [...] the possible implications of future reclamation on the ecological habitat at the [...] basin and estuary of Tung Chung River. legco.gov.hk |
在 La Grande 河河口,在 海面上将转轮从船上转运到距海岸 5 公里驳船上。 voith.com | At the mouth of the La Grande River, the runners were [...] transferred at sea from the ships to a barge, five kilometers from the coast. voith.com |
世界各大洲都在使用 Eureka 系统来保护湖泊、河流、地下水、 河口 、 湿 地及其它天然水体的环境和经济价值。 digikey.cn | Eureka systems are used on every continent to [...] protect the environmental and economic values [...] of lakes, rivers, aquifers, estuaries, wetlands, and [...]other natural water bodies. digikey.ca |
在罗讷河口省, 你也可以找到的卡马格,它代表湿地和346000英亩,是著名的野生动物,黑色的公牛和白色马和当地卫队的家在这里,以保持社会的传统,活着的。 leapfrog-properties.com | In Bouches du Rhone you can also find the Camargue, which represents 346,000 acres of wetland and is famous for its wildlife- home to black bulls and white horses and the local gardiens here to keep the traditions of the community alive. leapfrog-properties.com |
雖然 河口的生物,包括漁業資源能夠忍受較高的懸浮沉積物濃度,但當周邊 [...] 的懸浮沉積物濃度偏高時,整體濃度亦可能會超過這種承受能力。 logisticshk.gov.hk | Although estuarine organisms including [...] fisheries resources can tolerate high SS concentrations to a degree, there is potential [...]for these tolerances to be exceeded on occasion when ambient suspended sediment levels are also high. logisticshk.gov.hk |
Macagua和Caruachi大坝位于委内瑞拉卡罗尼河上,距离进入奥利诺 科 河 的 河口 几 公 里处。 schaeffler.cn | The Macagua and Caruachi dams are located on the Rio Caroni a few [...] kilometers from its outfall into the Rio Orinoco [...]in Venezuela. schaeffler.com |
很多情况下,大坝对物种和生态系统造成了巨 大的不可挽回的损失,包括对以下方面的影响:森 林和野生动植物生态环境、水生物的多样性、上游 [...] 和下游的渔业;还有下游漫滩、湿地、流域 、 河口 以及邻近的海洋生态系统 —— 诸如防洪、水质维 [...]护、洪灌农业和渔业等。 banktrack.org | In many cases, dams have led to a significant and irreversible loss of species and ecosystems.This includes the loss of forests and wildlife habitat, aquatic biodiversity, upstream and downstream [...] fisheries, and the services of downstream floodplains, [...] wetlands, and riverine, estuarine and adjacent [...]marine ecosystems – i.e. banktrack.org |
25 法院认为,非土著渔民尽 [...] 管取得了许可证,但仍然需要土著居民允许才能进入其土地并在土地上从事捕 捞,因为土著的法定土地准予构成为一项在潮间带水域(海岸线 和 河口 ) 捕 捞的专 属权利。这项裁决认为公共捕捞和航行权在准予的土地已被废除。 daccess-ods.un.org | This decision held the public rights to fish and navigate had been abrogated in the granted area. daccess-ods.un.org |
河口的影響在多雨的夏 季特別明顯,因為流入該區的淡水數量亦最大,形成明顯的鹹度和溫度 [...] 分層。 logisticshk.gov.hk | The estuarine influence is especially [...] pronounced in the wet summer months when the freshwater flows are the greatest and [...]with prominent strong salinity and temperature stratification. logisticshk.gov.hk |
上述表示,下一阶段,我们的关系与淡水 , 河口 和 沿 海资源(被称为)绝对的第一优先和第二优先(在海底的海洋农业的发展需要干净的水和海岸 [...] - 反对水产养殖)。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | The above implies that next phase of our relationship with [...] the fresh water, estuarine and coastal resources [...]require clean water and coasts as [...]an absolute first priority (which is referred to) and with a second priority being the development of marine agriculture (of the seabed – as opposed to aquaculture). mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
位于北上川河口附近 的神社,它虽受到了海啸严重的侵袭,但这巨石却耐住了强烈的震动,依旧矗立于一方。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | As it is located [...] close to the mouth of the Kitakami-gawa River, the shrine was severely [...]affected by the tsunami, but the [...]giant rock survived the enormous quake (the rock is the one with a rope in red and white). en.tohokukanko.jp |
在拍摄现场,阿拉斯加的渔民Wade Buscher和Mikal Berry给了摄影师Baker第一手捕鱼经验,登上刺网捕鱼船, 在 河口 捕 捉 帝王鲑,逆流而上拜访上游的声纳站。 ba-repsasia.com | While in Alaska, Wade Buscher and Mikal Berry give Baker a first-hand fishing experience aboard [...] their gill net boat, fishing for King [...] Salmon at the mouth of the river and visiting the Sonar [...]Station further upstream. ba-repsasia.com |
温馨的欧普雷德青年旅舍坐落于丛林和花园之中,享 有 河口 和 大 海的美丽景致,提供安静的背包客住宿,是在科罗曼德度假的理想地点。 cn.yha.co.nz | Set in bush and gardens with great views over the estuary and to the ocean, this homely Opoutere hostel offers peaceful and tranquil backpacker accommodation in a relaxed Coromandel hideaway. yha.co.nz |
河口 我 认为不仅仅是单项的技术,应该像筑波市的实证 [...] 实验那样,如何以一个组合机制的形式去考虑,并将其融 入社会制度中去很重要。 itochu.co.jp | Kawaguchi Rather than single [...] technologies, I think that it is important to think about frameworks like the pilot project [...]in Tsukuba City, or how to incorporate them into social programs. itochu.co.jp |
沃克吕兹省位于普罗旺斯 - 阿尔卑斯 - 蓝色 - 阿尔卑斯 - 上普罗旺斯阿尔卑斯省,阿尔代什省,罗 讷 河口 罗 纳 ,德龙省和加尔各部门的d'Azur接壤地区的。 leapfrog-properties.com | Vaucluse is located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region bordering the departments of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Hautes-Alpes, Ardèche, Bouches-du-Rhône, Drôme and Gard. leapfrog-properties.com |
在沿 Kongweni 河口的马 尔盖特度假城镇,失去蓝旗奖地位估计每年可能有 270 万美元至 340 万美元 之间的经济损失(Nahman 和 Rigby,2008 年)。 teebweb.org | In the holiday town of Margate along the Kongweni Estuary, the loss of Blue Flag status is estimated at a potential economic loss of between US$ 2.7 million and US$ 3.4 million per annum (Nahman and Rigby 2008. teebweb.org |
这幅画是经过伦敦的维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆许可后复制而成的,向我们展示了康 威 河口 在 Th omas Telford 1826年建康威悬索桥之前的样子。 historypoints.org | The painting, reproduced by kind permission of the Victoria & Albert Museum, provides an insight into how the Conwy estuary in this vicinity looked before Thomas Telford built the Cob and Suspension Bridge in 1826. historypoints.org |