

单词 没有差别

See also:


not have
not be
doesn't exist




have other... (used in fixed expressions)

External sources (not reviewed)

在纱线质量方面,分梳辊的镍涂层和 铬涂没有差别,实验室或现场测试 也没有测出有这方面的差别。
In terms of
[...] yarn quality a difference between N- and [...]
CR-coated SOLIDRINGS never was expected, nor determined with any laboratory or field test.
它们的初始效率与他们使用寿命内实际的效 没有差别 , 向 用户提供他们需求的颗粒去除性能。
Their initial efficiency is indistinguishable from their actual efficiency over life, providing the user with the particle removal performance they have specified.
There are no differences between
Estonians and nonEstonians when it comes to
[...] the buying of books, visiting art [...]
exhibitions and concerts and engaging in sports.
然而,考虑到加拿大的提案(A/CN.9/XLIII/CRP.8) 和备选案文 A 之间几没有差别,她想知道是否可 以删除备选案文 A。
As there were no objections to the elimination of options B, C and D, the discussion would be confined to the proposals in documents A/CN.9/XLIII/CRP.7 and A/CN.9/
XLIII/CRP.8, along with option A.
[...] However, given that there were very few differences between the Canadian [...]
proposal (A/CN.9/XLIII/CRP.8)
and option A, she wondered whether option A could be eliminated.
HFC-245fa 的价格为 11.76 美元,而氟氯烃价格为 1.40 美元。预计用 HFC-245fa 发泡的泡沫塑料与用 HCFC-141b 发 泡的泡沫塑料的能没有差别。
The price HFC-245fa is US $11.76 compared to HCFC of US $1.40. No differences in energy consumption of the HFC-245fa blown foam and HCFC-141b blown foam are expected.
诺贝尔奖得奖 人加里·贝克尔说得很对,教育是一种投资,与任何其他投 没有差别 ; 投 资太 少,收益也很少令人满意。
Nobel laureate Gary Becker rightly argued that education is an investment, no different from any other; put in too little and returns rarely satisfy.
然而,专注于卫生保健领域的全球领先咨询与营销研究公司Kantar Health开展的国家卫生与健康调查(NHWS)的最新调查结果显示,无论社会经济地位如何,所有巴西人的精神生活质 没有差别。
Physical quality of life, as measured by the SF-12, is highest among the wealthiest Brazilians and falls along with one's socioeconomic status, yet mental quality of life is the same among all Brazilians, regardless of socioeconomic profile, according to new findings from the National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS), conducted by Kantar Health, a leading healthcare-focused global consultancy and marketing insights company.
我们已经看到了长期性激励措施和管理性项目(或者是类似于DSM的管理 性项目,或者那些通过对税收系统进行管理的项目,这些项目的子项目从本质没 有差别,只 是程度上有所不同而已)的区别。
We have seen in this review that the difference between long-term incentives and managed incentives, or the difference between incentives administered through a DSMlike system or those
administered through a tax
[...] system are not differences between fundamentally dissimilar programs, but rather differences of degree.
说他基于性能是因为首要的资质要求就是能效指标;说他基于成本是因为即使两者产 品的能效水没有差别,价 格高的产品比价格低的产品得到的财税激励要多。
But it cost-based because a more expensive product gets more of an incentive than a less expensive product even if the levels of energy efficiency are no different.
美国代表要求进一步提供资料,为此科学评估小组的代表介绍说,RC316c 有两种异构体,它们在大气中停留时间和属 没有 显 著 差别。
At the request of the representative of the United States for further information, the representative of the Scientific Assessment Panel
said that the chemical had two isomers, whose atmospheric lifetimes
[...] and properties did not appear to differ significantly.
这套灯光系统无论是在家庭花园池塘中用作花园或停车场灯光,还是用于专业的喷泉装置, 没有 任 何 差别。
There is no difference whether the lighting system is used in the home garden pond, as garden or
[...] park lighting or for professional fountain...
尽管与 2005 年评价 质量评没有很大差别,但 该司注意到在实效评估、方法的有效性和两性平等问 题主流化方面有所改进。
Even though there are no major differences from the 2005 evaluation [...]
quality assessment, the Division has noted improvements in the assessment
of effectiveness, the validity of methods and gender mainstreaming.
此外还进一步决定,在 6 月底和 12 月底,将发布根据即期汇率做了调整的UNORE, 以确保在决算截止没有汇率差别。
It was further decided that based on the spot rates a revised UNORE
would be issued at the end of June and
[...] December to ensure that there were no rate differences at the balance sheet date.
从区域、办 事处规模或职称来看没有什么重大 差别。
There were no major variations by region, office [...]
size or job title.
即便从中期来讲,在 不变式假设中,非洲的人口与其他更貌似合理的预测产生的人口之 没有 太 大差 别,但 到 2100 年,不变式假设与其他假设之间的差距就很大(见图四)。
Even if, in the medium term, the population of
[...] Africa in the no-change scenario were not greatly different from that produced by other, more plausible projection scenarios, by 2100 the difference between the no-change scenario [...]
and other scenarios
would be large (see figure IV).
因此,庭长指出常 任法官与审案法官在服务条款和条件上 差别没有 理 由继续存在,应从 实现公平和圆满执行完成工作战略的角度出发加以解决。
The President therefore notes that
[...] the continued differences in the terms and conditions of service of the permanent and the ad litem judges are no longer justified [...]
and should be addressed
in the interest of both equity and the successful implementation of the completion strategy.
将从参考水井采集的水样和受污染区域内的水井采集的样本的平均值 进行比较没有发现差别,从而得出结论,认定事件未导致对当地饮用水供应的污染。
Comparison of the average values for water taken from the reference wells
and wells in the contaminated
[...] area showed no significant difference, allowing the conclusion [...]
that the incident had not
caused contamination of the local drinking water supply.
Human Rights First noted that violence
against women remained a common practice and that the Government had not
[...] made significant progress to end the gender gap.
在基础教育(学龄前教育、小学教育和初中教育)阶段,在注册入 学率方面已没有性别差异。
In the case of basic education (preschool, primary and lower
[...] secondary), there is no difference by gender in school [...]
凭着公认的结社自由原则,各联合国工作地点的 SRB 呈现出很大的多样
[...] 性,它们一般称为“工作人员工会”(SU)或“工作人员协会”(SA), 没有 很大 的差别,但 日内瓦是个例外,那里的“工作人员协调委员会”包括了各不同群体 [...]
的代表(见下文第 78 段)。
By virtue of the recognized freedom-of-association principle, SRBs show a big diversity in the various United Nations duty stations where they generally go by the terms of either “staff
union” (SU) or “staff
[...] association,”(SA) which imply no significant differences, except in Geneva [...]
where a “staff coordinating council”
includes representatives from various groups (see para. 78 below).
在这方面,五年 前人权理事会的创建为没有任何 差别 的 情况下促 进和保护人人公正、平等地享有人权发挥了重要的作 用,也为把人权意识纳入联合国系统的主流发挥了重 要作用。
In that connection, the creation of the Human Rights Council, now five years ago, was instrumental in promoting and protecting human rights for all, without distinction of any kind and in a fair and equitable manner, and in mainstreaming an awareness of human rights into the United Nations system.
伙伴关系的期限视总体目标、具体目标和指标的性质而定,可 有 很 大 差别, 从两年没有规定期限(无限期)不等。
Depending on the nature of their goals, objectives and targets, the duration of partnerships can vary widely, ranging from two years to an undefined period (openended).
联合国系统目前正在开展的辩论反映了这方面存 在的问题,提出了同样的批评:负担沉重、进度缓慢、效 差 、 没 能 考 虑各国的实际需要没有为起草报告提供技术支持、别 是 缺 乏在落实建议方面提供支持。
The current discussions within the United Nations system are a reflection of these difficulties, with the same criticisms of complexity, slowness, ineffectiveness, the failure to take into account the real needs of States, a lack of technical assistance for the preparation of the reports and, above all, of assistance for the implementation of the recommendations.
以下方 面也有令人感兴趣的研究结果:风险忍受程度,认为发展情况引起的程度不同要 比性别因素引起的差异大的多;从事社会媒体的工作,在这个领域,妇女似乎普 遍比男性活跃,与发展情没有关系 ;贸易促进活动的参与,男女在这个领域差别在发达国家和发展中国家都有。
Interesting findings also related to risk tolerance, which was seen to vary much more by the development context than by gender; engagement in social media,
where women seemed to
[...] be generally more active than men, independently from the development context; and participation in trade promotion activities, where the gap between women [...]
and men was present in
both developed and developing countries.
因此,他们重点提出以下长期存在的挑战:性别 平等主流化的政策和活动在侧重点和方式上缺乏一致性;全系统执行工作的标准 和指标过低,导致每个实体的规划工作对两性平等的关注存 差别 ; 部 门之没 有充分 发挥协同作用,以使联合国实体在各个行动领域开展的工作发挥最大作 用。
Thus, they underlined the following persisting challenges: lack of coherence in the focus and format for gender mainstreaming policies and activities; minimum system-wide standards and indicators for implementation, thus resulting in
different levels of
[...] attention given to gender equality in each entity’s planning; and inadequate use of intersectoral synergies to obtain maximum impact of efforts carried out by United Nations [...]
entities in individual areas of action.
[...] 同,国家劳工法院院长辩护说,因违反这两部法律给予赔偿所需的证据 别没有 差异, 因而承认下级法院的裁决,根据《平等就业机会法》给予原告额外赔偿。
Nevertheless, the dissenting opinion of the National
Labor Court’s President, argued
[...] that there was no difference in the level of proof required [...]
for granting compensation for
violations of both laws, and accepted the lower court’s ruling, granting additional compensation to the plaintiff based on the Equal Employment Opportunities Law.
。这差别没有任何 实际后果,因为按照1986 年《维也纳公约》第2条第 1款(f) [...]
项对此用语的定义,缔约国和缔约国际组织都显然有权成为缔约方,并且 的确仅仅依条约的生效就成了缔约方;但是这样一来,《实践指南》内的准则如 何措辞便成问题了。
The difference has no practical consequences, [...]
since the contracting States and contracting international organizations are
quite obviously entitled to become parties to the treaty and indeed do so simply by virtue of the treaty’s entry into force, in accordance with the definition of the terms given in article 2, paragraph 1 (f), of the 1986 Vienna Convention; it does pose a problem, however, with regard to the wording of the guideline to be included in the Guide to Practice.
德州仪器(TI)业务拓展经理韩乾全分析道,众所周知,LED驱动模块工作环境温度较高,且模块散热条件较差,从而导致LED驱动电路一直在较高温度下工作,这会导致LED应用可靠性降低、使用寿命缩短等一系列问题,因此散热不得不重点考虑;可靠性和安规是很容易 有 意 忽 略的部分,尤其是在强制执行相关规定前,为了降低成本,部分LED照明厂商会省略可靠性和安规方面电路;但这恰恰是LED照明产业能否长久发展的根本,也是LED驱动芯片厂商设计能力的体现,不同的芯片厂商提供的方案,增加这部分电路增加的成 差别 很 大
Texas Instruments (TI) Business Development Manager Han Gan in their analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to
reduce costs, part of
[...] the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .




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