单词 | 永久化 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 永久化 noun —perpetuation nSee also:永久—permanent • lasting • perpetual • everlasting 永久 adj—durable adj • temporary adj • irrevocable adj 永久 adv—permanently adv • forever adv 永—always • perpetual
让我再次凸显这三项每年通过的决议,它们一再 延长三十多年前成立的联合国机构的授权,并使这种 机构性偏见永久化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let me again highlight three annual resolutions that renew the mandate of United Nations bodies established more than a generation ago and that perpetuate this institutional bias. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列在巴勒斯坦被占领土上扩建、新建定居点,使隔离墙以内区域 [...] 无法进入,如此造成的既成事实极有可 能 永久化 , 在 此情况下无异于事实上的吞 并 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) The expansion of Israeli settlements and the construction of new ones on the occupied Palestinian territory rendered inaccessible behind the wall, which [...] create a fait accompli on the ground that [...] could well be permanent, in which case [...]it would be tantamount to de facto annexation daccess-ods.un.org |
倡议规定了一 [...] 个就该决议所规定的各项安排和保障进行谈判的适 当时限,以便使临时停火永久化,随后促进恢复和平 谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | It provides for an appropriate timeframe for negotiations on the arrangements and guarantees stipulated by the [...] resolution in order to make the [...] temporary ceasefire permanent, thereafter promoting the [...]resumption of peace negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |
印度承诺推动多哈回合取得快速圆满结束,并 且把重点依然放在发展方面,而不是设法让全球贸 易,尤其是农业方面贸易的结构性缺 陷 永久化。 daccess-ods.un.org | India was committed to moving the Doha Round towards a rapid and successful conclusion, and to remaining [...] focused on its development dimension [...] rather than perpetuating structural flaws in global trade, especially [...]in agriculture. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种行为往往促使以色 [...] 列采取相应的报复措施,其形式为空袭和惩罚性入 侵,从而导致暴力与痛苦循环永久化。 daccess-ods.un.org | They tend to trigger corresponding [...] Israeli reprisals, in the form of air strikes and punitive [...] incursions, thus perpetuating a cycle of [...]violence and suffering. daccess-ods.un.org |
在脫脂清洗領域確立了液體壽命 永久化 , 為 工業界的產業廢棄物零排放作出重大貢獻。 unicaltech.com | In the degreasing cleaning field, we opened a road to contribute to the target of zero industrial waste in the industry by the achievement of permanent liquid life. unicaltech.com |
贯彻落实连贯一致的基于人权的国家政策,旗帜鲜明地谴责两性不平 等及其作为侵犯女孩和妇女人权的一种方式 的 永久化 daccess-ods.un.org | Implement coherent human-rights-based national [...] policies that explicitly denounce gender [...] inequality and its perpetuation as a violation [...]of girls’ and women’s human rights daccess-ods.un.org |
我们要提到,1967 年以来巴勒斯坦被占领土中人权状况问题特别报告 员理查德·福尔克先生同他的前任让·杜尔加德先生 一样,在 2007 年 1 [...] 月提交人权理事会的报告(见 A/HRC/4/17)中指出,一方面由于定居政策的持续和 扩大,另一方面由于通过了有关公民身份、财产所有 [...] 权、法院和通行自由的法律、条例和歧视性政策,以 色列目前的占领以及占领的永久化同 殖 民主义和种 族隔离相似。 daccess-ods.un.org | We wish to mention that, in his report this year (see A/65/331), Mr. Richard Falk, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, like his predecessor, Mr. Jean Dugard, in his report to the Human Rights Council in January 2007 (see A/HRC/4/17), noted the ongoing Israeli occupation and that its perpetuation resembled colonialism and apartheid, owing to the continuation and expansion of the settler policy, on the one hand, and the adoption of laws, regulations and [...] discriminatory policies on citizenship, ownership of property, courts of law and [...] freedom of movement, on the other hand. daccess-ods.un.org |
浪费委员会的时间,使以谎言为基 础的具有歧视性和偏见的决议草案 永久化 , 将 破坏为实 现和平和繁荣所做的真正努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Wasting the Committee’s time perpetuating discriminatory and biased draft resolutions embedded in falsehoods would undermine real efforts towards peace and prosperity. daccess-ods.un.org |
宣布紧急状态,随后反复延长或有时直接将 其 永久化 , 也 助长了秘密拘留 的做法。95 在打击恐怖主义的镇压措施中,宣布紧急状态给予军方更多权力并 提供了酌情处理的余地。 daccess-ods.un.org | perpetuations.95 States of emergency gave more powers to the military and provided room for discretion in the repressive measures against terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
失 望 的是,政府 冥頑不 靈 ,堅持 不 減免、 堅 持 不 將 優 惠 稅 率 永 久 化 , 或 將 柴油稅 率 調 低 到實際合 理 的 水 平。 legco.gov.hk | It has flatly refused to offer any reduction, to make the concessionary rate permanent, or to lower the duty rate to a realistic and reasonable level. legco.gov.hk |
只要女孩和妇女继续生活在这样一个世界里,她们在基于权力、男尊女卑、 男性优势和重男轻女的文化中遭受压迫,人权就会继续受到侵蚀,表现为贫穷程 [...] 度加重、基于性别的暴力和贩运人口现象的性别歧视和不平等就 会 永久化。 daccess-ods.un.org | As long as girls and women continue to live in a world where they are oppressed in cultures based on power, male privilege, male dominance and patriarchy, there will be a continual erosion of human rights and a perpetuation of [...] gender discrimination and inequality expressed in increasing levels of [...] poverty, gender-based violence and [...]human trafficking. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列在被占领的西岸和加沙 [...] 地带制造既成事实的决心毫未松懈,似乎越来越象一 项全面、蓄意的政策,目的在于使殖民计 划 永久化, 从 而令人严重怀疑以色列领导人的真实意图并不是 象他们所宣称的那样,即恢复谈判以期达成可持续的 [...]和平协议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel’s unremitting resolve to create faits accomplis in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip appears increasingly to resemble a comprehensive [...] and deliberate policy aimed at [...] making the colonization project permanent and thus casts [...]serious doubt on the true intentions [...]of Israel’s leaders, in contrast to their stated intention to resume negotiations with a view to achieving a sustainable peace agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,未事先与少数群体进行磋商就在他们居住的土地和地区从事大 [...] 规模经济开发项目或商业活动产生了包括流离失所、贫 困 永久化 和 在 某些情况下 暴力等消极影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Equally, large-scale economic development projects or commercial activities carried out on the lands and territories where minorities live without their prior [...] consultation has had negative impacts, including [...] displacement, the perpetuation of poverty and, [...]in some cases, violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管有时政府任命了一些委员会来调查重大事件,但这些委员会中往往包 括所涉人员所在机构的人员,这引起了人们对其独立性和公正性的关注,并担心 有罪不罚现象可能永久化。 daccess-ods.un.org | While in some cases the Government has appointed commissions to investigate major incidents, these commissions often included members of the institutions whose personnel are A/HRC/10/53 page 11 daccess-ods.un.org |
通过永久化布什 时代的大部分减税政策和削减部分扣减政策,避开了人们所担心的“财政悬崖”。 china.blackstone.com | The much-feared “fiscal cliff” was avoided by making most of the Bush-era tax cuts permanent and reducing some deductions. blackstone.com |
(e) 联合国系统应加大对各国的支持力度,以减尽量缩小男女角色的陈规定 型看法永久化的程 度,因为这种看法可制约对各级教育的教育选择 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations system should place greater emphasis on supporting countries in minimizing the perpetuation of stereotypical roles for women and men that can restrain educational choices at all levels of education daccess-ods.un.org |
尤其当原材料的环境和纸张品质要求发 生 永久 变 化 时。 voith.com | Especially since ambient and raw material conditions as well as the requirements for [...] paper quality are permanently changing. voith.com |
更糟糕的是,该特使寻求以国际合法性的名义促 进冲突并使占领永久化,而不是努力在其授权框架内 实现和平和执行联合国决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Worse, the Special Envoy seeks to promote conflict and perpetuate the occupation in the name of international legitimacy instead of trying to achieve peace and the implementation of United Nations resolutions within the framework of his mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
岛的不安全和忧虑感永久化。而 且,土耳其鼓吹非法的分裂主义实体,特别是, 该实体硬说自己拥有控制塞浦路斯共和国部分领空的权利,这些系统性地破坏塞 浦路斯共和国主权和统一的企图,使得建立两个族裔之间的信任和信心的努力进 一步复杂化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, Turkey’s systematic attempts to undermine the sovereignty and unity of the Republic of Cyprus by promoting an illegal secessionist entity, arrogating to itself, inter alia, the right to control part of the airspace of the Republic of Cyprus, further complicate the efforts to build trust and confidence between the two communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
智利的《家庭内暴力法》 (1994年)第3(a)条指出, 学校课程应纳入有关家庭内暴 力的内容, 包括如何改掉那些助长、鼓励或使这种暴 力 永久化 的行为。 unwomen.org | The Chilean Law on Intrafamily Violence (1994) states in Article 3(a) that school curricula should include content about intrafamily violence, including how to modify behaviours that enhance, encourage or perpetuate such violence. unwomen.org |
更有甚者,秘书长特使设法以国际合法性的名义 维持冲突和使占领永久化,而 不是在其授权范围内实 现和平和执行联合国的决议,从而背叛了安全理事会 对他的信任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Worse still, the Special Envoy of the SecretaryGeneral betrayed the trust placed in him by the Security Council through his efforts to entrench conflicts and perpetuate occupation in the name of international legitimacy, instead of seeking peace and the implementation of United Nations resolutions within his mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
公共拨款制度试 图根据实际健康需求分配资金,但实际上却偏向于南部和东南部较富裕地区而忽 视贫困地区,从而使得上述地区差别 永久化。 daccess-ods.un.org | These regional disparities are perpetuated by a public funding system that has struggled to distribute funds based on actual health needs and has instead favoured the wealthier regions of the South and South-East, to the detriment of poorer regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是在农村地区,交通基础设施不足和无法获得负担得起的运输服务,常 被人们认为是使贫困永久化的因 素,同时构成各国实现千年发展目标的重大障 碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inadequate transport infrastructure and lack of access to affordable transport services are often cited as factors that perpetuate poverty while posing major obstacles to countries’ progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in rural areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于在 2011 年选举中使用电脑化永久选民 名单的争论使得 这场政治辩论两极化。 daccess-ods.un.org | The controversy over the [...] use of the computerized permanent voters’ list for the 2011 elections polarized the political debate. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使重新格式化整部 磁碟,您也無法保證 可 永久 銷 毀 機密資料。 seagate.com | Even a complete disc reformat cannot guarantee you permanent confidential data destruction. seagate.com |
正如保存所有文献遗产一样,保存数字化遗产的选择标准也因国家而异,但主要的标 准是看哪些数字化资料具有重要意义 和 永久 的 文 化 、 科 学、佐证或其他价值。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As with all documentary heritage, selection principles may vary between countries, although the main criteria for deciding [...] what digital materials to keep would be their [...] significance and lasting cultural, scientific, [...]evidential or other value. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这将是多边基金为永久性全 部关闭和拆除附件 A 一类和附件 B 一类所列各类氟氯化 碳的所有生产能力和/或建立这些氟氯化碳替代品的生产能力而为委内瑞拉提供的全部经 费。 multilateralfund.org | This is the total funding that would be available to Venezuela from the Multilateral Fund for the total permanent closure and dismantling of all capacity for the production of Group I Annex A and Group I Annex B CFCs, and/or development of capacity to produce alternatives to these CFCs. multilateralfund.org |