

单词 没日没夜

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External sources (not reviewed)

差价合约意味没有隔夜融资 成本,也不用 日 调 整您的头寸,因为期货价格已经包括了这两个因素。
It means there are no overnight financing costs or daily adjustments to your [...]
position, the underlying Futures price already accounts for these factors.
同时,妇女每夜 晚要走过一长段黑暗的公共场所返回家中,公共领 没 有 防 范犯罪活动的保护。
Also, women walk through dark
[...] public spaces as they return home late in the day, with no protection against criminal activities in the public sphere.
ActivTrades 的 CFD 交易基于期货合约的远期到日,这 意味 没 有 隔 夜 费 的 调整,远期的价格已经包含了需要的费用。
ActivTrades CFDs are based on Futures contracts
which expire on a specific date,
[...] this means there are no overnight adjustments, the underlying [...]
Futures price already accounts for these.
在他访查的一些营地,特别 是非正式营地,不是完没有夜间照 明,就是有也不亮或有毛病。
In several camps he inspected,
in particular unofficial camps, there
[...] is either no lighting at night or, if there is [...]
any, it does not work or is faulty.
環境局局長補充,環保署人員一 日夜 不 停 工 作,收集空氣質素的數據,而政府當局亦已舉行跨部門會議, 統籌向公眾發放最新資料的工作。
SEN added that EPD staff had been working round the clock to gather data on air quality, and inter-departmental meetings were held to coordinate the release of updated information to the public.
在此期间,特派团继续广泛 利用直升机巡逻,并结日夜地面巡逻,以此作为有效监督的办法。
During that period, the Mission continued to make
extensive use of helicopter patrols as an effective monitoring method, in
[...] combination with day and night ground patrolling.
[...] 而警方表示,他们允许妇女外出使用厕所;但是,她 夜 间 呼 叫 没 有 回 应,女婴 就在牢房墙角大便。
The woman explained that there was no bucket for sanitation in the cell, as the police indicated that they would allow the
woman out to use the toilet; however, she had
[...] called in vain at night and the baby had defecated [...]
in the corner of the cell.
印度欢迎瓦努阿图尽管日内瓦没有 代表,仍积极参与普遍定期审议,这 表明了瓦努阿图对人权的承诺。
India welcomed Vanuatu’s constructive engagement with the universal
periodic review despite the lack of a
[...] representation in Geneva, regarding this as [...]
symbolic of Vanuatu’s commitment to human rights.
联合行动中心负责:(a) 发挥联络中心的作用,确保政府和联合国国家工作
[...] 的活动,例如支持重要访问和方案的发起;(b) 通过日局势报告和夜行动 检 测中心的行动紧急时间报告交流信息,促进联合国系统对海地状况的了解;(c) [...]
The Centre is responsible for: (a) providing a focal point that ensures that the Government and the United Nations country team have appropriate access to the Mission’s assets and resources for reconstruction activities and enabling activities that strengthen Government capacity, such as support for high-profile visits and programme launches; (b) facilitating situational awareness within the United Nations
system in Haiti through
[...] operational information shared in daily situation reports and emergency [...]
incident reporting made possible
by a round-the-clock operations monitoring centre; and (c) coordinating the Mission’s crisis management centre, facilitating informed decisions by MINUSTAH senior management on the use of Mission resources in response to natural disasters or other significant crisis events.
独立消息来源的报告表明,在 1992 年 2 月 25 日至 26 日夜晚占 领霍 贾里镇之时,据称有数百名阿塞拜疆族平民在企图逃离被占镇子的过程中, [...]
被攻城的亚美尼亚士兵打死、打伤或劫持为人质……”(欧洲人权法院 2010 年 4 月 22 日判决第 87 段)。
that at the time of the capture of
[...] Khojaly on the night of 25 to 26 February 1992 [...]
hundreds of civilians of Azerbaijani ethnic
origin were reportedly killed, wounded or taken hostage, during their attempt to flee the captured town, by Armenian fighters attacking the town …” (Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 22 April 2010, para. 87).
[...] 缔约国的地位时,并且如果该条约在国家继承 日没 有 对被继承国生效但被继承 国是该条约的缔约国,那么该国应视为维持在国家继承之日适用于国家继承所涉 [...]
When a successor State formed from a uniting or separation of States makes a notification whereby it establishes its status as a
party or as a contracting State to a
[...] treaty which, at the date of the succession [...]
of States, was not in force for the predecessor
State but to which the predecessor State was a contracting State, that State shall be considered as maintaining any reservation to the treaty which was applicable at the date of the succession of States in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates, unless it expresses a contrary intention when making the notification or formulates a reservation which relates to the same subject matter as that reservation.
我跟同事說,我們是想市民所想、急市民所急 日日夜夜 在 想 如何能 把我們的工作做得更好。
I often tell my colleagues that we must share the people's aspirations and their sense of urgency, and that we must all the time think about how to better our work.
结束语草案,未作改动的第 10 章摘录 及九项建议新稿在 7 月 20 日夜里很 晚才寄发给委员会成员,因此,这不利于委员会成员就 [...]
A draft conclusion, an unamended extract from Chapter 10 and a new draft of nine
recommendations were only sent to Board
[...] members on 20 July, late in the evening, which meant [...]
that Board members could not form an opinion on their content.
日本的条例没有直 接禁止悬挂其国旗的 船只向被列入从事非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞活动的船只提供给养和补充燃 [...]
料,但指出日本将按照一些区域渔业管理组织采取的措施,将从事这种活动的船 只视为从事非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞活动的船只。
Japan’s regulations did not directly prohibit [...]
vessels flying its flag from supplying and refuelling vessels listed as engaging
in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, however it stated that a vessel engaging in such activities would be considered as an illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing vessel under measures adopted by some regional fisheries management organizations.
但一成员指出,虽然可排除一些提议的截 日 期 ,但 在 没 有 审 查总成本对基金的影响的情 况下,无法选择一个明确的日期。
However, one Member pointed out that, while some of
[...] the proposed cut-off dates could be ruled out, [...]
a single, definitive date could not be
chosen without examining the overall cost implications for the Fund.
波导由地球表面形成,是一种电导体,白昼 期间在大约
[...] 70 公里高度的低电离层 D-区域形成夜间没有太 阳辐射情况下在大 约 90 公里高度的 [...]
The waveguide was formed by the Earth’s surface, which was an electrical conductor, and by the low ionosphere D-region at an altitude of approximately 70 km of altitude during
diurnal conditions and the E-region at an altitude of
[...] approximately 90 km at night without the presence [...]
of solar radiation.
(g) 取消任何在通过决议日没有任 何人接受或同意接受的股份,并按照所取 消的股份的金额减少其资本金额。
(g) cancel any
[...] shares which, at the date of the passing of [...]
the resolution, have not been taken, or agreed to be taken, by
any person, and diminish the amount of its capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled.
食典委注意到美国代表团的一份提议(列在 CAC/31 LIM/15 里),要求修改该项目 文件,以扩大风险管理决议的新工作范围,这样也可以包括因缺少评价人类健康问题所 需的信息没有制定容日摄入 量和/或最大残留限量的物质。
The Commission noted a proposal from the Delegation of United States of America, as contained in CAC/31 LIM/15, to revise the project document to broaden the scope of new work on risk management decisions to also include substances for which no ADI/MRL were set because the information needed to evaluate human health concerns was lacking.
另外,PT-76没有安装夜视仪 ,相对于其它苏联坦克不具备夜战能力且坦克难以为乘员在核,生,化条件下作战提供充分保护。
The PT-76 also lagged behind other Soviet armored fighting vehicles in having no night vision equipment [...]
and no NBC protection
system for the three-man crew.
根据案件整体情况并考虑到大量相吻合的材料,法院就此得出结论:1975 年 10 月 26 日至 27 日夜剥夺申诉人的自由,既不符合第 5 条(1)(f)条下“合 [...]
Viewing the circumstances of the case as a whole and having regard to the volume of material pointing in the same direction, the Court consequently concludes
that the applicant’s deprivation
[...] of liberty in the night of 26 to 27 October 1975 was neither [...]
“lawful”, within the meaning
of Article 5(1)(f), nor compatible with the “right to security of person”.
在此期间,广泛利用直升 机巡逻仍然是效率最高的监督办法, 日夜 地 面 巡逻仍然是根据第一号军事协定 对各项指控、违规行为和要求进行评估和调查的最有效方法。
During that period, extensive use of helicopters was made for patrols, this
being the most efficient method of
[...] monitoring, although day and night ground patrolling [...]
continued to be the most effective way
of assessing and investigating allegations, violations and requests in line with military agreement No. 1.
被拘留者告诉代表团成没有提供夜 间 用 的任何床垫、毯子或 被子,可是代表团注意到其中一间牢房被用来存放毯子。
Detainees told members of the
[...] delegation that no mattresses, blankets or covers were provided during the night, although the [...]
delegation noted that one
of the cells was used for storage of blankets.
2012 年
[...] 3 月,部分以前被关押的人在 Zwedru 接受约谈 时告诉小组说,利比里亚国家警察在 2012 年 1 月 24 日和 25 日没收并扔掉了他 们的身份证件,包括难民证。
Some of the former detainees told the Panel in March 2012 during
interviews in Zwedru
[...] that the LNP had confiscated their identification documents on 24 and 25 January 2012, including [...]
their refugee cards,
which the LNP reportedly discarded.
2000年4月4 日夜,约500 名警察武力驱散了 “绝食人群”,逮捕了九人并对他们处以行政罚款。
In the night of 4 April 2000, some [...]
500 policeman dispersed the “hunger strikers” by force and arrested nine persons, who
received administrative fines.
委员会关切妇女与男子之间以及女孩与男孩之 没 有 平 等分 日 常生 活责任,包括照料责任,极大地影响了妇女和女孩接受教育、培训和科学技 [...]
The Commission expresses concern that the unequal sharing
[...] of responsibilities of daily life, including caregiving [...]
between women and men, girls and
boys, has a disproportionate impact on women’s and girls’ access to education, training and science and technology, and on their economic empowerment and long-term economic security.
执行机构如何才能解决这个问题 -即要求投资活动和氟氯烃淘汰管理计划 相符,以及在第 54/39 号决定
[...] d(二)段所规定的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划提 日没 有 氟氯烃淘汰管理计 划草案可供参考 [...]
- 还不明确。
It is not clear how the agencies can address the issue
requiring investment activities to relate to
[...] the HPMP and the date of submission [...]
of the HPMP set out in decision 54/39, paragraph
d (ii) without at least a draft HPMP being available for consideration.
但我们认为,恰恰相反,人权的一个内容就是要表明,人们有权参加马拉松赛跑而不遭受暴力,有权享 没 有 恐 怖的 日 , 人 民的权利由许多不同形式体现出来。
But we thought that on the contrary, that it’s a part of human rights to make clear that people have the right to run in a
marathon without violence, and people have a
[...] right to enjoy a holiday without terror, and that [...]
the rights of people are represented in many different ways.
2003年9月22 日夜间从 希曼厄(波兰)到 布加勒斯特的飞行。但是可以推断,从塔什干开始到关塔那摩湾为止的这一环行 [...]
Focus was
[...] also placed on a flight between the two listed European [...]
“black site” locations - namely from Szymany (Poland)
to Bucharest - on the night of 22 September 2003, although it was conceivable that as many as five consecutive individual routes on this circuit beginning in Tashkent, concluding in Guantanamo - may have involved transfers of detainees in the custody of the CIA.
绝食者勇敢 地呼吁关注以色列的一切非法和滥权行径以及非法的行政拘留做法,并敦促国际 社会采取行动,迫使占领国以色列停止这些令人悲叹的做法并释放数以千计被非
[...] 人道地关押在监狱和拘留中心的巴勒斯坦平民,包括儿童、妇女和民选官员,由 于以色日夜不停 的逮捕行动,他们的人数每一天都在增加。
The hunger strikers are bravely aiming to call attention to all of these illegal, abusive Israeli practices along with the illegal practice of administrative detention and to urge the international community to take action to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to cease these deplorable practices and to release the thousands of Palestinian civilians, including children, women and elected officials, that it is inhumanely holding in captivity in its
prisons and detention centres, and to whose ranks Israel continues to
[...] add every single day with its ongoing [...]
arrest campaign.
因此,卢 森堡的所得税制度中有许多补贴、扣 减和免除项目,扣减项目包括就业相关
[...] 费、利息支出、股票购买,免除项目包括 加班工资和工日夜晚、周日或公众假 期的额外工资,部分免除项目包括股息 [...]
As such, there are many allowances, deductions and exemptions in the Luxembourg income tax regime, deductions for employment-related expenses, deductions for interest payments, deductions related to share purchase,
exemptions for overtime pay and
[...] extra pay for working nights, Sundays or public holidays, [...]
partial exemptions on dividend income, etc.




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