

单词 没办法

See also:


at a loss
unable do anything about it
have no choice


way (of doing sth)


bring to justice
punish according to the law

External sources (not reviewed)

免费提供,而且代码是明文,你爱怎么改就怎么改,如果改 没办法 用 了,你就别来找我。
provided free of charge , and the code is clear , how you love change on how to change
[...] , if change is no way to use up , you [...]
do not come to me.
B. 要解决行李箱被海关要求开包,这我 没办法 , 只 好认命当天的海关很空闲,没事做吧。
B. To prevent a custom to check your bag?
若自己没办法把背 包扛起来,那还考虑背包来干嘛呢?
If your physical condition is not able to pick up the backpack at the first place, you shouldn’t consider a backpack.
bbTracker不是一个功能完整的GPS软件,因为 没办法 显 示 地图和寻径。
It can track the movement of a point to provide
data for later analysis . bbTracker is not a full-featured GPS
[...] software , because it no way to display maps [...]
and routing .
Weinberger(2005)提出:“当作者决定她的 作品要写什么的时候,她是一个权威,但是 没办法 决 定 这个作品对别人意味着什么。
Weinberger (2005) asserts that “an author is an authority when it comes to what she intended her work to be about, but not about what it means to others.
骆大使:没办法说, 因为我不会说中文,读中文,我承认并没有很多地使用你们的产品。
Ambassador Locke:  I can’t say that I, because I don’t speak Chinese, read Chinese, I don’t profess to use your product that much.
展望办公室主任为此辩解说,这样做是因 没办法 在 内部寻找所需的翻译 人员。
The Director of the Office of Foresight has justified this choice by the fact that it is not possible, internally, to
select the translator since the
[...] UNESCO Manual stipulates that “Outside translators and revisers [...]
are chosen by [the relevant
section of the Sector for Administration]”.
Joda-Time主要的特点包括:易于使用:Calendar让获取"正常的"的日期变得很困难,使 没办法 提 供简单的方法,而Joda-Time能够直接进行访问域并且索引值1就是代表January。
Joda-Time main features include : Easy to use : Calendar to get
"normal " date becomes very
[...] difficult , it is no way to provide simpleSingle method, and [...]
Joda-Time fields can be accessed
directly and the index value of 1 is representative of January.
贫困加剧的风险首先由于至少 10%的年轻人在结束学业时拿 不到文凭;大约 15%的 20 岁至 29 岁的年轻人因为没有学历没办法获 得 职业培 训(出自移民家庭的年轻人占 35%);在一人承担孩子教育的家庭中,因为很难调 节工作与照顾孩子之间的关系,所以这种家庭的贫困风险率要高于 35%。
The increased risk of poverty results above all from the fact that 10 per cent of young people leave school without obtaining any form of qualification; about 15 per cent of 20 to 29 year-olds have not completed any form of vocational training leading to a diploma (about 35 per cent in the case of young people of immigrant origin), and the fact that the poverty risk for people who have to raise children on their own is more than 35 per cent because of the difficulty of reconciling work and childcare.
但他很快便意识到这些经常性开支正在蚕食他的利润,而他 没办法 充 分 地利用所有的资源。
He quickly acknowledged that these overheads were eating into his profits and that he was not able to keep this team occupied 100% of the time.
项目简介: Google Maps JavaScript API让你可以把Google Maps集成在你的网页中,Eclipse
[...] WTP支持javascript代码提示功能,没办法提示Google Maps Javascript API。
Project Information: Google Maps JavaScript API allows you to integrate Google Maps
in your web page , Eclipse WTP support javascript code
[...] hints feature , but no way to prompt Google [...]
Maps Javascript API.
9)复原的制冷剂的问题:一)从旧冷水机中复原而来的制冷 没办法 得到 很好的照看,二没办法对复 原的制冷剂进行清理和质量检查,因此对重新 使用这些复原的制冷剂没有信心。
(9) Problems of recovered
[...] refrigerants: i) no agent to take care of the refrigerant that was recovered from the old chiller, ii) no agent to [...]
clean up and check the
quality of recovered refrigerant, therefore there is no confidence to reuse those recovered refrigerant.
我看看张宁他这时也刚好系完鞋带抬起头来睁大眼睛看着我,显然他也听到了粗气声,我一摆手示意他不要出声,然后又以手势想告诉他向我靠过来在悄悄地绕过黑瞎子(我听当地人说过在黑瞎子吃东西时不打搅它就不会伤人的),没想到的是,张宁在我的上坡,而且当时知道遇到黑瞎子后已经是吓的就一个心思——“跑”了,张宁一看到我向下的手势(因当时我在他的下方,手势在他看来就是向下了)撒腿就往上下跑……,我其实也很害怕,一看到他向下跑又不敢大声喊他 没办法 也 就 急速向下蹽了起来,顾不得百米测绳的抻拉、也顾不得冬青稞和枫桦的划脸了,那速度不亚于世界百米冠军。
I can just see Zhang Ning, Department completed his shoelaces then looked up at me eyes wide open, apparently he heard the sound of coarse, I waved a sign to him to be silent, and then gesture to tell him to Youyi I leaned over and quietly around the black blind man (I hear the locals said the blind man in black does not bother to eat it not hurt), did not think that Zhang Ning in my uphill, and then know After experiencing the black blind scared to have a mind is - "Run", and Zhang Ning, I saw the sign down (because I was in his bottom, gestures, in his view is down a) and ran to Run up the next ... ... and I
actually am afraid, I saw him run down that he did not dare
[...] cry out loud, no way will rapidly up [...]
and down Liao, refused to take
a meter stretch rope pull test, but also gave winter barley and Feng's plan faces, and that no less than the speed meter world champion.
最近我们在中国西北部一个城市里事奉的夫妇和我们分享:"现在这里的空气污染尤其严重,让我们无法外出和运动, 没办法 在 白天时有一些我们自己独处的时间。
Air pollution is especially bad here now and is impacting our ability to get out and exercise and have a bit of time together by ourselves during the day," one of our couples serving in a city in Northwest China recently shared.
就像村上隆 (Takashi Murakami),作为日本当代艺术极具 影响力的艺术家,也没办法回到从前的辉 煌(2008年5月14日,他的雕塑«我的寂寞牛 仔»(My Lonesome Cowboy)在纽约苏富比 拍出了1350万美元的高价,高出之前估价 1000万元)。
Takashi Murakami – the most expensive Japanese Contemporary artist – did not reach the price levels he experienced during the speculative bubble (his sculpture My Lonesome Cowboy fetched $13.5m on 14 May 2008, i.e. $10m above the low estimate at Sotheby’s NY!
73 00:11:54,447 --> 00:11:57,883 不,你一点都不尊重我,没办法忍 受 这一点 74 00:11:58,551 --> 00:12:00,542 我们先吃点东西吧 75 00:12:00,820 --> 00:12:02,879 好啊,但只是吃东西,别想其他事情 76 00:12:03,589 --> 00:12:04,920 当然 77 00:12:05,091 --> 00:12:07,491 用你那东西我们能做出什么事情来?
00:12:50.88,00:12:53.91 You are just tired. 00:13:01.52,00:13:05.14 Azami, you know: 00:13:06.84,00:13:09.87 I've given our child the name of Daigoro, 00:13:10.28,00:13:16.71 so that it may cope with poverty and won't[br]turn to arrogance in wealth. 00:13:17.12,00:13:20.66 His name refers to the[br]five ways of enligthment. 00:13:21.08,00:13:25.79 The right name,[br]to become a strong man. 00:13:26.20,00:13:27.42 Yes. 00:13:28.56,00:13:30.63 Don't make yourself no sorrows. 00:13:31.04,00:13:34.71 He'll be a strong man who can,[br]withstand anything. 00:13:39.16,00:13:40.71 Hy husband. 00:13:42.40,00:13:45.59 Daigoro is already one year old. 00:13:46.00,00:13:50.19 I'll lead him to the souls of those[br]I had to behead. 00:13:50.60,00:13:51.99 We'll go to the temple to meditate. 00:14:17.04,00:14:19.03 A beggar!
他们认为,根据本国立法反对通过该项最大残留限量的国家,除了要其他国家采用其本 国立法之外没有提出其办法供讨论以达成共识。
They were of the opinion that countries opposed to the adoption of the MRLs on the basis of their national
legislation did not offer any alternative
[...] other than their own legislation to be adopted by other [...]
countries to the discussion to find consensus.
9 就提交的资料来看,委员会推定科特迪瓦的司法补 办法没 有 实 际向提交人开 放,一些不可逾越的障碍使他无法用尽国内补救办法。
The Committee also recalls that the State party has a duty not only to carry out thorough investigations of alleged violations of human rights brought to the authorities’
attention, but also to
[...] prosecute, try and punish anyone held to be responsible for such violations.9 On the basis [...]
of the information
made available to it, the Committee finds that legal remedies have not in fact been open to the author and that insurmountable obstacles prevented him from exhausting all domestic remedies.
提交人未向检察官办公室提 出申诉,因此,她尚未用尽所有可利用的国内补 办法 , 也 没 有 理由相信提交人 无从利用那些补救办法或补救办法无效力。
Therefore, she has not exhausted all available domestic remedies and there are no reasons to believe that the application of those remedies would have been unavailable or ineffective.
虽然提交人已经用尽所有可利用的国内补 办法 , 但 在 没 有 任 何证据证明 他的权利受到缔约国侵犯的情况下,应当宣布提交人的案件不可受理。
Although the author has exhausted all available
[...] domestic remedies, in the absence of any basis for concluding [...]
that his rights have been violated
by the State party, his communication should be declared inadmissible.
尽管取得了成功,非洲区域在持续淘汰甲基 溴方面遇到重大障碍,其中涉及化学和非化学替代办法的问题,包括持续使用或不当运用 替代办法导致害虫抗性;本地市场没有替 办 法 的供应;某些替 办法没 有 登 记使用;和 有些替代办法的使用受到限制,如在欧洲市场遭到禁用。
Despite this success, the region was starting to experience major barriers to the sustainability of MB phase-out, including problems with both chemical and non-chemical alternatives such as pest resistance caused by continuous use or improper application of alternatives; the non-availability of alternatives on local markets; the failure to register certain alternatives; and restrictions on some alternatives, which were banned, for example in European markets.
为这办法没有满 足非洲的需求,因为它不能保证真 正扩大常任理事国类别的席次,也没有把否决权赋予 [...]
Egypt believes that that approach does not respond [...]
to African demands, as it does not guarantee a true expansion of the
permanent category and excludes granting the right of veto to new permanent members.
维持现状的备办法没有列入其中,因为这 办法没 有 回应包括全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟 疾基金在内的“机构”捐助方“新提出的在内部审计报告中披露更多信息的要求” (见第 2010/22 号决定)。
The option of maintaining the status quo is not included as that does not respond to the “emerging demand for greater information disclosure of the internal audit reports” (as stated in decision 2010/22) from “institutional” donors, including the Global Fund.
[...] 是,对受强迫搬迁影响的人而言,没有与他们的切实协商、没有法律补 办法、 没有提 供足够补偿的适当措施,对被迫搬出自己房屋的家庭也没有适当的安置地 点。
It is also concerned about the lack of effective
[...] consultation with, and legal redress for, persons [...]
affected by forced evictions, as well
as the inadequate measures to provide sufficient compensation or adequate relocation sites to families who have been forcibly removed from their properties.
然而,替代计办法没有得 到广泛接受,在这个问题上也没有达成共识。
Currently, however, there is no broad acceptance of an alternative measure or consensus on this matter.
由于多种原因,起草适当形式或不连续形式的具体条款如公约或 示范法供纳入国家法律体系并不总是可行:各国家法律体系经常使用 差异很大的立法方法办法解决特定问题,各国可能 没 有 准 备好就 单办法或共 同规则达成一致,可能就找到统一办法解决特定问题的 必要性不存在共识,或者就特定主题的关键问题以及如何处理这些问 [...]
For a number of reasons, it is not always possible to draft specific provisions in a suitable or discrete form, such as a convention or a model law, for incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems
often use widely
[...] disparate legislative techniques and approaches for solving a given issue, States may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule, [...]
there may not be consensus
on the need to find a uniform solution to a particular issue, or there may be different levels of consensus on the key issues of a particular subject and how they should be addressed.
这个问题迄今看没有任何解办法 , 因为如果改为进口 CTC,以供那些尚未 销毁旧设备的工厂使用,或在没有披露的地点重新开始 [...]
CTC 的生产,都会导致该国 违约。
There appears to be no solutions so far to this problem since turning [...]
to importation of CTC for use in the plants that have
not yet destroyed the old equipment, or restarting of CTC production in undisclosed sites may result in non-compliance.
在这方面,我们强调必须制订各种监测武装冲突 期间侵犯平民行动办法,以 及必须采取措施说服全 世界所有国家和冲突各方履行承诺,不把平民当作攻 击目标和没有双 重标准的情况下保护平民的生命、 财产及合法利益,同时铭记必须完全尊重各国的主权 和不干涉它国内政的原则。
In that connection, we emphasize the need to develop methods for monitoring acts committed against civilians during armed conflicts and the need for measures to [...]
be taken to persuade all countries and
parties to conflicts throughout the world to fulfil their commitment not to target civilians and to protect their lives, property and legitimate interests without applying double standards, bearing in mind the need to fully respect the sovereignty of States and the principle of non-interference in their internal affairs.
第一个备选办法将使对其他第一组工作地点的审查比对纽约的审 查更为频繁,而第二个备办法没有 考虑到各工作地点经济条件的差异。
The first option would lead to more frequent reviews for other group I duty stations than for New York, while the second option did not take into account differences in economic conditions of the various duty stations.




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