单词 | 沉積 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 沉積—sedimentless common: sedimentation (geology) 沉積 noun—deposition n沉積 noun —deposit n沉積 verb—etch vExamples:沉積物—sediment 海相沉積物—oceanic sediment (geology) 血色素沉積症—hemochromatosis See also:沉—submerge • immerse • keep down 沉 v—sink v • drop v
上述區 [...] 議會和委員會的成員並不反對進行工程,但關注在疏浚及處 理 沉積物 期 間對環境的潛在影響,並要求我們盡量減少對漁業的影響。 legco.gov.hk | Members of the aforesaid councils and committee did not raise objection to the project but expressed concern on the potential impact to the [...] environment during dredging and handling of [...] the dredged sediment and requested [...]us to minimize the impact to the fisheries industry. legco.gov.hk |
挖掘 完成後的豎井及隧道均 以 混凝土鋪上襯 層,以提高 系統的水力效率, 同時避免污 水中的沉積物在隧道內積聚。 devb.gov.hk | The finished shafts and tunnels have been fully lined with concrete to enhance hydraulic [...] efficiency of the system and at the same time prevent [...] progressive deposition of sediments within the tunnels [...]during operation. devb.gov.hk |
依靠 Veeco 離子束蝕刻及鍍膜、物理氣相沉積以 及研磨及切割設備,實現更高的磁錄密度(可儲存資料的量)並提高產量及統一性。 veeco.com.tw | Count on Veeco ion [...] beam etch and deposition, physical vapor deposition, and lapping [...]and dicing equipment to enable higher [...]areal density -- the amount of data that can be stored -- and improve yield and uniformity. veeco.com |
由於去年在吐露港展開的鋪設天然 氣管道工程可能曾翻起海床沉積的有 毒重金屬,而且漁農自然護理署(“漁 護署”)去年的化驗結果顯示,該區的貝類樣本的重金屬鎘濃度超出《食物 攙雜(金屬雜質含量)規例》(香港法例第 132 章附屬法例 V)就食物所訂 的有關准許濃度一倍以上,養魚戶因此要求環境保護署(“環保署")抽取 工程附近海床下面 2 至 3 米的泥土樣本作化驗,但該署以資源不足和缺乏有 關的鑽挖設備及技術人員為理由而予以拒絕。 legco.gov.hk | As the laying of natural gas pipelines in Tolo Harbour last year might have stirred up the toxic heavy metals deposited in the seabed, and the test results of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) last year indicated that the concentration of cadmium, a heavy metal, in shell fish samples collected from such area was more than twice the permitted concentration specified for food in the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. V), the fish farmers requested the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to take soil samples for testing from two to three metres beneath the seabed near the works site. legco.gov.hk |
於二零一二年十二月, Katanga的新溶劑萃取廠及電解沉積轉換 設 施生產其首批電解銅,即第四期項目的一部分。 glencore.com | Katanga produced its first copper cathode from the new solvent extraction plants and converted electrowinning facility during December 2012 as part of the Phase 4 project. glencore.com |
建議的緩解措施包括控制化學品的注入和疏浚速度、在進行疏 浚工作和運送時把挖出的沉積物覆蓋、在疏浚範圍使用隔泥網,並在 [...] 選定的海水進口位置安裝隔泥屏障。 legco.gov.hk | The recommended mitigation measures include control of [...] chemical injection and dredging rates, [...] covering of dredged sediments during the dredging [...]operation and transportation, deployment [...]of silt curtains at the dredging areas and installation of silt screens at selected seawater intakes. legco.gov.hk |
下文 簡單討論了控制 EA 沉積物之演變和流佈的生物、 化學及物理過程。 pvsfish.org | Below are brief discussions of the biological, chemical, and physical processes that control the fate and transport of the EA sediment. pvsfish.org |
在新的特別油的功能,包括它的熱穩定性和低殘餘物的形成和 鈣 沉積 的 溶 解能力。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Among the features of the new special oil include its thermal stability and low residue formation and the [...] ability to dissolve calcium deposits. en.developmentscout.com |
對挖泥工程可能造成的水質影響進行的定量模擬結果顯示,在挖 泥工程進行期間,可能會在大範圍內,令海床水層的懸 浮 沉積物 濃 度超出水質標準。這種情況可能會令受影響地區內的海豚獵物 資源的分佈受到不良影響。 logisticshk.gov.hk | Quantitative modelling of the potential water quality impacts associated with dredging activities indicate the potential for large area exceedances of SS concentrations above water quality standards in the bed layer over the course of the dredging works, which may adversely affect the distribution of dolphin prey resources in the affected area. logisticshk.gov.hk |
對挖泥工程可能造成的水質影響的定量模擬結果顯示,在挖泥工程 進行期間,可能會在大範圍內,令海床水層的懸 浮 沉積 物 濃 度超出 水質標準。 logisticshk.gov.hk | Quantitative modelling of the potential water quality impacts associated with dredging activities indicate the potential for large area exceedances of SS concentrations above water quality standards in the bed layer over the course of the dredging works. logisticshk.gov.hk |
於1869年,一位在中國著名的探險家 Baron Von Richthofen ﹝圖1﹞描述了香港三個主要地質岩層:古老 的 沉積 物 , 入侵的花崗岩和石英斑岩及其 「tufas」。 hkss.cedd.gov.hk | In 1869, Baron Von Richthofen (Figure 1), a renowned explorer in China, described three main geological successions from Hong Kong: older Sedimentaries, Intrusions of granite, and Quartz Porphyries and its tufas. hkss.cedd.gov.hk |
在一個典型的化學氣相沉積實體表面(晶片或底材)是到一個或多個 揮發性氣體,產生反應或分解於所需的底材開放面上。 bronkhorstusa.com | In a typical CVD process, the surface (wafer or substrate) is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react and/or decompose on the substrate surface to produce the desired deposit. bronkhorstusa.com |
隨著時 間的變化細小的沉積物會被清除 掉,留下較粗、較重的沉積物, 比較不易因海浪和潮流沖刷而重 新懸浮。 pvsfish.org | Over time, the fine sediment is winnowed out, leaving coarser, heavier sediment, less susceptible to resuspension by waves and currents. pvsfish.org |
每當選手穿過終點線時,“計時員”的事件基礎上的一個按鈕,按下這個手勢的手,單鍵撥號,然 後 沉積 在 表 面的小墨痕。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Whenever a competitor crosses the finish line, the "timekeeper" of the event based on a button, pressing this gesture hands that touch dials then deposited on the surface of small ink marks. en.horloger-paris.com |
有關工作為收集一階排水的水系沉 積物、水及溪流礫石樣品。 mmg.com | The program is [...] collecting stream sediment, water and stream [...]cobble samples on first-order drainages. mmg.com |
最新科技美白淡斑精華液,含有兩種強效成份:視黃醇 (Retinol 15D) 及 十八碳烯二酸 (ODA White),能有效阻絕黑色素生成,阻斷黑色素繼續在肌膚 內 沉積 , 能 恢復肌膚明亮白皙,對於黑斑、曬斑、及肌膚表面不均勻色塊均有改善作用,對長期累積肌膚內的黑色素細胞,可藉由此強力成份漸漸代謝,長期使用能增加肌膚對抗光害的能力,添加羊胎盤素,在代謝黑色素同時補充肌膚所需養分及維生素。 healthkool.com | This lightweight silky serum contains gentle Retinol 15D (Natural Vitamin A) and ODA white which help to gently exfoliate, renew and brighten the skin. It also helps to reduce melanin synthesis (skin's pigment) thus minimizing discoloration, pigmentation, age spots, evens-out imperfections and tones the skin. healthkool.com |
Katanga預計將於二零一二年第四季度透過新的銅溶劑提取廠及轉換後的銅電 解 沉積 廠 生 產首批電解銅,而該計劃亦因上文所述的罷工 而 稍 為 受 到 拖 延。 glencore.com | Katanga expects to produce the first copper cathode through the new Solvent Extraction plants and converted electro-winning facility in Q4 2012, also somewhat delayed due to the strikes noted above. glencore.com |
Veeco 正在上海新建的中國培訓中心,將為客戶及其員工提供有機金屬化學氣 相 沉積 (MOCVD) 培訓課程。 veeco.com.tw | Veeco holds ongoing MOCVD Training Courses for customers and their staff in our new China Training Center located in Shanghai. veeco.com |
雖 然 拓 地 工 程 將 會 避 免 挖 泥 , 但 近 水 和 在 水 中 進 行 的 其 [...] 他 建 築 工 程 或 會 令 沉 積 物 懸 浮 於 水 體 , 因 [...]而 可 能 令 溶 氧 水 平 下 降 和 營 養 物 含 量 上 升 , 會 影 [...]響 生 態 易 受 破 壞 的 地 方 。 threerunwaysystem.com | While dredging activities will be avoided for the land formation, other construction [...] activities adjacent to and in the water may [...] potentially cause sediment suspension into [...]the water column, with possible consequence [...]of reducing dissolved oxygen level and increasing nutrient levels, which could affect ecologically sensitive receivers. threerunwaysystem.com |
計算了所需挖走的軟性海洋沉 積物(根 據對該區的地質勘查,該區的挖掘深度通常為主水 平基準以下 14 米),和保持主幹道隧道地下連續牆與海堤沉 箱構件填石地基之間的間隙,主幹道隧道的外邊與海堤蓋 頂線之間需要維持 31 米的距離(由於沿灣仔海岸線沉需要 挖走的積物深度較淺,因此該距離較香港會議展覽中心西 面的較短)。 devb.gov.hk | 7.2.14 A typical section through the seawall at the Wan Chai shoreline is shown in the Minimum Reclamation Report, in Annex O. For a typical dredge level of –14mPD in this area, as determined from ground investigation, and maintaining the necessary clearance between the seawall foundation and the diaphragm wall of the Trunk Road tunnel, a distance of 31m needs to be maintained between the outer edge of the Trunk Road tunnel and the seawall copeline (the lesser dimension than for the HKCEC West area due to the less deep dredging requirement along the Wan Chai shoreline). devb.gov.hk |
據說,這些石頭由泥土、石灰砂、黏土和方解石(Calcite),被擠壓 成 沉積 岩。 4tern.com | These rocks were formed by soil, sand, mud and calcite. 4tern.com |
此外亦進行沉積物及 水取樣,以確定該等礦產對Geraldton港周邊海洋生物棲息地的實際生態影響。 minmetalsresources.com | Sediment and water sampling is also [...] conducted to determine the actual ecological effects of these minerals to the marine [...]habitats surrounding the Geraldton Port. minmetalsresources.com |
若污染物影響河川或地下水,就可能得挖掘濕土 與 沉積 物 ,再使用可讓污染物脫離土壤或水源的設備,此種復育技術相當有效,將空氣或蒸汽注入泥土或水中,可加速污染物蒸發,故較容易收集或移除。 thisbigcity.net | This is an effective remediation technology. Injecting air or steam into dirt and water helps to vaporize contaminants, making them easier to collect and remove. thisbigcity.net |
綠巖帶是太古代變質火山巖、變質 沉積 巖 和 酸性入侵層順序排列的夾層,蘊含大量重要的金礦床。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Property is located within the Swayze Greenstone Belt of northern Ontario, an intercalated sequence of archean metavolcanics, metasediments and felsic intrusions that host numerous significant gold deposits. tipschina.gov.cn |
螯合鈣主要由蛋白質組成,進入人體後其角色並不是提供鈣質,而是轉運鈣質的載體,可 將 沉積 的 鈣 質轉運至身體真正需要的地方,而不 會 沉積 於 腎 引致腎石 organicmama.com.hk | Chelate calcium is made of protein to deliver lemon calcium to other part of body, it can prevent calcium staying in the kidney that causes kidney stones organicmama.com.hk |
水源復育:藉由碳處理、過濾、氣提法等方式移除污染物,或是讓污染物蒸發,此類處理手段可用於受污染的水源、地下水、沿 岸 沉積 物 、 沼澤、儲水設施等。 thisbigcity.net | Water Remediation: Methods like carbon treatment, [...] filtering, and air stripping are used to vaporize and capture contaminants for removal. thisbigcity.net |
Edwards是乾式真空泵浦系統的研發技術領導先驅,其技術適用於半導體及其他相關產業包括LED、平面顯示器、太陽能產品等產業的生產製 造 沉積 製 程 ,專門處理惡劣與腐蝕性的化學環境。 techworksasia.com | Edwards is a technology pioneer in the development of dry pumping systems, which are uniquely suited to the harsh and corrosive chemical environments [...] often encountered in semiconductor [...] manufacturing and the deposition processes [...]employed in related sectors, including LED, [...]flat-panel display and solar PV production. techworksasia.com |