单词 | 没什么 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 没什么 —never mindless common: it doesn't matter • it's nothing Examples:没有什么—there's nothing ... about it • it is nothing 没有什么不可能—there's nothing impossible about it • nothing is impossible See also:什么—who? • what? • something 什—assorted • ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc) 么—youngest • insignificant • one or ace on dice or dominoes • most junior • one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military) • interrogative final particle • exclamatory final particle • surname Yao 么么—kissing sound (slang onom.)
由于 Web [...] 服务体系结构建立在已有的组件技术上,所以企业内的认证与当前的方 法 没什么 不 同。 huihoo.org | Since the Web services architecture builds on existing component technologies, intra-enterprise [...] authentication is no different than [...]today's approaches. huihoo.org |
似乎没什么理由 以另一种方式阐明这些原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | There seems to be little reason for formulating these principles in another manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
换句话说,被申请索取的 信息是通过永久记录的方式传送,还是在会议中以口头方式传达,基 本 没什么 区 别。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In other words, it should make little difference whether the information in question is transmitted via a permanent record or orally during a meeting. unesdoc.unesco.org |
目前,阿塞拜疆教育体制遇到若干挑战:(a) 缺少新课本;(b) 需要电脑和 软件程序,以及上网费过高;(c) 没有提供教育控制和改善的实际机制;(d) 教 师和教授的培训和专业水平低;(e) 学生们对自然科学没什么兴趣 ,大部分学生 对人文学科感兴趣;(f) 教师工资低,这也是滋生腐败的一个主要原因;(g) 阿 塞拜疆的街头儿童几乎无法获得教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | At present there are several challenges in the education system of Azerbaijan: (a) the lack of new books; (b) the need for computers and software programs, as well as the high cost of Internet access; (c) no real mechanism for providing control and improvement of education; (d) low-level training and professionalism of teachers and professors; (e) little interest among students in the natural sciences with most of the students being interested in humanitarian disciplines; (f) teachers’ low salaries; this is also a main reason for corruption; (g) street children are almost kept away from education in Azerbaijan. daccess-ods.un.org |
要求联合国工作人员 62 岁退休,甚至 60 岁 退休,在现代社会是没什么道理的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Requiring United Nations staff to retire at 62, or even 60, made little sense in the modern world. daccess-ods.un.org |
从理论上讲,其目的地对驱逐国没 什么意义 ,尽管在某些情况下,驱逐可能给目的地国带来接受属于其国民和 无处可去的被驱逐者的义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | His destination, in theory, should be of little concern to the expelling State, although in difficult cases it may put in issue the duty of another State to receive its national who has nowhere else to go. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一点也出乎意料,因为手机已经对农业市 场信息的获取产生了深远影响,但对于改善水资源管理 却 没什么 影 响。 wrdmap.org | This is surprising, since mobile phones have had profound impacts on improving access to information on agricultural markets, but negligible impact on improving water management. wrdmap.org |
12 尽管来自援助捐赠机构的资金处于停滞状态,但私营部门是农业研发 [...] 活动中的动态因素,但它们付出的努力与发展中国家的贫困农民几 乎 没什么 直 接 关系。 iprcommission.org | Indeed the FAO and CGIAR have launched an endowment specifically to ensure that these genetic materials across the world can be properly maintained.12 While funding from the aid donor community is stagnating, the private sector is the [...] dynamic element in agricultural R&D, but little [...] of its effort is of direct relevance [...]to poor farmers in developing countries. iprcommission.org |
必须找到一个使解决方案本质与以下目标协调的方式,即以尽可能低的价格提供具有一定 质量的药品,否则法律解决方案将几 乎 没什么 实 用 价值,强制许可也不会成为有力的谈判 手段。 iprcommission.org | A way needs to be found to reconcile the nature of the solution adopted with the objective of providing medicines of the appropriate quality at the lowest possible cost. iprcommission.org |
补语本身有可 能没什么实在 意义,但是当把它加到主语之后的时候,它就构成一个有含义且容易表达出来的完 整概念或者想法。 sallee.info | A complement also may not make sense by itself, but when added to a subject, it forms a complete thought or idea that makes sense and is easily communicated. sallee.info |
尼加拉瓜是一由历史条件造成的贫困国家,与拉 丁美洲和加勒比地区以及世界其他地区的历史和环 境相比,尼加拉瓜的状况即便不是一模一样, 也 没什 么区别。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nicaragua is a country impoverished by historical circumstances no different from, if not identical to, the histories and circumstances of countries of our Latin American and Caribbean region and others around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
耶稣被深埋在我们的文化和神学包装之下(包括物质主义、律法主义、宗派主义等等),以致未得之民似乎根 本 没什么 机 会 听到基要的福音信息。 conversation.lausanne.org | Jesus is so hidden in our cultural and theological wrappings (including materialism, phariseeism, denominationalism, etc) that they don’t seem to have any chance to hear the basic gospel. conversation.lausanne.org |
没错,在历史上希腊队一些方面跟当地的经济有很多共同之处,即失败——近期的欧洲杯上他们的表现让我们有点儿吃惊, 我 没什么 可 说 的但我认为这有利于让我们团结在一起,我想这样我们更能取得进展。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | OK historically some of the Greek sides have had much in common with the local [...] economy ie, failing – [...] but we surprised a few in the recent Euro’s and I can’t help but think it will stand us in better stead [...]going into a group I [...]think we’re more than capable of progressing from. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
另一方面,如果设在荷兰的苏格兰法庭认定,被 起诉的人与爆炸案根本没什么关系 ,认为利比亚应承担国家责任的事实基础就站不住脚。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, if the Scottish Court sitting in the Netherlands would have found that the individuals who were indicted were not remotely related to the bombing, the factual basis for the claim of the responsibility of the state of Libya would have fallen away. daccess-ods.un.org |
某人无家可归的 原因是国家的作为(如被驱逐)还是国家的不作为 (如没有为困难户提供房屋),对无 家可归者本人而言没什么不同。 socialrights.ca | Whether a person is homeless because of state action (for example, through eviction) or because of state inaction (for example, a failure to provide housing to those in desperate situations), is of little consequence for the person who is homeless. socialrights.ca |
2009 年,对于在加 沙和西岸的悲惨条件下生活了数代的难民目前的困境几 乎 没什么 讨 论。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fast forward to 2009, and there is little discussion of the current plight of the refugees living for generations in miserable conditions in Gaza and the West Bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
但这没什么了不 起,每种混淆器都可以做到。 evget.com | However it is not so big trick and every Obfuscator can do that. evget.com |
对于一般的判断有重要没什么可说这里的图形描述的事件是由基督自己,谁被法官(马太25等)。 mb-soft.com | Regarding the general judgment [...] there is nothing of importance to be added here to the [...]graphic description of the event by [...]Christ Himself, who is to be Judge (Matthew 25, etc.). mb-soft.com |
而在其他地区,尤其是欧洲,CVT的受认可度和发展却受到两方面因素的制约:喜欢驾驶的人士觉得这种系 统 没什么 好 处 ,而且更客观点说,它在燃油经济性方面的表现也差强人意。 cn.drivelinenews.com | In other regions, notably Europe, the perception – and growth — of CVT are hindered by two factors: it is felt to be unrewarding for the keen driver and, on a more objective level, its performance in terms of fuel economy is regarded as disappointing. drivelinenews.com |
虽然这没什么趣味 性,但却可以帮助您理解 Web Worker 的概念。 html5rocks.com | Although that isn't very interesting, [...] it's useful for understanding the concepts of web workers. html5rocks.com |
( 缴费计划) ,又包括社会援助( 非缴费计划) ,但许多国家只依赖缴费计划作 [...] 为社会保障福利的主要来源,而社会援助方案往往是不充分 和 没什么 效 果 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | While that right includes both social insurance (contributory schemes) and social assistance (noncontributory schemes), many States rely only on contributory systems [...] as the main source of social security benefits, with social assistance programmes [...] often being inadequate and ineffective. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为看上去没什么风险 ,仅仅是通过西联汇款或Skrill (Moneybookers)将钱款存入一个值得信赖的朋友或家人处, [...] 然后发送一个汇款收据的扫描件作为证明。 moneybookers.com | Because it [...] appears that there is little risk in simply [...]depositing an amount to a trusted friend or relative of choice via [...]either Western Union or Skrill (Moneybookers), then sending a scanned copy of the payment transfer receipt as verification. moneybookers.com |
如果你的 Red Hat Linux [...] 分区将会与其它操作系统所用的分区共享一个硬盘,多数情况下,应 该 没什么 问 题。 bsdmap.com | If your Red Hat Linux partitions [...] will be sharing a hard disk with partitions used by other operating systems, most of the [...] time you will have no problems. bsdmap.com |
如果文件还可以被读入,请先检查模型,如果模型看起 来 没什么 问 题 ,有可能是文件损坏的部分并不重要或读取程序在读取文件时侦测到错误并已自动修复。 rhinoceros.helpmax.net | If so, the damage was probably to some portion of the file that does not matter or the reader was able to automatically detect the problem and repair the damage during the reading process. rhinoceros.helpmax.net |
房间很小,没什么家具 ,只有一个双层床和一个单人衣柜。 unicef.org | It’s a small, bare room with bunk beds [...] and a single wardrobe. unicef.org |
反而,我可能开始怀疑任正非是否是为公共消费而创造的一个神话,就像著名小说《绿野仙踪》里的头号角色,原来是一个普通的、基 本 没什么 能 力 的人,而不是他想让大家认为的他是一个强大的巫师。 youngchinabiz.com | Instead, I might be starting to wonder if perhaps Ren was a myth created for public consumption, much like the title character in the famous novel “The Wizard of Oz” turned out to be a modest, largely powerless man instead of the powerful wizard he wanted everyone to believe he was. youngchinabiz.com |
上个赛季,他们是进球最多的球队,一共有93个进球(55个是在主场进的),在本赛季前两轮比赛中凭借特维斯,他们已经进了5个球,所以在周末的比赛中他们进球应 该 没什么 问 题。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Last season, they were the top scorers of the Division with 93 goals (55 at home), this season they [...] managed 5 in two games, and with Carlos Tevez in goal scoring form, [...] they shouldn’t have problems finding [...]the net this weekend. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
g) 手术几天后,如果你觉得没什么不舒服,就可以游泳和骑自行车,慢跑 ,跑步或间断的跑-停训练至少在4-6周不要做,医生会告诉您怎样进行 运动及何时恢复运动。 iortho.com.my | g) Swimming and bicycling are permissible as soon as they are comfortable for you, beginning at least a few days after surgery. iortho.com.my |