

单词 没大改变

See also:


huge changes

改变 v

change v
mould v
switch v



External sources (not reviewed)

可以说,第三方因此就可合理依赖这种隐含的保证,但增加这一副词似乎 对案没有多大改变。
One could say that the third parties then legitimately
[...] rely on this implied guarantee, but the adverb does not seem [...]
to add significantly to the text.
自缔约国第十届 会议以来,对所涉地区行使控制权的情 没 有 任 何 改变。
Since the 10MSP,
[...] there has been no change regarding the [...]
exercise of control over the areas in question.
不属于大改变的重 新分配可 纳入经核准的正在执行的年度执行方案中,并在关于年度方案执行情况的报告中向执行委 [...]
Reallocations not
[...] categorized as major changes may be incorporated [...]
in the approved annual implementation programme, under
implementation at the time, and reported to the Executive Committee in the report on implementation of the annual programme.
马来西亚表示,由于国家臭氧机构是正规政府机构的一部分,而项目执 行也根据世界银行以往针对许多项目的规则而开展,因此对国家淘汰计划方式的转 没有 使管理方法产生大改变。
Malaysia noted that because the NOU is part of the regular government structure, and implementation proceeds with the World Bank rules as for
many projects before,
[...] the modality shift to the NPP approach has not created significant differences in management [...]
[...] 补;该制度允许各国拥有裁定保留有效性和推导出后果的权利 没 有 任 何理由 改变 ” ( 《大 会正式记录,第六十一届会议,补编第 10 号》(A/61/10),第 [...]
142 段)。
Perhaps that gap should not be filled; the regime that allowed States to decide on the validity of reservations and to
draw the consequences already
[...] existed, and there was no reason to change it” (Official Records [...]
of the General Assembly, Sixty-first
Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/61/10), para. 142).
截至编写本报告之时,在回复巴勒斯坦被占领土上的人权高专办的非正式查 询时,以色列或巴勒斯坦的非政府组织 没 有 报 告它们的融资发生了任何 大改 变 。
In response to informal queries from the OHCHR field presence in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, neither Israeli nor
[...] Palestinian NGOs have reported any major changes in their funding as of the time [...]
of writing.
政府开始彻改变大量的 社会主义经济政策,但是 由于缺乏远见,同时也不具备技术学派的能力,因没能让 缅甸成功赶上该地区内其他一些正在快速 发展的、经济自由的独裁国家。
The regime began to reverse many socialist economic policies, but it lacked the vision and technocratic skills to successfully emulate other economically [...]
liberal authoritarian
states in the region that were achieving high rates of growth.
(e) 对本区域的许多妇女而言,女童和妇女教育情况 改 善 并 没 有自 然而然的变为从事经济活动机会 大大 提 高 ,妇女平均所获薪酬大大低 于男性,并且总是得不到充分就业
systematically translated into greater economic opportunities for many women in the region, and women on average are paid considerably less than men and underemployed
[...] 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保留必然会打破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的 大 “ 使 保留的实 施条件发生根本改变”的情况。
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictive formulation of this exception, which covers only those situations in
which the territorial
[...] extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the [...]
目前需要研没有进行监改革的国家的情况, 学习监管做得很好的国家如中国、印度、加 大 和 澳 大 利 亚 的经验教训。
There is need to study countries which did not make regulatory changes as well as learn lessons from countries which have done well, e.g., China, [...]
India, Canada and Australia.
关于申诉人对加拿大公众构成的威胁,部长代表指出了申诉人 大 量 犯 罪纪录以 及其罪行的性质和严重性以没有改 过 自 新的前景。
Concerning the danger the author poses to the public in Canada, the Minister’s Delegate noted the author’s
extensive criminal record,
[...] as well as the nature and severity of his offences and the absence of prospect for rehabilitation.
多米尼加的法律从殖民时期以来写入了法典,一 没 有 改变。
The laws of Dominica, which have been on the statute books since
[...] colonial times, remained unchanged.
咨询委员会获悉大会第 65/230 号决议授权修订相关联合国标准(囚 犯待遇最低限度标准规则),目前禁毒 没 有 具 备刑 改 革 方面专门知识的工作 人员。
It was informed that the revision of the relevant United Nations standards (the Standard Minimum Rules for the
[...] Treatment of Prisoners) was mandated by General Assembly resolution 65/230 and that there is currently no staff member at UNODC with specialized expertise in penal reform.
某些与会者认为,加速淘汰协定没 有 改变 各 国 作 出的现有承诺,可转产工厂的情况并不是第二次改造,而是关闭氟氯化碳生产设施,如果 [...]
认为可转产工厂符合氟氯烃生产行业关闭条件,将使原来为丧失的利润对其进行赔偿的概 念不再正确。
Some participants were of the view
that the accelerated phase-out
[...] agreement did not change existing commitments entered into [...]
by the countries, that swing plants
were not second conversions but CFC production closure and that consideration of swing plants as eligible for HCFC production sector closure invalidated the original concept of compensating them for lost profits.
为在现实中落实妇女享有的平等权利,做出了 大 努 力加快妇女权利方面 状况改变。
In order to ensure that women’s de jure equality is fully reflected in reality, efforts are being made to speed up the advancement of women’s rights.
针对联合王国在第四委员会同次会议上所做发言,西班牙政府代表行使答辩 权说,西班牙在直布罗陀周边水域问题上的立 没 有 改变 : 西 班牙政府不承认联 合王国对周边海域的权利,《乌得勒支条约》第 X 条中规定的除外(A/C.4/65/SR.4, [...]
另见秘书长报告 A/65/330/Add.1)。
In exercise of the right of reply to a statement made by the Government of the United Kingdom at the same Fourth Committee meeting, the Government of Spain stated that its position
regarding the waters
[...] surrounding Gibraltar was unchanged: the Government of Spain recognized that the United Kingdom did not have rights [...]
over those maritime
areas except those granted in article X of the Treaty of Utrecht (A/C.4/65/SR.4, see also the report of the Secretary-General A/65/330/Add.1).
国家委员会秘书长在联合国菲律宾国家工作队中 的“观察员”身份改善了通讯与信息交流;然而,它 没 有 改变 国 家 工作队的态度,在供资 机会出现时(例如西班牙千年发展目标计划),教科文组织很难参与并为该组织确定一个角 色。
The “observer” status of the Secretary General of the National Commission in
the UNCT in the
[...] Philippines has improved the communications and information exchange; however, it has not yet resulted in a change of attitude in [...]
the UNCT, where it has
been difficult for UNESCO to participate and establish a role for the Organization whenever funding opportunities arise (e.g. Spanish MDG programme).
图瓦卢尽没有对全球变暖有 过任何规模的推动, 这一分布在广大海域 的小幅员岛屿国家只有非常狭窄的经济基础,下定决心 要实施绿色增长举措作为走向可持续发展和实现经济、社会和环境目标的正 确平衡的途径。
Despite not having contributed to global warming on any scale, Tuvalu, a small island State stretched [...]
over a vast oceanic
area with a very narrow economic base, was committed to implementing green growth initiatives as a way of moving towards sustainable development and finding the right balance between economic, social and environmental objectives.
伊斯兰会议组织回顾大马士 革举行的伊斯兰 会议组织第三十六次部长级会议上通过的第 2/36-PAL 号决议第 4 段,成员国在这一段中重申,根 据具有国际合法性的各项决议和国际盟约及公约,以 色列在圣城和其他被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的所有殖 民定居措施和做法都是无效的,这些国际文书认为以 色列旨改变圣城 的法律、人口、建筑、文化和传统 地位的所有立法、行政和殖民定居程序和措施都是非 法的。
The OIC recalls paragraph 4 of resolution 2/36PAL, adopted at the thirty-sixth ministerial meeting of the OIC in Damascus, in which the members reaffirmed that all the Israeli colonial settlement
measures and practices in Al-Quds
[...] and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory are null and void, in line with the resolutions of international legitimacy, as well as international covenants and conventions that consider all Israeli legislative, administrative and colonial settlement procedures and measures aimed at altering the legal, demographic, architectural, cultural and heritage-related status of the holy city to be illegitimate.
提交报告的国家往往难 以从水产养殖产量中区分的自然种群贻贝和牡蛎捕捞产量,在过去年 没 有 大的 变化,但出现总体的向下趋势。
Capture production of mussels and oysters, for which reporting countries often have difficulty in separating harvest of natural populations from aquaculture production, has not varied much over the years, but an overall downward trend can be noted.
但获得 的数据量足以确立一般趋势,与过去几年相 没 有 大 的 变 化。
However, the quantity of data at
hand is sufficient to establish general
[...] trends, with no major changes taking in place [...]
compared with the past few years.
流向最不发达国家的外国直接投资 大 幅 增 加, 没 有 对结 构 改 革 产 生明显 影响。
Foreign direct investment flows to least developed countries have also increased
[...] substantially, but without a visible impact on structural change.
大韩民 国对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的发言表示失望,发言显 没 有 对改 善人权状况作出任何具体承诺。
The Republic of Korea expressed its disappointment at the statement of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which demonstrated the absence of specific commitment to improve the human rights [...]
[...] 年《宪法》代表着领土政府的 现代化,但丝毫不影响直布罗陀的国际地位,《宪法》的通过是对殖民制度的改 革,但殖民制没有改变,这 也丝毫不影响直布罗陀未来的非殖民化进程,而在 该进程中自决原则并不适用。
The Government of Spain maintains the position that the 2006 Constitution represented a modernization of the Territory’s Government that in no way affected the international capacity of
Gibraltar; that its
[...] adoption was a reform of the colonial regime, which remains unaltered; and that it did not affect [...]
in any way the pending
decolonization process of Gibraltar, to which the principle of self-determination does not apply.
在上述这段时期,总干事发起的改 大大改变 了 社会科学及人文科学部门的面貌---从 以往大量活动膨胀和雄心勃勃的特点到着重围绕精心选定的少数领域:科学技术伦理学与生 物伦理学(该部门的主要优先事项),促进人权和反对歧视方面的其它优先事项;预测、哲 [...]
During the period under review, the
[...] implementation of reforms initiated by the DirectorGeneral considerably changed the landscape of SHS – from one characterized [...]
by an expansive
and ambitious array of activities, to one focused around a limited number of judiciously selected areas: ethics of science and technology (principal priority of the Sector), the other priorities on promotion of human rights and the struggle against discrimination; foresight, philosophy, human sciences and human security; and management of social transformations.
利害关 系涉及的内容包括:⑴
[...] 向不同但尚未完全确定的替代性政策转变(例如包括对贸易政策、公共部门职责、 社会政策等同时作出大改变);⑵ 中庸立场,谋求实行更好的政府干预措施(加 [...]
强监管,早期警示系统,提高透明度等);⑶ 基本被动的立场,希望通过外因推
动复苏(新的经济秩序,加强国际发展援助,较为发达的经济体通过增长重振经 济需求等)。
The stakes range from radical positions advocating a total change in the economic strategy or development model of the country and a move towards different — albeit not welldetermined —
alternative policies (for instance,
[...] major, simultaneous changes in trade policy, [...]
public sector roles, social policy, etc.),
to intermediate positions seeking better government interventions (enhanced regulation, early alert systems, more transparency, etc.) and essentially passive positions that anticipate a rapid recovery as a result of external factors (a new economic order, enhanced international development aid, recovery of economic demand from growth to come in the more advanced economies, etc.).
秘书长关于人力资源管改革的 报告(A/63/ 28 2) 没有说 明拟议的各项措施的所涉经费问题, 大 会很难在不了解新措施所涉经费的情况下对提出的新措 施发表意见。
The Secretary-General’s report on human resources management reform (A/63/282) did not set out the financial implications of the measures [...]
envisaged, without
which it would be difficult for the Assembly to form its views on the new measures proposed.
欧盟驻科法治团还支持科索沃政府 改 革 努 力,支持政府关于 大没 收 法律 适用范围的要求,以便在未定罪的情况下也能进行没收,欧盟驻科法治团还努力 确保这些法律符合国际标准,特别是符合《欧洲人权公约》。
The Mission has also provided support to the
government in Kosovo in
[...] respect of reform efforts, supporting the call of the government for confiscation laws to be extended [...]
to include non-conviction-based
confiscation and is working to ensure that such laws are compatible with international standards, particularly with the European Convention on Human Rights.
[...] 信报告进行分析后发现,尽管政府取得了一些进展,但缅军招募未成年儿童入伍 的模式并未发生大改变,而 且尽管大多数儿童都是从其家中或所在村庄招募 [...]
Analysis of verified cases and credible reports indicates that, despite progress made by the Government, the patterns of
recruitment of underage children into the
[...] Tatmadaw did not alter significantly, and [...]
still included the recruitment of working
and unaccompanied children from the streets, railway stations or other public places, although the majority of children were recruited from their homes or villages.




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