单词 | 汕尾市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 汕尾市—Shanwei prefecture level city in Guangdong provinceSee also:汕尾—Shanwei prefecture level city in Guangdong 汕—Swatow 尾n—tailn remnantn 尾—remainder extremity horse's tail pointed posterior section of a locust etc sixth of the 28 constellations
新信荟智中标龙山中学网上巡查系统建设项目 汕尾市政府采购管理办公室2010年5月4日发出陆丰市龙山中学“网上巡查系统建设”(招标编号:LFCGZX2010—12)项目中标公告:广州市新信荟智信息产业有限公司以人民币555280元中标该项目。 timeless.com.hk | XinXinHuiZhi won the LongShan Secondary [...] School Web Invigilation System Project [...] 4 May2010, ShanMei Municipal Government Procurement [...]Management Office issued a tender [...]award notice : GuangZhou XinXinHuiZhi Information Property Limited won the LongShan Secondary School Web Invigilation System Project (Tender Reference: :LFCGZX2010-12) at RMB555,280. timeless.com.hk |
在“十二五”规划期间,福建省将 需要建设若干公路及铁路,以厦门为重点综合交通枢纽,连接区内, 例如福州、泉州、温州及汕头等城市。 legco.gov.hk | During the implementation of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, a number of highways and railways will be constructed in Fujian Province so that various cities within the West Coast [...] Economic Zone such as Fuzhou, [...] Quanzhou, Wenzhou and Shantouwill be linkedup with Xiamen as a comprehensive [...]traffic hub. legco.gov.hk |
要维持社会的可 [...] 持续发展,当局必须优化土地政策,复建适量的居屋,加快出售居屋货尾,以及缩短市民轮候上公屋的时间。 legco.gov.hk | In order to maintain sustainable development of society, the authorities must improve the land policies, resume the production of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats in an amount as [...] appropriate, put up the surplus HOS [...] flats for saleon the market andreduce the waiting [...]time for applicants of public rental [...]housing to be allocated a flat. legco.gov.hk |
由于他们是卢森 [...] 堡处理具体客户的主要服务商,AML/ KYC(反洗钱与了解客户)的流程以及市场时机把握/尾盘监测和声明也是 其主要职责。 pwc.lu | Since they are the primary service provider in Luxembourg dealing [...] with the underlying clients, AML/KYC [...] procedures, aswellasmarket timing/late trading monitoring [...]and declarations, are also [...]primary responsibilities of this party. pwc.lu |
我希望新一届政府不要再狗尾续貂了,希望可以真正处理好以 往的“手尾”,为香港市民带来更好的生活。 legco.gov.hk | I hope the next Chief Executive will not continue with the bad practice, but will properly handle all the unaddressed issues, enabling HongKong people to lead a better life. legco.gov.hk |
主席,香港和深圳都是沿海城市,大家都拥有较长的海岸线和星罗 棋布的岛屿,加上有南中国海油田,是开拓休闲渔业的最理想的地方, 而且香港和深圳除了在海界方面要与惠州、珠海、汕头、汕尾等地讨论 外,还要与澳门商议。 legco.gov.hk | President, being coastalcities,bothHong Kong and Shenzhen have a relatively long coastline and are scattered with islands, coupled with the South China Sea oilfield, it is a most ideal place for developing leisure fisheries. legco.gov.hk |
星光公司成立于1985年,现有汕头市星光塑胶有限公司、汕头市新星光塑胶有限公司、汕头市乐途文具有限公司等企业。 st3d.com | STARLIGHT Company was founded in 1985, consisting of: Shantou Starlight Plastics Co. st3d.com |
此 外,在早前发布的“全国沿海港口布局规划”中,有关珠三角地区港口羣方 [...] 面,将依托香港经济、贸易、金融、信息和国际航运中心的优势,相应发展汕尾、惠州、虎门、茂名和阳江等港口,为华南和西南部分地区服务。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, according to the "National Ports Plan" promulgated recently, by capitalizing on the competitive edge of Hong Kong as an economic, trading, financial, information and international [...] shipping centre, a cluster of ports will be [...] developed atShanwei,Huizhou, Humen, [...]Maoming and Yangjiang to serve Southern China and Southwestern China. legco.gov.hk |
汕头市科利发展有限公司是一家专业出口家具配件及建筑五金的外贸企业,拥有自有品牌:QUALIF。 st3d.com | LTD is a professional manufacturer for building hardware and furniture hardware in China. st3d.com |
如果工资不根 [...] 据市场供求而定,而按工人及其家庭的合理生活需求而定,便是彻头彻尾干预市场,根本性地摧毁了香港作为世界上最自由经济体系的美誉。 legco.gov.hk | If wages are not determined by supply and demand in the market, but according to the needs of a decent living of [...] workers and their families, that is [...] anoutright intervention in the marketthat will serve to [...]destroy our reputation as the freest economy in the world. legco.gov.hk |
彼亦为香港广东汕 尾同乡会总会永远名誉会长。 cre8ir.com | He is also Permanent Honorary Chairman of the Confederacy [...] of Hong Kong Shanwei Clansmen Limited. cre8ir.com |
...汕头市欧格包装机械有限公司是广东省民营科技企业、国家高新技术企业,专注于涂布和印刷等软包装技术的研究和应用,现已形成了光学级高精密涂布生产线、宽幅卫星式柔版印刷机等特色产品,具有先进的研发理念和自主开发创新能力,成为中国同行业领先和最具成长性企业。 sino-corrugated.com | Ltd. is a Guangdong private-owned enterprise, national high-tech enterprise ,focus on research and application of coating and printing etc. Soft packing technology...Shantou Olger Packing Machinery Co, . sino-corrugated.com |
我们 又看到不少被强徵土地以致失去家园的农民及乡民;四川的万州事件和 汉源事件令数十万名农民要上街维权,以及汕尾事件导致武警要枪杀农 民,这些事件实在罄竹难书。 legco.gov.hk | Also, the incident that took place in San Wei has led to the police opening fire on the peasants and killed them. legco.gov.hk |
汕头LED产业技术创新联盟由该市9家行业骨干企业发起,联盟成立后将凝聚整合企业、科研院校、服务机构等社会资源,以企业为主体,在原材料制备、关联产品供应、关键装备研制、产品售后服务等价值链环节实现联合攻关、分工协作、联合互动、互利共赢。 jxlcd.com | Shantou LED industrytechnology innovation alliance launched by thecity nine industries backbone [...] enterprises, the alliance [...]was founded after will promote integrated enterprises, scientific research institutions, service organizations and other social resources, with enterprises as the main body, in preparation of raw materials and related products supply, and key equipment, product after-sales service, such as value chain link to realize joint research, collaboration, the joint interaction, mutual benefit and win-win results. jxlcd.com |
有关创兴银行有限公司 创兴银行有限公司(「创兴银行」)(香港联合交易所股份代号:1111)於1948年创立,现於 [...] 香港设有总行及46间分行,另於香港以外设有3间分行(分别位於汕头、澳门及三藩市)及2 间代表处(分别位於广州及上海)。 chbank.com | In addition to the Head Office in Hong Kong, CHB currently operates a network of 46 [...] local branches as well as three [...] branches (one ineach ofShantou,Macau andSan Francisco) [...]and two representative offices [...](one in each of Guangzhou and Shanghai) outside Hong Kong. chbank.com |
汕头市澄海区南盛玩具工艺厂专门从事塑料玩具、工艺品的外销业务。 st3d.com | Nam Shing Toys Factory is exporting plastic toys,craft. st3d.com |
明年听闻也更少,原预计比今年少於2 000个单 位落成,有机会进一步推高楼价,故此自由党认为政府应在年底新一期 [...] 居屋货尾出售後,立即研究明年加快推售届时尚余四千多个居屋货尾来应市。legco.gov.hk | We have heard that the number will be even less next year, as the production is originally estimated to be 2 000 units less than this year's, meaning that there is a chance for property prices to be further pushed up. In this connection, the Liberal Party considers that after completing the sale of surplus HOS flats in the coming phase to be launched at the end of the year, the Government should immediately [...] conduct studies on expediting the sale of the remaining stock of 4 000-odd surplus HOS flats to [...] meet theneeds of the market. legco.gov.hk |
汕头市青年联合会副主席 珠海市青年联合会常务委员 香港青年总裁协会委员会委员 legco.gov.hk | Executive Committee Member, Zhuhai Youth's Federation legco.gov.hk |
在堪萨斯市设计周尾声,美国建筑师协会当地分会举行一场活动,由HDR Architects事务所代表摩尔(James [...] Moore)主持,摩尔深信城市是地球进步的重要动力,说明科技不仅创造更有智慧的城市,更是城市中心的发展重点,其中最吸引人之处,在於堪萨斯市最新的「Google光纤」装置。 thisbigcity.net | Moore passionately believes that cities will be a key force [...] in providing a better future for the planet, presenting his [...]views on how technology can not only make smarter cities, but focus development on city centres. thisbigcity.net |
我 觉得政府在感到惭愧之余,也要重视和以彻头彻尾的态度回应市民的诉 求。 legco.gov.hk | I think the Government, which should be ashamed, has to attach importance to the issue and respond to the aspirationsof the citizens in a fullyresponsible manner. legco.gov.hk |
加强在用車的年检和上 路抽检,强化在用車的监督管 理,确保区域内城市机动車尾气达标率在二零零五年达到 90%以上 已於二零零五年七月一日起实施国 II 型排放标准,自二零零六年七月 一日起施行符合国 III 型排放标准 机动車型推荐目錄,鼓勵及支持销 售、进口、购买和使用推荐目錄上 机动車型。 legco.gov.hk | A recommended catalogue of motor vehicles complying with the National III emission standard has been introduced on 1 July 2006 to encourage and support the sale, import, purchase and use of motor vehicles on the catalogue. legco.gov.hk |
Caribex 贸易公司出口的龙虾尾不能登陆美国市场,龙虾尾在美国是免关税 的,而在欧洲、加拿大和中国市场,关税分别为 4.3%、5%和 10%,这也就意味 着 Caribex [...] 贸易公司会因此损失 573 100 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The company Comercial Caribex has been affected by the [...] inability to gain access to [...] the United States market, where thereis no tariffon lobster tailsas opposed to 4.3 [...]per cent, 5 per cent [...]and 10 per cent tariffs in Europe, Canada and China, respectively; this translates to a loss of approximately US$ 573,100. daccess-ods.un.org |
刘慧卿议员: 主席,美国哥伦比亚广播公司电视台於去年11月播放 [...] 的一个节目报道,每年有数千艘船只运载装有有毒电子垃圾的货柜从美 国走私到香港贮存,然後再运送到汕头市贵屿镇,而当地居民使用原始 方法提取该等垃圾所含金属。 legco.gov.hk | MS EMILY LAU (in Chinese): President, in a programme broadcast in November last year by the Columbia Broadcast System (CBS) of the United States, it was reported that each year toxic electronic wastes were smuggled in containers by thousands of vessels from United States to Hong Kong to be [...] stored and transported subsequently to [...] the townof GuiyuinShantou City, where local residents [...]used primitive methods to [...]extract metals contained in such wastes. legco.gov.hk |
反正可以顺便逛逛威灵顿市区,所以我就尾随着他寻找威灵顿咖啡。 4tern.com | If I got a chance to [...] look aroundaroundthe city, whynot I follow him to [...]explore and find Wellingtonians’ coffee in Wellington at the same time? 4tern.com |
从2002年伊始,国内彩妆界又陆续出现了“美情”彩妆——代言人为汕头澄海女孩,也是目前广州卫视的着名节目主持人赵荣,其品牌在2004年——2005年期间,还是国内第一个“吃螃蟹的人”,在央视三套及湖北卫视做电视广告的彩妆品牌,在2006年也逐渐的淡出了市场;还有“色彩地带”、“卡姿兰”、“娇伊兰”也陆续地走进了国内本土彩妆行业的视线。 lpczjg.com | From the beginning of 2002, the domestic cosmetics industry and has been found in [...] 'U.S. intelligence' [...] make-up - Chenghai, Shantou, spokesperson for the girls, is now a famous TV show host, Guangzhou Zhao Rong, its brand in 2004 - 2005 period, is the first 'eat the crab' in the CCTV and Hubei TV to do three sets of make-up brand of television advertising in 2006, has gradually fade out of the market; there are'color [...]zone', 'blue card position,' [...]' Jiao Elan 'also went to the local make-up into the domestic industry's attention. lpczjg.com |
汕头市澄海区凯利达玩具实业有限公司汕头市澄海区凯利达玩具实业有限公司创建于1990年,是澄海区玩具行业骨干企业,属下企业金泳乐化妆品有限公司, 专业生产儿童彩妆,迄今已有产品1000多种,生产厂房20000平方米,舒适样品房2000左右平方米,配套生产设施品80多台.已建立起一支由100人左右组成的高素质管理队伍,并通过ISO9001认证和GMP认证,2007年获得ICTI认证。 st3d.com | Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of electronic toys , And Kimyon Cosmetic Co. st3d.com |
启源实业有限公司-汕头市澄海区宜贝玩具集合本地玩具及工艺厂的产品,款式包括婴幼儿益智玩具,儿童电动遥控玩具,夏天户外吹泡泡玩具,新奇特创意小商品等,是一家集生产、销售于一体的玩具礼品公司。 kidseason.com | Ltd is the professional China toys [...] supplier, exporter, manufacturer, wholesaler from [...] Chenghai- toys cityinChina,we supply [...]quality Baby toys, Educational toys, [...]Outdoor Play Toys, Pretend Play Toys, Promotional Gifts, RC Toys, Sport Toys etc. kidseason.com |
广东太格尔电源科技有限公司成立于1998年,位于汕头市潮南区司马浦溪美朱太格尔科技园内,是一家从事可充电手电筒、LED手电筒、LED头灯、LED小台灯、电蚊拍、随身电源、应急灯、耳机八大系列的集开发、设计、生产、销售于一体的生产企业。 st3d.com | Ltd established in 1998, located Taigeer [...] Industrial Village, Xime Zhu SiMaPu, [...] ChaoNan Town, SanTou City, andspecialized [...]in Rechargeable Torch Light, Led Torch, [...]LED Reading Lamp, Mosquito Killer Bat , Power Supply of Personal Stereo, Emergency Lamp, Fire Emergency Lamp etc, and is combining w... st3d.com |
近 期一连 串 的重大环境事件 相 继 发生,例如九广 铁 路 ( “ 九 铁 ” )落马 州 支 线 方 案 罔 顾 对 塱 原 湿 地 的 损 害 、九号货 柜 码头工 程 [...] 在 南 中国海 倾 倒 高 度 污 染 的 淤泥、 竹 篙 湾 迪 士 尼 [...] 填海工 程 引 致大量 死 鱼、策 略 性 污 水排放 工 程 “烂尾”和导致市区地陷 、都市废物焚 化 建 议 忽 略 二 恶 污 染 和 对 公 众 资 源 的 破坏等 。 legco.gov.hk | Recently there has been a spate of incidents concerning the environment, for example, the Lok Ma Chau extension project of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC) is proposed at a total disregard of the damage to the Long Valley wetlands; the dumping of highly polluted sludge in the South China Sea by the Container Terminal No. 9 project contractor; the massive dying of fish caused by the Disney theme park project at Penny Bay; the fiasco of the Strategic [...] Sewage Disposal [...] Scheme projects and the settlement incidents intheurban areas;the failure oftheurban waste incineration [...]proposal to deal [...]with pollution caused by dioxin emission and the damage done to public resources. legco.gov.hk |
加强在用車的年 [...] 检和上路抽检,强化在用 車的监督管理,确保区域 内城市机动車尾气达标率 在二零零五年达到 90%以 上 [...]二零零五年七月一日起实施国 II 型排放标准。 legco.gov.hk | To strengthen the control of in-use [...] vehicles to ensure that over 90% of [...] motor vehiclesin the cities within the The National [...]II emission standard was implemented in 1 July 2005. legco.gov.hk |