

单词 没精打采的

See also:

精采 adj

brilliant adj


(slang) take a taxi
go by taxi

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 缔约没有为防止打击贩卖人口活 采 取 一 项国家政策,虽然委员的确注 意到缔约国正在制订这种政策。
(c) The fact
[...] that the State party has not adopted a national policy aimed at preventing and combating human trafficking, although the [...]
does note that such a policy is being developed.
他们还表示,这项政没有考虑到打击报复的软措 施,这种打击报复可以十分奥妙地落在员工头上,往 往是举报多年以后才发生。
[...] they stated that the policy did not take into account soft [...]
retaliation measures which could be inflicted on the
staff concerned in subtle ways, at times years after the reporting had taken place.
然而,这一的没有达到,因为联合王国继续拒绝讨论主权问题,同 采取 影响到有争议地区的单方面行动,不仅违反了上述谅 的精 神 和 文字,而且违反 了联合国的呼吁,联合国曾呼吁,在各岛屿正在历经有关决议建议的进程时,不 得作出意味单方面改变局势的决定。
However, it has not been possible to achieve this objective because the United Kingdom continues to refuse
to address
[...] the question of sovereignty and has repeatedly taken unilateral actions with regard to the area in dispute which not only violate the spirit and the letter of those understandings but are also [...]
to the call by the United Nations to refrain from taking decisions that would imply introducing unilateral modifications in the situation while the islands are going through the process recommended in the relevant resolutions.
她垂下頭、精打采和憔悴的樣 子 ,令我感動得要叫她:“程太,你好嗎?
Her drooped head and her listless and haggard look moved me so much that I had to greet her, "Mrs CHING, how are you?
虽 然也考虑了论述援助的各个阶段的其他措辞,但委员会还 采 用 了目 前 的 更 为的措辞,并没有打算作 狭义的解释,从而使这条规定仅适用于灾害援助活动的 应对阶段。
While other formulations specifying all the phases of assistance were considered, the Commission
opted for the
[...] present, more economical, phrasing, without intending to favour a strict interpretation that [...]
would render the
provision applicable only to the response phase of disaster assistance activities.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日 的精 神 得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼 打 开 , 爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the
[...] prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and [...]
sheep be turned into wolves,
love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
頻密或長時的發作也可能與發作後 精打采 有 關 連。
Frequent or long-duration seizures can also be associated with a post-seizure lethargy.
主张自由邦的人民民主党和主张独立的波多黎各独立党的 领袖都说,此举表示布什总没有认 真 打 算 在不 久 的 未 来 就波多黎 的 政 治采取行动,而主张建州的新进步党则予以欢迎,认为这项宣告表示在哥伦比亚特 区华盛顿的美国政府有意在波多黎各和美国 [...]
2004 年 11 月大选后处理这个问题。
Leaders of both the pro-Commonwealth PPD and the
pro-independence PIP have said
[...] that the move did not indicate any serious intention on the part of President Bush to take action on [...]
the political status
of Puerto Rico in the near future, while the pro-statehood PNP welcomed the announcement as a sign that Washington, D.C., was interested in dealing with the issue after the Puerto Rico and United States elections in November 2004.
尽管存在着这些困难,但通精打细 算 的管 理 ,这个双年度本组织不需要向外举债。
Even so, through careful management, no external borrowing was required during the biennium.
与此同时, 在采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突”冶炼厂地 的精 炼 厂 和冶炼厂称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).
這筆 債 的 影響便 是 一 種 “ 持續性疲 勞 ” , 好 像 怎 樣 睡 也 不 足夠的,於 是經常精打采 , 繼 而在工 作上、家 庭 上、社 交 上和身 體上都 出 現 問題。
The indebtedness causes persistent fatigue and we seem to have insufficient sleep no matter how long we have slept.
[...] 为理事会和联合国的工作所做的贡献,按照第 1996/31 号决的精神没有理由不 批准其申请。
The representative of Israel said that his delegation supported the application of the organization for consultative status and that there was no reason not to approve the application, in the light of the
contribution of the organization to the work of the Council and the United Nations
[...] according to the spirit of resolution 1996/31.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止;
[...] [...] 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之的地区没有任何未经授的武装人员、资产和武器 采 取 力 所能 的 一 切 必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in
ensuring that the area
[...] between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary [...]
action within its capabilities
to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
為何我的學生 坐在公眾席上,大部分也顯得 精打采 , 然後有很多人也睡着 了呢?
But why did most of the students in the gallery look so dispirited that many of them fell asleep?
所以,我們在運用我們自己的金錢(應該說是納稅㆟的金錢)時,第㆓件須 的 事 ,便精打細算
So the second thing we have to do is to be efficient with our own money, or rather with the taxpayer's money.
更令人遗憾的是,这些言论在会议一开始就 出现了,而会议的目的恰恰打击不 容忍行为。因 此,新西兰在对该决定草案进行表决时投了弃权票, 但并不赞成《德班审查会议结果文件 的精 神 ,今 后会依据每份决议草案打击种 族主义和不容忍行 为方面各自的功绩对其进行审查。
The delegation of New Zealand had therefore abstained from voting on the
[...] draft decision, but nonetheless did not oppose the spirit of the Review Conference outcome document, and would consider each future draft resolution based on its respective merits in the area of combating racism and intolerance.
代表 团看到一些被拘留者需要医治,例如因为他们被送他们到宪兵 的 暴 徒 殴 打 ,但 是他们没有要求看医生,没有获 得接触医生的机会。
The delegation observed detainees who were in need of medical treatment, for
example because the mob
[...] who had brought them to the gendarmerie had beaten them, but who had either not asked to see [...]
a doctor, or had not
been provided with access to a doctor.
[...] 1540 号决议,提出这份报 告,概述为执行该决议而已经采取 打 算 采 取 的 步 骤
In accordance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540), the Government of the Republic of the Fiji
Islands presents this report outlining the steps that have
[...] been taken and intends to take to implement [...]
this resolution.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团指出,造成国际金融危机的许多管理缺陷仍 然需要加以治理,而对于纠正系统的不平衡和扭转全球经 的 过 度 金融化没有采取什么措施。
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran noted that many of the deficiencies in regulation that had caused the international financial crisis still needed to be addressed, and that little had been done to rectify systemic imbalances and reverse the over-financialization of the global economy.
(c) 信息技术(2 644 500 美元)出现差异的原因有多个,包括信息和通信技 术厅没有执行系统开发方面的规划活动;目前为外勤支助部提供信息和通信技术 业务支助的订约承办事务人员出现空缺;管理事务部因疏忽将 2010/11 财政期间 的技术费用计入 2011/12 财政期间;由于内部监督事务厅的新案例管理系统在测 试阶段发现了缺陷没有采购该系统 的 软 件
(c) Information technology ($2,644,500), owing to a number of factors, including non-implementation of planned activities for system development by the Office of Information and Communications Technology, vacancies with respect to contractual services personnel associated with ongoing information and communications technology operational support in the Department of Field Support, inadvertent recording of technology charges for the period 2010/11 in the financial period 2011/12 in the Department of Management and non-procurement of software for the new case management system in the Office of Internal Oversight Services owing to deficiencies detected in the testing phase.
区域渔业管理组织采取了一系列市场措施, 但没有就关于要求涉及鱼类贸易的实体提供全面合 的 建 议 采 取 措 施, 没 有考 虑到合法渔获物的市场准入的重要性。
Regional fisheries management organizations had taken a number of market-based measures, but did not address the recommendation to take steps to require those involved in the fish trade to cooperate fully or the importance of market access for legally caught fish.
在最近一次关于维和的一般性报告(A/63/746)第 45 至 50 段,行预咨委会对 空中业务有效管理的若干问题表示关切,包括实现一体化飞机管理方面需要取得 进展,对合同显没有采取一 致办法,需求缺乏可预测性,需要采取鼓励提高燃 料效的措施
In paragraphs 45 to 50 of its most recent general report on peacekeeping (A/63/746), the Advisory Committee expressed its concerns regarding a number of issues related to the effective management of air operations, including the need for progress towards integrated fleet management, the apparent lack of a consistent approach with respect to contracts, the lack of predictability of demand and the need for measures to encourage fuel efficiency.
据提 交人称,调查和庭审程序存在偏颇,公司的收购是合法的,收购是通过一项贷款 融资交易,而不是通过私有化进行的,面 的采 购 也 是合法的,在获得和使用所 述贷款方没有违规情况。
According to her, the investigation and the court proceedings were biased, as the company in question was acquired legally, not through privatization but through a
[...] financed by a loan, the flour was also procured lawfully, and no irregularities were committed in the [...]
or the use of the loans in question.
以巩发党为代的旧式精英 没有这样的席位 保障,他们面临着失去其现有大部 分席位的危险。
The old elite, represented by the USDP, has no such guarantees [...]
and faces the prospect of losing most of the seats that it currently holds.
还强调基于国际反恐法律文书、尊重法治和人权采取刑事司法 对策的重要性,以及开展刑事事项国际和区域合作和在国家和区域级 采 取行 动打击恐怖主的重要性。
The importance of a criminal justice response based on the international legal instruments against terrorism and respect for the rule of law and for human rights was emphasized, as well as the importance of
international and regional cooperation in criminal
[...] matters and action at the national and regional levels to counter terrorism.
同样令人担忧的是,印度、韩 国等国为确保自身所需能源,无奈之下 打 算 采 取 类似 的方法 ,尤其是在安哥拉、尼日利亚等国,这些国家已 发出暗示,它们不接受只支付市场价格的竞购者,还是 偏爱于能够提供最具吸引力的附带利益的买家。
Equally worrying is that states like India and South Korea feel pressured to adopt similar methods to secure the energy they need, especially as states like Angola and Nigeria have indicated that they will prefer not the bidder who pays market price, but the one who offers the most attractive side benefits.
价格是参考设计选择组件的重要条件,因此,必须对材料(BOM)成 精打 细 算 ,Blackfin处理 的 价 格 仅为5美元,比通常的嵌入式处理器低得多。
Because price point is a crucial criterion for reference designs, bill-of-materials (BOM) costs are scrutinized carefully, and at just $5, the Blackfin processor makes up a far smaller percentage of a BOM than does the typical embedded processor.
此外,《公共部门会计准则第 25 号》第
[...] 12 段规定,计算短期工作人员福 利一般很直接,因为无需进行精算估值来衡量负债或成本, 没 有 发 生任 精算 损益的可能性。
In addition, paragraph 12 of IPSAS 25 states that accounting for short-term employee benefits is generally straightforward because no actuarial
assumptions are required to measure the obligation or the
[...] cost and there is no possibility of any actuarial gain or loss.
60 2008 年出炉的 GPA 本可能成为走向新道路的一个
[...] 契机。然而不久后,很显然不均衡的权力分享安的精神没有被 遵守,改革遭到反对,对权力的滥用 [...]
Neither the government, nor SADC have publicly taken notice of these moves, and ZANU-PF has not acknowledged calibration as option, maintaining instead that sanctions are illegitimate in their entirety so must be lifted completely and unconditionally.60 The 2008 GPA could have been an opportunity for
a new approach, but it soon became
[...] evident that the spirit of that uneven power-sharing [...]
arrangement was not being adhered
to, reforms were being resisted, and abuses were continuing.
对《公约》第十一部分的全面执行产生不利影的另一个因素是,只要仍没有精确 划 定《公约》第 76 条所的所有 大陆架外部界限,就难以确定海底区 域的范围。
Another factor negatively impacting the full implementation of Part XI of the Convention is the
difficulty in determining
[...] the extent of the area of the seabed as long as the precise delineation of all outer limits of the continental shelf, [...]
as set out in
article 76 of the Convention, remains pending.




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