

单词 永永远远

永永远远 ()

for ever and ever

External sources (not reviewed)

一些大型 珊瑚礁可永远消失 ,枯竭鱼类种群复原将需要很长时间。
Some major coral reefs have
[...] likely been lost forever and the recovery [...]
of depleted fish populations will take a long time.
鉴于面临驱逐风险的寻求庇护者始终可以诉诸这种补救办法,因此,依据上 述章节规定,可诉诸的法律补救办 永远 也 不会完全援用穷尽。
The legal remedy under the respective chapter could therefore never be totally exhausted, since the possibility of recourse to this remedy always existed for an asylum-seeker at risk of expulsion.
工具栏将永远在画面上显示,但 您不能添加、删除或移动工具栏按钮。
The toolbar is always displayed and you cannot add, delete or move toolbar buttons.
的确,我们必永远警惕 ,因为尽管全球化带来了自由,也帮助数百万人摆脱了贫困和赤 [...]
Indeed, we must be ever on our guard [...]
for while globalization brings freedom and has helped millions of people to break free
from poverty and absolute poverty, it also bears the inherent danger of imposing uniformity on our world of diversity.
关于中东和解和重建问题,教科文组织因在伦理和智力方面能够发挥作用,已被要求 制定一种综合性、战略性的方法,目的是为了促进中东的和解与和平,尤其是为了:(a) 在
[...] 巴勒斯坦人与以色列人之间重建信任 永远 保 持信任关系;(b) 在有关居民中提高人和机构 [...]
的能力;(c) 支持巴勒斯坦妇女在改善目前形势中发挥关键作用。
With respect to reconciliation and reconstruction in the Middle East, UNESCO is called upon, in view of its ethical and intellectual role, to devise an integrated strategic approach in order to contribute to reconciliation
and the promotion of peace in the Middle
[...] East, and in particular: (a) to rebuild [...]
and lastingly install trust between Palestinians
and Israelis; (b) to strengthen the human and institutional capacities of the populations concerned; (c) to lend support to Palestinian women in their crucial role in improving the present situation.
尽管工作组理解这些条款形成的 原因,但仍然认为,这些条款是妨碍《宪章》机制有效施行的重大漏洞,同时它 们也反映了自我监管机制的固有局限,因 永远 不 能 取代法律问责手段。
While the Working Group recognizes the reasoning behind such provisions, it believes that they present significant loopholes that could prevent the effective operation of Charter mechanisms and that the inclusion of such provisions reflects the inherent limitations of a self-regulatory mechanism, which can never replace accountability through the law.
法官们永 远不会看到该材料本身。
The material itself will never be seen by the judges.
伦敦德里从曾经获奖的塔楼博物馆(Tower Museum)——让你可以了解伦敦德里的辉煌历史,到众多一流餐厅、热闹酒吧和高档商店,再到让人震撼的古城墙和弗欧河(River Foyle)的美丽风景,这座城市是一 永远 不 会 让你失望的非凡旅游地。
From the award-winning Tower Museum that gives a wonderful insight into the city’s history, to the astonishing array of excellent restaurants, lively pubs and great shops, to the haunting ancient city walls and scenic views across the River Foyle, Londonderry, County Londonderry is a remarkable destination that never, ever disappoints.
卢森堡政 府 将 与国际社会和民间 社会合作,继 续不懈 努 力 确 保 改 进 应永远能 够接受新的 挑战的制度,并将 继 续 努 力 改善卢森堡的人权 状况。
In cooperation with the international community and civil society, the Government of Luxembourg would tirelessly continue to ensure progress in a system which should always be ready to take on new challenges, and would continue to work towards improving human rights in the country.
该团伙有去Lyoko和解决问题之前奇数和Yumi瓦解 永远 消 失,但XANA时,试图阻止他们,这是不容易的。
The gang has to go to Lyoko and
fix the problem before Odd and Yumi
[...] disintegrate and disappear forever, but it’s not [...]
easy when XANA tries to stop them.
不结盟运动要求以色列停止对巴勒斯坦人民采 取的此类非法行径永远停止 对加沙地带的非法封 锁,并立即、持续地开放加沙所有边界过境点,以便 [...]
缓解人道主义危机并满足巴勒斯坦人民重建和经济 复苏的紧迫需求。
The Non-Aligned Movement demands that Israel cease such
illegal practices against the Palestinian
[...] people and put a permanent end to its illegal [...]
blockade of the Gaza Strip by allowing
the immediate and sustained opening of all Gaza border crossings needed to alleviate the humanitarian crisis and to meet the urgent reconstruction and economic recovery needs of the Palestinian people.
因 此,对于您和您的公司,哈芬的产 品和服永远意味着经济性、安全 性和可靠性。
Therefore, HALFEN products and services are synonymous with economy, safety and reliability – for you and your company.
会 议重申,第一条承诺在任何情况下绝不发展、生产、储存或以其他方法取得或保
[...] 有为了将这类物剂或毒素使用于敌对目的或武装冲突而设计的武器、设备或运载 工具,以完全永远排除 其使用的可能性。
The Conference reaffirms that the use by the States Parties, in any way and under any circumstances of microbial or other biological agents or toxins, that is not consistent with prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes, is effectively a violation of Article I. The Conference reaffirms the undertaking in Article I never in any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain weapons, equipment, or means of delivery designed to use such agents or
toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict in order to
[...] exclude completely and forever the possibility [...]
of their use.
令人遗憾的是,亚美尼亚方面企图错误解释国际法准则和原则,坚持毫不现 实的兼并主义主张,这是阿塞拜 永远 不 会 接受的,这暴露了埃里温官方的真 实用意,是对冲突化解进程的公开挑战,也是对国际和区域和平与安全的严重 威胁。
Unfortunately, attempts by the Armenian side to misinterpret the norms and principles of international law and its insistence on unrealistic annexationist claims, which Azerbaijan will never accept, speak to the real intentions of official Yerevan and represent an open challenge to the conflict settlement process and a serious threat to international and regional peace and security.
例如,如果在有关排除不法 性情形的条款草案中省略关于必要性的条款草案,就可能会导致国际组 永远无 法为此目的援引必要性。
Should, for instance, a draft article on necessity be omitted from among the draft articles dealing with the circumstances precluding
wrongfulness, the implication would
[...] be that an international organization could never invoke [...]
necessity for this purpose.
食品法典永远是各 国政府和国际贸易商宝贵的参 考工具,当然,他们必须随时查阅和遵守国家法律。
The Codex Alimentarius will always be an invaluable reference for governments and for international traders although national legislation must always be consulted and complied with.
深信核武器的继续存在对全人类构成威胁,使用核武器将给地球上的所有生 命带来灾难性后果,认识到防止核灾难的唯一办法就是彻底消除核武器并确永 远不再生产核武器
Convinced that the continuing existence of nuclear weapons poses a threat to all humanity and that their use would have catastrophic consequences for all life on Earth, and recognizing that the only defence against a nuclear catastrophe is the total elimination of nuclear weapons and the certainty that they will never be produced again
土库曼斯坦永远中立是国家对内和对外政策的基础,旨在巩固 社会稳定和谐,发展同该区域各国及全世界的友好互利关系。
Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality is [...]
the foundation for the country’s domestic and foreign policy, both of which are geared
towards strengthening social stability and cohesion and developing friendly and mutually advantageous relations with other States in the region and the rest of the world.
[...] 的程序与前几年进行核查时遵循的程序相同,但他们也留意是否存在迹象和信号,使他们 相信已永远停止氟氯化碳生产。
While the team, which consisted of a technical consultant and an accountant, conducted the audit following the same procedures as they had when carrying out the verifications in the previous
years, they also looked for signs and indicators that could
[...] convince them of the permanent cessation of CFC [...]
国际社会已注意到《新裁武条约》,但因为该条 约仅规定实行核武器退役,但缺乏任何国际核查机 制,而且缔约国不承诺销毁它们所拥有的核武器,因永远不能 代替明文规定的核武器国家彻底销毁其 所拥有的所有核武器的法律义务。
The international community has noted the New START, but as this Treaty does not go beyond mere decommissioning of nuclear weapons and lacks any international verification mechanism, and as its parties did not commit themselves to destroying their nuclear weapons, it can never be a substitute for the explicit legal obligations of nuclear-weapon States to completely eliminate all their nuclear weapons.
[...] 要用于军事用途的所有裂变材料,并尽早将这种材料置于原子能机构或 其他有关国际核查之下,安排对这种材料进行处置用于和平目的,确保 这种材永远不用于军事方案。
Action 19: The nuclear-weapon States commit to declare to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) all fissile material designated by each of them as no longer required for military purposes and to place such material as soon as practicable under IAEA or other relevant international verification and arrangements for the
disposition of such material for peaceful purposes, to ensure that
[...] such material remains permanently outside military programmes.
如果没有细心的准备和灵活可靠的合作 关系,我永远不可 能取得这样的成功。
If weren’t for the careful preparation and reliable, flexible partnerships, we would never have been ready for go-live.
这些谈判必须导致从法律永远禁止任何国家拥 有、研制、储存和使用或威胁使用核武器,并规定在 2025 年之前彻底销毁这些不人道的武器;以及作为一 项过渡性措施,达成一项关于消极安全保证的普遍、 无条件并具有法律约束力的文书。
Such negotiations must lead to legally prohibiting, once and for all, the possession, development, stockpiling and use or threat of use of nuclear weapons by any country, and provide for the total destruction of such inhumane weapons by 2025, as well as a universal and unconditional legally binding instrument on negative security assurances as an intermediate step.
该区 域不仅失学儿童人数最多,而且其中三分之二儿童可 永远 不 会 入学。
Not only does that region have the largest number of children out of school, but two thirds of them will probably never enrol.
这样做应该同 时得到争取结束占领的各项阿拉伯和国际努力的支 持,这是因为,不结束占领,不让巴勒斯坦人民享有 建立一个以耶路撒冷为首都的自己国家的权利,中东永远不会有稳定,巴勒斯坦和以色列的平民就不会 享有和平、稳定的生活。
This should take place in conjunction with Arab and international efforts to end the occupation, since without an end to the occupation and without a right for the Palestinian people to establish their independent State with Jerusalem as its capital, the Middle East will never enjoy stability and civilians in Palestine and Israel will not enjoy lives of peace and security.
2000年4月,Diane的人生遭逢巨变,她诞下的第二个孩子Philippe患有严重的先天障碍——痉挛性四肢麻痹,而 永远 无 法 走路、说话及自行进食,一辈子都需要依赖其他人的照顾。
In April 2000, Diane's life changed dramatically when she gave birth to her second child, Philippe. Philippe was born with a severe handicap – he was diagnosed with spastic quadriparesis and told he would never walk, talk, or be able to feed himself and that he would be dependent on others all his life.
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于 永远 盛 开 的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the
return of Hongkong to the motherland
[...] testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia [...]
" and the return of memorial photo-taking,
lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.
遗憾的是,即便我们不得不面永远 失 去 可爱和无辜儿童的巨大悲痛,我们至今 仍怀念其中一些儿童的微笑,本协会仍然每天向患病儿童提供必要支助,并同他 们一道继续与病魔斗争,以期让他们重拾笑容。
Even if we unfortunately have to face with immense sadness the loss of adorable and innocent children for ever and we still miss the smiles of some of them to this day, the Association continues every day to provide necessary support to sick children and keeps up the struggle at their side in order to give them back their smiles.
此外,就在昨天,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚 胡傲慢并挑拨性地宣布,以色永远 不 会 同意任何关于撤出约旦河谷的和平解决 方案,而以色列自 1967 年以来一直占领这一大片的巴勒斯坦领土。
In addition, just yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu arrogantly and provocatively declared that Israel would never agree under any peace settlement to withdraw from the Jordan Valley, a large part of the Palestinian Territory that has been occupied by Israel since 1967.




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