单词 | 永别 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 永别 —eternal parting (i.e. death)part foreverExamples:与世永别 v—die v See also:永—always • perpetual 永 adv—forever adv
我们祝愿你的人生之旅一帆风顺,而且,为了帮 你提高你的法语,我要告诉你,我们不是在 说 永别, 而是再会。 daccess-ods.un.org | And in order to help you improve your French, I will tell you we are not saying daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,雅生·奇特里奥 M也论证了时尚与现代、短暂与永恒 的区别。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Accordingly, Axor Citterio M also demonstrates [...] the difference between fashionable and modern, temporary and timeless hansgrohe.hr |
爸爸含泪的说:“这是我补送给你的情人节鲜花,你 要 永 远 留着 , 别 再 扔 垃圾桶了。 4tern.com | Keep it and don’t throw it away again, my dear. 4tern.com |
永久使用权和所有权的根本区别在于 , 永久 使 用权中建筑物是独立于土地使用权的所有 权的第二客体,独立于土地之外。 paiz.gov.pl | A substantial difference between perpetual usufruct and ownership is that in the perpetual usufruct [...] the building is a separate [...]object of ownership from the land, and acts as a second object. paiz.gov.pl |
8/1999 号法律中有明确规范,澳门特别行政 区 永 久性 居民有资格获发永久性居民身份证。 daccess-ods.un.org | These residents shall be qualified to obtain permanent resident identity cards. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项决议草案包括结束这场危机的框架性原则, 即结束火箭弹发射、结束以色列的军事行动以 及 永久 停火,特别是包括开放过境点和采取有效措施防止武 器贩运。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft resolution includes the framework principles for a way out of the crisis, namely, an end to the launching of rockets and to [...] Israeli military [...] operations and a permanent ceasefire, which includes in particular the opening of [...]crossing points and effective [...]measures against weapons trafficking. daccess-ods.un.org |
永久主权原则是土著人民自决权的一个组成部分;承认这 项原则,土著人民对自然资源的永久 主权 特 别 报 告 员指出,“现在,自决权包括 一系列备选办法,其中包括,参与国家治理权以及各种形式的自治和自我管理 权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The principle of permanent sovereignty is an integral part of the right of self-determination of indigenous [...] peoples; in recognition [...] thereof, the Special Rapporteur on indigenous peoples‟ permanent sovereignty [...]over natural resources [...]noted that “nowadays the right to selfdetermination includes a range of alternatives including the right to participate in the governance of the State as well as the right to various forms of autonomy and selfgovernance. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,如果目前旨在确保永久停火和遵守第 1860(2009)号决议其他相关规定的集体努力失败,我 们将别无选 择,只能再次回到安全理事会,寻求根据 第七章通过一项决议草案,制定适当措施,迫使以色 列停止严重破坏国际法和侵犯处于其占领之下的巴 勒斯坦人民的人权的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, if the current collective effort to secure a durable ceasefire and respect for the other relevant provisions of resolution 1860 (2009) fails, we will have no choice but to return to the Security Council to seek the adoption of a draft resolution under Chapter VII setting out the appropriate measures to force Israel to stop the grave breaches of international law and human rights violations that it is perpetrating against the Palestinian people under its occupation. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于后者,本组织正在积极地解决与医疗费用有关的 索赔,特别是对永久丧失功能或残疾以及特殊病假等 问题作出决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the latter, the Organization was actively working to settle claims related to medical [...] expenses and make determinations [...] regarding, inter alia, permanent loss of function [...]or disability and special sick leave credit. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些交流包括:2011 年 6 月 [...] 1 日与酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待 [...] 遇或处罚问题特别报告员以及促进和保护意见和言论自由权问题 特 别 报 告 员关 于永盛监 狱政治犯绝食问题的紧急行动联名信;2011 [...] 年 7 月 21 日与任意拘留问 题工作组主席兼报告员、意见和言论自由权问题特别报告员、人权维护者状况特 [...] 别报告员、酷刑问题特别报告员和暴力侵害妇女行为及其因果问题特别报告员关 于 Hnin May Aung 案件的紧急行动联名信。 daccess-ods.un.org | These communications include a joint urgent action letter with the Special Rapporteurs on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and [...] expression, regarding the hunger strike by [...] political prisoners in Insein prison, on 1 June 2011; [...]and a joint urgent action letter [...]with the Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteurs on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, on the situation of human rights defenders, on torture and on violence against women, its causes and consequences, on the case of Hnin May Aung, on 21 July 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
个人权利和自由的这种宪定性质使其 特别具有永久性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The constitutional character of the rights and freedoms of the [...] individual makes them particularly permanent. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,我国再次呼吁安全理事会成员采取一 [...] 切必要措施立即制止敌对行动,解决人道主义危机, 特别是永久解决该区域问题和实现该区域持久和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that respect, my country reiterates its call to the members of the Security Council to adopt all measures necessary for an immediate cessation of [...] hostilities, a solution to the humanitarian [...] crisis and, in particular, a lasting solution [...]and a durable peace in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
新闻部特别会在为永久纪念 碑设立的网站上提供咨询服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the Department will provide advisory services on a website for the permanent memorial. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认为,大规模毁灭性武器 而特别是核武器永远不 会成为和平、安全或稳定的来 源;恰恰相反,它们可能促使其他国家寻求获得这些 [...] 武器并导致不受制约的军备竞赛。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe that weapons of mass destruction, and [...] nuclear weapons in particular, can never be a source [...]of peace, security or stability; [...]quite to the contrary, they can compel other States to seek to acquire these weapons and lead to an unbridled arms race. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员认为,永远应 该在国 内立法中明确规定这项责任,摩尔多瓦共和国、塞尔维亚和斯洛文尼亚等国即是 [...] 如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur believes that such [...] responsibility should always be explicitly stated in domestic legislation, as [...]it is in, inter alia, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Slovenia. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为安全理事会常任理事国、托管理事会和给予 殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况 特 别 委 员会 的 永 久 成员,俄罗斯联邦在帮助 人民从殖民附属中解放出来的方面发挥了并继续发挥积极作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a permanent member of the Security Council, the Trusteeship [...] Council and the Special Committee on the Situation with [...]regard to the Implementation of the [...]Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the Russian Federation has played and continues to play an active role in helping to liberate peoples from colonial dependence. daccess-ods.un.org |
法律亦规定澳门特别行政区永久性 居民不得 被驱逐出境。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should be recalled that permanent residents may not be subject to any expulsion order. daccess-ods.un.org |
拟获取居留许可的人士,须提供一名适当的保证人,而该保证人必须为澳 门特别行政区永久性居民;该保证人亦可由银行担保或其他担保代替(第5/2003 号行政法规第18条) [...] ;居留许可的制度可依法定期更新。 daccess-ods.un.org | The residence permit is subject to periodic renovation as provided by law. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据不同的风力级别,永磁发 电机可每年持续增加能源产量 1.4%-6.9%。 cn.theswitch.com | In an independent study by NextWind’s Rain Byars, PMGs result in 1.4-6.9% more energy on a consistent basis per year, depending on the wind class. theswitch.com |
vs 13,14 如何解释耶稣说他能给别人让他们永 不 再 渴的活水,而他自己却渴了这个佯谬呢? bcbsr.com | vs 13,14 How do you resolve the paradoxical statement that Jesus claims to be able to give others water so that they will never thirst, yet He himself thirsts? bcbsr.com |
如 2011 年施政演说所示,领土政府采取了若干措施,缓解青年失业问题, 改革领土的移民法,特别重点是永久 居 民证持有者和外国购买者土地持有市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | As reflected in the 2011 Throne Speech, the territorial Government took a number of measures to alleviate youth unemployment and to overhaul the [...] Territory’s immigration [...] legislation, with particular emphasis on holders of permanent resident’s [...]certificates and the landholding [...]market in respect of foreign buyers. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有澳门特别行政区永久性 居民均享有澳门特别行政区居留权,包括自由 出入澳门特别行政区、不被施加任何逗留澳门特别行政区的条件,和不被驱逐出 [...] 境这些权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | All MSAR permanent residents enjoy the right [...] of abode, which includes the right to freely enter and leave the MSAR, to stay [...]in the MSAR without being subject to any condition or expulsion order. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1919年首次闪亮登场以来,这一原创的长方形Tank表已经有各种差异产品:拱形、中国式、翻转坦克、美式和法式等等不一而足,但其独一无二、一眼 识 别 的 特质 却 永 远 不 变。 hautehorlogerie.org | Since first dazzling the public in 1919, the original rectangular Tank [...] has been cintrée, [...] chinoise, basculante, américaine and française - to name but its most memorable metamorphoses - while remaining forever unique and instantly [...]identifiable. hautehorlogerie.org |
公共拨款制度试 图根据实际健康需求分配资金,但实际上却偏向于南部和东南部较富裕地区而忽 视贫困地区,从而使得上述地区差 别永 久 化。 daccess-ods.un.org | These regional disparities are perpetuated by a public funding system that has struggled to distribute funds based on actual health needs and has instead favoured the wealthier regions of the South and South-East, to the detriment of poorer regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
他指出,中立并非总是由条约规定的,并且由于中立地位在武装冲突期间尤 其重要(除了对和平时期有影响的“永 久 中 立”外),因此在第 5 条草案附件中提 它没有用。 daccess-ods.un.org | He pointed out that neutrality was not always established by treaty and that since the status of neutrality was typically relevant during periods of armed conflict (except “permanent” neutrality which also had effect in time of peace), a reference in the Annex related to draft article 5 was not useful. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于“科技伦理,特别是生物伦理”项下的活动,建议更加重视对广大公众和决策者 [...] 进行宣传和提高他们的认识,制订更多的准则性文件、促进伦理教育、利用科技的伦理、能 力培养和多学科活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As regards activities under the “ethics of science and [...] technology, in particular bioethics”, [...]the suggestion was made to place more emphasis [...]on information and sensitization of the public-at-large and decision-makers, on the development of further normative instruments, on the promotion of ethics education, on the ethics of the use of science and technology, capacity-building and on multidisciplinary action. unesdoc.unesco.org |
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人 员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以,如果我們要落實任何有關延長圖書館開放時 [...] 間的建議,而當中涉及額外資源時,第一,康文署一開始便會就現有的人手 和資源,研究能否配合地區設施管理委員會的要求;第二,地區設施管理委 [...] 員會也可考慮動用區議會的撥款,以作出配合,如果也不足夠 ─ 李永達 議員,如果也不足夠的時候 ─ [...]政府可以考慮再向立法會申請撥款。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, if we are to implement any proposal on the extension of opening hours of libraries which involves additional resources, first, the LCSD has to examine at the outset whether the existing manpower and resources can cope with the demand of the DFMC, and second, the DFMC may consider using the funds of District Councils to cope [...] with the demand, but if the funds are [...] insufficient ― Mr LEE Wing-tat, if the funds [...]are insufficient ― the Government may consider [...]applying to the Legislative Council for the funds required. legco.gov.hk |
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根 据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 [...] 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The following elements of quality education were highlighted: [...] focus on assistance in curricula review and [...] revision, particularly the introduction [...]of values education and ethical approaches, [...]in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education. unesdoc.unesco.org |