

单词 汉英互译

See also:




English translation


two-way translation

External sources (not reviewed)

Chinese-English and English-Chinese interpretation facilities will [...]
be available.
演讲资料左边是原文(汉语、韩国语 英 语 或者日语)、右边 译 文 ( 汉 语 、 韩国语英语或者日语)。
Documents for presentations are printed
[...] with original language on the left side and translation (Chinese, Korean, English or Japanese) on [...]
the right.
通过使用共享软件Lion,几乎在所有Windows的运用程序中,您可以把需要翻译的词汇标识出来并通过点击鼠标,立刻便能查看到LEO词典中德语 英 语 ,法语,西班牙语以及意大利语 互译 结 果(目前,尚不支 汉 语 , 俄语,葡萄牙语以及波兰语的翻译)。
Lion allows you to send a query to
[...] the German-English, -French, -Spanish and -Italian LEO dictionaries (Chinese is currently not supported) with a click of [...]
your mouse from almost all MS Windows applications.
工作语言 大会之工作语言为:阿拉伯语汉语 、 英 语 、法语、俄语和西 班牙语。
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish are the working languages of the General Conference.
2012 年 6
[...] 月 28 日: Stephanie Handojo 在英国诺丁汉举着奥运火炬向前奔跑。
28 June 2012: Stephanie Handojo runs with
[...] the Olympics Torch in Nottingham, England.
基督教坟场共有坟墓一百五十座,不少名人都在这里安息,如:莫礼逊  (Dr. Robert Morrison),他是第一英汉字典 的编辑,同时,他也是第一个把圣 译 成 中文的人;钱纳利,英国着名画家,十八世纪居住在澳门;英国首相邱吉尔的祖先和其他海员等。
Among those buried here: Dr. Robert Morrison,
[...] who compiled the first English and Chinese dictionary and translated the Bible into Chinese; [...]
George Chinnery, an
artist who lived in Macau in the 18th century; Capt.
除了德语英语和汉语培训课程外, 还可据您要求,提供其他语种班。
In addition
[...] to German, English and sometimes Chinese, further languages [...]
are available on request.
因此,2012 年需要追加经费 79 800 美元,包括:(a) 在第 2
款,大会和经济及社会理事会 事务和会议管理项下,翻译和印发所有六种正式语文的报告(估计 8 500 字),为
[...] 一天的会议提供所有六种正式语文的 互 口 译 服 务 (74 800 美元);在第 29D 款, 中央支助事务厅项下,支付相关的会议支助费用(5 [...]
000 美元)。
Consequently, additional requirements of $79,800 would arise in 2012, including: (a) under section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management to translate and issue the report (estimated at
8,500 words) into all six official
[...] languages and provide interpretation services from [...]
and into all six official languages for
the one-day meeting ($74,800), and under section 29D, Office of Central Support Services ($5,000), for associated conference support costs.
提供实物捐助的有葡萄牙(提供葡 萄牙文件互译)和 俄罗斯联邦(在一次区域培训讲习班期间提供培训设施和 [...]
In-kind contributions have been
[...] provided by Portugal (translation of documents from [...]
and into Portuguese) and the Russian
Federation (training facilities and accommodation during a regional training workshop).
审查期间,跨部门平台取得的主要成就包括,出 英 语 、法语和西班牙语版本的印刷 版《联合国教科文组织世界濒危语言图集》,以及升级在 线 互 动 版 面。
The main results achieved by the Intersectoral Platform during the period under
consideration include the
[...] publication of the English, French and Spanish languages version of the printed UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, as well as the update of the online interactive version.
Greenlandic is the primary language of parliament with simultaneous interpretation to or from Danish.
如果您使用的不英语、汉语、 葡萄牙语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、俄语、北印度语、荷蘭、日语、印度尼西亚语、德语、希伯来语、法语或意大利语、那么我们将自行 译 您 的 项目。
If you do not speak Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish then we'll translate the project for you regardless.
汉枢机谕,自今年将临期首主日(12月2日),香港教区全部英文弥撒均须采用宗座礼仪及圣事部辖下的「Vox Clara 小組」所核准的新英译祷文
By mandate of Cardinal John TONG, beginning from the First Sunday of Advent (2 December 2012), the new English version of the Roman Missal, with
[...] the revised text of the prayers approved by the ¡§Committee Vox Clara¡¨ under the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, is to be used for all Masses in English.
译了下列课程:“电子政互可 操 作性” 译 为 俄文;“电子政务领导人 须知——导言/战术/战略”被译为罗马尼亚文。
The following courses were translated: “E-government interoperability”, into Russian; and [...]
“What an e-government leader should
know — introduction/tactical/ strategic”, into Romanian.
克罗地亚文/塞尔维亚文和需要的其他语文的 互 同 声 传 译 、 在 与受害者和证人 面谈期间提供交替传译;为书记官处、审判分庭、检察官办公室和被告方提英 文、 法文、波斯尼亚文/克罗地亚文/塞尔维亚文的双向翻译;为法庭每次审讯和 法官全体会议编写审判程序正式记录的英文本和法文本
(f) Conference and language support:
[...] provision of simultaneous interpretation for all court hearings into and from English, French, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and other languages as required, and consecutive interpretation during interviews with victims and witnesses; translation into and from English, French and [...]
Bosnian/ Croatian/Serbian
for the Registry, the Chambers, the Office of the Prosecutor and the defence; and transcripts of court proceedings in English and French for every hearing in the courtroom and for the plenary meetings of judges
[...] 出裁决全文原文的互联网网址(URL)以及现有的联合国正式语 译 文 的 互 联网 网址(请注意,提及联合国正式网站以外的其他网站并不表示联合国或贸易法委 [...]
The Internet address (URL) of the full text of the decisions in their original
language is included, along with
[...] Internet addresses of translations in official United [...]
Nations language(s), where available,
in the heading to each case (please note that references to websites other than official United Nations websites do not constitute an endorsement of that website by the United Nations or by UNCITRAL; furthermore, websites change frequently; all Internet addresses contained in this document are functional as of the date of submission of this document).
梅布尔女士曾在多个澳大利亚文学期刊中担任编辑工作,还在悉尼大学的《Southerly》杂志和香港中文大学的 译 文: 汉英翻译》杂志编委会工作。
She has worked on the editorial teams of several Australian literary journals, and serves on editorial boards including
University of Sydney’s Southerly and Chinese University of Hong Kong’s
[...] Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine.
多勒汉特部族精英人士 已分为两派,一派支持 1998 年在哈尔格萨成立 的管理当局,另一派支持在加洛威的管理当局。
Dhulbahante clan elites have been divided [...]
between those who support the administration in Hargeysa and since its establishment
in 1998, the administration in Garoowe.
黄鹤楼位于汉蛇山之上,高168英尺 , 深受清朝建筑风格的影响。
Yellow Crane
[...] Tower is located on Snake Hill in Wuhan. 168 feet high, it follows [...]
an architectural style influenced by the Qing Dynasty.
六、本通告所使用的计量单位为国际标准计量单位,并用符号 英 文 字 母代汉字: 度(°)、分(′)、 秒(″)、海里(M)、千米(km)、米(m)。
The unit in the Notices complies with the international standard unit of measurement, with the Chinese characters replaced by symbol and alphabet, such as degrees(°), minutes(′) and seconds(″), meters(m), kilometers(km) or nautical miles(M).
及其他),在没有译,他们相互协 商,他们甚至被关在单独的细胞,单独或成对,他们的翻译比较结果发现完全同意双方以意识和克莱门特的亚历山德里亚的表达原文的聘用与对方(Cohortatio广告Graecos,圣圣爱任纽)。
and others); in translating they did not consult with one another, they had even been shut up in [...]
separate cells, either
singly, or in pairs, and their translations when compared were found to agree entirely both as to the sense and the expressions employed with the original text and with each other (Cohortatio ad Graecos, St. Irenæus, St. Clement of Alexandria).
如果組織是強而有力的,我們相信,在傳媒和組織 互 動 下, " 英 雄 "就 會應運而生。
Had there been strong organization from top to
[...] bottom, individual heroes should have appeared, as the result of a complex interaction between the media [...]
and the organizers.
现如今SOSDG已然从CVS流程图中获取了最新的ClamAV,并与现在的相对稳定的Cygwin DLLs相互编译,以 此来为Windows操作系统提供完全的UNIX/Linux兼容层。
The SOSDG has taken the latest ClamAV from the CVS tree, compiled it against the current stable Cygwin DLLs, which provide a full UNIX/Linux compatibility layer for Windows operating systems.
劉慧卿議員問:副主席先生,鑑於總督政制改革建議在㆗英兩國之間引起的外 交紛爭日趨激烈,而有關爭議更隨
㆗國副總理朱鎔基先生於本月十六日在倫敦公開 質問究竟㆗國政府還要不要遵守聯合聲明而呈白熱化,政府會否要求英國政府全面及
[...] 坦誠㆞披露自從總督於十月七日發表施政報告以來 英 兩 國 互 相 就有關事宜所交換的 訊息,使香港㆟不致覺得在這個討論他們前途的談判㆗被蒙在鼓裏?
MISS EMILY LAU asked (in Cantonese): In view of the escalating diplomatic row between Britain and China over the Governor's proposed political reforms, culminating in the Chinese Vice Premier's query on 16 November 1992 on the need to adhere to the Joint Declaration, will the Administration request the British Government to give a full
and frank disclosure of the relevant
[...] exchanges between the British and Chinese Governments [...]
since the Governor's policy address
on 7 October 1992 so that Hong Kong people will no longer be kept in the dark on negotiations which affect their future?
谭教授多年来对开放及遥距教育作出重大贡献,在国际间赢取了多项个人荣誉,于二零零一年获颁国际远距离教育联会之「卓越个人大奖」;二零零二年分别获亚洲开放大学协会颁发「绩优服务奖」及英国公开大学授予荣誉博士学位;二零零六年获香港公开大学颁予荣誉理学博士、二零零八年 英 国 诺 丁 汉 大 学授予荣誉理学博士及二零一一年获香港中文大学颁予荣誉院士,可谓实至名归。
For his significant contributions to open and distance education, Professor Tam was awarded the ‘Prize of Excellence for Individuals’ (International Council for Open and Distance Education) in 2001 and the ‘Meritorious Service Award’ (Asian Association of Open Universities) in 2002, and honorary degrees: Hon D Univ (UKOU) 2002; Hon D Sc (OUHK) 2006; (Nottingham U) 2008; and Hon U Fellow (CUHK) 2011.
本咨询意见于 2011 年 2 月 1 日汉堡自由汉萨城以英文和法文拟就,两种 文本均具权威性,一式三份,其中一份由法庭存档,另外两份送交国际海底管理 局秘书长和联合国秘书长。
Done in English and French, both texts being authoritative, in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, [...]
this first day of
February, two thousand and eleven, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives of the Tribunal and the others will be sent to the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
通用汽车医疗保健的总部位英国白 金 汉 郡 奇尔特恩区,是通用电气年收入超过 170 亿美元的业务部门,员工超过 [...]
46 000 人,致力于为超过 100 个国家的医疗保健专业人员和患者提供服务。
With Headquarters in Little
[...] Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK, GE Healthcare is a [...]
$17 billion unit of General Electric Company
and employs more than 46 000 people committed to serving healthcare professionals and their patients in more than 100 countries.
一个译出版了在汉堡, 1631“,由大卫科恩卡洛斯”德伦瓜Caldayca,但最喜欢的渲染是亚伯拉罕以撒Lañado去,在希伯来文字符在威尼斯出版, [...]
A translation was published in Hamburg, 1631, [...]
by David Cohen Carlos "de lengua Caldayca"; but the favorite rendering was
that of Abraham de Isaac Lañado, published in Hebrew characters at Venice, 1619, 1654, 1655, 1672, 1716, 1721, 1739, 1805; Leghorn, 1769, 1787; Vienna, 1820.
謝偉俊議員: 主席,英國廣播公司節目的調查發現,有中介人以 虛假香港住址證明,協助不同國籍的申請人先以其海外駕駛執照獲免 試簽發本港正式駕駛執照,然後根據本港 英 國 的 互 換 駕駛執照協 議,幫助該等申請人免試換領英國駕駛執照。
MR PAUL TSE (in Chinese): President, an investigation conducted by a British Broadcasting Corporation programme has revealed that certain intermediaries used fake proofs of residential addresses in Hong Kong to assist applicants of different nationalities who held overseas driving licences to obtain full Hong Kong driving licences by direct issue without
test, and then made use
[...] of the agreement on mutual exchange of driving licences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom to assist such [...]
applicants to exchange
for Great Britain (GB) driving licences without test.
我們想問政府, 鑒於社會有如此確切的需要,它應否考慮,以及應否按《駐軍法》和中 華人民共和國香港特別行政區在1994年 英互 相 交 換的備忘錄條文,啟 動現時軍事用地的程序?
We would like to ask the Government: in view of the actual needs of the community, should it consider this, and should it activate the procedure concerning the existing military sites in accordance with the provisions of the Garrison Law and the Memorandum of Understanding exchanged between the Chinese Government and the British Government in 1994?




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