单词 | 沌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 沌—confusedless common: turbid Examples:混沌n—chaosn 混沌adj—chaoticadj 混沌学—chaos theory (math.) 混沌—muddled primal chaos formless mass before creation in Chinese mythology innocent as a baby
面条机,做面条,混沌皮等。 maomaomom.com | Pasta machine to make wrappers, noodles ect. maomaomom.com |
混沌理论的局限主要是由于输入参量的选择造成的。 12manage.com | The limitations ofapplying ChaosTheory are in due [...] mostly from choosing the input parameters. 12manage.com |
我想,或许在混沌初开之时,这头唤作Wolf Parade的大怪物已经是这样子在某个山头里唱呀唱。 think-silly.com | In my mind, I am picturing a monster called Wolf Parade muttering to himself on a mountain or other right in the beginning of all things. think-silly.com |
混沌”在颠覆了既有的责任和义务的同时,又提供了一个更为理想的平台,迎接创新与新生。 12manage.com | Churn"topples the incumbent and creates a platform that is ideal for more innovation and birth. 12manage.com |
什么样的大多数人都没有想到的是,其余的生活是完全未知的,不可预测的(读了一些关于混沌理论)。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | What most do not think, is that the rest of life is completely unknown and unpredictable (read some of [...] the theories aboutthe Chaos). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
在这样一个浑沌不明的新世代里,两岸关系也可以说是一个让人看不清也摸不透的新大陆,而且是无法逃避的新大陆。 feg.com.tw | There is nevertheless no way to escape the reality of this new continent. feg.com.tw |
根据当代数学理论的定义,混沌系统 就是对“对初始条件极度敏感”的系统。 12manage.com | As per the current [...] mathematical theory achaotic system is defined [...]as showing "sensitivity to initial conditions". 12manage.com |
混沌理论已被广泛应用于各个领域,如商业周期研究、动物种群动力学、流体运动、行星运转轨道、半导体电流、医学预测(如癫痫发作)以及军备竞赛建模等等。 12manage.com | The theory also has been applied tobusiness cycles, and dynamics of animal populations, as well as in fluid motion, planetary orbits, electrical currents in semi-conductors, medical conditions (like epileptic seizures), and the modeling of arms races. 12manage.com |
我们的先辈,那些义无反顾的追梦人,并没有被我们各国取得独立时的混沌情形所蒙蔽。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inveterate dreamers, our forefathers had no illusions [...] about the ambiguous circumstances [...]in which our countries achieved independence. daccess-ods.un.org |
混沌如下罗宾和其他人试图逃跑舍伍德森林。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Chaos follows as Robin and [...] the others try to escape to Sherwood Forest. seekcartoon.com |
每个系列都表达他对秩序与混沌不同的看法。 frenchmay.com | Each series expresses different notions of his interest in the [...] mathematics of orderversus chaos. frenchmay.com |
你看到因为“思想证书陶醉为了寓言叙事习惯 - [...] 1好奇的废话,哲学难怪和合法的法律问题的混沌混合- 是啊,1似是而非的侦探钦佩和协议的反感打盹 [...]- 噢,你可以不记得,我忘记该死的永远他叫什么名字 - 黑色,怀特,对,错,艾默生布莱克曼,斯蒂尔曼和LeBlanck的的很好的问题。 goldschadt.dk | You see because of the fable narrative [...] habit of thinking and certificate intoxicated [...] order-as achaotic mixtureof curious [...]nonsense-philosophical wonder and legitimate [...]legal questions - yeah, a plausible detective admiration and nodding in agreement antipathy - oh, you can not remember, I forget damn never What was his name again - Dark, Whyte, Right, Wrong, Emerson, Blackman, Stillman and LeBlanck good question. goldschadt.dk |
2004年, Standish集团发布了一个混沌研究 ,指出高达三分之二的项目都没有达到他们的初步目标, [...] 80%的项目超过预算的56%。 tenstepchina.cn | In 2004, the Standish [...] Group releaseda ChaosStudy, indicated [...]that up to two-third of all projects did not meet their initial [...]objectives, 80 percentage projects are over budget by 56%. tenstepchina.cn |
导演透过哲学与影像创意的结合,采用独特的叙事手法,呈现出宙宇万物存在的意义和价值,一步一步带领积克离开混沌人生。 think-silly.com | Through poetic visual effect and philosophical screenplay, the director contemplates on the existence of all lives and its value, leading to Jack’s enlightenment. think-silly.com |
从1998年的香港经济危机至今的十余年间,高档的翡翠成品升值过百倍,然而由于历史原因造成的亚洲四小龙地区经济发展较早,许多高档翡翠都在早期被香港、台湾、日本等地收购,随着近年来中国大陆经济的迅猛发展,翡翠收藏圈逐渐在被更多的中国本土爱玉人中扩散开来,翡翠价格也应声飞涨,从早期的“喜欢便是价”的浑沌阶段,到如今甚至比黄金还要硬通,真是应了那句古话——“乱世藏金、盛世藏玉”。 lux-women.com | Hong Kong 1998 economic crisis since more than ten years, finished high appreciation of jade had a hundred times, but due to historical reasons of the Asian tigers earlier regional economic development, many high-grade jade is in early Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan to buy With the economy in recent years, the rapid development in China, jade collection circle gradually being more and more Chinese local partner in the spreads love, jade soaring [...] prices crashed, the idea that "love [...] is the price" of thechaos stage , to now even [...]than gold hard pass, really should be [...]a phrase an old saying - "the gold in troubled times, flourishing Tibetan jade. lux-women.com |
由全球策略专家约翰A•卡斯林和市场营销权威人士菲利普•科特勒共同着作的《混沌系统 :大动荡中的企业管理与营销》(2009年5月由AMACOM出版社出版)助您的公司运筹帷幄,在我们身处的这个新时代——动荡年代中蒸蒸日上。 gcsbusinesscapital.com | CHAOTICS: The Business of Managing and Marketing in The Age of Turbulence (AMACOM, May 2009), by co-authors global strategy expert John Caslione and marketing guru Philip Kotler, helps businesses navigate through turbulence rather than being caught up in it. gcsbusinesscapital.com |
特别报告员说,鉴于法律无法执行和无法 同时执行,法律这种自相矛盾状态,令人对法治前景生疑,而他要求突尼斯政府 刻不容缓地解决这种混沌状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur observed that the paradoxical status of the law was highly problematic from a rule of law perspective, given that a law cannot be enforced and not enforced at the same time, and requested the Government of Tunisia to resolve that ambiguous situation with immediacy.141 82. daccess-ods.un.org |