单词 | 求职 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 求职 —seek employment求职 noun —job search nExamples:求职者 n—job seeker n • job seekers pl 求职信—job application 职要求 pl—entry requirements pl 职要求 n—entry requirement n See also:职 n—duty n
但与此同时,咨询委员会强调继续现行招揽方法的重要性,这些方法仍是吸引潜 在求职者的有效手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, however, the Committee [...] underlines the continued importance of [...] existing outreach methods, which still [...]remain an effective means of attracting potential applicants. daccess-ods.un.org |
对 需要的详细分析,包含在失业人员的个 人 求职 计 划 中。 daccess-ods.un.org | More detailed analysis of the needs is contained in an [...] individual job seeking plan of an unemployed person. daccess-ods.un.org |
当事人必须在整个领取此种补助期 间登记失业,即他们必须积极寻找工作,落实个 人 求职 计 划 ,并准备立即接受工 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The person must be registered as unemployed for the whole duration of receiving [...] the benefit, i.e. they must [...] actively seek work, fulfil an individual job-seeking plan and be [...]prepared to accept work immediately. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些与会者提到大众传媒要讲求职业 道 德, 并提到了自由的新闻媒体的重要性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some participants [...] mentioned the need for professional [...]ethics in mass media and the importance of a free press. unesdoc.unesco.org |
花一点儿时间研究一下公司背景,能够展示您 对 求职 的 认 真态度,从而让您从其他候选人中脱颖而出。 robertwalters.cn | Taking the time to do a little more research will show you are serious about the job and make you stand out from all the other candidates. robertwalters.co.kr |
减少原因是 招揽活动出差减少,因为潜在的求职 者 现 在可以通过因特网登录联合国职业门户 [...] 网站,而且因为将更好地规划和组织招揽出差,例如每次出差涵盖不止一个国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The decrease is attributable to less frequent travel for outreach campaigns [...] because potential applicants can now access the [...] United Nations Careers Portal through [...]the Internet and because outreach missions [...]will be better planned and organized, for example, by covering more than one country at a time. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了帮助政府应对特别是青年人当中的高失业率挑战,国际劳工组织向职业 [...] 培训和就业国务秘书提供了技术援助,包括对各种方案的援助,这些方案为居住 [...] 在农村地区的 5 800 多人(30%为妇女)提供了临时就业,为 2 525 名求职者(62.4% 为妇女)提供了职业指导服务,支持了 764 名失业人员(79.7%为妇女)通过技能和 [...] 管理培训、小额贷款和启动套件创办自己的生意。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to assist the Government in addressing the challenge of high unemployment rates, especially among youth, the International Labour Organization provided technical assistance to the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment. This included assistance for programmes providing temporary employment for more than 5,800 people (30 per cent of them women) [...] living in rural areas, [...] assisting 2,525 job seekers (62.4 per cent of them women) with career guidance services [...]and supporting [...]764 unemployed people (79.7 per cent of them women) in initiating their own businesses through access to skills and management training, microcredit and start-up kits. daccess-ods.un.org |
在您接受新工作之后,你应该删除自己在所有招聘网站上 的 求职 信 息 ,并通知所有帮您寻找工作的招聘顾问公司。 robertwalters.cn | As soon as you accept a new job, you're morally obliged to take yourself off all job sites and notify any recruitment consultancies who may have been acting on your behalf. robertwalters.de |
举办手工艺基本技能培训班,以及开设识字、识数和生活技能方面的非正 规教育课程,都是为处于社会边缘的青 年 求职 和 自谋职业打下基础。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Basic skills training workshops in a craft profession and non-formal education courses in literacy, numeracy and life skills are meant to provide the marginalized with outlets of employment and self-employment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在求职技巧 培训模块课程中,您不仅可以演 练 求职 面试 中可能遇到的各种情景,还可以与教师一起通过影像资 料分析各种求职面试应对策略。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | In this module you will not only be practicing different situations that may arise at an interview but also analyzing it afterwards on video with your trainer. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
2005 年,国家就 业局与国家罗姆族事务局联手组织了“罗姆族就业平台”,该倡议旨在令罗姆族 知悉自身权利以及求职时可 用到的相关服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2005, the National Agency for Employment in cooperation with the National Agency for Roma organised the Employment Caravan for Roma, an initiative aimed at informing Roma about their rights and about the services they can benefit from in order to find jobs. daccess-ods.un.org |
雇主排名平台kununu既能够为内部员工,也能够为外部 的 求职 者 提供有关(未来)雇主的一幅真实而透明的画像。 wacker.com | Increasingly, people are turning to online media as a matter of course – benefiting, for [...] example, from the vital information offered [...] when deciding on a career and looking for [...]an employer. kununu offers both a company's [...]internal employees and external applicants the opportunity to gain an authentic and transparent picture of their (potentially new) employer. wacker.com |
主要的挑战是说服私营部门参加这个方案,留住学员和确保从方案毕业 的求职者在 私营部门而非公共部门找到工作,因为后者被认为提供更大的职业保 障。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main challenges are to convince the private sector to participate in the [...] programme, retaining students and ensuring [...] that candidates graduating from the programme [...]find work with the private sector partner [...]rather than with the public sector, which is perceived to offer greater job security. daccess-ods.un.org |
(ee) 改善获得对性别问题有敏感认识的职业咨询 , 求职 支 持 服务,将就业 准备和求职技能 纳入中学、高等教育和职业培训课程,促进从学校向就业过渡以 及所有年龄妇女重新进入劳动力市场 daccess-ods.un.org | (ee) Improve access to [...] gender-sensitive career counselling and to job search support services and include job readiness and job search skills in curricula for secondary and higher education and vocational training, in [...]order to facilitate [...]the transition from school to work and re-entry into the labour market for women of all ages; (ff) Work to eliminate occupational and sectoral segregation and the gender daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议缔约国废除所有歧视性法律并摒弃所有歧视性议案,从而确保非犹太 族群可平等地求职应聘 和享有社会福利,以及《公约》所列的政治参与权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party abrogate all discriminatory laws and rescind all discriminatory bills so as to ensure non-Jewish communities’ equal access to work and social benefits as well as the right to political participation enshrined in the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑 到这样的经营规模,每次 Hartmanns 在线培训课程的出席人数可能 高达 700 人,其位于丹麦各地的 11 处办公地点在去年接待了 10,000 名求职者。 igel.com | With the scale of the operation, Hartmanns can have up to 700 people at one time involved in its online training sessions and last year saw 10,000 candidates at its 11 locations across Denmark. igel.com |
为了 降低辍学率并提高学生的留校率,菲律宾执行了替代授课方式,并启动了替代学 习系统,以及一个帮助求职者提 高技能和能力的职业技术培训奖学金方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the aim of reducing the dropout rate and improving student survival, it has implemented Alternative delivery modes and the Alternative learning system have been [...] launched, as well as a Training-for-work scholarship [...] programme to help job-seekers upgrade their skills [...]and competencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,除工人或自营职 业者之外的人、求职人员及其家人,如果进入瑞典后成为《社会服务法》(2001: [...] 453)规定的社会救助系统的负担,可拒予入境。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, persons other than workers or self-employed [...] persons, persons seeking employment and their [...]family members may be refused entry [...]if any of them, after entering Sweden, proves to be a burden to the social assistance system under the Social Services Act (2001:453). daccess-ods.un.org |
通过培训还可以熟悉德国公 司对于求职材料 的普遍要求,这样您就可以高质量地完成个 人简历、求职意向 书和其它材料的撰写。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | This module will make you aware of the typical German written standards in a job application so that you can put together your resume, cover letter and any other documents at the desired level. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
为此所采用的战略包括:更广泛地宣传介绍在亚太经社会 谋求职业发 展机会,以便在全世界范围内吸引潜在的候选人,特别是那些来自 [...] 尚未有任何工作人员任职或那些工作人员人数比例偏低的成员国的候选人,并 以各具体领域的专业人员为征聘对象,以期推动确保两性比例平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The strategy pursued included the wider distribution of [...] information about career opportunities at [...]ESCAP in order to attract potential candidates [...]worldwide, in particular from unrepresented and underrepresented member States, to target specific areas of expertise and to promote a better gender balance. daccess-ods.un.org |
我曾工作过的一些公司花费数百万实施ERP,当仅仅使用一年后就出现了可用性问题,导 致 求职 者 的申请急剧下降。 tipschina.gov.cn | I've been at companies that spent millions to implement ERP, only to have to pull them a year later when the usability issues caused an unacceptably sharp decline in candidate applications. tipschina.gov.cn |
国务秘书处也在国际劳 [...] 工组织支持下,继续实施《青年就业促进方案》,通过其就业和职业指导服务向 2 116 名求职者和寻求培训者(女性占 48%)提供了协助,926 名受训人员(青年占 86%,女性占 [...]51%)完成了职业培训课程,另有 741 人(青年占 92%,妇女占 [...] 39%) 参加了旨在协助他们离开学校向职场过渡的工作经验学习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretariat, with support from the International Labour Organization, also continued with the implementation of the Youth Employment Promotion Programme, [...] assisting 2,116 job [...] and training seekers (48 per cent women) through its employment and career guidance services, [...]while 926 trainees [...](86 per cent youth, 51 per cent women) graduated from vocational training courses, and another 741 people (92 per cent youth, 39 per cent women) participated in work experience programmes aimed at facilitating school-to-work transition. daccess-ods.un.org |
地区就业服务 中心的网站是瑞士最大的求职市场 ,主要优势在于地区就业服务 中心的所有服务都是免费的。 gza.ch | The website is the largest job market in Switzerland, and the key advantage is that all REC services are free. gza.ch |
独特的全方位网站服务 模式可帮助妇女,特别是首次求职者 避 开她们日常面临的后勤障碍,包括文化和 [...] 家庭方面的限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The unique website full-service model helps women bypass logistic [...] obstacles which they face on a daily basis, especially [...] first-time job seekers, including cultural [...]and familial constraints daccess-ods.un.org |
而且,连续合 同的保护程度不利于提高生产力,也无法鼓励工作人 员追求职业发展,因为他们那些不需要证明他们依然 对本组织有用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the level of protection under continuing contracts would not improve productivity or encourage professional development in staff members who were not required to demonstrate their ongoing usefulness to the Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,挚友国际共有七个正式项目,分别是中学项目、高中项目、大学项目、市民项目、电子挚友®项目 、 求职 就 业 项目和大使项目,吸引了来自 50 个州和 50 个国家/地区的参与者,对近 70 万智障人士和正常人士的生活产生了积极的影响。 specialolympics.org | Today, Best Buddies’ seven formal programs – Middle Schools, High Schools, Colleges, Citizens, e-Buddies® , Jobs and Ambassadors – engage participants in each of the 50 states and in 50 countries, positively impacting the lives of nearly 700,000 people with and without disabilities around the world. specialolympics.org |
部长裁定, Gonzalez [...] 先生违反了他与古巴医学合作中心之间的合同,因为他在2001年7月1日至31 日期间离开圭亚那到一个不明地点,还因为他后来不再为圭亚那政府服务,而向 私营医院求职。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Minister determined that Mr. Gonzalez had breached his contract with the UCCM, because he left Guyana for an unknown destination between 1 and 31 July 2001 [...] and because he thereafter withdrew his services from the [...] Government of Guyana to seek employment with private [...]hospitals. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这次视频采访中,Hemmerle对关于在中国的人才管理的许多经典假设提出了质疑,并就如何发现经验丰富的本地人才、确定薪酬标准,以及如何了解中国高管不断变化的资历背景 和 求职 愿 望 与大家分享了他的洞见。 csi.mckinsey.com | In this video interview, Hemmerle challenges many of the classic assumptions about talent management in China and shares his insights on finding expert local talent, setting compensation levels, and understanding the evolving credentials and desires of Chinese executives. csi.mckinsey.com |