单词 | 求量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 求量 noun —ethanol n
因此,即使在其他時段(如冬天的 深夜)系統的電力需求量有所減低,這亦不會影響整個系統所需要裝機容 [...] 量的確定。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore even if [...] the electricity demands drop in other periods [...](like winter nights), it would not affect the determination [...]of the required installed capacity of the whole power system. legco.gov.hk |
手 機 市 [...] 場 的 競 爭 環 境 更 加 複 雜,手 機 越 來 越 體 現 融 合 的 特 點,低 端 手 機 的 需 求 量 仍 然 較 大。 zte.com.cn | Competition in the handset market was more complicated [...] than ever as the handset was becoming a fusion [...] product although the demand for low-end cell phones remained substantial. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
对于在本两年期面临的挑战,大多数方案都提到对服务的 需 求量 不 断 增加, 而且也需要部署足够的资源来满足这一需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reflecting on the challenges faced during [...] the biennium, most of the programmes cited [...] the increasing demand for services [...]and the need to deploy sufficient resources to meet that demand. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于速度和可支配收入的增加,以及运输成本的降低,导致 [...] 1950 年至 2005 年间,全球平均旅客交通运输需求量 增 长 了四倍以上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owing to the increase in speeds and disposable incomes, on the one hand, and lower [...] transport costs on the other, globally averaged [...] passenger transport demand increased more [...]than fourfold between 1950 and 2005. daccess-ods.un.org |
预计亚太区域各经济体的增长率 2012 [...] 年还将会进一步下滑至 6.5%,其原因是发达经济体对亚太区域的出口 需 求量 疲 软 和资本成本 上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | The growth rate of the economies of the region is forecast to [...] decline further, to 6.5 per cent, in 2012 [...] with slackening demand for the region’s [...]exports in advanced economies and as a [...]result of higher costs of capital. daccess-ods.un.org |
除其他外,被取代的矿物燃料的需 求量 取 决于 替代燃料的产热量和含水量。 ficem.org | The amount of fossil fuel demand that is displaced [...] depends, among other factors, on the calorific value and water content of the alternative fuel. ficem.org |
其中需求量最大的部分是对位二甲苯 (PX) 和苯。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | The components in highest demand are paraxylene [...] (PX) and benzene. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
瑞特先生希望通过增加海地北部三个备受忽视的部门的分发量,产生更大的 需 求量。 unicef.org | And Mr. Ritter hopes to [...] create even more demand by increasing [...]distribution in three neglected departments in northern Haiti. unicef.org |
金属的最后需求量反过来又取决于产 品的最后需求量,并 受下列两个因素的影响:(a) 提高材料效率,也就是说,减 少生产一个产品单位所需金属的数量;(b )在生产过程中采用代替材料,以其他 成分代替金属。 daccess-ods.un.org | Final demand for metals in turn is determined by the final demand for products, and affected by two factors: (a) increased material efficiency, i.e., reducing the quantity of metals needed to produce one unit of product; and (b) material substitutions in the production process, where metals are replaced by other components. daccess-ods.un.org |
雖 然香港並非簽署國,但當局可否確證,香港的電力 需 求量 可 以 令香港履行這項國際 承諾? legco.gov.hk | Although Hong Kong was not a signatory, will [...] the Administration confirm that Hong [...] Kong’s electricity demand will be such that [...]we can honour this international undertaking? legco.gov.hk |
整体销售下降的原因可以归纳为:a) 对大多数类别的出版物的需求量总体下降;b) 改 革工作导致的出版物的减少;c) 规定以版税形式收入的联合出版协定的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The fall in overall sales can be [...] explained by: (a) a globally lower demand for most categories [...]of publications; (b) a lower [...]editorial output due to the reform process; and (c) the effect of copublishing agreements, which provides revenue in the form of royalties. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在所有四类产品中,问号产品的现金表现最差,因为它一方面现金 需 求量 大 , 另一方面又由于市场份额低,现金回报也低。 12manage.com | Question Marks have the worst cash characteristics of all, because they [...] have high cash demands and generate low [...]returns, because of their low market share. 12manage.com |
在办公空间和资产股目前的员额编制下,只 有经常预算资助的一个 [...] P-4 级专业人员正在处理各个部门对总部 27 座大楼的办 公空间需求,而且还受到每年需求量 稳 步 增长的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the current staffing establishment in the Office Space and Assets Unit, only one professional resource at the P-4 level funded by the [...] regular budget is attending to the [...] regular office space requirements of all departments, [...]located in 27 buildings at Headquarters, [...]which has also been largely affected by a steady annual increase. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界银行报告称,该国对 CFC-12 仍有需求,目前预计每年仍需 [...] 15 ODP 吨, 但是由于现有设备的损耗以及使用替代技术, 需 求量 将 稳 步下降。 multilateralfund.org | The World Bank reported that there was a continued need for CFC-12 in the country, which is estimated to be [...] currently 15 ODP tonnes per year but [...] with constant reductions due to the attrition [...]of the existing equipment and its replacement [...]with alternative technologies. multilateralfund.org |
本计划所面临的主要风险是,服务 需求量在不断增加,而可用资源却无法对此予以满足。 wipo.int | The main risk facing the Program is [...] an increase in demand for services which [...]can not be satisfied with available resources. wipo.int |
国际麻醉品管制局编制黄单的目的是协助 各国政府完成麻醉药品年度统计报告(表 [...] C)、麻醉药品进出口季度统计数据(表 A)和麻醉药品年度需 求量估计数(表 B)以及相关的调查表。 incb.org | It has been prepared by the International Narcotics Control Board to assist Governments in completing the annual statistical reports on narcotic drugs (Form C), the quarterly statistics of imports and exports of [...] narcotic drugs (Form A) and the [...] estimates of annual requirements for narcotic drugs [...](Form B) as well as related questionnaires. incb.org |
乌克兰航天 图像库是 Priroda [...] 国家研究和制作中心的一部分,也是一个信息源,对其中信息 的需求量正在 不断增加,该中心每年收到的地球遥感数据订单数量即为证明。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Aerospace Imagery Fund of Ukraine, established as part of the Priroda State Research and [...] Production Centre, is a source of [...] information for which demand is constantly growing, [...]as is evidenced by the number of [...]orders received by the Centre each year for Earth remote sensing data. daccess-ods.un.org |
发展水平不同、住房需求量大以 及各 国特有的文化和社会实情必须考虑其中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The different levels [...] of development, volume of demand for housing, and [...]cultural and social realities unique to each country had to be considered. daccess-ods.un.org |
露点控制系统(气罩通风技术)能控制干燥部中的进风与排风的空气量,从而能减少空气和新鲜蒸汽的 需 求量。 voith.com | The dew point control system hood ventilation technology [...] controls the supply and exhaust air quantities in the dryer section, [...] thus reducing the amount of air and fresh [...]steam required. voith.com |
2010年 第三季度食糖价格上涨的主要原因是在精制糖预计缺货的情况下世界精制糖 需求 量预期还会上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | The price increase for sugar in the third [...] quarter of 2010 was underscored by [...] projected higher world demand for refined sugar [...]in a context of anticipated market deficits. daccess-ods.un.org |
商品热潮正好与过去十年间主要是 [...] 基于亚洲制造业驱动的迅猛增长时期相重合,从而大幅推进了全球范 围内对初级产品的需求量,同时也带动了一些在很大程度上依赖于商 [...]品出口的低收入国家的经济增长。 daccess-ods.un.org | The commodity boom during the past decade coincided with a period of rapid growth driven [...] mainly by manufacturing in Asia, which has [...] boosted global demand for primary products [...]and fuelled economic growth in a number [...]of low-income countries that depend heavily on commodity exports. daccess-ods.un.org |
在某些情况下, 这将要求量身定制不同的框架和指标,以反映不同援助的具体特点。 daccess-ods.un.org | This will in some cases require different frameworks and indicators, tailored to reflect the specific characteristics of different flows. daccess-ods.un.org |
在有些国 [...] 家,公立学校的教育质量和公平性受到损害,而且由于家庭收入下降、为解决日益上升的直 接和间接上学费用家庭负担的部分加大,教育 需 求量 很 可 能受到影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In some countries, educational quality and equity in public schools were being jeopardized and demand for education was likely to be affected due to [...] declining household income and an increase in families’ [...] contributions to absorb rising indirect [...]and direct schooling costs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最终用户奖励方案正在使回收的大部分制冷剂能够再次使用,因而 需求量正在减少。 multilateralfund.org | The end-user incentive programme is making [...] it possible for a large part of recovered refrigerant to be reused, hence reducing demand. multilateralfund.org |
通过分析各项数据,例如要求的来源和 某类产品和故事的需求量,新 闻部获取了更准确的信息,从而改进了其制作规划。 daccess-ods.un.org | By analysing data such as the [...] origin of requests and the level of demand for particular [...]products and stories, the Department [...]obtained more accurate information and improved its production planning. daccess-ods.un.org |
需求管理是水资源综合管理规划中的重要一环,在这个过程中需要努力使供需保持平 衡(同时考虑社会及环境需求),同时还应对需求进行管理,以确保 需 求量 不 会 超过 可持续用水水平。 wrdmap.org | Demand management can be a key element of IWRM planning, requiring a process of matching resources and demands (taking account of social and environmental requirements), and managing demand so that it does not exceed the sustainable resource. wrdmap.org |
作为 BOPP 膜和涂布膜技术领域的市场领导者,埃克森美孚化工可提供最广泛的优质 OPP [...] 薄膜,包括高阻隔、涂布型镀金属、白色不透明和透明解决方案,这些解决方案可根据特定市场或客户 需 求量 身 定 制。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | A market leader in BOPP films and coated films technology, ExxonMobil Chemical offers the broadest range of premium OPP films, including high [...] barrier, coated metalized, white opaque and clear solutions, which are custom-tailored to [...] specific market or customer needs. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
尽管受危机影响,许多国家的专利、商标 [...] 和外观设计的申请量有所下降,但生产对知识的依赖性日益增加,世界经济的多样性越来越显著, 这些因素都促进了知识产权需求量的 稳 步增加。 wipo.int | Notwithstanding the crisis-induced drop in patent, trademark, and design filings in many countries, the continuously increasing reliance on knowledge inputs [...] into production and the greater diversity of the world economy are prompting a steady [...] increase in the demand for IP rights. wipo.int |
难民署继续支持社区治疗中心方案,并向撒哈拉卫生设施提供必要的牙 科诊所消耗品和 [...] X 光服务以及所需的实验室试剂/设备,满足了总 需 求量 的约 70%。 daccess-ods.un.org | It continued to support the community-based therapeutic centre programme and provided the Saharan health facilities with the needed consumables for [...] dental clinics, X-ray services and the required laboratory reagents/equipment, covering [...] about 70 per cent of the total need. daccess-ods.un.org |
台灣1998年市場需求量約90 ,000公噸/年,主要為電絕緣材(銅箔基板、電子電機組件)、塗料、土木建築、複合材料(網球拍王國代工廠) [...] …等,其佔有率(如下圖)。 npc.com.tw | The 1998 [...] domestic market demand of Taiwan is 90,000 [...]MT, which is mainly applied for insulation (CCL and electronic encapsulation), [...]coating, civil engineering, CFRP (tennis rocket), and etc…. npc.com.tw |