单词 | 水表 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 水表 —water meterless common: indicator of water level Examples:地表水—surface water 地表水 n—underground water n 水温表—coolant temperature gauge • engine temperature gauge
在此注册表,这种可能性的单子是巨大的,因为几乎所有从最小的品牌,最有名的,在他们收集至少有一个 潜 水表 名 副 其实。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In this registry, the list of possibilities is huge because [...] almost all brands, from the smallest to the most famous, have in their [...] collection at least one dive watch worthy of the name. en.horloger-paris.com |
从1932年研发出世界第一款真正的专业 潜 水表 , 到赞助拍摄备受好评的环保影片,八十多年来欧米茄与海洋的深厚渊源已经成了品牌的标志性基因。 wthejournal.com | From the development of [...] the first true dive watch in 1932 to our [...]sponsorship of an acclaimed environmental film, OMEGA’s [...]connection to Earth’s watery surface is deeply-rooted and a defining element of our brand. wthejournal.com |
如果出现问题,则要每天在同一时间读 取 水表。 icrc.org | Should there be any problems, take a reading every day at the same time. icrc.org |
像上文所述,如果没有水表和蓄水池 , 有时很难确定用水量。 icrc.org | As already mentioned, water consumption is sometimes difficult to determine if there is no water meter [...] and no storage tank. icrc.org |
在此,必须 通过一个 45° 反射器,如一块不锈钢钢板将雷达脉冲转 向 水表 面。 vega.be | The radar impulses must be directed via a 45° reflector - for example a stainless [...] steel sheet - to the water surface. vega.be |
这是不透水表面 ( 如道路和屋顶)致使暴雨径流大量增加的结果。 acedp-partnership.org | This is a result of the large [...] increases in stormwater runoff coming from impervious surfaces, such as [...]roads and roofs. acedp-partnership.org |
WESAN WP沃特曼式大口径水表主要应用于30°C以下供水管线中的大流量冷水计 量,并拥有极小的压力损失。 diehl.com | The bulk water meter WESAN WP can be used for measuring the flow (cold water up to [...] 30 °C) in supply lines with high flow at low pressure loss. diehl.com |
事实上,以符合潜水表名字 ,他们必须满足几个条件:密封等于或大于100米,毕业于分钟潜水时间保护,以防止(旋转表圈内部或外部)控制系统操作不当。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Indeed, to [...] conform to the name of diving watch, they must meet [...]several conditions: a seal equal to or greater than 100 meters, [...]a control system of graduated dive time in minutes (a rotating bezel internal or external) protected against improper operation. en.horloger-paris.com |
我們相信Oris Divers鈦合金潛水表他的Oris潛水腕表將 會是他旅行全世界參與滑雪運動盛事時的最佳伙伴。 oris.ch | We are sure that his Oris Divers Titan Date will prove to [...] be the perfect companion as he travels the world with ORF commentating on the great skiing events. oris.ch |
但他对 2009 年 3 月 31 日养恤基金资产市值与 2007 年相比缩水 28.3%表 示关 切,并强调了大会第 32/73 号决议所载标准,根 据该标准,养恤基金的投资应该安全、盈利、流动 和可兑换。 daccess-ods.un.org | He was concerned, however, by the 28.3-per-cent decrease in the market value of the Fund’s assets as at 31 March 2009 compared to 2007 and underlined the criteria set out in General Assembly resolution 32/73, according to which investments should be safe, profitable, liquid and convertible. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此之际,我们推出一个新的摄影比赛,借此机会您可以描述对OR IS 潜 水表 和 潜 水 世 界 的个人看法。 oris.ch | For this occasion, we are launching a new photo contest with an opportunity to portray your personal [...] view of the aquatic and diving world of Oris. oris.ch |
本次峰會中,許多業者均預測遊戲產業未來的發展趨勢,如有鑑於遊戲發展的多元化及開發的重要性,外貿協會副秘書長葉 明 水表 示 , 「GDC台北峰會將秉持GDC『源自開發者,為了開發者』之宗旨,厚植遊戲產業的實力,強化產業經貿交流,帶動商務合作,帶領臺灣遊戲業者,發掘國際遊戲產業未來發展趨勢,進入國際遊戲產業市場,提升臺灣數位內容遊戲產業國際競爭力。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Mr. Walter M.S. Yeh, Executive Vice President of TAITRA remarked “The Taipei Summit recognizes that ‘Developers are the Crown Jewels of the Game Industry’ and will serve as a bridge for local game enterprises and universities to tap future market trends and enhance international cooperation, so as to promote the competitiveness of Taiwan’s game industry in the world market. taiwanslot.com.tw |
总而言之,TDC-GP22是简化超声波热量表设计的又一次性能提升,而且是紧凑型超声 波 水表 设 计的非常重要的革 命性的升级. acam.de | All in all, the TDC-GP22 is a furhter [...] improvement and simplification for the design of ultrasonic heat meters and a necessary step [...] for compact ultrasonic water meters. acam.de |
卫生保健方面存在的与环境相关的 主要问题在于饮用被污染水、地表水 、 环 境空气和被污染的土壤对居民健康产生 的负面影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main problems in the field of healthcare in correlation with the environment results in the negative impact on the [...] population health of the [...] contaminated waters, used as drinkable water, surface waters, the surrounding [...]air and the polluted soil. daccess-ods.un.org |
說一點題外話,近期電影“歲月神偷”在海外揚威,政府官員趁機“抽 水 ”,表示希望香港人要像1960年代的香港人般刻苦耐勞,逆境自強, 但說得容易,其實,說得難聽一點,他們不外乎要低下階層不要埋怨, 要他們有啞忍的精神,這真的是何其荒謬。 legco.gov.hk | With the resounding success achieved overseas by the recent movie Echoes of the Rainbow, government officials made use of the opportunity to highlight their wish that Hong Kong people will be as hardworking and dedicated as those Hong Kong people in the 1960s and apply self-reliance in adversity in the same way as they did. legco.gov.hk |
国际水文计划的国际试验和网络数据系列确定水流状态(FRIEND)计划和水文学为环 [...] 境、生命和政策服务计划(HELP)取得的经验教训,地区趋势和成套数据,国际地下水资 [...] 源管理中心(IGRAC)的设施和数据库都在为气候变化数据库添砖加瓦,以改进 冻 水 、 地表 水和地 下水资源管理和适应全球变化对河流流域和地下蓄水系统影响的综合方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Lessons from the IHP programmes FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) and HELP (Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy), regional trends and data sets, and IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre) facilities and databases have continued to build the climate change knowledge base allowing for [...] improved integrated approaches for [...] managing frozen water, surface and groundwater [...]resources and for adapting to the impacts [...]of global changes on river basins and aquifer systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |
非法倾倒地点产生的 渗漏可能污染地下水和地表水资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Seepage from illegal dumping sites is a potential [...] contaminant of ground and surface water resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
低效灌溉系统中损失的水退还到地下水含水层或下游 地 表水 系 统中,可以被 其他用户所使用,并不是流域的真正损失。 wrdmap.org | Some losses from inefficient irrigation [...] systems return to the groundwater [...] aquifers or downstream surface water systems and [...]become available for other users, and [...]are not true losses at the basin level. wrdmap.org |
其中有些形成由第(61)段中提到的 1997 年《国际水道非航行使用法公约》予以制约、因此将属于该文书范围的 地 表水系 统的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some of it forms part of surface water systems governed by the Convention of 1997 [...] on the Law of the [...] Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses mentioned in paragraph [...](61) and, accordingly, will fall under that instrument. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据一般的追踪概 [...] 念,同位素技术是研究人员能够评估水坝的落实情况,查明容易受到 地 表水 和灌溉水污染的地下水区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on a general concept of tracing, isotope techniques enable researchers to assess [...] dam leakage and identify groundwater zones that are vulnerable to [...] contamination from surface water and irrigation water. daccess-ods.un.org |
研究所专家正在对处理和分析设备进行更新,以使其适应应用遥感研 究(如自然、农业和矿产资源利用、城市规划,以及为确定农作物、地 下 水和 地表水的质 量制定研究方案)中使用的最新信息处理和分析办法。 oosa.unvienna.org | Institute specialists are updating the processing and analytical equipment, in order to bring it into line with the latest ways of processing and analysing the information that has been used in applied [...] research on remote [...] sensing, such as the applications of natural, agricultural and mineral resources, urban planning, and developing [...]studies to identify [...]the quality of agricultural crops, groundwater and surface water. oosa.unvienna.org |
海军的水源是岛屿南部的一个地表水 库 (费 纳湖)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The naval water source is a surface reservoir (Fena Lake) [...] in the southern part of the island. daccess-ods.un.org |
地源热泵技术主要两种形式:一种是利用岩石或土壤作为低位冷热源的岩土源地源热泵系统;另一种是利用地 下 水 或 地 表水 作 为冷热源的水源地源热泵系统,以 地 表水 作 为 低位冷热源的称为 地 表水水 源 热 泵系统,利用污水作为低位冷热源的为污水源热泵系统,以海水作为低位冷热源称为海水源热泵系统。 dismy.cn | Ground source heat pump technology is mainly in two forms: one is the use of rock or soil as a source of low heat and cold sources of geotechnical ground source heat pump system; [...] the other is the use [...] of groundwater or surface water as a source of hot and cold water ground source heat pump system to the surface hot and cold water as low as the source of surface water source heat [...]pump system, the use [...]of hot and cold water as low as the water source heat pump system, hot and cold sea water as low as sea-water source heat pump system. dismy.cn |
自 2005 年以来,已经实施了涉及 64 [...] 个成员国的 110 多个跨界含水层、地下水和地 表水资源 管理技合项目,并对近 200 名科学家进行了同位素水文学技术方面的培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | More than 110 TC projects dealing with transboundary [...] aquifers, groundwater and surface water resource management [...]involving 64 Member States have [...]been implemented since 2005, with nearly 200 scientists trained in isotope hydrology techniques. daccess-ods.un.org |
爱沙尼亚有两个城市,即塔林和纳尔瓦,供水要抽 地 表水 , 也 就是说,全 国人口有几乎三分之一消费从地表水 体 求 取的饮用水。 daccess-ods.un.org | Surface water is extracted for the water supply in two Estonian cities, in Tallinn and in Narva, i.e. almost a third to the country’s population consumes drinking water extracted from a surface water body. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据所进行的具体活动,用于采矿的环境许可证可包括下列许可,即 :通道占用许可、 废水排放许可、地下水许可、地表水 许 可、零星林木使用许可、伐木许可、森林使用、 排放许可、钻井勘探许可、地下水钻探许可、林业许可等。 uria.com | Depending on the particular activities to be carried out, the environmental licence for exploitation may cover some of the following: permits for occupation of [...] channels, discharge waste permits, [...] underground water concessions, surface water concessions, [...]authorisation for use of isolated [...]trees, authorisation for tree logging, authorisation for forest use, emissions permit, exploration of wells permit, exploration of subterranean water permit, forestry permit. uria.com |
我们强调粮食保障的重要性,并强调应该增加发展中国家内的灌溉面积,包 [...] 括加快现有的灌溉和使其现代化,为此应该以低成本、节水、提高作物产量 以及有关地表水和地 下水的强化、多样化和联合利用的知识为基础,分享南 [...]南经验和知识。 daccess-ods.un.org | We stress the importance of food security, as well as the area under irrigation in developing countries, which should be increased, including the acceleration and modernization of existing irrigation through the South-South [...] sharing of experiences and knowledge on the [...] basis of low cost, water savings, crop [...]yield increase and knowledge relating to the [...]intensification and diversification and conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. daccess-ods.un.org |
大力推广各种农业用水工程设施控制与调度方 法,高效使用地表水,合理开采地下水,在时间上和空间上合理分配与使用水资源, [...] 发展“长藤结瓜”灌溉系统及其灌溉水管理技术,实现“大、中、小,蓄、引、提” 联合调度,提高灌区内的调蓄能力和反调节能力。 wrdmap.org | Greatly popularize various agricultural water-consuming projects control and [...] dispatching methods, use surface water with high [...]efficiency, reasonably exploit underground water, reasonably dispatch and use [...]water resources across time and space, develop "long-vine melon" irrigation systems and irrigation water management technology, realize the unified dispatching of water and enhance dispatching-storage and anti-dispatching abilities within the irrigation area. wrdmap.org |