单词 | 永久居民 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 永久居民 —permanent resident (almost always used)less common: person with the right live in a country or territory See also:永久—permanent perpetual everlasting lasting 永久 adj—temporary adj durable adj irrevocable adj 永久 adv—permanently adv forever adv 居民 n—residents pl inhabitants pl population n
爱沙尼亚的永久居民和凭 借临时居留证在爱 沙尼亚居留的外国人,都有资格领取无工作能力养恤金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Permanent Estonian residents and foreigners [...] residing in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit are entitled to an incapacity pension. daccess-ods.un.org |
移民不会因爲接受 WIC 而不被允许进入美国、拒绝向其颁发合 法 永久居民 身 份 或「綠卡」。 sfhsa.org | The immigrant will not be denied entry to the country, [...] denied lawful permanent residence or a “green [...]card” because he or she receives WIC. sfhsa.org |
需要具备永久居民地位 以及至少在古巴两年,才能提出公民身份申请并由主 管当局审批。 daccess-ods.un.org | Permanent resident status and at least two years’ residence in the country [...] are required before an application for citizenship [...]can be submitted and approved by the competent authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
芬兰法律还适用于在芬兰境外且对芬兰 公民、芬兰公司、基金会或其他法人或在芬兰的外 国 永久居民 犯 下 的罪行(第 5 款)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finnish law applies also to an offence committed outside of [...] Finland and directed at [...] a Finnish citizen, a Finnish corporation, foundation or other legal entity, or a foreigner permanently resident in Finland (section 5). daccess-ods.un.org |
( 第七条、十二和二十三条)。 缔约国应彻底审查西岸所有永久居民 的 身 份问题,确保向他们颁发有效的许 可证,并在居民登记处登记。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should carry out a thorough review of the [...] status of all longterm residents in the West Bank [...]and ensure that they are issued with [...]a valid permit and registered in the population register. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外对缔约国可能也会有所裨益的是,为了确保官员必须采取行动 或考虑采取行动来回应关于被偷运移民返还的合作请求,以及确保其在本国国 民或永久居民返还 的情况下拥有签发旅行证件的必要法律权力,而审查和颁布 或修正立法。 daccess-ods.un.org | States parties may additionally benefit from reviewing and enacting or amending legislation to ensure that officials are required to act or consider acting in response to requests for cooperation in return of smuggled migrants, and have the necessary legal authority to issue travel documents when a national or permanent resident is to be returned. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 第十条) 委员会促请缔约国为所有公民和 永久居民 无 论 其身份或背景的家庭团聚提供保障 和便利,并确保家庭得到尽可能广泛的保护和协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee urges the State party to guarantee [...] and facilitate family [...] reunification for all citizens and permanent residents irrespective of [...]their status or background, [...]and ensure the widest possible protection of, and assistance to, the family. daccess-ods.un.org |
缴税居民为(a)一暦年内或自抵达越南起计连续12个月内在越南居住满183 日或以上或(b)为越南注册永久居民或 於 一个税收年度在越南租有其租赁合 约为90日或以上的房屋的人士,须按来自各国的全部收入(无论该收入於 [...] 何地支付)及来自越南的收入缴纳个人所得税。 cre8ir.com | A tax resident who (a) stayed in Vietnam for 183 days or more within a calendar year or within a consecutive [...] 12 month period from his/her arrival in Vietnam or (b) [...] has a registered permanent residence in Vietnam or [...]has a house rented in [...]Vietnam under a lease contract of 90 days or more in a tax year, is subject to PIT on worldwide-sourced income (regardless of where the income is paid) and Vietnamsourced income. cre8ir.com |
父母、养父养母、后父后母、监护人或抚养孩子的照顾者,如果是爱 沙尼亚永久居民或凭 临时居留证居住在爱沙尼亚的外国人,都有权利得到父 母补助。 daccess-ods.un.org | A parent, adoptive parent, step-parent, guardian or [...] caregiver raising a child, [...] if they are permanent residents of Estonia or aliens residing in [...]Estonia on the basis of a temporary [...]residence permit, have the right to receive parental benefit. daccess-ods.un.org |
不要将公民卡、出生证、有效 的加拿大护照或永久居民身份 的原件寄给APEGBC。 multilingolegal.ca | Do not send [...] your original citizenship card, birth certificate, current Canadian passport or Permanent Resident Status to APEGBC. multilingolegal.ca |
委员会重申,缔约国应当废除《国籍和以色列入境法( 暂行规定) 》,并且应 当审查其政策,不加歧视地便利所有公民 和 永久居民 的 家 庭团聚。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterates that the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary provision) should be revoked and that the State party should review its [...] policy with a view to facilitating family [...] reunifications for all citizens and permanent residents without discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
东湾几个非牟利机构,为了鼓励和资格 的 永久居民 入 籍 成为公民,今个星期六在Hayward,免费为低收入人士填写入籍申请表,和申请豁免入籍收费的表格。 ktsf.com | The East Bay Naturalization Collaborative, a partnership of several non-profits in the East Bay, is hosting a free Citizenship Fair in Hayward [...] to help eligible [...]East Bay residents complete the citizenship application and fee waiver forms. ktsf.com |
您或您的配偶/同居伴侣必须是加拿大 公 民 、 永久居民 、 公 约难民、受保护人士 或此前18个月在加拿大居住并且拥有至少第19个月的有效许可的临时居民。 multilingolegal.ca | you or your spouse/common-law partner must be a [...] Canadian citizen, permanent resident, convention refugee, protected person or a temporary resident who has resided in Canada [...]for the previous 18 [...]months and has a valid permit for at least the 19th month. multilingolegal.ca |
(d) 工作人员变更其居留身份,致使秘书长认为,有关工作人员可视为其国 籍国以外的另一国的永久居民时,如秘书长认定,该工作人员继续根据回籍假地 [...] 点享有回籍假、教育补助金、离职时本人和配偶及受扶养子女的回国补助金和旅 费,以及家用物品搬运费,将有违这些津贴或福利的原意,该工作人员即可能丧 失这些权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) A staff member who has changed his or her residential status in such a way that he or she may, in the [...] opinion of the Secretary-General, be [...] deemed to be a permanent resident of any country [...]other than that of his or her nationality [...]may lose entitlement to home leave, education grant, repatriation grant and payment of travel expenses upon separation for the staff member and his or her spouse and dependent children and removal of household effects, based upon place of home leave, if the Secretary-General considers that the continuation of such entitlement would be contrary to the purposes for which the allowance or benefit was created. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种变动允许许多长期居住在该领土上的人 获得永久居民地位(见 A/AC.109/2007/15)。 daccess-ods.un.org | That change allowed many [...] individuals who had resided in the Territory for a long period to acquire permanent resident status (see [...]A/AC.109/2007/15). daccess-ods.un.org |
包括美国合法永久居民在 内的已经获准入境的非公民如果属一个或多个“可予递解出境”的类别,可予递 解出境。 daccess-ods.un.org | Non-citizens who have been admitted, including lawful permanent residents of the United [...] States, may be removed if they fall [...]within one or more grounds of “deportability”. daccess-ods.un.org |
财政司司长提出,买家印花税是在特殊情况下推行的特别措施,在2012年10月27日或之后,非香 港 永久居民 ( HK PR)购置香港住宅物业时,在特定情况下将被收取15%的买家印花税或市价(以较高者为准)。 chi.mazars.cn | According to the Financial Secretary, BSD is an extraordinary measure introduced under exceptional circumstances and is to be charged at 15% on the stated consideration or the market value (whichever is higher) of all residential properties in Hong Kong acquired by non-Hong Kong permanent residents (“HKPR”) on or after 27 October 2012. mazars.cn |
思考中心指出,新加坡公民与 永久居民 无 法 在新加坡境内外和持低于‘S 类’与 “就业准证”的工作许可证的移民工人缔结任何形式的婚姻。 daccess-ods.un.org | TC noted that [...] Singapore citizens and permanent residents were unable to [...]enter into any form of marriage, within or outside [...]of Singapore, with migrant workers who were on work permits below the classes of 'S Pass' and 'Employment Pass’. daccess-ods.un.org |
本地学生(包括新加坡公民、 永久居民 和 不 用申请学生准证的国际学生)若已购买了自己的医疗保险,可以选 择不购买校方指定的医疗保险。 | Local student (Singapore Citizen/Permanent Resident/non-Student’s [...] Pass International Student) who is protected by his/her [...]own medical insurance coverage in Singapore can opt out from the medical insurance scheme arranged by the school. sa.edu.sg |
如 2011 年施政演说所示,领土政府采取了若干措施,缓解青年失业问题, 改革领土的移民法,特别重点是 永久居民 证 持 有者和外国购买者土地持有市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | As reflected in the 2011 Throne Speech, the territorial Government took a number of measures to alleviate youth unemployment [...] and to overhaul the [...] Territory’s immigration legislation, with particular emphasis on holders of permanent resident’s certificates [...]and the landholding market in respect of foreign buyers. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於本集团中国附属公司乃作为外商投资企业成立,且本集团控股股东为澳 门永 久居民,因 此并购规定不适用於本集团。 cre8ir.com | Since the Group’s PRC subsidiaries are established as FIEs [...] and the controlling shareholder of the [...] Group is a permanent resident of Macau, the [...]M&A Rules do not apply to the Group. cre8ir.com |
这是《1907 [...] 年海牙第四公约》22所 附《章程》所禁止的,东耶路撒冷的许多巴勒斯坦居民如果行使其言论自由和意 见自由权,其永久居民身份 则有可能被吊销(见A/66/356,第 35 至 37 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is prohibited by the Regulations annexed to The Hague Convention IV of 190722 and could [...] potentially pose a risk [...] to many Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem of revocation of their permanent residency [...]status, if they exercise their [...]right to freedom of expression and opinion (see A/66/356, paras. 35-37). daccess-ods.un.org |
2.1 申诉人在第一任妻子的担保下于1990年11月21 日来到加拿大,并成为永 久居民。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.1 The complainant arrived in Canada on 21 November 1990 and [...] became a permanent resident, sponsored by [...]his first wife. daccess-ods.un.org |
菲律宾旅游税(PH税) - 所有的菲律宾公民、永久居民,及 在菲律宾停留超过一年的非居民外国人,均须支付菲律宾旅游税。 dragonair.com | Philippine Travel Tax (PH Tax) – payable by [...] all Filipino citizens, permanent resident aliens and non-resident aliens who [...]have stayed in the Philippines for more than a year. dragonair.com |
因此,全 民退休金是所有香港永久居民的基本权利,而无需计较他们曾否为退休供款或供 [...] 款多寡;故此,家务料理者及缺乏工作能力的伤残人士都应享有全民退休金。 procommons.org.hk | Hence, OAP should be the basic [...] right of all permanent citizens of Hong Kong, [...]regardless their contribution in working times. procommons.org.hk |
新加坡公民、永久居民和国 际学生(不持有学生证)以及由企业赞助或私立教育机构及其赞助机构提供赞助的学生,如果能够证明已购买自己的医疗保险,可无需购买该医疗保险计划。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | Singapore citizens, permanent citizens and international [...] students not on the Student Pass and Students under corporate sponsorship [...]or corporate agreement between the private education institution and the sponsor organisation can be exempted of the medical insurance scheme; if they can show that they are already covered by their own medical insurance. lsbf.edu.sg |