

单词 汽车展览会

See also:

汽车会 n

automobile association n

展览会 v

show v

展览 n

exhibitions pl
show n
fair n
display n
exhibit n

External sources (not reviewed)

专业组展运作:雅森国际拥有十多年专业组展经营,秉承专业化、创新化、品牌化、国际化的理念,成功打造了全球最大的汽车用品展 会 - 中 国 汽 车 用 品暨改 汽车展览会 ( C I AA CE);雅森同时拥有最全面的展览人才和最顶尖的合作伙伴,2011年雅森国际正式被接纳成为国际展览联盟(UFI)会员,其旗下展会CIAACE也成为行业内唯一一个获得国际展览联盟(UFI)人斩的认证展会。
In line with the concept of professionalism, innovation, branding and internationalization, [...]
it has established the largest
and most influential event within the auto accessories industry worldwide – China International Expo for Auto Electronics, Accessories, Tuning & Car Care Products (CIAACE).
Auto Shanghai 2007 - 上海第十二届国汽车工业展览会将 于 2007年4月20日至28日期间举行。
Auto Shanghai 2007 - The
[...] 12th International Automobile & Manufacturing Technology [...]
Exhibition will be held from April 20th to April 28th.
Seagate 保留不将产品发送到私人邮政信箱位置、旅馆 汽车 旅 馆 、贸 展览会 、 会 议中心或会议地点以及货运代理人处的权利。
Seagate reserves the right not to send products to private mail box locations; hotels or motels; trade show, [...]
convention, or conference
sites; and freight forwarders.
总部设在慕尼黑市的瓦克化学集团将在印度国际塑料机 展览会 ( Plastindia 2012)展出用于印汽车、 运 输工具和基础设施工业的特种弹性硅胶。
Munich-based chemicals company WACKER will
unveil specialty silicone elastomers for
[...] the Indian automotive, transportation and infrastructure industry at Plastindia 2012.
由深圳市政府、中国电子商会、深圳市汽车电子行业协会和慧聪汽车电子网联合主办的“2011中国(深圳)国际汽车电子产品 览会 ” 于 7月15日至17日在深圳国际会展中心隆重举办,这次展会不仅是国内首个倡导“科技、国际、品牌”的汽车电子专业 览会 , 更是首个得到政府重视与大力支持 汽车 电 子 展览会。
By the Shenzhen Municipal Government, China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, Shenzhen  Automotive Industry Association and HC
Automotive Network co-sponsored the "2011 China (Shenzhen) International Automobile Electronics Show "On 15 to 17 July in shenzhen international Convention & Exhibition Center
[...] held a grand, this exhibition is not only the first domestic advocate" science and technology, the international, the brand "car electronic professional exhibition, is the first to get more attention and support of government  automobile electronic exhibition.
或许源于此,在与此次广州车展同时举办的日 汽车 零 部 件购 展览会 ( J A PP E2009,日本贸易振兴机构——JETRO主办)上,丰田的广州合资公司“广汽丰田”与日产的合资公司“东风日产”分别展示了希望采购的2/3级零部件,开始招募当地供应商。
For this reason, at the Japanese Auto Parts Procurement & Promotion Exhibition 2009 (JAPPE 2009) which is held simultaneously with Auto Guangzhou and hosted by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Toyota and Nissan’s local joint ventures Guangqi Toyota and Dongfeng Nissan respectively each displayed Tier 2 and 3-type parts which they wish to procure from local suppliers.
埃马克公司的VSC 400 WF型组合机床在欧州机展览会上被 评为最 车 床 , 荣获MM技术创新奖。
At the EMO exhibition the combination machine VSC 400 WF from EMAG
[...] is given the MM Award for Innovation for best lathe work.
比如 说,我们所开汽车是由 拥有研究生学历的工程师设计的;我们 子女学校的老师,有研究生学历的人也越来越多了,而且这些老 师又是由拥有高等学历的人培养出来的;医生为我们开的处方药 是由拥有研究生学历的科学家研发和测试过的;在博物馆,我们 所看到展览也是由拥有研究生学历的馆长筹划和安排的; 我们 在电影上看到的一些复杂的电脑特效同样也是由一些拥有研究生 学历的男男女女们设计的。
We ride in automobiles with systems designed by engineers having graduate degrees; send our children to schools where a growing number of teachers have graduate degrees and were themselves trained by people with advanced degrees; pick up prescriptions for drugs designed and tested by scientists with graduate degrees; visit museums and view displays arranged by curators with graduate [...]
degrees; and go to movies
enhanced by sophisticated computer-generated special effects designed by men and women who have graduate degrees.
[...] 在合同谈判之前对供应商样机和(或)生产线进行技术检查(102 500 美元);参 加专业航空运输会议(28 800 美元);与外勤部合作在后勤基地举办一年一度的 航空承运人日,向业界介绍行业招标方法的新 展 和 经 修订的合同范本,并获取 业界反馈(15 600 美元);出席汽车行业相关的专业交 会 , 以 确保在车队承包 合同和售后支助中采用最高的行业标准(9 700 美元);出席后勤基地的运输主任 会议,更好地了解维和特派团对车辆和燃料的相关要求(8 [...]
700 美元)。
Similarly, the establishment of high-value systems contracts for field supplies entail technical inspections of vendors prototypes and/or production lines followed by contract negotiations ($102,500); participation in specialized air transportation conferences ($28,800); organize the annual air carrier day in UNLB in cooperation
with DFS to brief the
[...] industry on new developments regarding solicitation methods, revised model contracts and obtain industry feedback ($15,600); attendance of specialized trade fairs related to the automotive industry to ensure [...]
that the highest industry
standards are applied to vehicle fleet contracting processes and after-sale support ($9,700); and attendance of the chief transportation officers’ conference in UNLB to gain better understanding of peacekeeping missions’ requirements related to vehicles and fuel ($8,700).
当年6月,中国创新集会见了澳中发展公司的代表,签署了$7692万澳元的协议,在华中地区建设第一条F3赛道和一座“汽车公园”,旨在成 汽车 销 售 、服务 展览 、 赛 车 和 汽 车 文化的多功能中心。
The following month, the China Innovation Group met representatives from the Australia China Development Company and
[...] signed an agreement to jointly invest A$76.92m to build the first Formula 3 racetrack in Central China, as well as a ‘Car Park’, which aims to be a multifunctional centre for auto sales, service, exhibition, racing and auto culture.
圣戈班高功能塑料集团帮助 OEM
[...] 满足这些需求,提供在德国斯图加特 2012 年汽车动力博览会上展示的各种创新型 NORGLIDE® 复合轴承和 RENCOL® [...]
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics is helping OEMs meet these demands with its range of innovative
NORGLIDE® composite bearings and RENCOL® tolerance
[...] rings, displayed at Vehicle Dynamics Expo 2012 in Stuttgart, Germany.
2011年9月8日,北京——作为全球领先的汽车技术及服务供应商,博世集团携最新技术与产品亮相第五届中国国 汽车 零 部件 博 览会。
September 8th, 2011, Beijing - As a leading global supplier of automotive technology and
services, Bosch Group presents its latest technologies
[...] and products at the 5th China International Auto Parts Expo (CIAPE).
在以往的 NPE 展览会 上,典型展品包括未汽车或厨 房灶台的设计理念、关键性医疗设备方面 的最新商业化突破、微精电子连接器、时髦的化妆品容器、动力工具外壳、 [...]
光学存储媒体、住房绝缘材料、自动玩具、金属替代材料齿轮和橡胶替代材 料垫圈。
Typical examples from
[...] past NPEs range from design concepts for tomorrow’s automobiles or kitchen counters [...]
to the latest commercial
breakthroughs in critical medical devices, micro-precise electronic connectors, stylish cosmetics containers, power-tool housings, optical storage media, home insulation, automated toys, metal-replacing gears, and rubberreplacing gaskets.
在首届展会大获成功的基础之上,经过近一年的精心筹备,2013中国 车展览会 蓄 势 待发。新年伊始,从主办方传来喜讯,中 汽 车 工 业协会房车委员会(CMRV)正式确定成为2013中国 车展览会 的 "联 合主办单位",将与主办方在展商招募、观众组织、活动策划等方面展开深度合作。
At the beginning of the New Year, organizers of the trade fair announced that the Recreational Vehicle Industry Committee (CMRV) would officially become the joint organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013.
本次活动特别邀请到德国VDA-QMC中国区总经理 MR ROBERT FRANK,由他本人亲自对VDA6.2 的最佳实践及在中国的前展望作 了介绍; TÜV南德意志集团南中国区VDA项目经理蔡志勇先生讲解了如何提升汽车服务业的质量管理系统VDA6.2;来自香港生产力促进局制造科技部顾问周汉荣先生深入分析了借鉴VDA 6.2汽车服务业标准提升深圳汽车服务业专业水平;最后特别邀请到了香 汽车 工 业 学 会 理 事 长、香港酷车库公司负责人李耀培先生及上海联霸交通器材有限公司董事长杨伟麟先生分享标准实施的成果。
Mr. Robert Frank, General Manager of Germany
VDA-QMC China, introduced the
[...] best practices and the prospect of VDA6.2 in China; Mr. Cai Zhiyong, TÜV SÜD China VDA project manager, explained how to improve the quality of automotive service management system VDA6.2; Mr. Zhou Hanrong, Manufacturing Technology Advisor from Hong Kong Productivity Council gave deep analysis on how to upgrade the professionalism level of Shenzhen car services with reference to VDA [...]
6.2 standards.
国务院学科评议组成员,中国科学技术协会常委、中 汽车 工 程 学 会 副 理 事长、教育部学科 展 与 专 业设置专家委员会副主任委员,中国机械工程学会特邀理事,吉林省暨长春市汽车工程学会副理事长,吉林省暨长春市科协副主席,吉林省工程咨询专家委员会名誉主任,国际交通与安全科学协会(IATSS)专家顾问,《国际车辆动力学》(Vehicle System [...]
At present, he holds Positions of Honorary
[...] Principle of Automotive College of Jilin University, member of the State Council Study Subject Discussion Panel, member of Standing Committee of China Association [...]
for Science and Technology
(CAST), Vice-president of China Society of Automotive Engineering, Vice-chairman of the Committee of Experts on Discipline Development and Specialty Setup of Ministry of Education, Invited Director of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Vice-president of Jilin Province & Changchun City Society of Automotive Engineering, Vice-chairman of Jilin Province & Changchun City Association of Science & Technology, Honorary Director of Jilin Province Engineering Consulting Expert Committee, Expert Advisor of IATSS(International Association of Traffic and Safety Science), member of Editorial Board of International Vehicle System Dynamics.
随着LED显示技术和工艺的不断提升,LED显示屏已然成为平板显示的主流产品,并在社会经济的许多领域得到广泛应用,主要包括:广告媒体新产品、户外显示屏做为广告媒体外、证券交易、金融信息显示、机场航班动态信息显示、港口、车站旅客引导信息显示、信息系统和广播系统、列车到发揭示系统、体育场馆信息显示、列车到发揭示系统、票务信息系统、道路交通信息显示、智能效通系统、调度指挥中心信息显示、邮政、电信、商场购物中心等服务领域的业务宣传及信息显示、集群LED显示屏广告系统、 车 L E D 显 示屏广告发布系统、演出和 会 、 展览会。
With the LED display technology and continuously upgrade technology, LED displays have become the mainstream flat panel display products, and in the socio-economic widely used in many areas, including: new products, advertising media, outdoor advertising display for the media outside the securities transactions, financial information shows that the airport flight information display dynamic, port, station passenger information display guide, information systems and public address system, the train to the hair to reveal system information display stadiums, train arrival-departure system reveals, ticketing information systems, road traffic information display, intelligent system efficiency, scheduling information display center, postal services, telecommunications, shopping malls and other service areas of publicity and information display,
LED display advertising
[...] system cluster, the train Advertising LED display systems, performance and meetings, exhibitions.
继去年8月以"战略合作伙伴"身份助力首届中国房车展大获成功之后,近日中国港中旅资产经营公司再次与2013中国 车展览会 主 办方杜塞尔多夫展览(上海)有限公司达成合作协议:在过往友好合作的基础之上,港中旅资产之母公司中国港中旅集团公司(CTS)将成为2013中国房车展的联合主办单位,双方将进一步加强合作力度、拓宽合作内容,为打造新一届的成功展会同心协力、共谋发展。
CTS Asset Management Corporation (CTSAMC)recently reached a new cooperation agreement with
Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd,
[...] organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013: Based on [...]
previous friendly cooperation, China National
Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation (parent company of CTSAMC, hereinafter referred to as CTS) will become a joint organizer for All in CARAVANING 2013.
据悉,浙江省是我国重要的汽车零部件产业地带,全国著名的汽配大省, 展 潜 力 很大,而此次由浙江省各地汽摩配行业 会 联 手 打造的浙江 汽车 零 部件(用品)进出口交易会战略联盟,必将进一步促进整个浙江 汽车 零 部 件行业的 展 , 意 义非凡。
It is learned that China's Zhejiang Province is an important area of the auto parts
[...] the well-known auto province, a great potential for development, and this time around by automobile and motorcycle Zhejiang Province joined hands with industry associations in Zhejiang Province built auto parts (supplies) Import and Export Fair [...]
alliances, will further promote the auto parts industry in Zhejiang Province, significance.
记者汽车零部件博览会上看到,和国外的零部件企业相比,国内1000多家汽车零部件企业不 展 台 规 模小,而且展品大都比较低端、技术含量和品牌知名度不高。
Reporter in automobile parts fair, and see the parts of the foreign enterprise, compared to the more than 1000 domestic auto parts companies are not only the small scale of the booth, and most of the exhibits is low, the technology [...]
content and brand awareness is not high.
10月26日,北京——围绕"清洁与经济、安全与舒适"的主题,全球领先的技术及服务供应商博世携一系列创新技术亮相第六届中国国 汽车 零 部件 博 览会 , 全 面 展 出 涵 盖汽油技术、柴油技术、底盘控制系统等一系列致力于提高燃油经济性和车辆安全舒适性的领先汽车技术和解决方案。
October 26th, Beijing – Bosch, the leading global supplier of technology and services, brings a series of innovative technologies to the 6th China
International Auto
[...] Parts Expo (CIAPE). Themed "Clean and Economical, Safe and Comfortable", Bosch presents comprehensive automotive technologies [...]
and solutions regarding
fuel efficiency and driving comfort and safety, including Gasoline Systems, Diesel Systems, as well as Chassis Systems Control, etc..
下列最不发达国家的代表参加了贸 展览会 : 阿 富汗、孟加拉国、贝宁、不 丹、布隆迪、柬埔寨、冈比亚、几内亚、海地、基里巴斯、莱索托、马达加斯加、 [...]
马拉维、缅甸、尼泊尔、卢旺达、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、所罗门群岛、东帝汶、多 哥、图瓦卢、乌干达、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、瓦努阿图和赞比亚。
The following least developed countries were [...]
represented during the course of the Trade Fair: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin,
Bhutan, Burundi, Cambodia, Gambia, Guinea, Haiti, Kiribati, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Myanmar, Nepal, Rwanda, Samoa, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu and Zambia.
德国慕尼黑化工集团瓦克在美国明尼阿波利斯医疗用品设计及制 展览会 ( MD &M)上将展出三个用于医疗领域的有机硅产品系列: [...]
SILPURAN® UR 7000液体硅橡胶, SILPURAN® UR 9020 固体硅橡胶和室温交联型产品系列SILPURAN® UR 34xx。
The Munich-based
[...] WACKER Group will be exhibiting at the Medical Design [...]
& Manufacturing (MD&M) Minneapolis exposition to present three new silicone product lines for medical applications: the liquid and solid silicone rubber
grades SILPURAN® UR 7000 and SILPURAN® UR 9020 as well as the room-temperature-curing SILPURAN® UR 34xx.
凡以上述理由之一拒绝让某人以与其他人同等的条件进入 某一场地,观看演出,参展览,参 加 会 议 或类似的向公众开放的活动的,均可 予以同样处罚。
Anyone who, for one of the abovementioned reasons, refuses to give a person access on the same terms as others to a venue, performance, exhibition, meeting or similar event open to the public is liable to the same punishment.
这些活动 包括,进一步培训和认证制冷维修技术员,特别是在加纳北部、为海关官员提供更多的培 训和提高认识活动、将小容量的商业制冷系统和冷库改装为(主要使用碳氢化合物和氟氯 化碳汽车空调装置改装为使用 HFC-134a)制冷剂;继续展提高公众认识和新闻传播活 动;以及管理和监督活动。
These include the additional training and certification of refrigeration service technicians, particularly in the northern part of the country, additional training and awareness-raising of customs officers, retrofitting of small-capacity commercial refrigeration systems and cold rooms to alternative refrigerants (mainly hydrocarbon-based and CFC-MAC units to HFC-134a); continued public awareness and information dissemination activities; and management and monitoring activities.
关于新任APIMC执行理事陈明贞女士公告 经中欧化工制造商会汽车塑料 及创新材料委员会(APIMC)执行理事会提名,并经APIMC主席Jean-Claude Steinmetz签署,同意增选吉力士热塑混合材料(苏州)有限公司亚洲区总经理陈明贞女士为APIMC执行理事,现委任吉力士热塑混合材料(苏州)有限公司亚洲区总经理陈明贞女士为新一届APIMC执行理事执行理事一职,一届任期3年(2012-2014年度),陈明贞女士将代表APIMC执行理事会履行执行理事职务,参与APIMC联席会议及各项重要活动和协会 展 决 策 ,享有协会执行理事单位权利和义务,共同维护塑料及材料制造商成员福利和行业领域的共同权益。
On the announcement of the new executive director of the APIMC Ms. Chen mingzhen The Central Chemical Manufacturers Association of automotive plastic and innovative materials Committee ( APIMC ) Executive Council nominated, and by the APIMC chairman Jean-Claude Steinmetz signed, agreed to co-opt Ms. Chen mingzhen who is the Aisa general manager of GLS Thermoplastic Elastomers as the executive director of the APIM,a term of 3 years ( 2012-2014 year ).




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