

单词 沙漠



Desert Fox


Taklamakan (desert in Central Asia)


Gobi desert

See also:


sand n
sands pl
powder n

surname Sha
abbr. for Tsar or Tsarist Russia

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,这些炮弹 可能落在沙漠地区 ,或没有平民居住的地区,或者军事区或军事区的周围地区 [...]
Thus, they could
[...] have landed in desert areas or in areas [...]
uninhabited by the civilian population, or in or around military
areas (which could be deemed valid military targets under international humanitarian law).
同时非常明显,许多最不发达国家(尤其是撒哈沙 漠以南 的非洲国家)的政府,在诸如卫生、教育和食品安全等关键领域面临着更为迫切的 需求。
And, quite obviously, the governments of many LDCs, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa are facing much more immediate demands in critically important areas such as health, education and food security.
该项目旨在缓沙漠化影 响,并改善环境质量以实现更好的生活。
The project
[...] aims to mitigate desertification impacts and improve [...]
the quality of the environment for better livelihood.
海滨地区以外,西澳大多数地区均为一望无垠的人烟稀少之地:纽拉伯平原、 沙沙漠 、 吉布 森 沙漠 和 维 多利亚 沙漠 覆 盖 了该州大部分地区。
Away from the coast most of WA is a huge empty stretch of outback: along with the Nullarbor Plain and the Great Sandy Desert, the Gibson and Great Victoria Deserts cover much of the state.
[...] 活动引起的损害,因此,不会扩大到包括火山喷发 沙漠 中 的 沙 所 造 成的损失 (除非人类的活动加剧了这些损害)。
(Scope) In clarifying the scope of the project, it should be made clear first that the proposed draft articles are addressed only to damage caused by human activities, and accordingly, their scope would not extend,
for instance, to the damages caused by
[...] volcanic eruption and desert sand (unless these [...]
are exacerbated by human activity).
处于不同阶段的年轻癌症患者在离开医院后,均怀着同一个目标—— 攀上山脉之巅、划独木舟探索不同岛屿,或乘 沙漠 飞 车游 历 沙漠。
Young people at different stages of cancer leave the hospital and come together with a
common goal - to reach the summit of a mountain, explore an archipelago in a sea
[...] canoe or travel through deserts on a skidoo.
分计划 I.1.2 是有关支持国家政 策、全民教育计划和教科文组织在全民教育运动的全球协作的领导角色,特别关注那些最需 要帮助的国家,尤其是撒哈沙漠以 南 的非洲国家和 9 个人口众多的国家。
Subprogramme I.1.2 concerns support to national policies and plans for EFA and UNESCO’s mandated role regarding the global coordination of the EFA movement, with special attention to those countries where the need is greatest, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and among the E-9 countries.
最后,在 2011 年 12
[...] 月联合国同非洲联盟密切合作、访问萨 赫勒区域期间,有一些当局表示, 沙漠 中 可能掩藏了武器,以便日后供反叛运 [...]
动之用,以及(或)加以销售,可能卖给伊斯兰马格里布基地组织、“博科哈拉姆” 组织等恐怖团体或犯罪组织。
Finally, during the United Nations mission in the Sahel, conducted in close cooperation with the African Union in December 2011, some
authorities indicated that weapons may
[...] be hidden in the desert in order to be [...]
used later by rebel movements and/or sold,
possibly to terrorist groups like Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, Boko Haram or to criminal organizations.
Fires in desert and bush areas [...]
can spread very quickly.
多哥電信總經理Sam PBikassam 稱:“多哥電信的全國性先進光網絡加上WACS基礎設施將為撒哈 沙漠 地 區西部的內陸各國和多哥提供與世界溝通的途徑。
TOGO TELECOM's advanced nationwide optical network combined with the WACS infrastructure will offer landlocked countries in the sub-region and Togo access to the rest of the world," said Sam P. Bikassam, General Manager of TOGO TELECOM.
年少旅途中干旱的中东和非沙漠里 天 空和落日的颜色,亚洲潮湿的空气,斯堪的纳维亚半岛上低浮半空中的厚重云朵,童年时那些汗水淋漓的夏日午后,周围一片静谧,只传来蝉的啾鸣声,还有那高远的秋日长空——所有这些往日画面层层叠叠,累积成我心底的蓝色记忆。
The colors of the skies and
[...] sunsets in the arid deserts of the Middle East [...]
and Africa, where I traveled when I was young,
the humid airs of Asia, the heavy, low-hanging clouds of Scandinavia, those sweltering summer afternoon scenes of my childhood when all was quiet save for the chirping of the cicadas, and then the soaring skies of autumn – all the images of these many reminiscences have become layered, and have remained within me as blue memory.
[...] 情况介绍,并得知在盖尔扬镇外 沙漠 中 发 现一些露天堆积的箱装 Semtex [...]
爆炸 物。
During one of its visits to Libya, the Panel was briefed by the Mine Action Service of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations about its activities and received information about a
stock of Semtex boxes that was discovered piled up in the open air in
[...] a site in the desert outside the town [...]
of Gharyan.
因此,我們對於現時仍然由政府或房委會管 理的街市及商場寄予期望,希望它能繼續發揮如萬里黃沙的 沙漠中 的小小綠洲的作用,在無情的市場力量下逐漸被大財團壟斷的商業世 [...]
For this reason, we still have great expectation for the markets and shopping malls under the administration of Government and the Housing Authority, hoping that they will continue to play the useful
role of a little oasis in the vast
[...] expanse of desert with endless stretches of sand, so that [...]
in the commercial world being gradually
monopolized by large consortia under the ruthless force of the market, there are still some places where members of the public can start their businesses and carry on small operations.
这些就是福伊特自2005年起在中东 沙漠 中 为 压缩站配备Vorecons所获得的。
It is therefore all the more impressive that Voith has been fitting these compressor stations in the Middle East with Vorecons since 2005.
还有的房间,有着深厚的,飞扬的海啸;另一个房间为特色的Dalil炎热 沙漠 ; 第 三 个房间,提供了一个神秘而放松卡利普索艾兰维尤;或房间,描绘神圣的,奥林巴斯和强大的山其神和女神。
There’s the room which has the deep,
swirling Tsunami; another room which features
[...] the scorching desert of Dalil; a third [...]
room which offers a view of the mysterious
and relaxing Calypso island; or the room that depicts the holy, powerful mountain of Olympus and its gods and goddesses.
[...] Maïuma和尚在,伟大的苦行有没有足够的塞维鲁,他倾向于Eleutheropolis生活的孤独 沙漠 中。
Severus intended to practise in his own country, but he first visited the shrine of St. Leontius of Tripolis, the head of St. John Baptist at Emea, and then the holy places of Jerusalem, with the result that he joined Evagrius who was already a monk at Maïuma, the great
austerities there did not suffice for Severus, and he preferred the life of a
[...] solitary in the desert of Eleutheropolis.
与此同时,中国成为国际发展领域中一个举足轻重的角色,其经济发展的成功对撒哈 沙漠 以 南 非洲地区、亚洲及拉丁美洲的诸多发展中国家都有重要和直接的影响。
In the meantime, China has become an influential development actor, and its economic success is significantly and directly impacting developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
在沙特阿拉伯的馬甸沙勒(Madâ’in Sâlih),一座遺失沙漠中的 古代堡壘式城市佔地1400公頃,法國國家科學研究院、巴黎一大、中東地區法國考古研究所的科學家們同沙特阿拉伯旅游與文物委員會的成員一道開展考古研究工作。
At Madâ’in Sâlih, an ancient
fortress town in the
[...] middle of the desert in Saudi Arabia, alongside members of the SCTA (Saudi Commission [...]
for Tourism & Antiquities),
scientists from the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), the University of Paris 1 and the French Institute of Middle Eastern Archaeology are busy at work in an area of 1400 hectares.
[...] 城市水资源设计”、“菲律宾绿色学校发展的可持续设计的试验应 用”和“蒙古戈沙漠流动安全饮水供应系统”,以解决城市水资源 [...]
They included “Smart urban water design in Bhutan”, “Pilot application of sustainable design for green school development in the
Philippines” and “Mobile safe water
[...] supply system to Gobi desert in Mongolia” to [...]
address issues of the scarcity of urban water
and to enhance the efficiency of resources in the context of sustainable urban development.
在西方沙漠,直 到今天,仍有那种地图的碎片般的废墟,住着动物和乞丐;整片大地上也没有了地理规范的其他遗迹。
In the Deserts of the West, still [...]
today, there are Tattered Ruins of that Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars; in all
the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography.
有关选择方案包括:维护或恢复湿地吸收洪水的能 力;修复江河流域的涝原;(通过立法、购买、奖励 措施或协议)保护或修复陡坡的森林;保护;妥善管
[...] 理或修复(如必要)自然海岸防御系统,包括海滨沼 泽、珊瑚礁及红树林;针对水土流失 沙漠 化 的 植物 保护。
Options include: maintaining or restoring wetlands capable of absorbing floods; restoration of flood plains on rivers; protection or restoration of forests on steep slopes (through legislation, purchase, incentives or agreement); protection; good management or if necessary, restoration of natural coastal
defences including coastal marshes, coral reefs and mangroves; protective planting against
[...] soil erosion and desertification.
灼烧到达地球上的土地,沙漠中找 到了的7-Eleven便利商店,但错误的充气数字一个垂死的存在。
Scorch arrives on Earth and
[...] lands in the desert and finds a 7-Eleven [...]
convenience store but mistakes an inflatable figure for a dying being.
同时,杰里米和其他怪物的战斗停用塔,钵水母纲拥有的Aelita和她输入代码:XANA的方式塔,擦好,离 沙漠 部 门 Lyoko有两个主要部门 - 山部门和冰部门。
Meanwhile, as Jeremy and the others are fighting monsters to deactivate the tower, the Scyphozoa possesses Aelita and
has her enter Code:XANA into the way tower,
[...] wiping out The Desert Sector for good [...]
and leaving Lyoko with two main Sectors
– The Mountain Sector and The Ice Sector.
希蒙得木是一种小灌木,有沙漠黄 金 ”之称。这种植物从不会干枯,甚至可以生长在加利福尼亚和墨西哥 沙漠 地 区,在无雨、高温的情况下也能生存好几个星期。
Jojoba is a small shrub nicknamed Desert Gold and the plant that is never thirsty because it grows in the desert regions of California and Mexico [...]
and is able to survive without rain
and at high temperatures for many weeks.
[...] 域的能力,并使该国能够有效地对付气候变化带来的其他潜在影响,包括冰川 溶化、干旱沙漠化、病虫害蔓延以及海平面升高。
The workshop was aimed at developing national capacity to deal with these priority areas of disaster risk management and enabling the country to deal effectively with other potential impacts of climate
change, including the melting of
[...] glaciers, drought and desertification, spread of pests [...]
and diseases and sea-level rise.
方案会旨在减少洪水、侵蚀沙漠化 对目标社区的影响;鼓励在国家政策和国际 政策以及可持续发展公约的框架内管理自然资源;在联合国可持续发展委员会的 [...]
框架内解决城市贫民区和住房安置问题;提供环境教育,从而提高人们对于影响 目标社区健康的环境污染问题的认识;将妇女和青年在尼日利亚政治领导职位中
的占比增加 5%;并且通过获取技能和小额信贷融资加强妇女的自力更生能力。
The Programme aims to reduce the impact of
[...] flooding, erosion and desertification in target communities; [...]
stimulate the management of natural
resources within the framework of national and international policies and conventions for sustainable development; address the issues of urban slums and housing settlement within the framework of the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development; provide environmental education that creates awareness of issues of environmental pollution which affect the health of target communities; increase the percentage of women and young people in political leadership positions by 5 per cent in Nigeria; and enhance women’s self-reliance through skills acquisition and microcredit financing.
由於中國西北部和蒙古一帶有廣闊 沙漠 , 大 面積的沙地提供了沙 塵源,當出現強烈的地面風和垂直而不穩定的氣流或氣象條件時,便很 [...]
Due to the expanse of deserts in Northwest China [...]
and Mongolia, which provide an abundant supply of sand and dust, the so-called
sandstorms will break out easily under strong surface wind and vertically unstable meteorological conditions.
因子分析表明, 影响沙鼠亚科空间分布的决定因素是以土壤、植被、地貌和高度差为主的要素所构成的基本景观因子, 其次是体现年总辐射量、年均降雨量 沙漠 化 程 度的干旱 沙漠 化 程 度因子, 以及温度因子。
The factor analysis on the environmental variables which affect the distribution of gerbil revealed that diversity of soil, vegetation and geomorphologic and altitude difference played a dominant role as a basic landscape factor, that total annual solar radiant energy and mean annual rainfall consisted of another principal factor, a factor of aridity and desertlization tendencies, and that the third was temperature.




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