单词 | 汉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 汉noun—mann汉—Han ethnic groupthe Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)Chinese (language)Examples:汉语n—Chinesen 在汉堡adv—in Hamburgadv 汉字n—kanjin
尽 管 本 集 团 已 於武汉阳逻港 项 目 开 始 时 获 中 国 合 营 夥 伴( 为武汉市政府 机 关 )授 予 发 展武汉阳逻港 第 二 期 的 优先权 , 且 於 二 零零五 年 订 立 一份纲 要 性 协 议( 连 同 於 二 零零七 年 四 月 签 署 的 补 充 协 议 )并 获 中 央 政 府 於 随 後 批 准 相 关 发 展 计 划 , 令 本 集 团 持 有 第 二 期 发 展 项 目的 44 % 股 权 及 由武汉阳逻港 两 间 中 国 合 营 夥 伴 持 有 其 余 权 益 , 惟 就 合 资 合同条 款 的 磋 商 最 终 破 裂 , 导 致 本 集 团 未 能 如 愿 参 与 该 项 目的开 发 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Despite the Group having been granted the right of first refusal for the development of Phase II of the WIT Port by the PRC joint venture partners who are Wuhan government agencies at inception of the WIT project, the signing of the Heads of Agreement in 2005 (together with a supplemental agreement in April 2007) and the subsequent approval of the development plan by the Central Government for the Group to take a 44% equity interest in the Phase II development with the rest of the interest to be taken up by the two PRC Joint Venture partners of WIT, negotiations of the terms of the joint venture agreement have grinded to a halt resulting in the Group not being able to participate in the development of the project as intended. cigyangtzeports.com |
微 观 层 面 , 随 着 竞 争 对 手 港口汉阳港计 划 於 二 零 一一年年中 关闭并 搬 迁 至 阳 逻( 即武汉阳逻港 所 在地), 董 事 认 为 此 乃 极 佳 机 遇 , 可 令武汉阳逻港 首 次与汉阳港於 陆 路 运 输 成 本 方 面 处 於 同 等 竞 争 地 位 , 及 於 二 零 一一年 吸 引 更 多 费 率 较 高 的武汉本地集 装 箱 业 务 , 从 而 增 加 本 集 团武汉本地货 运 业 务 的 收 入 及 市 场 份 额 。 cigyangtzeports.com | On the micro front, with the closure and relocation of the competitor port, Hangyang Port to the Yanglou area, where the WIT Port is located, planned to take place in mid 2011, the Directors welcome the opportunity for the WIT Port to compete on an equal footing with the Hangyang Port in terms of the land side transportation costs for the first time and to attract more Wuhan sourced containers with higher tariff rates to the port thereby increasing the Group’s Wuhan sourced cargo revenue and market share in 2011. cigyangtzeports.com |
根据系统软件及支援服务总协议,各项系统软件及支援服务交易之条件(包括但不限於 本集团应付之费用金额及付款条件)应以公平的原则订立并为一般商业条款,且不逊於 港华科技(武汉)提供予其他独立第三方客户之条件。 towngaschina.com | Pursuant to the Master System Software and Supporting Services Agreement, the terms of each System Software and Supporting Services Transaction (including but not limited to the amount of fees payable by the Group and the payment terms) shall be on a fair basis, on normal commercial terms, and on terms which are no less favourable than those offered by HKCG (Wuhan) to other independent third party customers. towngaschina.com |
此外,中 芯代成都成芯半导体制造有限公司经营管理一座 200mm 晶圆厂,也代武汉新芯集成电 路制造有限公司经营管理一座 300mm 晶圆厂。 cre8ir.com | In addition, SMIC manages and operates a 200mm wafer fab in Chengdu owned by Cension Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, and a 300mm wafer fab in Wuhan owned by Wuhan Xinxin Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation. cre8ir.com |
潍坊德高授予汉高爱尔蘭一项合同更新权,汉高爱尔蘭可在总供应协议的初始期限及任何後续合同期限(取适用者)届满前至少提前一 个月向潍坊德高发出书面通知,将总供应协议的初始期限及後续合同期限另行更新三 年,惟须符合适用法律法规(包括但不限於本公司履行其根据上市规则应承担的义 务)。 tdchem.com | Weifang Dekel grantsto Henkel Ireland the right to renew the initial term and any further term of the Master Supply Agreement by a further period of three years by notice in writing to Weifang Dekel no later than one month prior to the expiration of the initial term and any further term of the Master Supply Agreement, subject to applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to compliance by the Company with its obligations under the Listing Rules. tdchem.com |
独立董事委员会(包括所有独立非执行董事郑汉钧博士、麦贵荣先生及伍绮琴女士)已 成立,就(i)该等协议条款及其项下拟进行之交易对独立股东而言是否公平合理;及(ii)该等 收购事项及其项下拟进行之交易是否符合 贵公司及股东之整体利益,向独立股东提供意 见。 cre8ir.com | Ng Yi Kum, Estella, has been formed to advise the Independent Shareholders as to (i) whether the terms of the Agreements and the transactions contemplated thereunder are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned; and (ii) whether the Acquisitions and the transactions contemplated thereunder are on normal commercial terms and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. cre8ir.com |
将自己定位接近那些体现现在通过一个新的宇宙中心的海边生活(也可能是在海边离开离开海边的方向),这非常特殊的存在表示我们发现在汉普顿在高速公路27月底,全省纽约长岛半岛。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This will position itself closer to those who embody is now expressed through a new universe centered on Seaside Living (possibly also in Seaside Leaving Leaving for the direction of the Seaside), this very special kind of existence that we discover in the Hamptons at the end of Highway 27 on the peninsula of Long Island in the province of New York. en.horloger-paris.com |
这看法得到前交通谘询委员会主席郑汉钧博士的支 持,他认为急须兴建中环湾仔绕道,以解决中环湾仔交 [...] 通挤塞的问题[附件 2.4]。 devb.gov.hk | This view is [...] supported by DrChengHon-kwan, former [...]Chairman of Transport Advisory Committee, who opines that the CWB is [...]urgently needed to resolve the traffic congestion problem in Central and Wan Chai [Enclosure 2.4]. devb.gov.hk |
他於电讯行业具有超过十六年经验,并持有武汉解放军通信指挥学院 之通信专业学士学位。 asiasat.com | He has over 16 years’ experience in the telecommunications business and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Speciality from the Wuhan People’s Liberation Army Institute of Communication Command. asiasat.com |
例子包括白面包、裸麦面包、裸麦粗面包、提子乾面包、全麦面包、pain courant francais、麦芽面包、汉堡面包卷、全麦面包卷及牛奶面包卷。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: white bread, rye bread, pumpernickel bread, raisin bread, whole wheat bread, pain courant francais, malt bread, hamburgerrolls, whole wheat rolls, and milk rolls. cfs.gov.hk |
运输署估计,如到 2007 年仍未兴建 P2 道路网, [...] 每天将有大约 26000 名道路使用者会在康乐广场与干 诺道中的交汇处受阻 20 分钟,所构成的经济代价达每 [...] 年1亿5600万元8 。交通谘询委员会主席郑汉钧博士同 意急须兴建 P2 道路网,以解决中环湾仔交通挤塞的问 [...]题 [附件 2.4]。 devb.gov.hk | TD has estimated that if the Road P2 Network was not built by 2007, each day some 26,000 road users would have to tolerate a 20-minute delay at the junction of Connaught Place and CRC, [...] incurring an economic cost of $156 million [...] annually.8 DrCheng Hon-kwan, Chairman [...]of Transport Advisory Committee, agreed that [...]the Road P2 network is urgently needed to resolve the traffic congestion problem in Central and Wan Chai [Enclosure 2.4]. devb.gov.hk |
汉普顿是在钢铁,皮革或缎,并提供三种类型的卷曲,20,36或80颗钻石,足以满足最苛刻的字符。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The Hampton is available in steel, leather or satin and offers three types of crimp, 20, 36 or 80 diamonds enough to satisfy the most demanding characters. en.horloger-paris.com |
彼曾为星美联合股份有限公司( [...] 一间於深圳证券交易所上市之公司)副总裁以及曾任汉传媒集团有限公司( 股份代 号:491)( 一间於联交所主板上市之公司)之执行董事。 equitynet.com.hk | He was a vice [...] president of Stellar Megaunion Corporation, a company [...]listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and an executive [...]director of See Corporation Limited (stock code: 491), a company listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange. equitynet.com.hk |
其他领袖中,大中华地区民众对日本首相麻生太郎都较有信心,综合比率均有34%,另外,大中华地区民众对印度总理曼莫汉. hkupop.hku.hk | As for other leaders, publics in GCR had more confidence in Japan's Prime Minister Tara Aso, with a combined percentage of 34%. hkupop.hku.hk |
根据总供应协议,潍坊德高同意每年提供而汉高爱尔蘭同意每年购买该等产品及特殊 等级产品。 tdchem.com | Pursuant to the Master Supply Agreement, Weifang Dekel agreed to supply and Henkel Ireland agreed to purchase the Products and Special Grade Products annually. tdchem.com |
於二零一二年十一月六日,本公司之非全资附属公司潍坊德高与汉高爱尔蘭 订立总供应协议,据此,潍坊德高同意每年提供而汉高爱尔蘭同意每年购买 该等产品及特殊等级产品。 tdchem.hi2000.com | On 6 November 2012, Weifang Dekel, a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company entered into the Master Supply Agreement with Henkel Ireland, pursuant to which Weifang Dekel agreed to supply and Henkel Ireland agreed to purchase Products and Special Grade Products annually. tdchem.hi2000.com |
例子包括冷冻的汉堡碎肉饼、 沾面包糠或炸浆的冷冻鸡条。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: frozen hamburger patties; frozen breaded or battered chicken fingers. cfs.gov.hk |
於本公告日期,会德丰的董事会成员为吴光正先生、吴天海先生、徐耀祥先生和黄光耀 [...] 先生,以及五位独立非执行董事欧肇基先生、张培明先生、刘菱辉先生、丁午寿先生和 余灼强先生,而九龙仓的董事会成员为吴光正先生、吴天海先生、周安桥先生、李玉芳 [...] 女士、吴梓源先生和徐耀祥先生,以及六位独立非执行董事陈茂波议员、陈坤耀教授、 钱果丰博士、方刚议员、捷成汉先生和詹康信先生。 wheelockcompany.com | As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of Wheelock comprises Mr. Peter K. C. Woo, Mr. Stephen T. H. Ng, Mr. Paul Y. C. Tsui and Mr. Ricky K. Y. Wong, together with five independent non-executive directors, namely, Mr. Alexander S. K. Au, Mr. B. M. Chang, Mr. Herald L. F. Lau, Mr. Kenneth W. S. Ting and Mr. Glenn S. Yee, and the board of directors of Wharf comprises Mr. Peter K. C. Woo, Mr. Stephen T. H. Ng, Mr. Andrew O. K. Chow, Ms. [...] Doreen Y. F. Lee, Mr. T. Y. Ng and Mr. Paul Y. C. Tsui, together with six independent [...] non-executive directors, namely, Hon. wheelockcompany.com |
汉堡为佛罗里达的创意阶级概念范例,市政府具备创新精神,强调佛罗里达重视的「3T」(科技、包容、人才),发展为都市成长政策,藉以吸引全球人才,并扩张当地创意环境,亦即日常生活与接触的实体、社会与文化环境,市政府基於这些创意阶级核心论述,认为创意政策将有助提升汉堡在国内的竞争优势。 thisbigcity.net | With emphasis on Florida’s 3 Ts (Technology, Tolerance and Talent), the entrepreneurial city council has developed urban growth policies a) to attract global talent and b) to expand the city’s creative milieus, that is, the physical, social and cultural environments in which people act and live. thisbigcity.net |
附注 1: Well Success 之全部已发行股本中 [...] 31.47%由黄先生实益拥有,10.13% 由吴汉辉先生(本公司前任董事)实益拥有,及 [...]58.4%由进荣实益拥有。 equitynet.com.hk | Note 1: The entire issued share capital of Well Success is [...] beneficially owned as to 31.47% by Mr. Wong, as to [...] 10.13%by Mr.NgHon Fai(formerly a [...]director of the Company) and as to 58.4% by Advance Success. equitynet.com.hk |
(ii) 与港华科技(武汉)订立系统软件及支援服务总协议。据此,港华科技(武汉)将根据本集团成员公司之需要,不时向彼等提供系统软件及支援服务,而 本集团相关成员公司将就此向港华科技(武汉)支付有关费用;及 towngaschina.com | (ii) the Master System Software and Supporting Services Agreement with HKCG (Wuhan) pursuant to which HKCG (Wuhan) shall from time to time provide the System Software and Supporting Services to members of the Group according to their needs, and the relevant member of the Group shall pay to HKCG (Wuhan) relevant fees in connection therewith; and towngaschina.com |
汉高集团在全球各地均有业务,在三个业务范畴拥有尖端品牌及技术,计有:(i)洗涤 及家居清洁用品;(ii)化妆/洗漱用品;及(iii)黏贴技术。 tdchem.hi2000.com | Henkel Group operates worldwide with leading brands and technologies in three business areas including (i) laundry and home care; (ii) cosmetics/toiletries; and (iii) adhesive technologies. tdchem.hi2000.com |
因此,您不超越的学科领域,但直接向汉诺威工业博览会特别,如果你想看到有关这些主题的创新。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Therefore, you do not go beyond the subject areas, but directly to the Hanover Fair Special, if you want to see innovation on these topics. en.developmentscout.com |
如 果 罪 犯 是 已 婚 的 , 而 他 的 配 偶 是 唯 一 可 以 指 证 他 的 人 , 他 便 可 以 逍 遥 法 外 ; 但 如 果 罪 犯 是 单身汉,则不 能 按 照 保 护 配 偶 的 原 则 , 阻 止 证 人 提 供 罪 证 , 因 而 会 被 判 罪 。 hkreform.gov.hk | One guilty party who happens to be married may escape conviction when the only evidence against him is that of his spouse, whilst another would be convicted if he happens to be a bachelor, and so cannot preclude incriminating testimony under the spouse-protection rule. hkreform.gov.hk |
」);(ii)汉民初期集中在发展汽车用之传统轴承及踏板控制系统,并於二零零九年以 约港币20,000,000元成本收购了数项技术,均为其已有技术之附加组件;(iii)汉民期後 用约一年时间以把新收购的组件与原有技术组成其现有之汽车动力控制及轴承系统的 基本骨干;及(iv)於二零一二年,汉民之技术已进入第三阶段,使其可以配合燃油、柴 油及混合动力发动机之要求,而其研发团队仍在努力进一步提升系统的效率和效能。 jinhengholdings.com | As advised by the Company, (i) such intangible assets represent technology know-how related to the automobile gearing system and power-control system owned by Handyman (the “Technology Know-how”); (ii) Handyman initially focused on the development of traditional gearing and throttle control system used in automobiles, and acquired a few technologies at the cost of about HK$20,000,000 which were some add-on modules on its existing technologies in 2009; (iii) Handyman [...] then used a [...] year to combine the new acquired modules with its owned technologies and form the foundation skeleton of the existing automobile power-control and gearing system; and (iv) the technologies of Handymanhaveachieved the third generation which can cope with the requirement of petrol, diesel and hybrid engines in 2012, and its research team is still working on the further improvement of the efficiency [...]and effectiveness of the system. jinhengholdings.com |
魏 先 生 持 有 香 港 理 工 大 学 的 企 业 融 资 硕 士、美 国 安 德 鲁 大 学( Andrews University )工 商 管 理 硕 士 及 英 国 华瑞汉普敦大 学( University of Wolverhampton )法 律(荣 誉 )学 士 学 位。 zte.com.cn | Mr. Ngai holds a master’s degree in corporate finance from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a master’s degree in business administration from Andrews University of the United States and a LLB (Hons) degree from the University of Wolverhampton of the United Kingdom. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
此二古城历史悠久,自古即为重要观光胜地 (可远溯至西元前 205 年的汉代),时至今日,其名闻遐迩的特色包括手工织丝、陶土雕像、精雅园林亭阁、太湖等等,不胜枚举。 seagate.com | These ancient cities, both important tourist destinations, date as [...] far back as the Han Dynasty (205 [...]BC) and are renowned for hand-woven silk, clay [...]figurines, meticulous gardens, pagodas and Taihu Lake, to name a few. seagate.com |
为了促进中国的大豆研究及育种,林汉明的团队联同深圳的研究人员合作启动了一项大型的大豆基因组解读计划,应用先进的脱氧核糖核酸测序技术来验证野生大豆丰富的生物多样性,并解开其中重要的基因组信息。 news.gov.hk | To foster the study and breeding of soybeans in [...] China, Prof Lam's teamareleading a [...]joint soybean genomic project along with researchers [...]from Shenzhen to apply advanced DNA-sequencing technology to reveal wild soybean genomes' biodiversity and unlock the essential genomic data contained in soybeans. news.gov.hk |