

单词 没有法

See also:

have not
(negative prefix for verbs)


at a loss
unable do anything about it
have no choice

External sources (not reviewed)

由于理当无效的保没有法律效 力,这类条约关系只能使保留方受整个条约约束,而不能从保留中受 益。
Since a reservation that is
[...] null and void has no legal effect, such [...]
a treaty relationship can only mean that the reserving State is bound
by the treaty as a whole without benefit of the reservation.
两个代表团要求没有法定概 念的情况下不提及儿童群体的最大 利益。
Two delegations asked for
[...] deletion of any reference to the best interests of groups of children in the absence of a legally [...]
defined concept.
小组委员会注意到,在目前警察拘留初 没有法 律援 助的情况下这项权利显得更加重要。
The SPT notes that this right is all the more important in the current situation in which legal aid is not available at the initial stage of police custody.
以色列的政策蔑视所有具有国际合法性的相关决 议,特别是尤其是第 497(1981)号决议——(该决议规 定,以色列侵占叙利亚戈兰的决定无效 没有法 律效力);作为这类同样政策的一部分,以色列正继续拒不 把被占领的叙利亚戈兰归还给它的祖国叙利亚,并正 [...]
试图羞辱叙利亚公民,分割被占领的叙利亚戈兰,并 在戈兰 Majdal Shams 村庄以东建造一道隔离墙。
As part of the same Israeli policy that flouts all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in particular
resolution 497 (1981), which
[...] provides that the Israeli decision to annex the Syrian Golan is null and void and has no legal effect, Israel [...]
is continuing to
refuse to return the occupied Syrian Golan to its motherland, Syria, and is pursuing its settlement policies, terrorist actions, acts of racial discrimination, attempts to humiliate Syrian citizens, divide the occupied Syrian Golan and build a separation wall in the Golan east of the village of Majdal Shams.
虽然世贸组织部分 成员强调了私立标准对质量和高质量市场准入的积极效应,但其他许多成员表达了下列
[...] 关注:在进口环节采用私立标准造成事实上的贸易壁垒,尤其对发展中国家制造了难度; 遵守这些标准要求私立机构的多重认证,对小规模生产者成本不菲;在很多情况下私立 标准比政府标准和食典标准更具限制性和规约性且往往 没有法 律 依据;私立标准的制 定过程缺乏透明度和包容性;在某些情况下,这些标准不符合《卫生及植物检疫措施协 定》的要求。
While some WTO members had underlined the positive aspects of private standards on quality and access to high quality markets, many other members had expressed the following concerns: the application of private standards at the import stage resulted in de facto barriers to trade, and created difficulties especially for developing countries; complying with these standards required multiple certification by private bodies, with a high cost for small producers; in
many cases private
[...] standards were more restrictive and prescriptive than government standards and Codex standards and often had no scientific basis; [...]
the process by which
private standards were set lacked transparency and inclusiveness; and in some cases such standards did not meet the requirements of the SPS Agreement.
支持这一气氛的体制是:对司法或安全机构没有民主 监督没有法律或 程序防止酷刑,几乎完 没有法 律 问 责制和对处于危险者的人 权保护。
This atmosphere was supported by a system in which: there was no democratic oversight of law enforcement or security agencies; there were no laws or procedures in place to prevent torture; and legal accountability and human rights protection for those at risk was almost totally absent.
此外,《公民和政治权利国际盟约》第 14 条第 3(d)款称,每个人除其他权 利外都应当有权“出席受审并亲自替自己辩护或经由他自己所选择的法律援助 进行辩护;如果没有法律援 助,要通知他享有这种权利;在司法利益有此需 要的案件中,为他指定法律援助,而在他没有足够能力偿付法律援助的案件 中,不要他自己收费”。
Furthermore, article 14, paragraph 3(d) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone should be entitled, among other rights, “to be tried in his presence, and to
defend himself in person
[...] or through legal assistance of his own choosing; to be informed, if he does not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance [...]
assigned to
him in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it”.
老年难民妇女和境内流离失所的妇女有时被剥夺 保健机会,因为她们在庇护没有法 律 地位 , 没有法 律 文 件,被安置的地点远离 保健设施,或者在获得服务上面临文化和语言障碍。
Older refugee and internally displaced women are sometimes denied access to health care because they lack legal status in the country of asylum, lack legal documentation, have been resettled far from health-care facilities or experience cultural and language barriers in accessing services.
(b) 由有权签署或加入但尚未这样做的国家对保留提出的反 没有法 律效力。
(b) that an objection to a reservation made by a State which is entitled to sign or accede
[...] but which has not yet done so, is without legal effect.
委员会还关切缔约没有法律法 规限制营销有可能影响儿童营养、促使儿童肥胖和带来其他负面健 [...]
The Committee is also concerned
[...] that there are no legal regulations to [...]
restrict the marketing of unhealthy foods that affect
child nutrition and contribute to childhood obesity and other negative health consequences.
古巴反对在联合国系统之外制定对跨国有组织 犯罪有关罪行负有责任的虚假国家名单,比如美利
[...] 坚合众国国务院制定的为了在政治上施压并为没 有法律和 道义基础的单边制裁做出辩护的名单,尤 [...]
Cuba was opposed to drawing up, outside the United Nations system, fallacious lists of countries ostensibly responsible for violations linked to transnational organized crime, such as those produced by the Department of State of the United States of America for purposes of
political pressure and to justify unilateral
[...] sanctions without any legal or moral basis, [...]
especially the embargo against Cuba.
作为一个自 1965 年获得独立以没有法律上承认的政党的国家,在民主化 方案方面取得的最重大成就之一,是引入了政党。
As a country that has operated without legally recognised political [...]
parties since its independence in 1965, one of the most
significant achievements in the democratisation programme has been the introduction of political parties.
以色列在 1967
[...] 年以来占领的巴勒斯坦和其它 阿拉伯领土内建立移民点的政策和 法 都 没有 法律效 力,并且对于在中东达成全面、公正和持 [...]
the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the
Palestinian and other Arab territories
[...] occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute [...]
a serious obstruction to achieving
a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East”.
尽管法律援助是一项繁重的行政职责,但鉴于现 没有法 庭 司 法活动,该 股尚未配备人员。
While legal aid is a burdensome duty
in administrative terms, the Unit has not yet been
[...] staffed, given the absence of judicial activity [...]
before the Tribunal.
在这些论坛中进行的关于森林政策的大部分对话不是讨论需要拟定一份有法律 约束力(或没有法律约 束力)的国际文书,就是为讨论需要拟定这类文书做准备, 而无助于各国政府采取准确和坚定的行动,实际制止危害世界各地森林和林区人 民的这一危机。
Much of the forest policy dialogue in those forums has been dominated either by a discussion of the need for an international, legally (or non-legally) binding instrument or by preparations to discuss the need for such an instrument, to the detriment of precise and committed government action to actually halt the crisis affecting the world’s forests and their peoples.
534 条,引渡逮捕的最长监禁时间是一年,申诉人已经服满了那一年的时间; 第二,将他们释放或在哈萨克斯坦给予他们难民身 没有法 律 依 据,并且,将他 们安置到第三国显然不可能;第三,根据外国合作伙伴的情报,申诉人参与了建 [...]
The State party explained that the decision to extradite the complainants was taken for a number of reasons: firstly, according to article 534 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the maximum duration of imprisonment on extradition arrest is one year and
the complainants had
[...] completed that year; secondly, there were no legal grounds for their release or for granting [...]
them refugee status in
Kazakhstan, and it appeared to be impossible to relocate them to a third country; thirdly, according to foreign partners‟ information, the complainants were involved in the establishment of a network of international terrorist organizations, of which two such organizations are prohibited in the State party and are on the list of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee.
经过广泛讨论,食典委主席对讨论作了总结,关于制定巴尔马干酪新标准的要 求符合奶及奶制品规范委员会关于制定和/或修改干酪标准的标准,并且根据粮农组
[...] 织法律办公室和世卫组织法律办公室的意见,制定这样一项标准 没有法 律 上 的障 碍。
After an extensive debate, the Chairperson of the Commission summarised the discussion that the request for the elaboration of a new standard for Parmesan was considered to have met the CCMMP criteria for the development and/or revision of the standards for cheese and that, according to the
advice provided by the Legal Offices of FAO and
[...] WHO, there was no legal impediment to [...]
the elaboration of such a standard.
鉴于申诉人法在没有法律援 助 的情况下寻求司法补救,拒绝向申诉人提供免费法律援助实际上使申诉人无法在 挪威法院继续其案件。
In the light of the fact that the complainant would not be able to pursue judicial remedies without legal aid, the denial of free legal aid to the complainant effectively barred the complainant from further pursuing his case before the Norwegian courts.
就 A/65/69/Add.2 号文件第 26
段关于根据《公约》第十六条第(2)款交存确定沙 特阿拉伯“在红海、阿卡巴湾和阿拉伯湾”基线的各点地理坐标表一事,伊朗伊 斯兰共和国观察员回顾指出,伊朗政府在 2010 年 12 月 22
[...] 日的普通照会中表示 不接受除“波斯湾”以外的任何名称,认为 没有法 律 意 义。
Commenting on paragraph 26 of document A/65/69/Add.2, regarding the deposit, pursuant to article 16(2) of the Convention, of lists of geographical coordinates of points defining the baselines of Saudi Arabia “in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Arabian Gulf”, an observer from the Islamic Republic of Iran recalled that, by a note verbale dated 22
December 2010, his Government had rejected any denomination other than “Persian Gulf”
[...] as void of any legal significance.
没有法律义 务这样做,但因为不愿承 诺用这些资金来支持私营部门解决其外债,所以进一步增加了不确定性,并进一 [...]
Although there was no legal obligation [...]
to do so, a reluctance to commit these funds towards supporting the private sector
in addressing their external debts further increased uncertainty and further reduced the private sector’s ability to access funds on global capital markets during the crisis.
[...] 适合儿童,没有确保对这种拘留定期和及时审查的规定,在有待执行遣返命令的 情况下没有法定时间限制。
The Committee further notes with concern that when such detention occurs, it is in facilities that are inappropriate for children and that there are no provisions to ensure the periodic and timely
review of such detention, for
[...] which there are no statutory time limits [...]
when the execution of a repatriation order is pending.
由于苏里南没有生物或化学武器生产设施或核工业工厂或核设施,国内法 没有规定具体的储存地点安保措施。
Since there are no biological or chemical weapons manufacturing facilities or nuclear
industry plants or nuclear
[...] installations, domestic legislation does not provide for specific [...]
security measures at storage sites.
虽然毛里求斯《法》没有对发展权作出具体规定,下列法律可视为与 《千年发展目标》和发展权是一致的。
Though the
[...] Mauritian Constitution does not provide for a specific right to development, the following laws may be considered [...]
to be in line
with the Millennium Development Goals and the Right to Development.
尽管取得了成功,非洲区域在持续淘汰甲基 溴方面遇到重大障碍,其中涉及化学和非化学替代办法的问题,包括持续使用或不当运用 替代办法导致害虫抗性;本地市场 有 替 代 办法的供应;某些替代 法没有 登 记 使用;和 有些替代办法的使用受到限制,如在欧洲市场遭到禁用。
Despite this success, the region was starting to experience major barriers to the sustainability of MB phase-out, including problems with both chemical and non-chemical alternatives such as pest resistance caused by continuous use or improper application of alternatives; the non-availability of alternatives on local markets; the failure to register certain alternatives; and restrictions on some alternatives, which were banned, for example in European markets.
维持现状的备 选法没有列入其中,因为这种 法没有 回 应 包括全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟 疾基金在内的“机构”捐助方“新提出的在内部审计报告中披露更多信息的要求” (见第 2010/22 号决定)。
The option of maintaining the status quo is not included as that does not respond to the “emerging demand for greater information disclosure of the internal audit reports” (as stated in decision 2010/22) from “institutional” donors, including the Global Fund.
同样,《日内瓦进度报告》也回顾称,缔约国还在卡塔赫纳首 脑会议上强调,如没有可持 续的筹资 法 , 支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, 这无疑将对执行进程产生不利影响。
As well, the Geneva Progress Report recalled that at the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties also highlighted that, without a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process.
虽然国际 人法没有关注 特别的经济体系,但该法构成了一 个清晰的、普遍承认的框架,可以为反经济危机措 [...]
施的制定和实施奠定基础,并提供最低标准,可以 作为评估政府行动的准则。
[...] international human rights law did not prescribe [...]
a specific economic system, it provided a clear and universally
recognized framework that could be used to guide the design and implementation of measures to address the crisis, and provided the minimum standards against which the actions of Governments could be assessed.
不过、巴林、文莱、中国、 科摩罗、古巴、埃及、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、科威特、老挝、黎巴嫩、墨西 哥、摩洛哥、阿曼、巴拿马、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、阿拉伯联合酋 长国和也门的法没有明确 承认生命权,文莱、吉布提、加蓬、卡塔尔和也门的法没有承认和平集会自由。
However, the constitutions of Bahrain, Brunei, China, Comoros, Cuba, Egypt, Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic,
United Arab Emirates
[...] and Yemen do not expressly recognise the right to life, and the constitutions of Brunei, Djibouti, Gabon, Qatar and Yemen do not recognise [...]
the right to freedom of peaceful assembly.
政府还对《儿童权利公约》第 20 和 21 条提出保留,该两条涉及替代性照 料和领养,“因为伊斯兰教法是马尔代夫法律的基本来源之一,伊斯兰 法没有 把机 构或领养包括在伊斯兰教法所规定的保护和照料儿童的方法和途径之内”。
The Government has also expressed its reservation to Articles 20 and 21 of the CRC, dealing with alternative care and adoption “since the Islamic Shari’ah is one of the fundamental sources of Maldivian Law and since the Shari’ah does not include the system or adoption among the ways and means for the protection and care of the Children contained in Shari’ah”.




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