单词 | 水量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 水量 noun —quantity n水量 —volume of water • quantity of flow Examples:排水量—displacement 排水量 n—drainage capacity n 用水量 n—water consumption n
(f) 提高西區食水和海水抽水站的抽水量 , 並 把現時採 用的一站式泵水安排改為兩站式泵水安排,以改善 山頂一帶的供水系統。 legco.gov.hk | (f) uprating of Elliot fresh and salt water pumping station, and improvement of the water supply system to the Peak area by converting the existing one-stage pumping into two-stage pumping. legco.gov.hk |
如果降水是季节性的,又有长期的旱季,这种方法可能就不划 算,因为需要提供储水量。 wrdmap.org | If rainfall is highly seasonal with a [...] long dry season the approach may not be cost [...] effective because of the volume of storage that would need [...]to be provided. wrdmap.org |
柯达 SONORA XP [...] 免冲洗印版的输出可以节省成本与空间,消除药剂与冲版机成本和浪费并减少 用 水量。 graphics.kodak.com | Output of KODAK SONORA XP Process Free Plates saves money and space, eliminating chemistry and plate processor costs and [...] waste and reducing water usage. graphics.kodak.com |
政府當局表示,荃灣屠房的管理層已根據環境保護署(下稱"環 [...] 保署")及食物環境 生署(下稱"食環署")的意見,採取額外改善措施, 進一步減少發出臭味、噪音及水污染物,包括在豬欄面向海濱花園一 [...] 邊的選定空間安裝窗戶、使用漂白粉清洗屠房以消減臭味,以及安裝 以腳踏操控的沖水系統清洗豬隻屠體,以減少 污 水量。 legco.gov.hk | 9. According to the Administration, following the advice of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), TWSH management had taken additional improvement measures to further reduce the generation of odour, noise and water pollutants including installation of windows at selected openings of lairages facing the Riviera Gardens, use of bleaching powder during cleansing operation at the slaughterhouse to reduce odour and [...] installation of pedal-controlled hosing system in cleaning slaughtered pig carcasses to reduce the [...] generation of waste water. legco.gov.hk |
由于这种油中的含水量高, 这降低了它附着在下 面的底物上的能力。 itopf.co.uk | The high levels of water in the oil reduce [...] the ability of the oil to adhere to underlying substrate. itopf.co.uk |
目前有 1 个续设员额(P-3)专门负责以下工作:支 [...] 助水的研究、供应和养护;评估驻非洲各特派团的水资源并协助各特派团管理这 些资源;评估地下水和雨水量,就 再生技术提供咨询,以满足特派团的需求;采 取行动保护、回收和补给水资源,同时避免对当地民众造成不利影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Currently, 1 continuing post (P-3) is dedicated to supporting water research, supply and conservation; assessing water resources in missions in Africa and supporting missions in the [...] management of those resources; [...] assessing groundwater and rainwater capacities and providing [...]advice on recovery techniques [...]to meet mission requirements; and taking action to conserve, recycle and replenish resources without adversely affecting the local population. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外, 产品对兑水量的容限也相当高, 在掺水过多的情况下具有稳定性能, [...] 可防止水分沉降, 使表面平整, 无气泡。 wacker.com | What’s more, the product is highly forgiving [...] when too much water is added, generating [...]an outstanding stabilizing effect that [...]prevents sedimentation and produces an even, bubble-free surface – even in the presence of excess water. wacker.com |
农业是使用淡水的主要部门,占全球 取 水量 的近 70%。18 但是,农业、城市 和工业用水之间愈演愈烈的淡水之争已成为日益严重的问题(见图十),在 城乡间 [...] 造成紧张局面,并且可能威胁到区域或国家的粮食保障,这种局面因气候变化而 更加恶化(见方框 6)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agriculture is the [...] major user of freshwater, accounting for almost 70 per cent of water withdrawal [...]globally.18 However, a [...]growing problem is the increasing competition for freshwater between agriculture, urban and industrial uses (see figure X), causing tension between rural and urban areas and possibly threatening regional or national food security, a situation which is exacerbated by climate change (see box 6). daccess-ods.un.org |
除其他外,被取代的矿物燃料的需求量取决于 替代燃料的产热量和含水量。 ficem.org | The amount of fossil fuel demand that is displaced depends, among other factors, on the [...] calorific value and water content of the alternative fuel. ficem.org |
范 例之一是生计早期评估和保护软件平台,此项服务利用地面和卫星降雨量数据 监测水量要求 满意度指数并量化埃塞俄比亚各行政区干旱或雨量过多的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | One such example is the Livelihood Early Assessment and Protection (LEAP) software platform, a service using ground [...] and satellite rainfall [...] data to monitor the water requirement satisfaction index and quantify the [...]risk of drought and excessive [...]rainfall in different administration units of Ethiopia. daccess-ods.un.org |
最大降雨量出现在 [...] 山区和山麓地带-平均为 398 毫米,最低降水量在卡 拉博加兹戈尔湾(95 毫米)和 [...]土库曼斯坦东北部(105 毫米)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Precipitation is greatest in the [...] mountains and foothills, averaging up [...]to 398 millimetres (Koine-Kesir), and lowest in the [...]Kara-Bogaz-Gol bay (95 millimetres) and north-east Turkmenistan (105 millimetres). daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔及利亚代表团还着重指出,重要的是,精确 [...] 了解共享水资源的程度,其流量和质量;保护共享水 资源国家拥有该国发展所需之足够 水量 ; 通 过适当保 护和善意合作,将环境层面纳入有关国家的可持续发 展;加强本国管制措施和双边或分区域合作机制,以 [...] 确保有效保护含水层不受各种形式的污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation also stressed the importance of having precise knowledge about the extent of shared water resources, their volume and quality; [...] protecting the rights of [...] countries sharing aquifers to have sufficient quantities for their development [...]needs; integrating [...]the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the countries concerned, through appropriate protection and good-faith cooperation; and strengthening national regulatory measures and bilateral or subregional cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure the effective protection of aquifer water resources from all forms of pollution. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认识到生态系统在保持水量和水 质 方 面的关键作用,支持在各国境内 采取行动保护生态系统,可持续地管理生态系统。 sistemaambiente.net | We recognize the key role that ecosystems [...] play in maintaining water quantity and quality, [...]and support actions within respective [...]national boundaries to protect and sustainably manage these ecosystems. sistemaambiente.net |
产品目录内的爆裂压力、工作压力、 静电消散、含水量、渗 透率、循环寿命等性能声明只适用于从 未使用过的产品。 swagelok.com | Catalog performance claims such as burst pressure, working pressure, static dissipation, moisture content, permeation rates, and cycle life apply to never-used products. swagelok.com |
不过,在开放的海域,泄漏和响应之间的时间延 迟以及涉及到的庞大水量都不 可避免地意味着化 学处理方式难具可操作性,或者不能带来任何好 [...] 处,通常不建议采用这种方式。 itopf.org | Nevertheless, in the open sea, the time delay between [...] a spill and the response, together [...] with the large volume of water involved, invariably [...]mean that chemical treatment is unlikely [...]to be practical or provide any benefit and would not normally be recommended. itopf.org |
因此, 国际水文计划第八阶段应旨在促进和支持尖端、创新的科学研究,尤其是解决水短缺方面最 基本问题的科学研究,例如:(a) [...] 水短缺和与水相关的灾难(干旱)的关系,(b) [...] 加深对地下 水资源的了解,这是应对水短缺问题的一个重要条件,(c) 改善城市和人口密集地区水资源 (水量和水质)的利用和管理,因为这些地区的需求与其他需求的竞争日趋激烈,以及 (d) 生态系统的可持续管理,因为在解决缺水问题时,以及当水短缺导致生态系统和水资源 [...] [...] 进一步恶化时,这项工作往往不被视为优先事项。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In this context, IHP-VIII should aim at promoting and supporting state of the art and innovative scientific research especially in dealing with some of the most fundamental aspects of water scarcity such as: (a) its relation to water related disasters (drought), (b) better understanding of groundwater resources, which represents a [...] critical component for [...] coping with water scarcity, (c) improving the utilization and management of water (quantity and quality) [...]in urban and populated [...]areas, which are increasingly competing with other demands, and (d) the sustainable management of eco-systems, which tend to be overlooked as a priority when dealing with water shortage and water scarcity leading to further degradation of both ecosystems and water resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同时这也是降低用水量所期 望的——可以通过降 低“管理损失”来实现,管理不善时,如将正确 的 水量 输 送 到了错误地点或输送时间 有错就会造成“管理损失”。 wrdmap.org | It is also expected to reduce water consumption – this can be achieved by reducing the ‘management losses’ which can occur when there is weak management which delivers the right amount of water but to the wrong [...] places or at the wrong times. wrdmap.org |
如今的水量 和水质可 能会由于十年前的行为而减少、变差,而今 天的行为可能会影响十年后或更久的未来 的 水量 和水 质。 teebweb.org | Water quantity and quality may be low today because of actions taken ten years ago, whilst actions today might have an impact ten years or more into the future. teebweb.org |
其中,总用水量定额 值是按照定额标准估算的住宅(住区) 用 水 总 量 ; 自 来 水 用 量 实 际 值是 考虑节水方案后,住宅(住区)实际自 来 水 用 量。 greencouncil.org | Among others, total [...] ration of consumed water refers to the total water consumption estimated according to the rationing standard of the residential buildings (areas); actual amount of consumed water refers to the amount of water actually used by the building (area) after taking into account of the water efficiency plan. greencouncil.org |
这些产品是使用 人工神经网络遥感信息降水量估计 (PERSIANN)云层分类系统制得的,它的 算法使用了国家海洋和大气局气候预测中心提供的来自全球地球同步卫星的网 格红外图像。 daccess-ods.un.org | The products are [...] derived using the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN) Cloud Classification [...]System (CCS), [...]whose algorithm uses the gridded infrared images from the global geosynchronous satellites provided by the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国海军得怀特.艾森豪威尔号航空母舰 CVN-69 1978年全长:332.9米全宽:76.8米 排 水量 : 91 000-102000吨 美国海军尼米兹级航空母舰是人类造船史上最大的战舰。 trumpeter-china.com | USS DWIGHT D.EISENHOWER CVN-69 1978 Length overall: 332.9m Beam max: 76.8m Displacement: 91000-102000t The Nimitz Class aircraft carriers are the largest warships ever built. trumpeter-china.com |
d. 在国家范围内,研究所建立了水资源研究中心(灌溉研究与技术中心, CITAR),这是一个纯国家范围的机构,不具有法人资格,设立该中心的目的是 为更全面了解与天气和径流量有关的现象、水资源的开发与 质 量 、 水 的 使 用、水 文风险的控制以及资源管理体制等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (d) Within the national context, INDRHI established a centre for water research (Center for Irrigation Research and Technology, CITAR) which is of a purely national scope and does not possess a legal personality, to lay the basis for a more thorough understanding of the phenomena related to weather and water runoff, development and quality of water sources, use of water, management of the hydrological risk and resource management schemes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
至於 BDE-209,歐洲食物安全局認為,由於這種同系物在動物及人體的半衰 [...] 期相若,因此,進行人體健康風險評估時,可採用動物研究所得的外部 劑量水平( 基準劑量可信限下限),即每日每公斤體重 [...]1.7 毫克。 cfs.gov.hk | EFSA stated that for BDE-209 the half-life in [...] animals and humans is similar, and [...] therefore the external dose level (BMDL ), 1.7 [...]mg/kg bw/day, as obtained from animal studies [...]can be applied for the human health risk assessment. cfs.gov.hk |
而亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚和摩尔多瓦共和国超过了其1988年 产量 水平,立陶宛和俄罗斯联邦的产量是其1998年水平的80%多,其他国家依然是其 1988产量水平的 三分之一或低于这一水平。 fao.org | While Armenia, Belarus, Estonia and Republic of [...] Moldova have exceeded [...] their 1988 production levels, and output in Lithuania and the Russian Federation is at more than 80 percent of its original 1998 level, other countries remain at one-third or less of their 1988 production levels. fao.org |
该决议草案的序言部分强调了几个重要理念和 原则,如:军备控制在促进和平与安全方面的关键作 [...] 用;冷战后时代对和平的威胁大多源于地处同一区域 [...] 或次区域的国家之间;最低军备水平有助于和平与稳 定;在尽可能低的军备和军事力量水 平 上 加强区域和 平与安全的协议的目标;军事大国和军事力量较强的 [...] 国家在促成这种区域和平与安全协议方面负有特别 责任;以及防止出现出其不意发动军事袭击的可能性 和避免侵略的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | The preambular part of the draft resolution highlights several important concepts and principles, such as the crucial role of arms control in peace and security; the threats to peace in the post-Cold War era, arising mainly among States in the same region or subregion; the lowest level of armaments as a contributing factor to peace and stability; the objective of [...] agreements on strengthening peace and security [...] at the lowest possible levels of armaments [...]and military forces; the special responsibility [...]of militarily significant States and States with larger military capabilities in promoting such agreements for regional peace and security; and the objective of preventing the possibility of surprise military attacks, as well as avoiding aggression. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行委员会审查了关于要求厄瓜多尔延长体制建设项目的报告,并且关切地注意到 厄瓜多尔向臭氧秘书处所报告的数据表明其 2005 年甲基溴的消费量水平已 经超过了当年 《蒙特利尔议定书》所规定的最大允许消费总量。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee has reviewed the report presented with the institutional strengthening project renewal request for Ecuador, and notes with concern that Ecuador reported data to the Ozone [...] Secretariat indicating [...] that its level of methyl bromide consumption in 2005 exceeded its maximum allowable consumption under the [...]Montreal Protocol for that year. multilateralfund.org |
相反, [...] 在内陆水域广泛开展的来自水产养殖设施的资源增殖,在面临增加的捕捞活动时 可提高捕捞率,尽管生态系统通过自然进程不能提供这类 产 量水 平。 fao.org | Conversely, stock enhancement from aquaculture facilities, which is widely practised in inland waters, can keep catch rates high in the face of [...] increased fishing and in spite of an ecosystem that is not capable of [...] producing that level of catch through natural [...]processes. fao.org |
碳排放披露项目是约 60 个国家的 3 000 [...] 多个组织目前测量和披露其温室 气体排放量、水资源 管理和气候变化战略的一个平台,可帮助它们设定减排目 [...] 标,改进业绩,并向关心此问题的利益攸关方和消费者提供信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Carbon Disclosure Project is a platform whereby more than 3,000 organizations in some 60 countries [...] currently measure and disclose their [...] greenhouse gas emissions, water management and climate [...]change strategies, helping them to [...]set reduction targets and make performance improvements, as well as to make information available to concerned stakeholders and consumers. daccess-ods.un.org |
注意到发展中国家在生产能力方面往往遭遇各种瓶颈,例 如成本高、无法获得资本、服务业相关基础设施薄弱, 质 量水 平 低。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted that often developing countries suffered from various capacity bottlenecks such as high cost and unavailability of capital and deficiency in services related infrastructures, and weak quality standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过国家氟氯 化碳淘汰计划,墨西哥政府打算根据与执行委员会签订的《协定》所设定的削减时间表来 [...] 削减其氟氯化碳消费量,并计划于 2004 年在 4,403 ODP 吨这一消费量水平之上开始削减工 作,到 2009 年底之前实现全部淘汰。 multilateralfund.org | Through the NPP, the Government of Mexico intended to achieve a reduction in its CFC consumption according to the reduction schedule established in the Agreement with the Executive [...] Committee, and planned to complete the phase-out by the end of 2009, [...] starting at a consumption level of 4,403 ODP tonnes in 2004. multilateralfund.org |