

单词 汽車制造商

See also:


manufacturing company

制造 n

manufacturing n
production n
fabrication n

External sources (not reviewed)

現在,許多國家制要求 新車中必須使用晝間行駛燈 — (DRL),同時亦因其可帶來獨一無二的設計特徵而 汽車 製造商自願使用。
DRL is now obligatory for new cars in many countries, but is also often used voluntarily to create distinctive design features.
此外,部分委員關注到提高定額罰款的建議對職業司機 汽車 零 售 商造 成的 影響,這些㆟士已因目前的經濟衰退受到嚴重的打擊。
Moreover, some members are concerned about the impact of the
proposed increase of fixed penalties on
[...] career drivers and car retailers who are already [...]
hard hit by the present economic recession.
針對功能安全認可元件,造商必須 提供說明,包括元件的額定值、應用 制 和 被 設定的安全等級,如安全完整性等級(Safety Integrity Level,SIL)汽車安全完整性等級(Automotive Safety Integrity Level,ASIL)、性能等級(Performance Level,PL)或類別(Class)。
For Functional Safety
[...] Recognized Components, manufacturers will provide instructions that include component ratings, application restrictions and intended safety level, such as Safety Integrity Level (SIL), Automotive Safety Integrity [...]
Level (ASIL), Performance Level (PL) or Class.
EDI将会很快宣布其首个商业合同,在中国将该系统实现到全尺寸的重型客车上,目前也在与多 汽 车 制造商 和 装配商进行商讨。
EDI will soon announce its first commercial contract to implement the system into a full size, heavy-duty
bus project in China, and is also in discussions
[...] with multiple OEM truck manufacturers and upfitters at the current time.
此外,使用經現場驗證的MX150(控制)和 MX 150L(電源)端子技術,可以幫助 汽車 運 輸OEM 廠 商 大 大 節省生產成本,無需採購、處理和鉚壓各個導線密封。
Additionally, the use of field-proven MX150
(control) and MX150L
[...] (power) terminal technology helps non-automotive transportation OEMs achieve significant production [...]
cost savings by eliminating
the need to purchase, handle and crimp individual wire seals.
為了制汽車所造成的 空氣污染,政府的政策是對新登記車輛 的廢氣排放實施最嚴格的規管,以及採用可供應本港使用的優質燃 料。
In controlling air pollution caused by motor vehicles, the Administration’s [...]
policy is to adopt the most stringent emission
requirements for newly registered vehicles and high quality motor fuel that can be made available to Hong Kong.
经社会认识到需要汲取泰国 2011 年遭受洪灾的教训,实行综合水资源
[...] 管理,并说此种管理从经济角度看可对工业供应连产生连锁影响,因为洪灾 严重影响汽车和电子产制造商的 主 要零部件供应商的正常运作。
The Commission recognized the need for integrated water resources management in the light of the floods in Thailand in 2011, which from an economic perspective had had ripple effects on the industrial supply
chain as the floods had adversely affected the operations of
[...] major parts suppliers to manufacturers of cars and electronics.
2007年,中国首家国汽车制造商一汽 集 团 将紧凑型轿车(由天津一汽夏利汽车股份有限公司生产)送往澳大利亚接受OBD(车载诊断)挑战。
FAW Group, China’s first state-owned automaker, sent compact cars (made by FAW Tianjin Xiali Automobile) to Australia in 2007 to undergo the OBD (on-board diagnostics) challenge.
運輸業界普遍同意應制汽車空轉 引擎,以減少在道路上等 候的車輛排放廢氣對附近行人和居 造 成 的 滋擾,但亦表示向載客車 輛實施全面的管制計劃,規定該類車輛在停車等候時關掉空調,會令 司機和乘客感到不舒適,結果影響該類車輛的運作。
While generally
[...] agreeing that control of idling engines should be implemented to reduce the nuisance caused by emissions from vehicles waiting on the road to nearby pedestrians and residents, the transport trade [...]
indicated that any
across the board control scheme imposed on passenger vehicles that would require the air-conditioning of the vehicles to be switched off while they were waiting would cause discomfort to the driver and the passengers and thus adversely affect their operations.
在 2000年 7月至2001年 1 月期間,政府當局就制汽車空轉引 擎的建議諮詢了18個區議會和運輸業不同界別的人士,包括的士和公 共小巴營商、貨 車司機、公共巴士營辦商、學校巴士營 商 及 工程 車輛營商,當中提出的事項包括受管制的車輛類別、劃定禁止空轉 引擎的地區和時段,以及設立引擎空轉的最高時限等。
During the period from July 2000 to January 2001, the Administration consulted the 18 District Councils (DCs) and different sectors of the transport trade, including taxi and public light bus operators, truck drivers, public omnibus operators, school bus operators and operators of works vehicles, on the proposal to control idling engines.
最後,在家庭lngenieur中,於2005年重新開業的品牌,與德 汽車 製 造商 梅 賽 德斯-AMG的合作夥伴關係之際,我們注意到到來的樣板房擴大(45.5毫米)。
Finally, in the family lngenieur the brand relaunched in 2005,
on the occasion of its partnership
[...] with the German manufacturer Mercedes-AMG, we [...]
note the arrival of a model housing enlarged (45.5mm).
(f) 進行下列所有或任何業務,即:建築商與承包商;裝飾商;石材、砂材、石灰、磚材、木 材、硬件及其他建築必需品;磚材及磁磚及陶器的商人及買商; 造商 ; 汽車 出 租 商;運輸 商;持牌旅館經營人;以及房地產經紀。
(f) To carry on all or any of the following businesses namely, builders and contractors, decorators, merchants and dealers in stone, sand, lime, bricks, timber, hardware and other building requisites, brick and tile and terra-cotta, makers, jobmasters, carriers, licensed victuallers, and house agents.
若政府發展永續運輸,將會造成許多人損失,包括汽 車 製 造商 、 汽車 遊 說 團體、石油供應鏈上下等,這些單位都很重要,過去為了表達意見,不僅提出訴訟,甚至在印度部分地區破壞車道間隔,因此得先強勢 制 這 股力量,別無他法。
First and foremost, if and when the government invests in sustainable transportation, many parties stand to lose. Among these, the most important parties are the two and four-wheeler manufacturers, automobile lobbies and everybody along the petroleum supply chain.
(11) 作為酒店汽車旅館 、旅館、宿舍、公寓、餐廳、茶點和茶室、咖啡、牛 奶及小吃店、夜總會及所有類別之俱樂部擁有人及/或管理人、酒館、 啤酒屋及宿舍管理人、持牌食品供應商、葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商人、啤酒造商、釀 酒師、蒸餾酒商、充氣、礦泉和人造水及其他飲料的進口商及造商,及 在其各自分公司作為承辦人及承包商,以及作為劇院、電影院 、歌舞廳、音樂廳、體育館、桌球室、保齡球中心及所有娛樂場所、電台 及電視台及播音室的擁有人及/或管理人經營業務。
(11) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers
[...] of hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, cafes and milk and snack bars, night-clubs and clubs of all kinds, tavern, beer-house and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, malsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors [...]
in all their respective
branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.
本款硬碟機,基於堅固、耐用及具備惡劣環境保護功能等考量因素,而採用業界最嚴格的設計標準,因此,對於需要利用超大容量建置免 DVD 航導系統及提供高品質娛樂服務 汽車 製 造商 、 系 統製造商及售後市場公司而言,這款硬碟機將是首選產品。
With the industry's most stringent design for ruggedness, durability and protection from hostile environments, the drive will be an ideal choice to deliver
the massive capacity
[...] needed for auto makers, system manufacturers and aftermarket companies to create DVD-free navigation systems and high-quality car entertainment [...]
[...] 公顷,通用汽车是分区内最大的投资 者,同时这里也有化工企业、建筑公司、钢铁产 制造商以 及其它汽车生产商等。
General Motors is the biggest investor in the subzone, although chemical production firms,
construction companies, steel-product
[...] makers and other car manufacturers are also based within the city’s [...]
subzone, which comprises some 678 hectares.
(69) 經營汽車、電單車、三輪電單車、機動車、小型電單車、腳踏車、單車 及客車汽艇、 小船、貨車、飛機、水上飛機及其他各類運輸工具(全部 包含在下文「機動車及其他等」之範圍內)之 造商 、 經 銷 商 、 租 車商、 修 理商、清潔商、存儲商及倉儲商之業務,不論 汽 油 、 酒精、 汽、 燃 氣、電力、動物或其他動力,及機動車及其他等所用或有關之引擎、底 盤、主體及其他配件所推動及協助。
(69) To carry on the business of manufacturers of, dealers in, hirers, repairers, cleaners, storers and warehousers of motor-cars, motor-cycles, cyclecars, motors, scooters, cycles, bicycles and carriages,
launches, boats, vans,
[...] aeroplanes, hydroplanes, and other conveyances of all descriptions (all hereinafter comprised in the term “motors and other things”), whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, spirit, steam, gas, electrical, animal or other power, and of engines, chassis, bodies and other things used for, in, or [...]
in connection with motors and other things.
如果政府只是閉造車㆞制訂這 些對民生影響至大 的政策,拒絕公眾的知情權和參與權,就只會招致更多的猜忌和不滿,也會損害政府 的形象。
If the Government works behind closed doors when formulating policies which have far reaching effects on people's livelihood [...]
and refuses to allow
the public to exercise their right to know and right of involvement, more conjectures and discontents will arise and the image of the Government will be tarnished as well.
无论您涉及汽车工业的哪个领域,无论您 汽 车 制造商 、 贸 易商或政府机构,还是监督道路使用者行为的政府机构,确保安全、效率、质量和合规性是最重要的。
Whatever your
[...] involvement in the automotive industry – whether you are a vehicle manufacturer, trader or government [...]
institution overseeing
the well-being of road users – ensuring safety, efficiency, quality and compliance is paramount.
The exchange
[...] aims to help auto manufacturers solve problems [...]
in the process of planning, implementation and improvement based on TS 16949 quality management
system,so to provide the best solution, raise management skills and decrease risk loss for clients.
2004年空氣污染管制( 油站)(汽體回收)(修訂) 規例》( 第 218號法律公 告 ) 《空氣污染管制(油站)(汽體回 收)規例》(第 311章,附屬法例 S)(下稱“主體規例”),是當局經諮詢環境諮詢委員會後根據《空氣污染 管制條例》(第 311章 )(下稱“該條例”)第 43條訂立,以規管擬在受制車 輛及油站內安裝,用以將接汽油的貯油缸所排出的汽油汽體回收入 卸下汽油的運油缸的汽體回收系統。
The Air Pollution Control (Petrol Filling Stations) (Vapour Recovery) Regulation (Cap. 311 sub. leg. S ) (“the Principal Regulation”) was made under section 43 of the Air Pollution Ordinance (Cap. 311) (“the Ordinance”) after consultation with the Advisory Council on the Environment to regulate the vapour recovery system to be installed in a regulated vehicle and a petrol filling station by which [...]
petrol vapour displaced from a petrol storage
tank receiving petrol is recovered in the petrol delivery tank from which petrol is being unloaded.
車應在後方安全氣囊,檢汽車手 冊或 製 造商 聯 繫 ,看它是否已安裝汽車座椅的測試,獲得的研究成果副本裝修前座位。
Should the car have airbags in the rear, check the car manual or contact the manufacturer to see if it has [...]
been tested with a car
seat fitted, and get a copy of the research results before fitting the seat.
考慮了董事對發動機管理系統業務之樂觀預期,特別是其近期集中進行研發、預 期生產能力之提升及與發動機管理系統業務客戶之現有合同(如在以上標題為「貴集團 之業務」及「恆科之資料」之章節中所示),及在中國 汽車 生 產 量及銷售量之增長走勢 (如在以上標題為「中汽車行業 之概況」之章節中所示),收購事項代表 貴集團一個 集中對發動機管理系統業務之制及 收 購可補充及配合 貴集團現時業務運作之技術 的機會,吾等認為收購事項符合 貴集團之業務發展,亦為 貴集團於日常業務過程 中進行。
Taking into account the optimistic view of the Directors on the EMS business of the Group, in particular in view of its recent focus of development, expected enhancement of its production capacity and existing contracts with customers in the EMS business, as detailed in the section headed “Business of the Group” and “Information of Ever Tech” above, and the
increasing trend of production and sales of automobiles in the PRC as detailed in the section headed “Overview of automotive industry in the PRC” above, and the Acquisition represents an opportunity for the Group to consolidate control over the EMS business and acquire technologies complementary and synergetic to the existing business operations of the Group, we consider that the Acquisition is in line with the business development of the Group and in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Company.
我們亦會就車用生化柴油的 規格和把歐盟V 期車用柴油和汽油定為法定規格的建議諮詢業 界;與及就加强制汽油和石油車 輛 排 放的措施,在今年內 開始進行諮詢工作。
We will also consult the trades on the specifications for using biodiesel as motor
vehicle fuel and the
[...] proposed mandatory use of Euro V diesel. The consultation process on measures to strengthen the control of emissions from petrol and liquefied petroleum gas vehicles will also [...]
commence this year.
本會促請政府早日落實可持續發展計劃,包 制 訂 長 遠環保回收工業 政策、落實“回收園”發展計劃、考慮徵收合理的環保稅,以及成立 高層次的跨部門產業促進局,以高效率統籌各部門溝通合作,加強市 民對環保的認識和向他們灌輸處理廢物的正確態度,以期早日解決香 港日趨嚴重的環境污染問題,並 造商 機 及增加就業機會。
That this Council urges the Government to implement as early as possible a sustainable
development plan,
[...] which includes formulating a long-term policy on the recycling industry, implementing the development plan of the "Recovery Park", considering the imposition of a reasonable green tax, and establishing a high-level inter-departmental industries facilitation council to co-ordinate the communication and co-operation among various departments in a highly efficient manner so as to enhance public awareness of environmental protection and instill in them the correct attitude to handling wastes, with a view to solving the aggravating environmental pollution problem in Hong Kong as early as possible, as well as creating business opportunities and increasing [...]
job opportunities.
業務公司所收購及開發之技術知識允許業務公司生產相比起現有設計性能更佳及 生產成本較低之模組,能夠銷售予更高 汽車 製 造商 之 同 時,亦改善該等產品之盈利 能力。
The Technology Know-how acquired and developed by the Business Enterprise allows the production of modules with improved features and lower production costs over existing
designs, which allows their sale
[...] to higher-end automobile manufacturers while improving [...]
the profitability of these products.
主席察悉擬議第72K條主要涵蓋為支持向署長提出 批予出口制性特許的申請而提供的資料,他建議當局 應訂定標準的法定表格,以利便本地 造商 迅 速 地提出 該等申請,因為該等申請可能急需獲得批准,理由是進 口成員可能正面對全民處於緊急狀態或其他極度緊急的 情況,以致急需引入有關藥劑製品,藉此處理危機。
Noting that proposed section 72K mainly covered the information to be provided to support the application made
to DH for the grant
[...] of an export compulsory licence, the Chairman suggested that standard statutory forms should be provided to facilitate local manufacturers to make such application [...]
in a timely manner,
taking into account that it might be time critical for the application to be approved as the Importing Member might be faced with national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency which required urgent sourcing of the concerned pharmaceutical product to address the crisis.
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商后,工发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉克不反对 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a 的产品价格相当;该项制造和维 修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用 HFC-134a 的 产品性能相似,必须铭记,巴格达夏季气温可轻易达到摄氏 50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were
fulfilled within the
[...] project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summertime; and information was provided on similar experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial refrigeration to hydrocarbon [...]
C. The special
[...] reserve for the compulsory liability insurance of motor vehicle is in compliance with the “Regulations for Deposit and Management of the Reserve of Compulsory Automobile [...]
Liability Insurance”.




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