单词 | 求乞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 求乞 verb —beg v乞求 verb —beg vSee also:乞 n—beg n
求過於供,求醫好像求乞,遇 有病情迫切的市民向我求助,我樂於代為求 情,但卻會影響其他輪候的病㆟。 legco.gov.hk | Whenever people seeking urgent treatment turn to me for help, I am always willing to beg on their behalf, [...] but this will affect [...]other patients queuing up for medical treatment. legco.gov.hk |
更重要的原因,是申 請公援,要呈報所有積蓄,有如求乞 , 這 使她有失去尊嚴的強烈感覺。 legco.gov.hk | But a more important reason is that she has to declare all her savings in order to make an application. legco.gov.hk |
我們今天在此並不是乞求政府,也不 是 乞求 特 首 施捨,而是根據 我們進行的調查和估算,認為一個工人不應賺取如此微薄的工資。 legco.gov.hk | Today, we are not begging the Government; nor are we begging the Chief Executive [...] for alms. It is just that according to [...]our survey and estimation, we think that a worker should not earn such a meagre income. legco.gov.hk |
大家便可能須乞求當時 的財政司司長或特首,事事 均須向他們乞求,因 為我們已沒有制度可援,沒有制度可循了。 legco.gov.hk | In that event, we may have to beg the Financial Secretary or the Chief Executive for everything because [...] we do not have any [...]system to fall back on or to comply with. legco.gov.hk |
其實 我們香港㆟也不是乞求㆗英雙方給我們甚麼,只是要他們實踐其承諾 ― 讓香港有㆒ [...] 個民主政制及高度自治。 legco.gov.hk | Nor are we begging China and the United [...] Kingdom for anything other than the fulfillment of their promise and let Hong Kong [...]have a democratic political system and a high degree of autonomy. legco.gov.hk |
對已是貧病交迫的病㆟來說,還要他們 乞求可憐嗎? legco.gov.hk | Do we require the [...] destitute and sick to beg for assistance? legco.gov.hk |
也許亦可考慮效法西方,藉收取累進利得稅及各類的稅項,來支持建立 一個社會保障制度,那麼,長者怎會有需要像 行 乞 般 , 要 求 我 們 這些立法會 議員代為乞求,為 了得到多一點的援助 而 乞求 呢? legco.gov.hk | Perhaps we can consider following the examples of western countries and fund the establishment of a social security system by collecting progressive profits tax and various types of taxes. legco.gov.hk |
香港政府一向只懂乞求而不懂自求。 legco.gov.hk | The Hong Kong Government [...] only knows how to beg but not act all [...]the time. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 审查要求生活 贫困的人支付过高罚金的制裁程序,特别是 与 乞 讨 、 使 用公共空间和福利诈骗有关的制裁,并考虑废除对无能力支付的人不付罚金的监 禁判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Review sanctions [...] procedures that require the payment of disproportionate fines by persons living in poverty, especially those related to begging, use of public space [...]and welfare fraud, [...]and consider abolishing prison sentences for non-payment of fines for those unable to pay. daccess-ods.un.org |
港同盟是絕對無辦法同意為了乞求達 成 協議而犧牲香港的民生和必需的重大基建, 機場固然是重要,但是市民的福利、健康和生活質素亦不㆒樣重要,西北鐵路與其他 基建的延誤,拖慢了香港的經濟發展,這亦是不能接受的。 legco.gov.hk | The United Democrats will absolutely not agree to sacrifice people's livelihood and indispensable infrastructure constructions to beg for an agreement. legco.gov.hk |
那些幽怨、乞求的目 光可能会让您心软,但是最好不要给您的爱犬喂食人类食物。 eukanuba.com.cn | Those soulful, pleading eyes may melt [...] your heart, but it's best not to feed your dog human food. eukanuba.com.au |
與馮檢基議員所說的不同,我們不是為香港的英國屬土公民和英國國民(海外) 乞求正式國籍。 legco.gov.hk | Unlike what my Honourable friend, Mr Frederick [...] FUNG, says, we are not begging for full British nationality [...]for the BDTCs and BNOs of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
彭定康這番說話很漂 [...] 亮,但他「識講唔識做」,不但不盡快將政改方案提交立法局審議,還自行將「民主」、「自 由」、「法治」割價傾銷,乞求協議。 legco.gov.hk | Instead of expeditiously tabling his constitutional package at the Legislative Council, he has taken the [...] initiative to put democracy, the freedoms and the rule of law "on [...] sale at a discount", begging for an agreement in return. legco.gov.hk |
所以,我覺得很簡單,如果大家是想老人獲得保障,不再要到 處 乞求, 我 們便要全力爭取,推動政府施行累進的利得稅,要求富有的人拿錢回饋社 [...] 會,設立一個全面性,老有所養,幼有所教的制度,這是我的說法,因為我 是社會主義者。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I believe all it boils down to is that if Members [...] want the elderly to enjoy protection [...] and not to go about begging, then we have to exert [...]our utmost and push the Government [...]to implement a progressive profits tax regime that requires the rich to repay society with their money and implement a comprehensive system in which the elderly are cared for and the young are educated. legco.gov.hk |
如果我們要乞求、要跪......如果領導人是願意跟我們討論、溝通,香 [...] 港市民是看得到的。 legco.gov.hk | If we have to beg, kneel…… Hong Kong [...] people can tell if the leaders are willing to discuss and communicate with us. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,我很贊成成立工傷復康專門診所,讓受傷的工人,尤其 是腰背、筋骨、肌肉受損的工人可以盡快接受治療,亦可以盡快復工, 無須到社署乞求綜援。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, I very much agree to setting up a specialized rehabilitation clinic for work injuries, so that injured workers, especially those with back pain and repetitive strain injury, can [...] receive treatment and resume work [...] expeditiously, instead of begging for the Comprehensive [...]Social Security Assistance from the Social Welfare Department. legco.gov.hk |
乞討方濟各會士(拉丁語mendicare , "乞求" )的 成員,宗教命令,在羅馬天主教會,以我壯志激情的貧困使他們放棄一切個人和公有財產。 mb-soft.com | Mendicant Friars (Latin mendicare,"to beg") are members of religious orders in the Roman Catholic church, who take a vow of poverty by which they renounce all personal and communal property. mb-soft.com |
至於“關愛基金”,主席,我們剛才提過很多財團和地產商透過壟 [...] 斷土地“刮了”很多基層居民的血汗錢,而我們竟然 要 乞求 這 些 來自地 獄的捐獻,這實在是對居民的一種侮辱。 legco.gov.hk | As for the Community Care Fund (CCF), President, just now we have mentioned that many consortia and real estate developers have [...] reaped the grassroots' hard-earned money through monopolization of [...] land, yet we even beg for these donations [...]from hell. legco.gov.hk |
我遇到过乞求上学 机会的儿童,然而,因为未能提供 教师、教室和他们所需要的技术,他们上学的机会被 [...] 剥夺。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have met children who beg for the chance to [...] get to school when it is denied them because of the failure to provide teachers, [...]classrooms and the technology they need. daccess-ods.un.org |
我記得我當時差不多要乞求政府般, 看在只欠數月的分上予以保留 ─ 當時的鐘樓有 49 年零數月的歷史 [...] ─ 我說只欠數月,甚至只要延遲數月才清拆鐘樓便已足 50 年歷史。 legco.gov.hk | I remember that at that [...] time, I was almost begging the Government to [...]preserve it, considering the fact that it was only [...]a few months short of the requirement, as the clock tower had a history of 49 years and a few months at that time. legco.gov.hk |
我们乞 求他们 不要把我们分开,这根本无济于事,我的 妹妹被硬生生地从我身边拉开,很快被带走,而 [...] 我则陷入了一种无法形容的焦虑之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was in vain [...] that we besought them not to part us; she was [...]torn from me and immediately carried away while I was left [...]in a state of distraction not to be described. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天在发言中强调官方发展援助承诺额与到位额 存在巨大差距的发展中国家既非怨天尤人,也 非 乞求 施舍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The developing countries that have [...] spoken today to highlight the massive shortfalls between ODA pledged and ODA delivered [...] are neither blaming nor begging. daccess-ods.un.org |
公務員方面,他們無權,因為他們不須要作出決定,但是,他們有責任推銷別㆟ ― 即是行政局 ― 作出的決定和政策,亦要在立法局游說立法局議員支持,有時更 要像乞求什麼似的,最後也可能不夠票數而被否決。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the civil servants, they have no power because they need not make decisions, but they have the responsibility to sell the decisions and policies of somebody else ― the Executive Council. legco.gov.hk |
我剛才細心聆聽曾鈺成議員就原議案的 發言,他多次提出,如果把香港與祖國的某些關係,說成好像是經濟上 的乞 求,是 不合適的比喻,我十分同意這點。 legco.gov.hk | Just now, I have listened carefully to the remarks made by Mr Jasper TSANG in respect of his original motion. He pointed out a number of times that it was inappropriate to liken certain relationships between Hong Kong and the Motherland to appeals for economic favours, I very much agree with this point. legco.gov.hk |
他们在麦地那的到来,他们用乞求的 人,所以安拉透露,“而采取的旅程的规定(与你),但最好的条文是真主的恐惧。 mb-soft.com | On their arrival in [...] Medina they used to beg the people, and [...]so Allah revealed, "And take a provision (with you) for the [...]journey, but the best provision is the fear of Allah. mb-soft.com |
我們深信民主進程不是卑躬屈膝向當權 者 乞求 而 得 到的。 legco.gov.hk | We firmly believe that the development of democracy is not to be [...] achieved as a gift begged on our knees [...]from those who hold absolute power. legco.gov.hk |
把它看作是玛格丽特的机会,末底改 乞求 里 格 比“做他的坚实的”走出去与艾琳。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Seeing it as an opportunity to be with Margaret, Mordecai begs Rigby to “do him a solid” and go out with Eileen. en.seekcartoon.com |
代 理主席,我現在並非乞 求 政 府多撥百分 之 多 少 的基金單位 [...] ,政府 喜 歡 完全不 撥 當 然 可以, 或 明 天說喜 歡 增 撥 10%也 可以, 因為我們對這個政 府已 沒 有 任何期 望 。 legco.gov.hk | The Government can absolutely do whatever [...] it likes: it could decide not to make any allocation or tell us tomorrow that [...]it is pleased to set aside 10%, because we have no longer pinned any hopes on it. legco.gov.hk |