

单词 汽车号牌

See also:


license plate
number plate

牌号 pl

grades pl



External sources (not reviewed)

大部分的士已安装点 字、摸读汽车登记号码牌及发 声咪表,能够以广东话、普通话或英语广播,以 协助视觉受损的乘客。
Most taxis are equipped with Braille
[...] and tactile vehicle registration number plate and talking [...]
taxi meters in Cantonese, Putonghua
or English to facilitate passengers with visual impairment.
该装置被安放在一辆马自达 ZOOM 3 汽车里,车牌号码:881093,为该中心 雇员阿里·海达尔工程师所有。
The device had been planted in a
[...] Mazda Zoom 3 vehicle, licence plate No. 881093, belonging [...]
to engineer Ali Haydar, an employee of the centre.
一些城市,特别是空气污染对人体健康构成重大 威胁的城市,已经实施临汽车使用 限制措施,例如:按星期几 牌号 或 最 低乘 坐人数限制行驶。
Some cities, particularly those where air pollution poses a major threat to human health, have
implemented temporary
[...] restrictions on the use of cars, such as by certain days of the week, numbers on licence plates or minimum [...]
passenger occupancy.
例如,利用Firefly Video,广告商可识别购买特 牌号汽车 或 从 纽约到伦敦机票的用户,也可识别已婚夫妇或25至34岁的女性。
For example, with Firefly Video
advertisers can identify consumers shopping for a
[...] particular make of car, or a New York to [...]
London flight, or couples getting married or women 25-34 years old.
政府代表团(会员国或观察员)的汽车 标 牌 将在 1 号馆内的联 合国安保出入证和身份证办公室发放。
Vehicle decals for Government delegations (Member States [...]
or observers) will be issued at the United Nations Security Pass and ID Office in Pavilion 1.
车辆号牌或标 志应由阿拉伯数字组成或由阿 拉伯数字加上大写的拉丁字符组成,如 [1968 [...]
年]《道路交通公约》中所定义 的那样。
The registration number plates or marks should be [...]
composed of either Arabic numerals or Arabic numerals and capital Latin
characters, as defined in the Convention on Road Traffic [1968].
山都平 121-XXM200 热塑性硫化弹性牌号是我 们为开发新型热塑性硫化弹性体而不断创新的一部分,我们开发的新型热塑性硫化弹性体可满 汽车 行 业 降低成本和减轻重量的工程应用要求,同时还可增强功能和外观性能。
[...] 121-XXM200 TPV grades are part of our ongoing innovation to develop new TPVs that meet automotive industry requirements for lower cost and lighter weight engineered applications, [...]
while improving functional
and aesthetic performance," said Michael Russo, global brand manager, Santoprene TPV, ExxonMobil Chemical.
一辆属于大马士革燃料公司的 Opel Omega 牌汽车被盗,车牌号:665229, 该车分配给平民 Ziyad al-Turk [...]
A car, an Opel Omega, licence plate No. 665229, belonging [...]
to Damascus Fuels and assigned to a civilian, Ziyad al-Turk, for
his use, was stolen from in front of his home.
提供适用于以下应用的多种产品系列:手机、数据网络、存储和电信设备、光电鼠标、发光二极管 (LED) 指牌和显 示器、消费类电器、工业自动化 汽车 信 号 和 仪 表板照明、液晶显示器 (LCD) 和等离子显示器。
Delivers a comprehensive line of products for applications such as cellular phones, data networking, storage and telecom equipment, optical mice, light-emitting diode (LED)
signs and displays,
[...] consumer appliances, factory automation, automotive signaling and dashboard illumination, liquid crystal [...]
displays (LCDs) and plasma displays.
我们曾就南苏丹共和国的多次侵略行为及其继续违反安全理事会第 2046 (2012)号决议向安理会提出指控,在此我遗憾地告知安理会,2012 年 5 月 28 日, 载运南苏丹部队的 13 部车辆(其中 7 部为乌拉牌汽车,6 部为陆地巡洋舰牌越 野车)进入 Abuajora 和 Alhalof 地区,与已经部署在那里的苏丹人民解放运动(苏 人解)部队汇合。
Further to our previous complaints submitted to your esteemed Council regarding the repeated aggressions by the Republic of South
Sudan and its
[...] continued violations of Security Council resolution 2046 (2012), I regrettably convey to your esteemed Council that on 28 May 2012, 13 vehicles, 7 of which were Urals and 6 of which were Landcruisers, carrying [...]
troops from South
Sudan, entered the areas of Abuajora and Alhalof and joined the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) forces already deployed there.
为了适应市场需求,今后应进一步解决以下问题:(1)推广应用新型高强度、高耐磨性的压铸合金,研究可着色的压铸合金以及用于有特殊安全性要求的铸件等方面的新型压铸合金;(2)开发性能稳定、成分易于控制的压铸铝合金;(3)简化合金成分,减少合 牌号 , 为 实 现绿色化生产提供基础;(4)进一步完善压铸新工艺(真空压铸、充氧压铸、半固态压铸、挤压铸造等);(5)提高对市场的快速反应能力,推行并行工程(CE)和快速原型制造技术(RPM);(6)开展CAD/CAM/CAE系统的研究与开发;(7)开发和应用更多的压铸铝合 汽车 零 部 件。
In order to meet the market demand, we should further solving the following questions: (1) the promotion application type high strength, high wear resistance of die-casting alloy die-casting, study can be shaded alloy, and for a special safety requirements of castings aspects of new die-casting alloy, (2) developing stable performance, easy to control the die casting aluminum alloy composition,
(3) simplifying
[...] alloying, reduce alloy nameplate, provides the basis for realizing green production, (4) further perfect die-casting new technologies (vacuum die-casting, oxygen-rich die-casting, semi-solid casting, extrusion); foundry etc. (5) improve the ability of fast reaction to market, promote the concurrent engineering (CE) and rapid prototyping manufacturing technology (RPM); (6) in CAD/CAM/CAE system research and development; (7) development and application more die casting aluminum alloy parts of the car.
11 时,两名武装分子在
[...] Mu`ardis 岔路口附近平民 Ahmad Shantut 的起亚牌 锐欧号汽车(牌照号 031778)。
At 1100 hours, two armed men
[...] seized a Kia Rio vehicle, licence plate No. 031778, [...]
from its driver, Ahmad Shantut, a civilian, near the Mu`ardis junction.
In special lighting areas
[...] such as traffic signal, automobile tail light, mobile [...]
phone screen background, display screen,
etc., they cannot be used in function lighting areas with large market capacity the same way LVD does.
一辆 Saba 车车牌号 6137 33(Rif Dimashq),的司机被一名男子绑架,该男 子跟随司机进入车中,迫使他驶往不明地点,然后扔下司机,抢 汽 车。
The driver
[...] of a Saba vehicle, licence plate No. 613733 (Rif Dimashq), was abducted by a man who got into the car with him and made him drive to an unknown location, where he was left and the car taken.
山都平热塑性硫化弹性体101牌号可 以用 于 汽车 电 气 组件替代厚壁三元乙丙橡胶注塑成型部件,比如带弹性轻型密封的防火墙布线垫圈,可以保持线束就位,减轻振动。
Santoprene TPV 101
[...] grades can be used in automotive electrical components [...]
to replace thick-walled EPDM injection-molded
parts such as firewall wiring grommets with elastic lightweight seals that hold wiring harnesses in place and dampen vibration.
在 Duma 镇,一个武装恐怖团伙从车主 Ghassan Musa
[...] Qarduh 那里偷走一辆 枣色奥迪(车牌号 002727(大马士革))。
In the town of Duma, an armed terrorist group stole a
[...] burgundy-coloured Audi, licence plate No. 002727 (Damascus), [...]
from its owner, Ghassan Musa Qarduh.
2008年7月7日车牌号为 27-CD-008 和 27-CD-050 的两辆属于联络处 外交人员的车惨遭身份不明者的破坏。
On 7 July 2008, two vehicles with licence plates Nos. 27-CD-008 and [...]
27-CD-050 belonging to members of the diplomatic staff
of the Liaison Office were brutally vandalized by unidentified individual(s).
然而,登记证车号牌中仍 然普遍使用本国语言字母,从而给边境 口岸工作人员为车辆清关带来了麻烦,也给交通警察造成了困难,而且在采 用了电子清关系统之后还会带来更多的麻烦。
This causes
[...] difficulties when border crossing officials attempt to clear vehicles for entry. It [...]
also causes difficulties
for traffic police and will cause further difficulties when electronic clearance systems are introduced.
这方面走在最前沿的是日产,该公司名气较小的骐达(Tiida) 牌汽车 占 其 在华销售额的比例快速上升。
Nissan is the most advanced on that front, as it now gets a fast-growing portion of its China sales from
[...] its less familiar Tiida brand of cars.
2012 年 4 月 22 日,在 Judaydah
[...] 地区的叙黎边界过境点,一辆黎巴嫩车从黎 巴嫩开往叙利亚车牌号为 118893,司机是 Nidal Tarad Shuman(1977 [...]
年生于 Suwayri,黎巴嫩人),车上随行人员是 Jamil
al-Sadiq bin Hasan(1954 年生于 Idlib,叙利亚人),在审查这辆车时发现车内藏有武器,其中包括 1 枚火箭榴弹、 1 个火箭榴弹发射器、53 个遥控引爆装置、多把军用左轮手枪和多发弹药。
On 22 April 2012, at the Syrian-Lebanese border-crossing point in the
Judaydah region, during the search of
[...] a Lebanese vehicle, licence plate No. 118893, coming [...]
from Lebanon to Syria, driven by
Nidal Tarad Shuman (born in Suwayri in 1977, a Lebanese national), accompanied by Jamil al-Sadiq bin Hasan (born in Idlib in 1954, a Syrian national), a cache inside the vehicle was discovered to contain a rocket-propelled grenade, a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, 53 remote detonators and a number of military revolvers and rounds of ammunition.
在 Tall 镇,一辆军方登记车牌号 902382 并分配给军事建设局的马自达车, 被四名武装男子从该车司机 Nidal al-Awadh 手中夺取。
In the town of
[...] Tall, a Mazda vehicle registered to the military, licence plate No. 902382, and [...]
assigned to the Military
Construction Establishment was seized by four armed men from its driver, Nidal al-Awadh.
各间巴士公司亦在其辖下大部分巴士上装设其他设施,方便 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车 厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特低地台并铺有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 面及后面设有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有车门关闭蜂鸣器及提示 灯及车厢内设有显车牌号码及 顾客服务专线的点字板。
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
Test In Automotive Electronics, signal processing plays [...]
a major role by enabling new functionality and better performance.
4 时,一个由约 10
[...] 个蒙面人(一些人身穿军服)组成的武装恐怖团伙,驾驶 一辆丰田皮卡(车牌号不详 ),袭击叙利亚-伊拉克边界土墙附近的一个边境哨所 [...]
(Hajanah),夺走两挺机枪和 3 支步枪以及哨所内的所有弹药。
At 0400 hours, an armed terrorist group consisting of some 10 masked individuals,
some of them wearing military uniforms, used a
[...] Toyota pickup, licence plate number unknown, [...]
to attack the Hajanah border
guard post located near the earthen berm on the Syrian-Iraqi border, capturing two machine guns and three rifles, together with all the ammunition in the post.
10 时,Ziyad bin Muhammad al-Ghawi(1969 出生于 Hama)向 Shari‘ah
县 县长声称,5 时 30 分,当他在体育馆以南的街区运送雇员去 Rawadi 糖果店(他本 人也在那里工作)时,4
[...] 名蒙面武装男子持自动步枪,抢走他银色的现代面 车, 车牌号 8072 37,还有他的行动电话,侮辱他并指控他与安全机构合作。
At 1000 hours, Ziyad bin Muhammad al-Ghawi (born in Hama in 1969) alleged to the head of Shari‘ah district that, at 0530 hours, while he was in a quarter south of the stadium transporting employees to the Rawadi sweet shop, where he also works, four
masked men armed with automatic rifles stole his
[...] silver Hyundai van, licence plate No. 807237, and his [...]
mobile phone, insulted
him and accused him of cooperating with the security agencies.
[...] Tayyibat al-Imam-Halfaya 公路上坐在 Kia 车(车牌号为 520963(哈马省))中行进时,被一 [...]
个 25 名人员组成的恐怖团体拦截,这些人员使用自动步枪向他们开火。
They had been
[...] proceeding in a Kia truck, licence plate No. 520963 (Hama), [...]
along the Tayyibat al-Imam-Halfaya public road
when they were intercepted by a terrorist group consisting of 25 individuals who opened fire on them with automatic rifles.
作为汽车工业内生产轴承元件的世界领先企业之一,康迪泰克振动控制系统公司在 2010 年找到了新的合作伙伴,即与新 汽车 品 牌 观致 (Qoros) 一起共同开发生产该牌汽车的核 心平台。
As one of the world's leading international companies for the
production of mounting
[...] elements for the automotive industry, ContiTech Vibration Control was awarded the contract for development of the central platform for the construction of the new Qoros car brand in 2010.
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a) 密集但绿色、混合用途城市,在居民区附近提供 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b) 中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长途枢纽与当地交 通融为一体;(c) 个汽车使用 的高质量替代,特别是高效率的公共交通、良好 的非机动化交通基础设施及其适当的一体化:(d) 高效率的多式货物联运和智能 城市物流,其中包括清洁车辆;以及(e) 混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电动摩车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a lowcarbon transport system could include: (a) dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide jobs, and shopping and leisure facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern, high-quality links between the centres and good integration of long-distance hubs with local transportation; (c)
high-quality alternatives
[...] to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport and good non-motorized transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels or even electric motorbikes and cars.




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