

单词 汇费

See also:

converge (of rivers)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 各项建议,特别是关于加强移徙问题方面的国际合 作和想方设法改善汇款流动和降 汇费 的 建 议。
In that connection, he supported the recommendations contained in the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/223), particularly the one regarding
enhancing international cooperation on migration and finding ways to improve the
[...] flow and reduce the cost of remittances.
要保证该卡与您的 ActivTrades 帐户上的姓名一致,在某些情况下会产生费用,
[...] 这些费用由发卡机构向 ActivTrades 收取,我们不汇费中获利。
These represent the cost applied by the card issuer to ActivTrades, we do
[...] not profit from transaction fees.
发出汇费率不 包含海外代理行可能加收的汇款清算费用
The charge for Telegraphic Transfer does [...]
not include handling fee which may be levied by overseas bank.
鉴于汇款 对于收受国的重要性,本国和国际社会也要持续努力降 汇 款 费 用。
Because of the importance of remittances
to recipient countries, national and international efforts
[...] in reducing the cost of remittances should also be [...]
[...] 意大利于 1901 年通过) 以及西班牙和阿根廷于1960 年缔结的降低接汇款费用的条约是其 明证。
Migration was the world’s oldest development strategy, as illustrated by the first remittance-protection legislation in Europe (which was adopted by Italy
in 1901) as well as the treaty concluded between Spain and Argentina in
[...] 1960 to lower the cost of receiving remittances.
回顾其 2003 年 12 月 23 日第 58/208 号、2004 年 12
月 22 日第 59/241 号、 2005 年 12 月
[...] 23 日第 60/227 号和关于便利移徙者汇款并减少汇 款 费 用的 2005 年 12 月 22 日第 60/206 号决议、关于保护移徙者的 [...]
2007 年 12 月 18 日第 62/156
号决议、关于全球移徙与发展论坛的 2008 年 6 月 20 日第 62/270 号决议和关于 国际移徙与发展问题的 2006 年 12 月 20 日第 61/208 号决议
Recalling its resolutions 58/208 of 23 December 2003, 59/241 of 22 December 2004, 60/227 of 23 December 2005, 60/206 of 22 December
2005 on the facilitation and
[...] reduction of the cost of transfer of migrant remittances, 62/156 of [...]
18 December 2007 on the protection
of migrants, 62/270 of 20 June 2008 on the Global Forum on Migration and Development and 61/208 of 20 December 2006 on international migration and development
我们重申必须制定政策并采取措施,降低移徙人员向发展中国 汇 款 的费 用, 并欢迎各国政府和利益有关者为此作出努力。
We reaffirm the need to adopt policies and undertake measures
[...] to reduce the cost of transferring migrant remittances to developing [...]
countries and welcome efforts
by Governments and stakeholders in this regard.
(w) 加强汇出国和汇入国之间的合作,以降 汇 款 的交 易 费 用 , 特别是为更 加便宜、快捷和安全的汇款进一步创造条件,惠益各国的发展努力。
(w) Strengthening cooperation between
originating and receiving countries to
[...] lower the transaction costs of remittances, especially [...]
promoting conditions for cheaper,
faster and safer transfers of remittances, which can contribute to national efforts for development.
这一点在非 洲尤其必要,因为农发基金估计,散居在非洲以外的非洲人每年有约 400 亿美元 的汇款,而且向非汇款的费用相对较高,变化很大。
This is particularly true in Africa, where IFAD estimates that the African
diaspora contributes about $40
[...] billion in remittances every year, and where the cost of sending money [...]
to Africa remains relatively
high and subject to wide variations.
因而所有执行机构都必 须继续每汇报其行政费用增 加情况,尤其是核心单位费用。
It followed that it was important for all the implementing agencies
to continue to report on their
[...] increases in administrative costs each year, especially [...]
with respect to their core unit costs.
她还表示,看来各执行机构在财务报表和在进度报告 汇 报 项 目支 费 用 支 出的方 式有所不同。
She also said that it appeared that the implementing agencies did not
report expenditures on
[...] project support costs in the same way in their financial statements and in their progress reports.
由于地区关税、商业税汇率及手续 费 原 因 ,国际报价可能不同。
International prices may differ due to
[...] local duties, taxes, fees and exchange rates.
对于任何安全危害或潜在安全危害以及任何有关安全的咨询, 汇 报 给 Co ty 消 费 者 保 护团体。
Any security compromises or potential security compromises and any inquiries concerning
[...] security should be reported to the Coty Consumer Advocate.
中断这种往来关系,就意味着古巴人不能从这个欧洲 国家给家里汇款,只能通过其他银行以较高的手 费汇 款。
This termination of correspondent relations eliminated the only remaining option for sending
family remittances from that European
[...] country by raising the cost of each payment order [...]
since it must be sent through a third bank.
据此,移徙组织支持减少转汇款的 费 用 ,并提 供金融服务,以便帮助人们安全并有成效地存钱并投 资;移徙组织还鼓励进一步关注人员流动,以此作为 [...]
IOM accordingly favoured the
[...] lowering of the cost of transferring remittances and the provision [...]
of financial services to help
people save and invest safely and productively; it also encouraged a greater focus on mobility as a means of generating an increase in social remittances for the benefit of all.
图 6 列出了假设性的 PCT 收入预测,其依据为以下假设:(1)在提起申请的同一年缴纳全费用,和(2)全费用按 WIPO 官汇率兑换成瑞郎。
Chart 6 shows provides the hypothetical PCT income forecast which is based
on the assumptions
[...] that (1) all fees are paid within the same of year of filing and (2) all fees are converted to Swiss francs according to WIPO official exchange rates.
表 22.25 所需费汇总 2 2.86 如上表所示,员额项下 19 523 800 美元,用于为 115 个员额(33 个专业及以上、82 个当地雇 员、外勤人员和本国干事)继续提供经费。经费比上一个两年期净减 50 100 美元的原因是行政 事务司的中央支助事务处裁撤 1 个当地雇员员额,以及该司依据大会第 64/244 号决议从 2010 年起设立 1 个本国干事员额所带来的滞后影响。
(c) Management of technical cooperation activities: provision of policy guidance and support to the substantive offices in the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of their respective technical cooperation programmes and projects, including those projects funded from the Development Account; management of the Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation and Development Account, and coordination with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs in this respect; facilitation of networking and knowledge management on ESCWA technical cooperation; provision of proactive support to partnership development and resource mobilization within the context of the ESCWA Technical Cooperation Strategy; and promotion of information and communications support and promotional initiatives on technical cooperation programmes and technical cooperation development.
费用(增加/减少):本预算期与上个预算期相比, 费 用 、 价格 汇 率 变化 造成的资源投费用的增加或减少。
Any increase or
[...] decrease in the cost of a resource input in the budget period compared with that in the previous budget period arising from changes in costs, prices and exchange rates.
瑙鲁特别建议,鉴于所费用,一些 汇 报 义 务在区 域一级进行,而不是在日内瓦进行。
It would notably suggest that some of the reporting obligations be undertaken on a regional basis, rather than in Geneva owing to the costs involved.
秘书长关于汇率和通货膨胀率变动对卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前 南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两年期拟议预算的影响报告(A/64/570) 中所述重计费用反映了实际通货膨胀的最新数据、薪金调查结果、年度 生费调整、2009 年工作地点差价调整指数变动,以及 2009 年业汇率 变化的影响。
The recosting reflected in the report of the Secretary-General on the effect of changes in rates of exchange and inflation on the proposed budgets of both the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the biennium 2010–2011 (A/64/570) reflects the impact of the latest data on actual inflation,
the outcome of salary
[...] surveys, the annual cost-of-living adjustments, the movement of post adjustment indices in 2009 and the effect of the evolution of operational rates [...]
of exchange in 2009.
主要在成本控制、积极组合、较低的重 费 用 和 外 汇 交 易 的驱动下,该业务利润率由去年同期的 [...]
14.8 增至 20.6%,增长了 5.8个百分点。
Segment margin improved to 20.6 percent, increasing 5.8 points from
14.8 percent in the prior year quarter,
[...] driven primarily by cost reductions, positive [...]
mix, lower restructuring expense and
foreign currency transactions.
在本财务期内以不同业务汇率 收到的会员国用欧元支付的费与不 变 汇 率 折 算所产生的差额也将以汇率盈项或汇率 亏项入帐。
The differences arising from recording Member States’ contributions in euros received during the financial period at varying operational rates of exchange as compared with the constant rate will also be recorded as gains or losses on exchange.
主要由于积极成本调整、较低重费 用 、 及有利 汇 率 影 响,本业务利润率增长 2.4 个百分点,达到 12.8%。
Margin for this segment expanded 2.4 points to 12.8
percent, due primarily to
[...] aggressive cost repositioning actions, lower restructuring expense and a favorable [...]
impact from foreign currency transactions.
f. 在没有事先通知的情况下,承运人可以在预约时更改特定船费,并根据承运人估定之船费增加附加费,旅客须
[...] 在登船前付款,以计及航海所需成本因包括燃料费、手续费、税金、 费 或 汇 率 的 不利变化在内的某些运输费 之变动而引发之变数。
The Carrier may alter the Fare specified at the time of reservation and impose, without prior notice, a surcharge upon the Fare of an amount to be assessed by the Carrier which the Guest shall pay prior to embarkation, in order to take into account changes in the cost of providing the Cruise caused by
variations in certain transport costs, including fuel costs,
[...] dues, taxes, fees or adverse movement in [...]
currency exchange rates.
图瓦卢的预算筹资依靠少数几种收入来源(诸如捕鱼许可 费 、 侨 汇 、 租 借 其因特网域名“.tvs”的收入和一个信托基金的收益)以及官方双边赠款。
Tuvalu depends on a small set of income sources (such as
[...] fishing licences, remittances, revenues from [...]
leasing its Internet domain name, “.tv”,
and proceeds from a trust fund) as well as on official bilateral grants for budget financing.
获得的主要成果包括:为《2009 年全民教育全球 监测报告》编撰了有关 184 个国家的教育立法、治理和费筹措 的数 汇 编 、完成了对 129 个国家教育部长(在第四十八届教育会议上)发言内容的综合分析报告和对 2008 年拉丁美 洲和加勒比地区关于全纳教育的国家报告的分析研究、为出版 2008 年《全球教育文摘》, 完成了对 80 个国家的初等教育学制、法定入学年龄等数据的复核工作、完成了第四十八届 国际教育会议最后报告的起草和包括会议所有文件内容的 CD-ROM 光盘制作工作、完成了 国际教育局课程设置工作文件新系列中两份新文件和《教育实践》丛书中一册书的撰写工 作。
Main results included: a compilation of data on educational legislation, governance and financing in 184 countries for the 2009 EFA Global Monitoring Report; a content analysis of 129 messages from Ministers of Education (48th ICE session); an exploratory analysis of 2008 National Reports on inclusive education in Latin America and the Caribbean; the cross-checking of data on primary education duration and statutory entry age in 80 countries for the Global Education Digest 2008; the final report of the 48th ICE and a CD-ROM containing all ICE materials; two papers of the IBE Working Papers on Curriculum Issues series; and one issue of the Educational Practices series.
初次费用为RM1,800,包括报名费和学生签证处 费 用 , 可通过 汇 或 购 买银 汇 票 ( bank draft)至申请表格上所属院校的相关资讯。
Initial fee payment RM1,800, inclusive of
application fee and
[...] student visa processing, payable by telegraphic transfer or bank draft to respective [...]
campus Bank details found on Application Form.
只要分算 分摊会费安排起到原定的作用(即成员国按适当比例的美元和欧元缴纳 费 ), 欧元-美汇兑风 险得到减少,因此不需要特别储备金帐户来处理这种风险。
To the extent to which the split assessment arrangement functions as intended (i.e. Members are billed and pay the right levels of US Dollars and Euro to meet obligations in these currencies), the Euro-Dollar exchange risk is mitigated and there is therefore no requirement that the SRA address this risk.
基本数据、研究和人口与发展政策分析部分的估 费 用 汇 总 了四类支出:人 口普查、调查、民事登记以及研究与培训。
The estimates for the basic data, research and population and development policy analysis component were obtained by summing four expenditure categories: censuses, surveys, civil registration, and research and training.




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