单词 | 求知 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 求知—anxious learnless common: keen for knowledge Examples:求知欲pl—curiositiespl 求知欲—desire for knowledge
这一平台可以根据具体的需求、知识水平和不同的语言来组合成模块,尤 其是重视发展中国家的需求。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This platform can be modulated according [...] to specific needs, knowledge levelsand different [...]languages, with a special emphasis [...]on the needs of developing countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
拉斐尔表示,“我们希望继续在这里工作,并希望公司为孩子们提供求知的场所。 unicef.org | We want to continue working here and hope the company will help provide schools for our children. unicef.org |
特别报告员则认为这两项权利是有内在联系的, 因为二者都关系到在一个不断变化的世界中追求知识和理解以及人类的创造性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur views these rights as [...] inherently interlinked, since both relate to [...] thepursuit of knowledge and understanding [...]and to human creativity in a constantly changing world. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于(b)分段 [...] 规定,提供协助的国际组织承担责任的前提是“该行为若由该组织实施会构成国 际不法行为”,似无必要增加要求知道行为不法性的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since subparagraph (b) requires, for responsibility to arise for an assisting international organization, that “the act would be internationally wrongful if [...] committed by that organization”, [...] an additional requirement of knowledgeofwrongfulness of [...]the act does not seem warranted. daccess-ods.un.org |
二者都与在一个不断变化的世界中追求 知识和理解以及人的创造性有关。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both relate to [...] thepursuit of knowledge and understanding [...]and to human creativity in a constantly changing world. daccess-ods.un.org |
後来得知,那些来论根本不是求知求真,覆函亦无丝毫结果。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, later I discovered that those enquiries were sent not [...] for the sake of seekingfor the truth, [...]and my reply was fruitless as well. hkupop.hku.hk |
在好奇心和求知欲的驱动下,他前往 罗杰杜彼工坊继续学习,后者将之收纳旗下,传授钟表修复和复杂功能的秘诀。 christopheclaret.com | Insatiably [...] curious andthirsty for knowledge, he trained for an [...]additional year with the master-watchmaker Roger Dubuis [...]who, in taking him under his wing, passed on the secrets of restoration and the mysteries of complex horological mechanisms. christopheclaret.com |
对那些已学了 10 至 12 年或 13 年(通常包括高中),首先似乎应保证:(i) 继续增强 基本的能力,不得因积累和记忆一些不完整的信息而受妨碍;(ii) 学习经历包括按计划积 [...] 极参与结合社区和青年自身需求的活动;(iii) 学习内容应结合他们的经历和实践予以更 新;(iv) 青年人对学校生活的决策参与得越来越多;(v) [...] 教员应在教授主要学科(语言、 数学、科学等)和其他学科知识时,能够从跨学科的角度,使青年产生求知和从事工作的欲 望。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the case of Years Ten to Twelve or Thirteen in the schooling process, which usually comprises upper secondary education, it seems of highest priority to guarantee that: (i) the strengthening of basic competencies are continued and are not suffocated by the accumulation and memorization of fragmented bits of information; (iii) learning experiences include increasingly intensive project work that relate to the needs of the community and also of the young person; (iii) contents are up-to-date and linked to their history and practical application; (iv) young people participate more and more in decision-making on school life; and (v) teachers are capable of [...] motivating young people to want to learn [...] and to undertake disciplinary knowledge (languages, mathematics, [...]sciences, etc.) but even [...]beyond, and with an interdisciplinary perspective. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本校的愿景是:学生有求知欲,富创意精神,能慎思明辨,勇於尝试创新,不怕犯错。 sfusd.edu | We envision Argonne students who desire and have the ability to utilize their minds in a critical, creative manner, neither fearful to experiment with new ideas nor afraid to make a mistake. sfusd.edu |
关于要求“知道”,我们希望在对本条草案和关于“援助和协助”的前一条 草案的评注中明确指出,这是实际(而不是推定)的“知道”,事实上,委员会在 [...] 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的条款第 16 条的评注第⑼段中表明了这一点。 daccess-ods.un.org | As to therequirement of “knowledge”, wewouldappreciate [...] a clear indication, in the commentary to both this draft article [...]and the previous one on “aid and assistance”, that this is actual (not presumed) knowledge, as in fact the Commission had indicated in paragraph (9) of its commentary to article 16 in the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts. daccess-ods.un.org |
培生亚太区总裁 Dugie Cameron 先生出席典礼,亲身见证 16 位得奖学生获取优秀成绩的喜悦表示:「教育不只是灌输知识,而是点燃求知的火焰。 pearson.com.hk | Dugie Cameron, President, Pearson Asia Pacific also attended the ceremony and said that the achievements of the outstanding award winners were not only impressive, but inspiring. pearson.com.hk |
预计该活动将为资发基金评价政策有关问责制要求、知识管理潜力、成 果管理安排的内容,以及评价活动在衡量资发基金利用其资金和影响政策方面的 能力过程中的作用,提供参考。 daccess-ods.un.org | The exercise [...] is expected toinform the UNCDF evaluation policy in relation to accountability requirements, knowledge management [...]potential, and results-based [...]management arrangements as well as the role of evaluation in measuring the capacity of UNCDF to leverage its funds and influence policy. daccess-ods.un.org |
北京耀中其中一个主要目标是培养学生终生学习的兴趣,希望他们完成正规教育后仍能孜孜不倦地探求知识。 ycis-bj.com | One major goal of YCIS Beijing is to develop lifelong learners that will still be highly inquisitive long after their formative education has been completed. ycis-bj.com |
在孩提时代,他对所有领域的信息都有着浓厚的兴趣,其强烈的求知欲使他想成为一名发明家—这也成就了Brian成为消费者洞察实践的理想领导者。 siegelgale.cn | It’s that appetite for information across all arenas—as a [...] child, his broad intellectualcuriositymade [...]him want to be an inventor—that makes [...]Brian the ideal leader of our overall Research practice. siegelgale.com |
在肺炎事件上,医护人员的专业精神,生物医学的顶尖成就,新闻传媒的求真求知,以至整个社会的国际视野,其实都可以带动中国开放,发挥「一国两制」的效用。 hkupop.hku.hk | Via battling against atypical pneumonia, the professionalism of our medical experts, the first-rate achievement in the biological and medical fronts, the fact-finding belief of the news media, as well as the global vision of the whole society, could indeed have given a fresh impetus to the door-opening process of Mainland China, thereby letting "one country, two systems" function to the full. hkupop.hku.hk |
这种情绪对求知没有益处——除非这些知识所依赖的历史观经不起推敲。 shanghaibiennale.org | This amazement is not the [...] beginningof knowledge—unless it isthe knowledge thatthe view [...]of history which gives rise to it is untenable. shanghaibiennale.org |
在这一 时期,青少年和青年也经历困惑,他们寻找答案,渴求知识,同时建立起了自我 认同感。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this period, adolescents and youth also experience [...] confusion, seek explanations and searchforknowledge while working [...]on their sense of personal identity. daccess-ods.un.org |
讯息无障碍中心旨在为寻求知识、资讯之视障人士提供适切之图书馆服务,并为有意终身学习、持续进修之视障人士提供支援,以及促进他们善用余暇。 hksb.org.hk | The Information Accessibility Centre aims to provide library [...] services to meet theneeds of visually impaired [...]users for knowledge, information, lifelong [...]learning support, continuous education and profitable use of leisure time. hksb.org.hk |
部分评论员要求知道有关选择和采购不同政见书籍的原则是否符合“联 合国教科文组织公共图书馆宣言”的原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some commentators requestedwhetherthe criteria [...] in selecting and purchasing books with different political orientations [...]comply with the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. daccess-ods.un.org |
纯粹基础研究——实验性和理论性工作,通常称为基础 研究或“天马行空式”研究,“因知识以求知识”。 biggerbrains.com | Pure basic research - experimental and theoretical work often called fundamental or “blue sky” research, “knowledge forknowledge’s sake. biggerbrains.com |
( 第五条(丑)项、(辰) 项和第六条) 委员会敦促缔约国就要求“知情同意”制定明确的指导方针,确保从业者和 公众,特别是罗姆族妇女都了解这些方针。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee urges the State party to [...] establish clear guidelines [...] concerningtherequirement of “informed consent” and to ensure that these guidelinesarewellknown among practitioners [...]and the public, in particular Roma women. daccess-ods.un.org |
与读书求知识不一样,工作坊能让家长互动,并让父母亲们了解其他家庭的经历。 ycis-bj.com | Unlike reading from a book, workshops provide interaction that can allow mothers and fathers to hear what other parents are going through. ycis-bj.com |
常设论坛要求知识产权组织确认和尊重《联合国土着人民权利宣言》作为一 项重要国际人权文书的可适用性和相关性,必须将其贯穿于政府间委员会进程和 [...] 知识产权组织的整体工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Forum demandsthat WIPOrecognize [...] and respect the applicability and relevance of the Declaration as a significant [...]international human rights instrument that must inform the Intergovernmental Committee process and the overall work of WIPO. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,中东人民要求知道如何真正摆脱其困境的 daccess-ods.un.org | Today the people [...] of the MiddleEast demandreal answers to their plight. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此, [...] 学校必须给学生提供 终生学习所需要的技能,理解力和求知欲。aaia.org.uk | School must therefore provide the skills, understanding [...] and desire needed forlifelong [...]learning. aaia.org.uk |
在国外寻求知识产权保护时,中小企业也可以通过地区或国际体制,减少获取知识产权的工作量和成本(参见"在国外保护你的中小企业的知识产权"),如果有,就可利用提供给中小企业的特殊服务,或选择更低级别的保护,如实用新型保护,有些国家的法律提供这种形式的保护。 wipo.int | SMEs may also reduce the workload and costs of acquiring IP by applying for IP protection through regional or international arrangements when seeking IP protection abroad (see Protecting the IP Rights of Your SME Abroad), making use of special incentives offered to SMEs, wherever available, or opting for lower levels of protection as in the case of utility model protection, where the legislation of the country or countries in question allow such forms of protection. wipo.int |
澳门特别行政区行政长官何厚铧於2001年11月20日发表的2002年度施政报告中表示:「政府多个部门正共同策划和觅地兴建一个寓学习於活动的青少年科技馆,让广大青少年在轻松愉快的环境下开拓视野,领略不可思议的科学奥秘」,并发展成一个「集求知、休闲和娱乐於一体的区域,成为学生、市民度过闲暇的好去处」。 msc.org.mo | In his Policy Address 2002 published on November 20, 2001, the Chief Executive, Mr. Edmund Ho, disclosed: “Several departments of the government are planning and search for a place to build a new youth technology museum with the objective to provide a facility where youngsters will be able to broaden their minds in a friendly, happy environment, while gaining more knowledge of the cutting edge technologies that drive our world today”, and it will be a “place with integrated function forlearning, rest and amusement, and a good place for students and citizens to spend their leisure time”. msc.org.mo |
它们包含:良好 品德 学生们将会拥有不断提高的能力来展现人类的品质和美德;国际公民 学生们将为 整个地球和人类的利益而努力奋斗;交际能力 学生们将能够有效的表达他们的想法并 且懂得对其他人的想法予以尊重。创造力 [...] 学生们将能够运用他们的想象力来创造、完 [...] 成某事;批判性思维 学生们能够运用好奇心并主动对某事产生疑问的态度来促进对其 的进一步理解;解决问题能力 学生们将有能力从各个角度考虑问题从而选择最好的解 决方法;求知欲学生们将会成为能够自我导向、热情积极、努力上进的求知者。blog.tedais.org | They are Good Character Students will have an increased ability to demonstrate human qualities and virtues; Global Citizenship Students will act for the good of the planet and humanity; Communication Students will express ideas effectively and pay considerate attention to the ideas of others; Creativity Students will demonstrate imagination to make or do something original; Critical Thinking Students will demonstrate curiosity and a willingness to question in order to further understanding; Problem-Solving Ability Students will investigate problems form several angles to come up [...] with the best [...] solution; KnowledgeSeekers Students will be self-directed, enthusiastic and engaged learners who desire knowledge. blog.tedais.org |