

单词 永久冻土

See also:



永久 adj

durable adj
temporary adj
irrevocable adj

永久 adv

permanently adv
forever adv

External sources (not reviewed)

潮湿的草皮,高山永久冻土沼泽 ,在河,开阔的的砾石,石板和片岩山麓碎石旁边的潮湿的海滨的小圆石; [...]
Moist turf, alpine permafrost swamps, damp shingle [...]
by rivers, open gravel, slate and schist screes; (3200-)3600-5300 m.
Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang.
松散的scree,扰乱高山草甸,潮湿的陡崖 永久冻土 砾 石 和沙岩,陡的岩石坡; 3200-5200米甘肃,西藏,青海。
Loose scree, disturbed alpine meadows, moist
[...] gravelly slopes, permafrost gravel and sandstone, [...]
steep rocky slopes; 3200-5200 m. Gansu, Qinghai, Xizang.
斯瓦尔巴特全球种子库位于一条 120 米 长砂岩地道尽头永久冻土带中,其安 全性已得到普遍认可。
The internationally supported gene bank – the Svalbard Global Seed Vault – is
considered secure, being situated at the end of a 120-meter-long tunnel in
[...] sandstone rock and under permafrost conditions.
雷达卫星还 可用于研永久冻土融化 ,监测有山岩滑坡和海啸风险的地区。
Radar satellites are also used
[...] in the study of permafrost melting and in [...]
the monitoring of areas in danger of rockslides and tsunamis.
根据用高能中子探测器获得的数据,火星表面的 15%覆盖了大面永久冻土,位 于纬度六十度以南和以北的地区。
According to the data obtained with HEND, 15
per cent of the surface of Mars is covered
[...] with areas of permafrost, located in the [...]
north and south beyond the sixtieth parallels.
为什么 要在挪威永久冻土层建 设基因库以维护 世界农业的整体多样性?
Why is a gene bank being built in
[...] the Norwegian permafrost in order to safeguard [...]
the whole of the world’s agricultural diversity?
因此,谈判的恢复仍然主要取决于以色列是永 久冻结在 包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占巴勒斯坦土 上建 设定居点的活动并拆除前沿定居点。
The resumption of negotiations therefore
remains essentially
[...] contingent upon a permanent freeze on settlement-building in the occupied Palestinian territory, including [...]
in East Jerusalem, and the dismantling of outposts.
其中之一是,影永久性领土 处置 的割让条约和其他条约确立永久的权利。
One of them is the fact that treaties of cession and other treaties
[...] affecting permanent territorial dispositions [...]
create permanent rights.
如果北极冰 层真的继续融化以及如永冻土继续解冻,目前长期 储存在这些土壤中的碳都将被释放出来。
If indeed Arctic melt continues to
[...] occur and if permafrost continues to [...]
melt in the tundra, old carbon will be released
that is currently stored in those soils.
有一份报告 指出,有证据显示,本世纪末释放的碳当量可能等于
[...] 270 年的今日碳排放量——这是温度上升导致 永冻 土解冻产生的次级效应。
According to one report, there is evidence that an amount of carbon equivalent to 270 years of emissions at today’s level could be
released by the end the century — a secondary effect of the increase in temperatures
[...] leading to the melting of the permafrost.
[...] 已确定的用水热点区,以便更好地反应和覆盖亚太区域特别易受极端 气候事件影响的所有地区,包 永冻土 融 化 对国家经济和对全球气候 变化产生的影响。
One delegation requested that the secretariat review the water hotspots that had been identified, in order to better reflect and cover all the areas of Asia and the Pacific that were particularly vulnerable to
different extreme weather events,
[...] including the impact of the melting of the permafrost on the national [...]
economy and on climate change globally.
Rose Cory及其同事分析了34个北极地点,其中一些地区目前正在经历着显著 永冻土 融 化
Rose Cory and colleagues analyzed 34 Arctic sites, some of which currently experience
[...] dramatic permafrost soil thawing.
(d) 建议人权理事会推动大会作为紧急事项采取适当 永久 性 措 施,确土著人 民的治理机关和机构、包括传统的土著政府、土著议会、代表大会和理事 会能够作为观察员参与联合国活动,至少与具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非 政府组织一样,享有同等的参与权。
(d) Proposed that the Council should encourage the General Assembly to adopt, as a matter of urgency, appropriate permanent measures to ensure that indigenous peoples’ governance bodies and institutions, including traditional indigenous Governments, indigenous parliaments, assemblies and councils, were able to participate at the United Nations as observers with, at a minimum, the same participatory rights as nongovernmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.
突尼斯将坚持其坚定、原则立场,支持兄弟般的 巴勒斯坦人民为实现公正永久和全 面的解决作出努 力,以结束巴勒斯坦人民的苦难,恢复他们的国家合 法自决权,并在自己土地上建立一个以东耶路撒冷 为首都的独立主权国家。
Tunisia will maintain its principled and firm position in support of the efforts of the brotherly
Palestinian people to
[...] achieve a just, permanent and comprehensive solution that ends the suffering of our Palestinian people, restores their national legitimate right to self-determination and establishes an independent sovereign State on their land, with East Jerusalem [...]
as its capital.
政府當 局 向 委員保證,當污水收集隧道開始運 作後,地下水便不會流
[...] 入隧道, 因為所有隧道均 會 鋪砌上 混土 的 永久襯層,而且 污水是以隧道外地 下水相 [...]
同 的水壓貫滿隧道。
The Administration assured members that no groundwater would enter the sewage collection tunnels after
they were put into operation, as these
[...] tunnels would be permanently lined with concrete [...]
and would carry sewage at the same
hydrostatic pressure to that of the external groundwater.
旨在保证持久的事务状态的条约,如对某一 土 的 永久 中 立的条约,将不会 由于武装冲突而终止。
Treaties intended to
[...] guarantee a lasting state of affairs, such as the permanent neutralization of a territory, will not [...]
be terminated by an armed conflict.
在前公 眾貨物裝卸區和銅鑼灣避風塘進 永久 填 海並不必要,而 施工時所需要的臨時工程(包括臨時填 土 地 以 便興建隧 道),則可以在完工後清除,回復現有的海底和水區的原 貌。
Permanent reclamation in the ex-PCWA basin and in the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter is not essential. While temporary works will be required (which may include temporary land formation for tunnel [...]
construction purposes)
these can be removed afterwards and the existing seabed and water area reinstated.
所有的德国酒花种植区都经历了长时间 永久 霜冻。
In all the German hop-growing regions there were
[...] long periods of permanent frost.
为实现该目标,卢克石油公司将其 Varandey 油港码头 - 世界最北端的石油码头 的储量扩充至 325,000 立方米,并增设了两条 25 千米长的水下管道和一个抗冻的 永久 性 海 上码头,以将石油从陆上油库卸载到经加固的海上油轮并运往海外。
To accomplish this, the company expanded its Varandey facility – the world’s northernmost continuously operating oil terminal – to a capacity of 325,000 cubic meters and added two 25-kilometer underwater pipelines, as well as an ice-resistant fixed offshore terminal for offloading of oil from its shore-based tanker field to reinforced tanker ships for transport abroad.
科研人员从西伯利永冻土中分 离出了能够在低温、低压和低氧环境下生长的微生物,这种环境妨碍了大多数陆地微生物的生长。
Researchers have isolated bacteria
[...] from Siberian permafrost that are capable [...]
of growing in low-pressure, -temperature, and
-oxygen conditions, which hinder the growth of most terrestrial microorganisms.
瑞士约4-6 % 的地表永冻土层, 由大量松散的冰冻土石组成。
Some 4-6 % of
[...] Switzerland's surface is permafrost, a mass of loose [...]
earth and stones held together by ice.
2009 年 1 月 21 日的土库曼斯坦总统令批准了《独立 永久 中 立 土 库 曼 斯坦 的军事理论》,《军事理论》第 8 部分指出,根据《土库曼斯坦宪法》和《土库曼 斯永久中立 宪法》,土库曼斯坦承认公认国际法准则和原则、联合国和联合国 决定的至高无上地位,并在其外交政策中遵守永久积极中立、尊重他国主权、领 土完整和不侵犯其边界、不干涉他国内政、不使用武力、不参与军事集团和联盟 以及与区域内和世界各国发展和平、友好和互利关系的原则。
In accordance with part 8 of the
Military Doctrine for an
[...] Independent and Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, ratified by decree of the President of Turkmenistan on 21 January 2009, under the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the Constitutional Act on the Permanent Neutrality of [...]
Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan
shall recognize the primacy of the universally recognized standards and principles of international law, of the United Nations and of its decisions and, in its foreign policy, shall abide by the principles of permanent positive neutrality, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other States and the inviolability of their borders, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, non-use of force and non-participation in military blocs and alliances and the furthering of peaceful, friendly and mutually beneficial relations with other countries of the region and all over the world.
他解 釋,由於香港地方有限,難以撥土 地 設 立 永久的 預 製場,加上在高峰期對預製組件有很大的需求, 因此須為天橋及隧道等大型建造工程進口預製組 件。
He explained that given the space constraint in Hong
Kong, it would be
[...] difficult to allocate land for the purpose of establishing a permanent prefabrication [...]
yard, and the huge demand
of prefabricated components at times of peak periods would mean the components for some large-scale building works such as flyovers and tunnels would have to be imported.
此外,以色列国防部于 2009 年 12 月 29 日批准了相关计划,使得正在被占
[...] 领的约旦河西岸的“Kiryat Netafim”以色列非法定居点上占用巴勒斯坦人私土地兴建 15 栋永久性建筑的行为合法化。
Moreover, on 29 December 2009, Israel’s Defense Ministry approved plans to legalize the construction of 15 permanent structures being built
in the illegal Israeli settlement of “Kiryat Netafim” in the
[...] Occupied West Bank on private lands owned by Palestinians.
是一个会员国根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 5 段发来的 通知,涉及提供物项供伊朗布歇赫尔核电厂使用;一 项是国际原子能机构(原子能机构)根据第 1737(2006) 号决议第 13(d)段发来的通知,该段规定为与该决议 第 3(b)㈠和㈡分段中规定的物项直接相关的活动所 必需的资产免冻结; 一项是一个会员国根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 15 段发来的通知,涉及收到和 (或)解冻资金 以便支付根据在一个实体被列入名单 之前生效的合同到期应付的资金事宜。
During the current reporting period, the Committee received three notifications — namely, from a Member State with reference to paragraph 5 of resolution 1737 (2006), concerning the delivery of items for use in the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran; from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pursuant to paragraph 13 (d) of resolution 1737 (2006), which
provides for an
[...] exemption to the assets freeze for activities directly related to the items specified in paragraphs 3 (b)(i) and 3 (b)(ii) of the resolution; and from a Member State pursuant to paragraph 15 of resolution 1737 (2006), in connection with the receipt and/or unfreezing of funds in [...]
order to make a payment
due under a contract entered into prior to the listing of an entity.
土著人民特别容易受到同气候变化有关的自然灾害的影响,其中包括诸 如永冻土融化 、其传统生活方式所必需的植物和动物的变化或者沙漠化等缓慢 [...]
Indigenous peoples are particularly affected by natural disasters linked to climate
change, including slow onset
[...] disasters such as thawing of permafrost, changes in the [...]
flora and fauna essential for the
traditional lifestyle of the peoples concerned, or desertification.
Wayne Nicholson及其同事从西伯利亚东北部 永冻土 中 获得了4个钻心样本,并且在室温和环境空气与压力状态下于营养丰富的琼脂盘中把这些样本至多培养了28天。
Wayne Nicholson and colleagues obtained four
[...] core samples of permafrost soil from northeastern [...]
Siberia, and cultured each sample
for up to 28 days on nutrient-rich agar plates incubated at room temperature with ambient air and pressure.
[...] 俗和惯例采用这种耕种方式的固有权利,定将扰乱可持续的土地利用模式 永久 摧毁土著人 民及其社区的社会凝聚力,及其独特的政治、经济和文化认同和完整。
Depriving indigenous communities of their inherent right to practise this form of cultivation, in accordance with their laws, customs and usages and in line with international human rights norms and standards, is
a sure way to disrupt
[...] sustainable land use patterns and to permanently destroy the social [...]
cohesion of indigenous peoples and their communities,
including their political, economic and cultural identity and integrity as distinct peoples.




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