单词 | 汉白玉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 汉白玉 —white marblea type of white marble used for building and sculptingSee also:汉—Han ethnic group • the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) • Chinese (language) 白玉—white jade • tofu (by analogy) 玉 n—jade n
开辟了总面积约2350平方米的牡丹精品区,扩大牡丹种植面积900平方米;并重塑了优 质 汉白玉 质 地的“牡丹仙子”塑像,高达5.8米;修建了牡丹仙子观花台。更新“荷花杯”为“水上回转游艇”占地约230平方米,更新“西游乐园”为“室内电光打靶”占地200平方米,更新“空中转椅”为“碰碰船”占地225平方米,新建“儿童乐园”占地336平方米。 lywch.cn | And at the former address "Queen Wu Appreciating Flowers” Statue, which was 3.6 meters high and the foundation was 1.2 meters; opened up a Top-notch Peony Area with an area of 2,350 sq; [...] increase peony planting area of 900 [...] sq; remodeled quality white marble statue of “Peony [...]Faery", 5.8 meters high; and built [...]Peony Faery Flower Viewing Platform; renewed “Lotus Cup” into “Aquatic Swinging Yachts” covering an area of 230 sq; renewed “Journey to the West Park” into “Indoor Lightning Shootign Practice” covering an area of 200 sq; renew “Overhead Swivel Chair” into “Bumper Boats” covering an area of 225 sq; built “Children Play Center” covering an area of 336 sq. lywch.cn |
通过融入这名陌生人的角色,韦英将她看到的转化为个人体验,把她自己放在伦 敦 白 金 汉 地 区 的购物商场里,放在过路人的茫然的凝视中。 shanghaibiennale.org | Gillian Wearing transformed what she saw into a personal experience by slipping into the role [...] of the stranger, exposing [...] herself to the blank stares of passers-by in a shopping mall in the London borough of Peckham. shanghaibiennale.org |
汉高的漂白碱销 售增长迅速,才过一年,公司在杜塞尔多夫的施采恩街(Schützenstraße)租用的工厂就难以满足市场需要了。 henkel.cn | Sales of Henkel's Bleaching Soda increased [...] so rapidly that within just one year the rented factory on the Schützenstraße [...]in Düsseldorf was unable to meet the demand. henkel.com |
他获得上海市人民政府颁发的“白玉 兰 奖 ”,以表彰他对中国社会和经济发展做出的卓越贡献。 pactera.com | He received the “White Magnolia Award” from the [...] Shanghai Municipal People’s Government recognizing his outstanding contributions [...]to social and economic growth of the country. pactera.com |
长途飞行后在 [...] Hard Rock 咖啡馆放松一下吧,这里的菜单上有从墨西 哥 玉 米 片 到 汉 堡 丰 富的选择。 changiairport.com | Unwind after a long flight at the Hard Rock Café with the extensive menu [...] ranging from nachos to their famous burgers. changiairport.com |
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒 和 玉 米 中 的氯氰菊酯(146)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16. codexalimentarius.org |
随着鱼粉价格继续上涨,浓缩的植物蛋 白(大豆蛋白浓缩、加拿大油菜蛋白浓缩、豌豆 蛋 白 浓 缩 和 玉 米 /小 麦麸皮)将在 高营养层养殖物种和甲壳类水产饲料中得到比一般植物蛋白粉更显著的地位。 fao.org | With the continued rise in the fishmeal price, plant protein concentrates (soybean protein concentrate, canola protein concentrate, pea protein concentrate and corn/wheat gluten meals) will gain increasing prominence over regular plant protein meals within aquafeeds for high-trophic-level cultured species and crustaceans. fao.org |
水玻璃、汉高漂白碱、汉高茶 饮和Martellin钾肥的年销售额突破百万马克。 henkel.cn | Annual sales of [...] water-glass, Henkel's Bleich-Soda, Henkel's Thee and Martellin [...]fertilizer passed the one million mark. henkel.com |
美国 – [...] 美国农业部谷物检测/包装/储存管理局2002年1月批准FOSS Infratec 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测定小麦中的蛋白质含量;大豆中的 蛋 白 质 和 脂肪含量 ; 玉 米 种的 蛋 白 质 、脂肪和淀粉含量。 foss.cn | USA - GIPSA In January 2002 the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for official [...] determination of protein content in wheat; protein [...] and oil content in soy beans; protein, oil and starch content in corn. foss.nl |
通用汽车医疗保健的总部位于英国白 金 汉 郡 奇 尔特恩区,是通用电气年收入超过 170 亿美元的业务部门,员工超过 46 000 人,致力于为超过 100 个国家的医疗保健专业人员和患者提供服务。 bksv.cn | With Headquarters in Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK, GE Healthcare is a $17 billion unit of General Electric Company and employs more than 46 000 people committed to serving healthcare professionals and their patients in more than 100 countries. bksv.com |
博物馆工作人员中还包括 [...] 15 名修复专家,专门研究蛋彩 画、图像、陶瓷、瓷器、玻璃、白玉 、 织物、木材与家具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Fifteen restoration experts specializing in tempera paintings, graphics, [...] ceramics, china, glass, white stone, tissue, wood [...]and furniture, are also part of the museum staff. unesdoc.unesco.org |
近年推廣給漁農友的優質品種,包括寶石魚 、 白玉 苦 瓜、有機草 莓、有機西瓜、有機杭菊和溫室網紋瓜等,市場對這些產品均有良好的反應, [...] 以致產品很多時候供不應求。 legco.gov.hk | Quality species being promoted to farmers in recent [...] years include the jade perch, white bitter cucumber, organic [...]strawberry, organic watermelon, [...]organic chrysanthemum, and the greenhouse production of rock melon, which are very well-received in the market, and the demand for these products often exceeds the supply. legco.gov.hk |
2012年9月28日,上海:罗兰贝格管理咨询公司全球董事会成员、亚洲区总裁常博逸先生 (Charles-Edouard Bouée) [...] 以其对上海市的社会经济发展及推动中欧两地商业交流做出的杰出贡献,荣获由上海市政府授予的上海市 “ 白玉 兰 荣 誉奖”。 rolandberger.com.cn | Shanghai, September 28, 2012: Today, Mr. Charles-Edouard Bouée, member of the Roland Berger Global Executive Committee and President of Asia, was honored by the Shanghai [...] Municipal Government for the second time with [...] the prestigious Magnolia Award for his [...]outstanding contributions to the city of [...]Shanghai and China-Europe relations. rolandberger.com.cn |
上海市“白玉兰荣 誉奖”是上海市政府设立的对外表彰奖项,旨在表彰为上海市经济建设、社会发展以及对外交流做出突出贡献的在沪外籍人士。 rolandberger.com.cn | The Shanghai Magnolia Award is presented [...] annually by the Shanghai Municipal Government to honor expatriates who have made [...]outstanding contributions to Shanghai’s social and economic development and foreign exchange. rolandberger.com.cn |
因此,我感谢2010 年的几位前任主席:孟加拉国大使汉 南 、 白 俄 罗 斯大使 赫沃斯托夫、比利时大使范梅奥伊文和巴西大使德马塞多·苏亚雷斯。 daccess-ods.un.org | I therefore wish to thank my predecessors for 2010: Ambassador Hannan of Bangladesh, Ambassador Khvostov of Belarus, Ambassador Van Meeuwen of Belgium and Ambassador Macedo Soares of Brazil. daccess-ods.un.org |
11月13日,参与测头设计工作的员工Pete [...] Hajdukiewicz和Andy Butter代表雷尼绍公司参加了在白金汉 宫 举 行的颁奖仪式,英国女王和爱丁堡公爵出席了典礼。 renishaw.com.cn | On 13th November, employees Pete Hajdukiewicz and Andy Butter, who worked on the design of the probe, [...] represented the company at an awards evening [...] reception at Buckingham Palace, in the [...]presence of Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. renishaw.com |
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿), 刘 汉 铨 ,奥古斯丁,杰罗姆,繁荣,狮子座,西里尔(“每一丝一毫的”到弗拉维安托梅是根据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神的恩典,直到他们在她的共融生活的结束,也是法令的信件,其中最幸运教皇在不同时代赋予不同的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。 mb-soft.com | In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration". mb-soft.com |
工程科学和技术的至关重要性已经在联合国、八国集团、二十国集团、非洲联盟和非 洲发展新伙伴关系的会议和报告中,在 2002 [...] 年的约翰内斯堡可持续发展问题世界首脑会议 [...] (WSSD)、世界工程师组织联合会(WFEO)和世界工程师大会 2000 年(汉诺威,主题为 “人类--自然--技术”)、2004 [...] 年(上海,主题为“工程师朔造可持续的世界”)、2008 年 (巴西利亚,主题为“工程学:富有社会责任的创新”)和计划在 [...] 2011 年(日内瓦,主题 为“工程学赋予世界以力量”)举行的会议,包括 1999 年的世界科学大会上,都给予了突 出的强调。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The vital importance of engineering and technology has been emphasized at meetings and reports of the United Nations, G8, G20, the African Union and NEPAD, the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development [...] (WSSD) in 2002, at the WFEO World Engineers [...] Conventions in 2000 (Hanover, theme: “Humanity [...]– Nature – Technology”), 2004 (Shanghai, [...]theme: “Engineers Shape the Sustainable World”), 2008 (Brasilia, theme: “Engineering: Innovation with Social Responsibility”), and the forthcoming WEC in 2011 (Geneva, theme: “Engineers Power the World”) and the World Conference on Science in 1999. unesdoc.unesco.org |
要找他其他的作品,何以從本收藏系列開始,如Treasury 1, 編號 63 與 65 [...] (後者包括在此場拍賣),也有蘇富比,香港,1993年4月28日, 拍賣品號 517 的白玉茄子形的鼻煙壺 (照片不太清楚)。 e-yaji.com | Obvious candidates in this collection are Treasury 1, nos. 63 [...] and 65 (the latter is included in this [...] sale), and another white jade bottle of eggplant [...]form not very clearly illustrated in [...]Sotheby’s, Hong Kong, 28 April 1993, lot 517. e-yaji.com |
在韦英的早期作品《在白金汉起舞》中,她所使用的强烈的述行性方式已经一目了然。 shanghaibiennale.org | In Wearing’s early film Dancing in Peckham, her strong performative approach becomes obvious. shanghaibiennale.org |
身体护理系列 - 让鲜花触碰你的身体 甜白玉兰沐浴露的玉兰花,作为一个整体在世界最古老的树木之一,包含了复杂的维生素,矿物质,植物激素是非常集中和谐波的再生能力,速度非常快,甚至皮肤受到深深的皱纹。 pelos.biz | Body care line - let flowers touch your body SWEET MAGNOLIA bath foam The flower of the magnolia, one of the oldest trees in the world as a whole contains a complex of vitamins, minerals, plant hormones are very concentrated and harmonics that are capable of regenerating, very quickly, even skins suffer from deep wrinkles. pelos.biz |
现在,我们有2个电弧炉和3种的生产线,生产棕 刚 玉 , 白 刚 玉 , 铬 刚玉,单晶铝,黑刚玉,锆铝,钙的氧化铝和耐火材料等,总年产是比50000MTS。 chinatrader.ru | Now, We have 2 electric arc-furnaces and [...] three kinds of production lines to [...] produce Brown fused alumina, White fused alumina, Pink [...]fused alumina, Monocrystalline aluminum, [...]Black fused alumina, Zirconia aluminum, calcium alumina and refractory materials etc. The total annual output is more than 50000MTS. chinatrader.ru |
這種白玉卵石料是清初葉蘇州琢玉匠喜愛的質料也是他們有節制的風格 [...] ,但同時,地面以一層一層斧砍輪廓的平面形成,而這是蘇州琢玉風格已完成的特點之一。 e-yaji.com | Of the white pebble material beloved [...] of the early Qing Suzhou carvers and with the same restrained and understated decorative [...]style, it has, nonetheless, features of the fully evolved, classic style in the serrated rockwork. e-yaji.com |
谈论时,他经常手持白玉柄的 尘尾,手和玉柄的颜色一样白皙。 chinesestoryonline.com | Like other public figures of his time, Wang Yan paid little attention to his work, instead, he spent most of his time talking about literature, philosophy and other "hot topics" with friends. chinesestoryonline.com |
上下”如园系列包括了紫檀、白玉、 玛 瑙、金银吊坠以及原始太湖石,代表了智慧与不朽。 luxe-immo.com | The SHANG XIA Garden collection includes [...] pendants of Zitan, white jade, agate, gold, silver [...]– and, of course, original Taihu [...]Rock, prized over the ages for representing wisdom and immortality. luxe-immo.com |
从宏伟的白金汉宫和 历史悠久的伦敦塔到标志性的“伦敦眼”和代表蜡像奇迹的杜莎夫人蜡像馆,伦敦无疑是全球最值得游览的极好去处之一,也是在英格兰学英语的理想之选。 lsi.edu | From the grandeur of Buckingham Palace and the [...] historic Tower of London to the iconic London Eye and the waxwork wonders [...]of Madame Tussaud’s, London is truly one of the great destination cities of the world – and the ideal place to learn English in England. lsi.edu |
报告覆盖范围包括亚太地区、曼 谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、 爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、广州、杭州、 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰、南京、纽卡斯 尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、 沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。 hsbc.com.cn | Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian. hsbc.com.cn |
我也愿向中国代表深表感谢——并为自己不会 讲汉语致歉,我还要说,我们认真注意到了他的两点 看法,第一是关于解决办法以及在我们行动中采取不 同解决办法的重要性——我感谢他承认我们在这方 面的作用——还有就是,冲突斡旋和维持和平与难民 保护和人道主义行动之间的牢固联系,以及安全理事 会与人道主义机构为使行动充分有效而开展对话的 重要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to express my deep gratitude also to the representative of China — and apologize also for not being able to speak in Mandarin — and to say how much we noticed his two comments, first on solutions and the importance of different groups of solutions in our action — I thank him for the recognition of our role on that — and then on the very strong linkage between conflict mediation and peacekeeping and refugee protection and humanitarian action, and the importance of dialogue between the Security Council and humanitarian agencies in order for that to be fully effective. daccess-ods.un.org |
已故总统因其成就被授予无数国内和国际奖项, 其中包括因其提高粮食保障从而成功消除贫困而获 得 2010 年联合国千年发展目标奖,他还被授予 2008 年联合国粮食及农业组织的农业奖,以表彰他将该国 [...] 经济从一个粮食短缺国转变为一个玉 米 净 出口国所 做的巨大贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | The late President was awarded numerous national and international awards for his achievements, including an United Nations Millennium Development Goals Award in 2010 for success towards eliminating hunger by enhancing food security, as well as the Agricola Medal of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2008 in honour of his substantial [...] contribution to transforming the country’s economy from that of a food deficit nation to [...] that of a net exporter of maize. daccess-ods.un.org |