

单词 没影

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 104 EX/3.3 程序的三十年间, 这种做法既没有妨碍没影响委 员会的工作。
Many members of the Committee were in favour of continuing the Committee’s current practice
since it had not proved to be
[...] dysfunctional nor had it influenced the Committee’s [...]
work in the 30 years that the procedure
laid down under 104 EX/Decision 3.3 had been applied.
这样做没有影响知 名的力纳克质 量,所以您可以期待最小的维护量和长达20年的寿命—这就是为什么我们 [...]
This is done without compromising the well-known [...]
LINAK quality, so you can expect a minimum of maintenance and a long lifetime
of up to 20 years - that is why we grant 5 years warranty.
提交人提及的其他条款 对本没有影响, 因此缔约国不就这些条款提交任何评论。
Other articles referred to by the author do not have a bearing on the present case and the State party would not submit any comments with regard to them.
鉴于委员会掌握的证据,所有情 况都完全表明由于艾滋病毒感没有 影 响 她 的免疫系统,她仍然不需要药物,因 此她的健康状况是好的。
In view of the available evidence
before the Committee, there
[...] is nothing to suggest otherwise than that her health condition is good since the HIV infection has not yet affected her immune system [...]
and that she is still in no need of medication.
4.2.5 对于保留在其他各方之间关系中的正常运 没 有 影 响( 保留并不修改 其义务);168 这就是准则4.2.5 [...]
第一句末尾的短语“除保留方以外,其他当事方 的义务内容不受影响”的含义。
This also means that guideline
[...] 4.2.5 is without effect on the normal operation [...]
of the reservation in the relations among
the other parties (whose obligations it does not modify);168 this is the meaning of the phrase “the content of the obligations of the parties other than the author of the reservation remains unaffected” at the end of the first sentence of guideline 4.2.5.
调查显示,62.5%的受 访企业认为,盗版大幅度降低了政府的税收收入;12.5%的受访企业认为,盗版降低了政府 的税收收入,但影响程度不大; 6.25%的受访企业认为,盗版对政府的税收收入几 没 有影 响;18.75%受访企业认为,电影盗版行为增加了地方政府的税收收入(见图 3.3),他们认 为,盗版行为拉动地方城市的经济活力,扩大地方就业,增加地方税收,因此,地方政府官 员出于短期地方利益的考虑,在不同程度地对盗版行为持默许和纵容的态度。
Of the enterprises that have been interviewed, 62.5% believe that piracy has significantly reduced the government’s tax revenues; 12.5% hold that piracy has reduced the government’s tax revenue, but on a minor scale; 6.25% believe that piracy has had little effect on the government’s tax revenue; and 18.75% hold that piracy has increased local governments’ tax revenues (see Chart 3.3). The preceding group of interviewees believes that, given the role of piracy in driving the economic vitality of local cities, and in creating local employment opportunities as well as in increasing local tax revenues, local government officials have acquiesced to, and connived at piracy to different extents, out of short-term interests of their localities.
为了防止他们,厄里斯发送一组警报器,谁入口和勾引男人乘坐辛巴达的船与他们的迷人诱惑的,柔软的旋律歌唱的声音,但 没 有 影 响 码头,飞行员的船舶安全;和后来的ROC,谁抓住码头,但后来杀死了辛巴达。
To prevent them, Eris sends a group of sirens, who entrance and seduce the men aboard Sinbad’s ship with their
enchantingly seductive, soft melodic singing
[...] voices, but do not affect Marina, who pilots [...]
the ship to safety; and later a Roc,
who captures Marina, but is later killed by Sinbad.
[...] 包括在哈萨克总检察长的信件中的,因此纯粹是形式上的,对缔约国关于申诉人 的引渡决没有任何影响。
Furthermore, the text of the assurances sought were included in the letter by the Kazakh Prosecutor General and therefore
constituted pure formality,
[...] without having any impact on the State party‟s [...]
decision with regard to extradition of the complainants.
但是,如果有条件解释性声明实际上 的“行为好像”一保
[...] 留,是否符合保留允许性条件的问题对于条约关系的内容和(甚至存在 ) 并 没 有实影响。
However, in the event that the conditional interpretative declaration actually “behaves like” a reservation, the question of whether it meets the conditions
for the permissibility of reservations
[...] does have a real impact on the content (and [...]
even the existence) of treaty relations.
这样做没有让受影响的 人们参与和征得他们知情的同意,这又是一个权力 基础往往随心所欲,横行霸道的实例。
This was done without the participation and informed
[...] consent of the people affected, and was another [...]
example of the overbearing nature of the
power base which often acts at its own whim and arbitrarily.
例如:它们 对美国或日本授予的专没有任何影 响。
For example, they do not have any bearing on patents issued in the US or Japan.
食典委注意到,在对会议举办国家带来积极影响的同时,评估显示在参与水平, 联合主持安排方面除少数例子外没 有 显著 的 影 响。
The Commission noted that the evaluation, while acknowledging various positive impacts on the venue countries, had indicated that in terms
of the level of participation, co-hosting arrangements had not
[...] had a positive impact with the exception [...]
of a few cases.
首先,1950 年达成的联盟法对巴勒斯坦人民的权 利和愿没有不利影响。
First, the act of union of 1950 was agreed
[...] to without prejudice to the rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people.
黎巴没有任何影响或损害环境的武器,并支持关于裁军、军备控制和遵守 环境规范的协定,在这方面考虑到以色列造成的忧虑,因为该国拥有和保持庞大 [...]
Lebanon possesses no weapons that have an impact on or are detrimental [...]
to the environment and supports the agreements on
disarmament, arms control and the observance of environmental norms, taking into consideration the concern caused by Israel on account of its possession and retention of an enormous arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, which could be detrimental to the environment even if not used.
但提出该份保留对保护儿童的国家立法和政没有特别影响, 因为这方面做出的努力还在继续,尤其是在伊斯兰法律条款提供 的有利基础上继续做出努力。
The wording of the reservation did not, however, have any
[...] particular effect on national legislation and policy to promote child [...]
protection because the
efforts already under way in this direction were continued, notably on the favourable basis provided by Islamic law.
因此,通过让国民参与,教科文组织扩大 影 响 , 即使 没 有 教科 文组织办事处的国家参与联合国的规划也成为可能。
Thus, by involving nationals, UNESCO’s reach has
been extended and involvement in United Nations programming was
[...] made possible even in countries without a UNESCO Office.
同样,由于实际条件限制,作 为施加微量营养元素所产生影响 ,几 乎 没 有 记 录任何水果产量的数据。
Also, because of practical constraints, hardly any fruit yield data
[...] have been recorded as affected with micronutrient [...]
很多地方的严重污染仍未停止,影 响 也 没 有 被 适当 地视为采矿活动的责任和后果。
While severe pollution is continuing at
[...] numerous sites, these impacts are not adequately [...]
referred to as the responsibility and
the consequence of the mining activity.
品添加剂和污染物法典委员会考虑到食品添加剂联合专家委员会第六十四届会议对镉 的三种不同最大含量所进行的膳食摄入影响评估及其关于拟议的每公斤 1 毫克含量和
[...] 每公斤 2 毫克的较高含量对镉的平均摄入没 有 什 么 影 响 这 一结论,同意每公斤 2 毫 克的较高含量。
On this point, the Delegation of the Netherlands, speaking as Chair of the CCFAC, clarified that the CCFAC had agreed to the higher level of 2mg/kg, taking into account the impact assessment of dietary intake undertaken by the 64th JECFA at three different maximum levels of cadmium and its
conclusion that the proposed level of 1mg /kg and one level higher level of
[...] 2mg/kg had little impact on mean intakes of [...]
雄厚的资金储备和有力的 资本账户监管措施,帮助各国在 2011
[...] 年下半年的金融风暴中几乎没有受到太大 冲击:银行抗住了金融风暴,而资本流入的急剧逆转似 没 有 太 大 影 响 到 经济活 动。
Strong reserve positions and capital account regulatory measures helped countries to come relatively unscathed out of the financial turmoil of the second half of 2011: banks
survived the storm, while the sharp reversal in
[...] capital inflows did not seem to have affected economic activity [...]
too much.
代表们指出,本区域基本上已有效应对了双重危机 影 响 , 没 有 遭 受类似于 上世纪九十年代末亚洲经济危机所造成的严重后果。
Delegates noted that the region had, on the
[...] whole, coped with the impact of the twin crises [...]
without suffering the serious consequences
caused by the Asian economic crisis of the late 1990s.
例如,通过在各相关部委中指定人员或部 门解决少数群体的关切,发布长期指导方针,以及设立部际工作组以便协调。在 这方面,应当在主流化和针对性之间实现审慎平衡,既要促进少数群体更为有效 的参与,又要避免少数群体问题在单一部门中被边缘化,该部门可能还是一没 有权力和影响力的部门。
A careful balance between mainstreaming and targeting should be achieved in this regard to make minority participation most effective and to avoid having minority issues marginalized in a single, possibly disempowered, department.
使没有危机的影响, 许多对话者对这些执法机构的评价也是负面的, 他们指出存在着有罪不罚、缺乏问责、政治化、腐败、缺勤、缺少培训和装备等 [...]
Many interlocutors assessed these
law enforcement institutions negatively,
[...] even without the impact of the crisis, [...]
pointing to impunity, lack of accountability,
politicization, corruption, absenteeism and lack of training and equipment.
任何 其他支出都可能会给经常预算和维持和平支助账户 下的摊款带影响,而没有大会的明确批准是不能支 出任何费用的。
Any further expenditure
[...] that might have an impact on assessed funds [...]
under the regular budget and the peacekeeping support
account would not be made without the express approval of the Assembly.
其中许多影响,如果没有得到妥善处理,对于住在采矿业务 附近、有时候与采矿地点距离很远的穷苦和脆弱群体的健康和生计,可能产生不 [...]
If not managed well,
[...] many of these can adversely affect the health and [...]
livelihood of the poor and vulnerable groups living
near mining operations and sometimes at significant distances from extraction sites.
意识到以色列定居点对巴勒斯坦和其他阿拉伯自然资源造成的有 影 响 ,特 别没收土 地和强行改变水资源流向造成的有害影响,以及在这方面所造成的严 峻的社会经济后果
Aware of the detrimental impact of the Israeli settlements on Palestinian and other Arab natural resources, especially as a result of the confiscation of land and the [...]
forced diversion of water
resources, and of the dire socio-economic consequences in this regard
L 使用知识产权的权利不受建议 81(c)项或建议 245 的保护,因而无 法避免因 SC 强制执行其担保权而受影响,因为 O 没有按 基本上相同的条款 向同意根据这些条款履行许可协议规定的被许可人的义务的任何人发放知识产 权许可。
The right of L to use the intellectual property is not protected by recommendation 81, subparagraph (c), or 245 against enforcement by SC of its security right because O did not make a licence of the intellectual property available on substantially the same terms to any person who agreed to perform the obligations of the licensee under the licence agreement in accordance with such terms.
强调增强妇女包括寡妇的经济权能是消除贫穷的一个关键要素, 认识到世界许多地方的丧偶妇女及其子女的生活各个方面都受到经济、社会 和文化等各种因素的不影响,包括 没 有 机 会得到遗产、土地保有权、就业和(或) 生计、社会安全网保护、保健和教育
Recognizing that all aspects of the lives of widowed women and their children
are, in many parts of the world,
[...] negatively affected by various economic, social and cultural factors, including lack of access to [...]
inheritance, land tenure,
employment and/or livelihood, social safety nets, health care and education
此外,有证据表明,最低工资影响没有签 署不持有劳动和社会保障身份证明卡的工人的工资,因为这些部门劳 [...]
资双方经常使用最低工资标准作为参照(被称为“灯塔效应”)来谈判应协商支付 的工薪资。
Furthermore, there is evidence that
[...] the minimum wage affects the salary of workers [...]
without a signed labour and social security
identification card, given that both employees and employers often negotiate the salaries paid in these sectors by using the minimum wage as a reference (known as the “lighthouse effect”).
一名发言者举例说,本国在实施新的刑事处罚之后,加重处罚产生了贩 运案件数目明显下降的积影响; 但目前 没 有 评 价报告可以对这种说法加以 核实。
One speaker cited the positive impact of increased sanctions in terms of the perceived drop in the number
of cases of
[...] trafficking in his country after new criminal sanctions had been introduced; however, no evaluation [...]
report was yet available to verify that view.




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