单词 | 永久 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 永久—permanent(often used)perpetualless common: everlasting lasting 永久adjective—durableadj temporaryadj irrevocableadj 永久adverb—permanentlyadv foreveradv 永久noun—royalty-freenExamples:永久居民—permanent resident person with the right live in a country or territory 永久和平—lasting peace enduring peace 永久性—permanent See also:永—perpetual always 永adv—foreveradv 久adj—longadj 久n—(long) timen
因此,如果目前旨在确保永久停火和遵守第 1860(2009)号决议其他相关规定的集体努力失败,我 [...] 们将别无选择,只能再次回到安全理事会,寻求根据 第七章通过一项决议草案,制定适当措施,迫使以色 列停止严重破坏国际法和侵犯处于其占领之下的巴 [...]勒斯坦人民的人权的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, if the current collective [...] effort tosecure a durableceasefireand respect [...]for the other relevant provisions [...]of resolution 1860 (2009) fails, we will have no choice but to return to the Security Council to seek the adoption of a draft resolution under Chapter VII setting out the appropriate measures to force Israel to stop the grave breaches of international law and human rights violations that it is perpetrating against the Palestinian people under its occupation. daccess-ods.un.org |
他指出,中立并非总是由条约规定的,并且由于中立地位在武装冲突期间尤 其重要(除了对和平时期有影响的“永久中立”外),因此在第 5 条草案附件中提 它没有用。 daccess-ods.un.org | He pointed out that neutrality was not always established by treaty and that since the status of neutrality was typically relevant during periods of armed conflict (except “permanent” neutrality which also had effect in time of peace), a reference in the Annex related to draft article 5 was not useful. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使重新格式化整部磁碟,您也无法保证可永久销毁机密资料。 seagate.com | Even a complete disc reformat cannot guarantee youpermanent confidential data destruction. seagate.com |
在永久使用权协议终止时,永 久使用权人有权针对所有的建筑物得到等同 于建筑物市场价格的补偿。 paiz.gov.pl | In case of [...] the termination of the perpetual usufruct, the usufructee [...]has the right to obtain an equivalent market value [...]of the building which is part of the property held in the perpetual usufruct. paiz.gov.pl |
(k) 按本公司认为合宜的方式借款或集资或保证付款,并就此或偿还或履 行本公司在任何方面将产生或订立的任何债务、负债、合约、担保或其 [...] 他任命╱及尤其是发行以本公司全部或部分财产(现有及未来)(包括其 未催缴股本)作抵押的永久或其他债权证作出担保;及购买、赎回或结 [...]清任何该等证券。 pccw.com | (k) To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the Company may think fit and to secure the same or the repayment or performance of any debt, liability, contract, guarantee or other engagement incurred or to be entered into by the Company [...] in any way/and in particular by the issue [...] of debenturesperpetual or otherwise, [...]charged upon all or any of the Company’s [...]property (both present and future), including its uncalled capital; and to purchase, redeem, or pay off any such securities. pccw.com |
规划提供照料及确保永久性的工作应特别基于下列几点,从而避免分离:儿 [...] 童对其家庭属何种依恋关系,程度如何;家庭保障儿童福祉和协调发展的能力; 儿童感受身为家庭一员的需要或愿望;儿童留在所处社区和国家的必要性;儿童 的文化、语言和宗教背景及儿童与兄弟姐妹的关系等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Planning for care [...] provision and permanency should be based [...]on, notably, the nature and quality of the child’s attachment [...]to his/her family, the family’s capacity to safeguard the child’s well-being and harmonious development, the child’s need or desire to feel part of a family, the desirability of the child remaining within his/her community and country, the child’s cultural, linguistic and religious background, and the child’s relationships with siblings, with a view to avoiding their separation. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使对整张磁盘进行格式化操作也无法保证可永久销毁机密数据。 seagate.com | Even a complete disc reformat cannot [...] guarantee you permanent confidential [...]data destruction. seagate.com |
总而言之,他对第五委员会的请求是,批准将大 会部雇用的语文退休人员的收入上限的豁免延至 2009 [...] 年底,考虑将未来数年的上限永久提高至 185 个 工作日,和/或审查是否可能为所有语文工作人员免 [...]去目前规定的退休年龄,直到退休潮结束,并聘用到 适当的更替人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In summary, his requests to the Fifth Committee were to approve a waiver of the ceiling on the earnings of language retirees hired [...] by the Department until the end of 2009, [...] to consider a permanent increase in [...]the ceiling for the years to come, up to 185 [...]work days, and/or to examine the possibility of waiving the current retirement age for all language staff until the wave of retirements was over and suitable replacements had been recruited. daccess-ods.un.org |
9.6.3 如有需要(例如涉及公众利益或为实 践向社会及工商界提供支援的目 标),获款机构可能要给予政府和政 [...] 府代表不受地区限制、无须缴付版权 费用和不得撤回的永久特许应用权, 去运用或安排有关知識产权;而倘若 [...]获款机构并无有关拥有权,则要替政 府和政府代表获取所需的特许应用 权。 hketa.org.hk | 9.6.3 If necessary (such as when public interests are involved or in order to fulfill the objective of providing support to the community and the industries), the project applicant may be requested to grant unconditionally to the Government and [...] parties acting on behalf of the Government a [...] nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, [...]royalty-free worldwide licence to exploit [...]or dispose of the relevant intellectual property rights or, when the project applicant does not have the ownership, to procure the grant of the requisite licence. hketa.org.hk |
难 民事务管理委员会的任务是处理与下述有关的事务:确定难民地位,安置难民, 法律规定的登记保管,协调国内和国外其他机构和组织向难民提供援助,对统一 [...] 及时地分发这种援助进行监督,在难民永久安置之前在领土单位地区为难民提供 [...]住宿,为难民返回原籍地区或由难民事务管理委员会决定的其他地区提供条件, 以及法律规定的职权范围内的其他任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commissariat for Refugees is mandated to perform affairs related to the establishment of refugee status, the placement of refugees, records keeping as prescribed by the law, the coordination of assistance to refugees provided by other bodies and organizations in the country and abroad and overseeing that such assistance is [...] rendered uniformly and timely, the [...] accommodation of refugees inthe areas of territorial [...]units, the provision of conditions [...]for refugees to return to the territories of their origin or to other territories as determined by the Commissariat for Refugees prior to their permanent placement and other tasks within its competence prescribed by law. daccess-ods.un.org |
除去要确保永久保存所有格式的信息以外,教科文组织还应致力于解决如何让公众能便利地使用这些信息的 [...] 问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition to [...] ensuring the permanent preservation [...]of information in all formats, UNESCO should also champion easy public access to such information. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(n) 收取按金款项或贷款及借款或以本公司认为合适的有关方式筹资,尤其是透 过发行债权证、或债权股证(永久或其他方式)以取得偿还任何所借款项、 [...] 筹集或所欠或本公司(现时及未来)物业或资产的全部或任何抵押、押记或 留置权,包括其未缴催缴资本,及亦类似抵押、押记或留置权以取得及担保 [...]本公司或任何其他人士或公司於本公司或任何其他人士或公司(视乎情况而 定)所担保的任何责任。 bdhk.com.hk | (n) To receive money on deposit or loan and borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit, and in [...] particular by the issue of debentures, or [...] debenture stock(perpetual or otherwise) [...]and so secure the repayment of any money [...]borrowed, raised or owing mortgage, charge or lien upon all or any of the property or assets of the Company (both present and future), including its uncalled capital, and also by a similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company or any other person or company of any obligation undertaken by the Company or any other person or company as the case may be. bdhk.com.hk |
根据提交人,当局和法院事实上并不可能会作出有利于他们的决定,永久免除他们服兵役,即使他们愿意执行任何其他公共服务作为备选办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the authors, there is no realistic possibility that the authorities and [...] courts will make a decision in their [...] favour thatwouldpermanently release them [...]from the obligation to perform military service, [...]even if they are prepared to perform any other civil service as an alternative. daccess-ods.un.org |
袭击过后,包括全部八名子女在内的全家只得出逃,向市里要求另外提供永久性的容身之所。 daccess-ods.un.org | After this attack, the family, [...] including all eight children, had to flee the [...] house andseek permanent alternative [...]accommodation from the municipality. daccess-ods.un.org |
新 的前台和餐厅设施正在建设中,之后可能要再向酒 [...] 店住宿过渡,因为管理层担心其目前的商业住客可 能会投资建设更永久的工作和住宿地。 crisisgroup.org | New reception and restaurant facilities are under construction, and a transition back to [...] hotel accommodation may follow, as management is concerned its commercial occupants may [...] invest in more permanentlocations. crisisgroup.org |
(d) 建议人权理事会推动大会作为紧急事项采取适当的永久性措施,确保 土着人民的治理机关和机构、包括传统的土着政府、土着议会、代表大会和理事 会能够作为观察员参与联合国活动,至少与具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非 政府组织一样,享有同等的参与权。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Proposed that the Council should encourage the General Assembly to adopt, as a matter of urgency, appropriate permanentmeasures to ensure that indigenous peoples’ governance bodies and institutions, including traditional indigenous Governments, indigenous parliaments, assemblies and councils, were able to participate at the United Nations as observers with, at a minimum, the same participatory rights as nongovernmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还支持他指出,至关重要的 [...] 是,双方必须打破目前僵局和恢复谈判,以便就永久地位问题达成框架协议,从而解决所有核心问题,并 [...]使两国解决方案得以实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also support his indication that it is of the greatest importance that the parties overcome the current impasse and resume [...] negotiations in order to reach a framework [...] agreement on a permanentstatusthat [...]resolves all the core issues and makes the two-State solution a reality. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过买卖协议进行 的不动产和永久使用权的转让是有效的,但 买卖协议必须在政府公证部门以公证契约的 [...] 形式签署。 paiz.gov.pl | Both real estate andperpetual usufruct transfers [...] become valid through a sales agreement, which is obligatorily signed in [...]front of public notary in the form of the notary deed. paiz.gov.pl |
爱沙尼亚的永久居民和凭借临时居留证在爱 沙尼亚居留的外国人,都有资格领取无工作能力养恤金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Permanent Estonian residents and foreigners [...] residing in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit are entitled to an incapacity pension. daccess-ods.un.org |
还计划设立处理教育 [...] 和健康问题的工作队,以及把科索沃的罗姆族、阿什卡利族和埃及裔成员搬迁到永久性住宅中,以消除他们因铅污染而面临的重大健康风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Task forces are also planned on education and health and on the relocation of members [...] of the Kosovo Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian [...] communitiesto permanenthousing, in [...]order to address the critical health risks [...]they face as a result of lead contamination. daccess-ods.un.org |
(p) 以本公司认爲属适当的方式借入或筹集款项或保证支付款项,尤其通过发行以 本公司全部或任何财产(现有及未來)(包括其未催缴股本)为抵押的债权证 或债权股证(永久或其他性质),以及购买、赎回或清偿任何该等抵押品。 wheelockcompany.com | (p) To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the Company shall think fit and in particular by the issue of Debentures or Debenture Stock perpetual or otherwise charged upon all or any of Company’s property (both present and future) including its uncalled capital and to purchase redeem or pay off any such security. wheelockcompany.com |
其他关键 措施包括支持这些国家的产品增值,而不是永久保持其作为原料供给者的角色,同时要取消对与其利 害攸关产品的限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other crucial measures included supporting value addition in those countries rather than perpetuating their role as providers of raw materials, and eliminating restrictions on products of interest to them. daccess-ods.un.org |
可能的援助领域包括:为媒体委员会执行机 [...] 构根据政府意见和媒体审查小组的调查结果进行有效运作提供资金;为顺利管理 媒体委员会的事务提供永久性办公室和工作人员;成立一个保护和促进记者权益 [...]的记者协会;上调记者工资,使之达到与要求他们进行的负责和全面报道相符的 [...]水平;以及加强培训,提高记者的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Areas of possible assistance are as follows: the provision of funds for the effective operation of the media council executive body as per Government’s submission and [...] the findings of the media review team; the [...] provision of a permanentofficeand staff [...]for the smooth administration of the media [...]council’s affairs; the establishment of an association of journalists to protect and promote their interests; upgrading of the salaries of journalists to a level commensurate with the kind of responsible and balanced journalism required of them; increased training to improve the capacity of journalists. daccess-ods.un.org |
魏氏亦曾为 Echosphere International 之执行董事,在任期间在新加坡建立了Echosphere的亚洲区永久营运基地,并同时处理该企业在亚洲和中东的业务。 asiasat.com | Mr. Wade had also served as Executive Director for Echosphere International (Echostar), where he established Echosphere's permanent Asian operations in Singapore while managing the company's activities in Asia and the Middle East. asiasat.com |