单词 | 汽车厂商 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 汽车厂商 noun —vehicle manufacturers plSee also:汽车厂—car factory 汽车 n—car n • auto n • vehicle n • cars pl • bus n • motor vehicle n 厂商 pl—manufacturers pl 厂商 n—company n
今 年 1 月 1 日至 7 日,我们在全国开展了第 21 [...] 次一年 一度的“道路安全周”,让各地区政府、自愿组织和 汽车厂商都参与这项活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The twenty-first annual road safety week was observed from 1 to 7 [...] January this year throughout the country, involving regional governments, voluntary [...] organizations and vehicle manufacturers. daccess-ods.un.org |
汽车厂商现在明白了,消费者对电动汽车(EV)的接受过程必须经过混动汽车阶段。 tipschina.gov.cn | Automakers now understand [...] that the path to consumer acceptance of electric vehicles (EVs) is first through the adoption of hybrid vehicles. tipschina.gov.cn |
使用埃驰固 DVA 树脂生产的先进轮胎气密层可以帮助轮胎制造商减少原料消耗,并有助 于 汽车厂商 生 产 更轻更节油的汽车。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Using Exxcore DVA resin in advanced tire innerliners [...] unleashes the potential for source [...] reduction by tire manufacturers and lighter, more fuel-efficient cars from automakers. exxonmobilchemical.com |
2012年秋季开始苹果移动设备将添加Eyes Free功能,而未来该功能还将和 汽车厂商 形 成 合作。 navibiz.com.cn | Eyes Free will be added to Apple mobile devices from the fall of 2012, and cooperation will be formed [...] between Apple and OEMs based on the feature. navibiz.com.cn |
届时汽车厂商将以最新颖的媒体出现在车展期间,迎接各界参观者。 samdecaux.com | For the occasion, the car industry brands [...] are ensured to be showcased in the most spectacular ways, right in time…! samdecaux.com |
贝雷特:“同时,汽车厂商应加强与供应商的合作,接受并支持真正的整合,从而让结构薄弱的产品部门恢复活力。 rolandberger.com.cn | Berret: "At [...] the same time, car makers should switch to a more collaborative approach regarding their suppliers and focus on [...]revitalizing structurally [...]weak product segments by allowing and supporting real consolidation. rolandberger.com.cn |
多伦多专业设计和生产全防护、超豪华、纯手工、运动型多用途车 的 汽车厂商 C o n quest Vehicles的总裁William Maizlin日前宣布,公司已经在2008年拉斯维加斯SEMA展会上宣布推出了新旗舰车型KNIGHT XV。 tipschina.gov.cn | the Toronto-based company that specializes in the design and manufacturing of fully armoured, ultra-luxurious, handcrafted sport utility vehicles has unveiled its flagship vehicle, the KNIGHT XV(TM) at the 2008 SEMA show in Las Vegas, announced William Maizlin, President, Conquest Vehicles, Inc. tipschina.gov.cn |
最近,美国和欧洲制定了二 氧化碳标准,促使汽车厂商将研 发和营销重点快速转向燃油效率,他们也可能打 破生产越来越大、动力越来越强的发动机这一趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | More recently, CO2 [...] standards have been agreed upon in the United States and Europe, which has caused automotive companies to drastically [...]redirect their [...]research and development and marketing efforts towards fuel efficiency; these standards might also break the trend towards ever larger and more powerful engines. daccess-ods.un.org |
我从汽车厂商所得 到的经验看来,对于制造业来说, 或多或少应该都存在着相同的问题,这个问题在今后 [...] 应该会显得更为重要,所以我开始努力的思考。 tpics.co.jp | Taking it from my experience of [...] the times at the auto company that we, the manufacturing industry, all must have the same [...]problems more or less, and that these problems will have to be more important, I began to think desperately about it. tpics.co.jp |
C63是这家汽车厂商的高 端性能概念车的最新系列。 ba-repsasia.com | The C63 is the latest in a series of [...] high-performance concept cars from the automobile maker. ba-repsasia.com |
当前这波反日情绪,与2005年的抗议和其他活动类似,令日 本 汽车厂商 有 必 要采取措施,最小化此类可能周期性发生事件带来的风险。 youngchinabiz.com | The current wave of anti-Japanese sentiment mirrors a tide of protests and other actions during a similar [...] clash in 2005, and underscores the fact that [...] the Japanese automakers need to take steps [...]to minimize the risk from this kind [...]of flare-up in tensions that happens periodically. youngchinabiz.com |
一句话:日产和大众进军中国低端汽车领域,这是外 国 汽车厂商 的 普 遍发展趋势,将令中 国 汽车厂商 面 临日渐增大的压力。 youngchinabiz.com | Bottom line: Nissan and Volkswagen’s new forays into the low-end car space are part of a broader move by foreign automakers, putting growing pressure on domestic nameplates. youngchinabiz.com |
美国国家交通安全局(NTSB)本周表示,要 求 汽车厂商 将 最 新的碰撞预防技术作为所有新出厂小汽车和卡车的标准设备,可使高速公路的致命事故率减少一半以上。 trw.cn | Requiring automakers to make the latest collision prevention technologies standard equipment on all new cars and trucks could reduce [...] fatal highway accidents [...]by more than half, according to the US National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) in an announcement this week. trw.com |
TRW的SDE支持AUTOSAR(汽车开放系统架构),它采用高性能的微控制器和开放式软件架构,可集成来 自 汽车厂商 和 第 三方的模块。 trw.cn | TRW's SDE supports AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System Architecture) and is composed of a high-performance microcontroller [...] and an open software architecture, allowing the integration of [...] modules from both vehicle manufacturers and third parties. trw.com |
这些大型外国汽车厂商纷纷 如此行动,目的是希望借助中国这一眼下全球最大的汽车市场,研发这些价低品优的新品牌,然後再向巴西和俄罗斯等其他发展中市场出口相关车型和技术。 youngchinabiz.com | All of these big foreign names are hoping [...] to capitalize on China’s auto market, [...] now the world’s largest, to develop these [...]new brands that will combine good quality [...]with low prices, and then export those models and technology to other developing markets like Brazil and Russia. youngchinabiz.com |
但很多国际汽车厂商的扩 张速度更快,斥资数十亿美元用于扩大产能,因他们寻求抵消本国市场销量的放缓。 youngchinabiz.com | But many of the global car makers are expanding [...] even faster, spending billions of dollars to build new capacity as they [...]look to offset slowing sales in their home markets. youngchinabiz.com |
我猜这并非全新的计划,自从中国于2010年超过美国成为全球最大的汽车市场之后,大众和多数其他外 国 汽车厂商 在 这 两三年里始终在谈论大幅提高在中国的产能。 youngchinabiz.com | I doubt this plan is completely new, as VW and most other foreign automakers have been talking about massive expansions of their China capacity for much of the last 2-3 years, after China officially passed the US to become the world’s biggest auto market in 2010. youngchinabiz.com |
在世界范围内,我们的专业技术几乎赢得所有国 际 汽车厂商 及 他 们的系统供应商的认可。 georgfischer.com | Nearly all the [...] international automobile manufacturers and their system suppliers rely on our [...]technological expertise. georgfischer.com |
截至 2011 年,汽车厂商也并 未实现 50 万辆新能源汽车年产能的目标,当年仅生产了约 6000 辆纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车。 mckinseychina.com | And because China lags other markets in internal combustion engine (ICE) technology, EVs offer a unique opportunity for China to compete head-to-head with global automakers not only in China’s domestic auto market, but potentially in global markets as well. mckinseychina.com |
世界各地的汽车厂商都依 赖埃克森美孚化工提供的各种先进材料以帮助推动汽车设计中的差异。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | Automotive businesses around the world rely [...] on ExxonMobil Chemical to deliver advanced materials that help drive the difference in automotive design. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
一句话:日本汽车厂商及其中方合作夥伴需采取更多措施,比如引入新品牌,来降低中日关系恶化可能带来的风险。 youngchinabiz.com | Bottom line: Japan automakers and their Chinese [...] partners need to take more steps to reduce their risk from flare ups in [...]Sino-Japanese tensions, such as introducing new brands. youngchinabiz.com |
如果冲突继续(至少在未来2-3周内有可能),那麽汽车销售下滑的影响则可能持续到年底,届时在发布年报时,遭受冲击的将不只是日 本 汽车厂商 , 还 会包括东风和广汽。 youngchinabiz.com | If the conflict continues, which looks likely for at least the next 2-3 weeks, look for effects of the sales downturn to continue through the end of [...] the year, dealing a big blow not only [...] to the Japanese automakers but also to Dongfeng [...]and Guangzhou Auto when they report their annual results. youngchinabiz.com |
由于看不到竞争会很快冷却的迹象,且所有的新产品都将陆续推出,我实在看不出上汽集团和其 他 汽车厂商 在 未 来几年的光明前景。 youngchinabiz.com | With no signs that competition will cool anytime soon and all the new production coming on [...] stream, I really don’t see [...] anything good on the horizon for SAIC or any other major car makers in China [...]in the next few years. youngchinabiz.com |
越来越多的主要外国汽车厂商眼下 正在研发仅针对中国市场的低端品牌和车型,日产汽车<7201.T>和大众汽车 youngchinabiz.com | A growing number of big foreign car makers are developing new low-end brands and models just for the China market, with Nissan (Tokyo: 7201) and Volkswagen (Frankfurt: VOWG) the latest [...] to make moves in that direction. youngchinabiz.com |
销售骤降无疑会令日本汽车厂商受伤 ,但也会牵连到他们的中方合作夥伴和零配件供应商,这些企业销售与利润的很大一部分来自他们与日方的合资公司。 youngchinabiz.com | While the sudden drop in sales will certainly hurt [...] the Japanese brands, it will also throw a [...] wrench into the business of their Chinese [...]partners and part suppliers, most of which [...]derive a big portion of their sales and profits from their Japanese joint ventures. youngchinabiz.com |
霍奇斯仓储物流公司今天宣布将向新近与起亚乔治亚 州 汽车厂 ( K M MG )建立供 应 商 关 系 的立中车轮集团有限公司(Lizhong)提供仓储和物流支持。 cn.hodgeswarehouse.com | Hodges Warehouse and Logistics announced today that it will be providing the [...] warehouse and logistics support [...] for Lizhong Wheels, LTD (Lizhong) in its new supplier relationship [...]with Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia (KMMG). hodgeswarehouse.com |
博世中国及其汽车业务部门在2012年荣获了来自37家 整 车厂商 颁 发 的57项优秀供应商奖项。 bosch.com.cn | Bosch China received a total of 57 excellent supplier awards from 37 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) in 2012. bosch.com.cn |
鉴于汽 车制造厂的地 理位置以及大多数国家主要是进口国这一情况,用生命周期办法让 汽车制造商参与 ,也是该区域运输可持续性的一个重要方面,并需要开展国际合 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Engaging automobile manufacturers in a life cycle approach is also a key aspect of transportation sustainability in the region and requires international cooperation, given the geographic location of automobile manufacturing plants and the fact [...] that most countries are mainly importers. daccess-ods.un.org |
凭借出色产品、深入合作以及高效管理,博 世 汽 车 业 务部门在2012年获得了来自37家 整 车厂商 颁 发 的57项优秀供应商奖项,其竞争力得到了客户的充分认可。 bosch.com.cn | For its outstanding products, in-depth [...] cooperation and efficient [...] management, Bosch Automotive Business Divisions received 57 excellent supplier awards from 37 Original Equipment Manufacturers in 2012. bosch.com.cn |