

单词 水龙带

See also:


dragon n

surname Long

External sources (not reviewed)

Special fittings for training hoses could be considered which would also provide protection for the hose operator.
此外,乌尼莫克提供6000升容量的水或泡沫液罐,高、中、低压泵 水龙带 卷 轴 ,存放铁铲、斧头及其他工具的储物箱,以及用于扑救草地和地面火灾的地面喷射器,让你按需选择。
But there's much
[...] more. Foam and water tanks with up to 6000 litres of capacity; high, medium or low-pressure pumps; hose reels, stowage [...]
compartments for
shovels, axes or other tools; and ground sprayers for fighting grass and ground fires: simply choose what best meets your requirements.
研究证实,作为铜质冷热水管道发生腐蚀的 带 结 果 ,在美国几乎任何地区的厨房和浴 水龙 头 所 放出的水中均可发现较高的铜含量。
Studies confirm that copper, as a corrosion byproduct of copper plumbing, can be found at elevated levels at kitchen and bathroom taps in almost any part of the country.
许多渔业,特别是带水域的多鱼种渔业,大量的兼捕渔获物已经上 岸并被利用。
In many fisheries, particularly
[...] multispecies fishing in tropical waters, substantial quantities [...]
of bycatch are already being landed and used.
热水系统解决方案包括传送泵、储水管、变频泵 (VFD) 橇整体解决方案水龙站、循环泵带 BAS/ DDC 界面的下游数字水温控制/循环以及大量性能匹配组件,其专门设计能够满足各种项目的要求。
Hot Water System Solutions which include transfer pumps, storage tanks,
variable frequency drive
[...] (VFD) pump skid-packaged solutions, hose stations, circulating pumps, downstream digital water temperature controls/loops [...]
with BAS/DDC
interface along with a mutlitude of performance matched components can be application engineered specifically to meet the projects requirements.
被拘留 者获得水的唯一途径是请求到牢房外面使用厕所 水龙 头。
The detainees’ only way to access water was to request to be let out of the cells in
[...] order to use the water tap in the toilet.
3月15日,恒远集团由董事长徐龙先生 带 队 前 往北京出席了中国机械进出口(集团)有限公司的”俄罗斯宾萨5000T/D熟 水 泥 EP C总承包项目国内合作协议签字仪式”。
Mr. Xu Huilong, Board Chairman of Hengyuan
[...] Group, together with a team, has attended the ceremony of signing EPC general contract for the domestic cooperation in 5000T/D clinker cements of Russia-based Penza Cement Plant with [...]
China National Machinery
Import & Export Corporation (CMC) in Beijing on March 15.
由耐高温龙制成的带轮, 由于高度发达的模具和生产技术,在同等条件的圆度和运行特点下,可替代钢带轮。
The pulleys made from polyamide resistant to [...]
high temperatures are, due to the highly developed tooling and production technology,
equal in terms of roundness and running characteristics to the steel pulleys used as an alternative.
[...] 际中心的环境和费用绩效采取了许多前瞻性措施:安装照明光电感应器和效率更 高水龙头; 使用再生纸和为循环使用分离废物。
However, benefiting from a high level of public environmental consciousness in the host country, they have adopted many proactive measures in recent years to improve the environmental and cost performance of Vienna International Centre (VIC): the installation
of motion-detectors for lighting and of
[...] more efficient water faucets; use of recycled [...]
paper and segregation of waste for recycling purposes.
热带气旋是在温暖的带水域形 成的低气压系统,并在其中心附近形成强风。
Tropical cyclones are low pressure systems that form
[...] over warm tropical waters and have gale force [...]
winds near the centre.
国际水文计划阿拉伯地区干谷水文地区网出版了有关干旱和半干旱 带水 资 源 项目区 的几份《国家实例研究》和一套《水资源研究和开发最佳方案系列》。
The IHP regional network on wadi hydrology in the Arab region produced several publications on national case studies and a collection of
series of best procedures in research
[...] and development of water resources in the [...]
region within the project on water resources in arid and semiarid zones.
在拦截的前一天,可以看到在甲板上 测水龙的水压。
The pressure of the water hoses was seen [...]
being tested on the decks the day before the interception.
2002--2003 年双年度的工作规划考虑到了在丰特努瓦、米奥利斯和邦万大楼应进行的
[...] 紧急维修工程,这些工程主要是:更换可 水水龙 头 和 供水网络,对预防大叶性肺炎系统进 行处理,翻修丰特努瓦大楼卫生设施(第三层和第四层);更换邦万大楼每层的配电盘和翻 [...] [...]
The work plan for the 2002-2003 biennium takes into account the urgent maintenance work to be carried out at the Fontenoy, Miollis and
Bonvin sites. This includes replacement of
[...] the drinking fountains and water system, treatment [...]
of systems against legionnaire’s
disease, renovation of sanitary facilities (3rd and 4th floors, Fontenoy), replacement of the electrical substations on the various floors at Bonvin and renovation of the main staircase at Fontenoy, replacement of window blinds and modernization of projection equipment.
因此,囚犯也必须利用整 个监狱的各水龙头将水储存在杰里罐中供日常使用。
As a result, prisoners
[...] also had to store water for daily use in jerry [...]
cans, using the various taps throughout the prison.
每个经济体都要作出 的一个关键决定是:何时以及如何关上财政刺激 水龙 头 并缩紧货币政策。
A critical decision for each economy is when and how to turn off the tap of fiscal stimulus and tighten monetary policy.
南亚星涂装公司成立已有十多年,是专业研制及生产涂装设备以及木纹转印设备的公司,所生产的设备包括内置高电压静电液体喷枪、内置高压静电粉末喷枪、超声波自动包膜机,分条机(切膜机),铝型材/平板转印床,喷 水 帘 柜 、omega喷房、粉末喷房、回收装置、燃料、燃气、电加热热风机组、UV光固化、干燥(烘干)设备、箱式烘炉、隧道炉、 带 、 铁 氟 龙带 、 除 尘设备、数控往复机、悬挂式输送线、喷漆、喷粉、电泳生产线、PVC带平面输送线、物流输送线,专业为客人度身定做全套涂装生产线,提供设计、制造、安装及工艺培训等全套服务。
In addition, we manufacture electro-static powder coating guns, Electro-Static liquid painting guns, liquid painting booth, Omega
painting booths, powder
[...] coating booths, recycle systems, diesel heated gas heated electric heated oven, uv curing oven, tunnel type oven, batch type oven, dust collecting system, digital control reciprocators, conveyor type production line, full [...]
production line
for powder coating and liquid painting needs and etc. Our company can design, fabricate and install the machines according to customers need.
这些新型有机硅产品的典型应用是为(比如 龙 袜 的) 吊 带 配 上 防滑层, 或为防滑袜袜底配上橡胶小点。
Typical applications of the new silicone grades include non-slip coatings of bands – such as those used in women’s hosiery – and the rubber coatings of slip-resistant socks.
欧洲联盟注意到,出现 了对来自低带水面海洋物种的海鲜产品的新需求, [...]
特别是小型海洋水层鱼类和磷虾,不仅供人类消费, 也用于其他用途,比如喂养养殖鱼类和其他商业用 途,并且这种需求正在增长。
The European Union notes that there is a new demand for seafood
products drawn from marine species
[...] occupying low trophic levels, particularly [...]
small pelagic species and krill, not only
for human consumption but also for other uses, such as feed for farmed fish and other commercial uses, and that this demand is growing.
16.C. 航运造成的威胁:地点、规模和发展趋势——航运产生的污染(包括《国 际防止船舶造成污染公约》附件一至六管制的各类污染、防污处理和噪声)——
[...] 航运对海洋生物的声波影响——航运灾害,包括其较长期的影响——通过压水 带来的 入侵物种和其他生物安全风险——待拆船舶的运输——航运相对于贸易 [...]
C. Threats from shipping: locations, scale and trends — pollution from shipping (covering all forms of pollution regulated by annexes I to VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, anti-fouling treatments and noise) — the acoustic impact of shipping on marine organisms — shipping disasters, including
their longer-term effects — invasive
[...] species through ballast water and other biosecurity [...]
risks — transport of ships for ship-breaking
— risks to coastal States from shipping compared to their trade.
此外,国际水文计划第六阶段(IHP-VI)“旱地”重点领域的活动以及干旱 带水 资 源 管理的相关活动与最近建立的国际水文 [...]
In addition, the activities of the
“drylands” focal area of IHP-VI, as well as
[...] related activities in water resources management [...]
of arid zones, meets with many of the
activities of the newly established IHP global network on “water information and development in arid zones” (G-WADI).
带水果如 香蕉,柑桔,菠萝等在波兰不适宜 生长。
Conditions in Poland are not
[...] appropriate for tropical fruits such as bananas, [...]
oranges and pineapples.
例如,该公司提供的胶粘剂可用于安 带水 泥 涂层的聚苯乙烯泡沫结构板,以及用于内部装饰品和卫生设施的石膏和水泥构件。
To name but a few examples, the company supplies
adhesives for the assembly of structural panels
[...] consisting of cement-coated polystyrene [...]
foam, as well as gypsum and cement elements
used in interior fittings and sanitary facilities.
通过实施由居民自 己决定并积极参加的下列基础设施项目,使这种改善 得以实现:铺彻街道路面、建公共广场、建一堵挡土 墙、一个足球场、250 个排污水渗井、10 个界石水 龙头和 60 个公共厕所。
Projects included the paving of streets, the creation of public spaces and the building of a retaining wall, a football stadium, 250 drainage wells, 10 drinking fountains and 60 latrines.
本届文化节亦将深入挖掘亚洲的艺术传统及其丰富文化遗产,参演的包括了知名世界的中国国家芭蕾舞团、上海越剧团、日本传奇太鼓王林英哲、越南 龙水 上 木 偶戏院、由韩国蔡香顺舞蹈团演绎的韩国传统打击乐与舞蹈、由Gong [...]
Tri Pitaka表演的北巴厘岛加麦兰音乐与舞蹈、台湾无垢舞蹈剧场、世界著名编舞家舞蹈家阿克拉姆汗在其家乡孟加拉国创作演出的作品《DESH》等等。
Programme highlights include the world renowned National Ballet of China, Shanghai Yue Opera Company, the energetic taiko concert by
the legendary Etitetsu Hayashi
[...] from Japan, water puppetry by Thang Long Water Puppet Troupe [...]
from Vietnam, traditional Korean
percussion and dance performance by Chae Hyang Soon Dance Company, gamelan and dance from North Bali by Gong Tri Pitaka, Legend Lin Dance Theatre from Taiwan, Desh by the world famous choreographer and dancer Akram Khan on his homeland Bangladesh, and more.
第一个压轴的两部分开始时Mesogog的折磨安东Mercer和艾尔莎显示他的最新计划,一个巨大的加农炮,可以击败格拉斯哥流浪者, 带 回 了 恐 龙 在 我 们的世界。
The first of the two part finale starts when Mesogog
tortures Anton Mercer and shows Elsa his latest plan, a giant cannon that can defeat the
[...] Rangers and bring back The Dinosaurs in our world.
这些影响包括缺乏饮用水和 灌溉水,带来饥渴和饥荒风险;由于气温和降雨规 [...]
律的改变,农业生产力发生变化和可能下降;海平面 上升,从而对若干会员国的存在构成威胁;疟疾和其 他疾病发病率急剧上升,发病地域扩大;经济产量和 贸易模式发生转移;人类移徙模式发生变化和可能出
现巨大转移;飓风等极端天气事件导致的经济和人的 损失增加;以及能源短缺。
These effects
[...] include shortfalls in water for drinking and [...]
irrigation, with concomitant risks of thirst and famine; changes
and possible declines in agricultural productivity stemming from altered temperature and rainfall patterns; rises in sea level, which pose an existential threat to several Member States; spikes in the rates and extended geographic scope of malaria and other diseases; shifts in economic output and trade patterns; changes and possible large shifts in human migration patterns; larger economic and human losses attributable to extreme weather events such as hurricanes; and shortfalls in energy supply.




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