单词 | 水蛭素 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 水蛭素—hirudinSee also:水蛭—leech 蛭—leech hirudinea fluke
在 当 地 的 W W F 、 农 林 局 员 工 的 指 导 下 , 大 家 穿 着防蛭袜,在温度高、湿度大的环境中,挥洒汗水开始了植 树造林。 itochu.co.jp | Under the guidance of local WWF and Sabah Forestry [...] Department staff, the [...] group donned anti-leechsocks, and everyone started the hot and sweaty work of planting trees in Borneo’s sweltering heat. itochu.co.jp |
不过,2011 [...] 年欧洲食物安全局指出,观察到的多溴联苯醚 对甲状腺激素水平的影响是不一致的,而摄入其他卤代污染物亦可能会 [...]令研究结果出现偏差。 cfs.gov.hk | However, the European Food Safety Authority [...] (EFSA) in 2011 opined that the observed [...] effects on thyroidhormone levels werenot always [...]consistent, and that exposure to other [...]halogenated contaminants could have confounded the outcome of these studies. cfs.gov.hk |
污染非常严重,甚至有人说库亚哈嘎河“无一生物,甚至都没有像水蛭和正颤引这样的低级生物”。 embassyusa.cn | Pollution was so severe that descriptions from the time declared that the Cuyahoga had “no visible life, not even low [...] formssuch as leeches and sludge worms. eng.embassyusa.cn |
通过这些就业和不同的放大因素,水产养殖就业还为许多家庭改善了获得 食物的状况,提高了水产养殖对千年发展目标的贡献水平。 fao.org | Through incomes from these jobs and various multipliers, [...] employment in aquaculture has also improved [...]the accessibility to food for many households [...]and has increased aquaculture’s contribution to the Millennium Development Goals. fao.org |
该病除了通常情况下经河流中的水蛭传播外,在特定的条件下可直接经鱼类传播。 actazool.org | It is normally [...] transmittedby freshwater leeches instreams and [...]rivers; however, under certain conditions direct transmission between fish can occur. actazool.org |
我们查阅了水蛭捕食两栖类卵的文献,发现27篇论文。 actazool.org | We surveyed the literature for references where amphibian egg [...] predation byleeches was reported [...]and uncovered 27 papers. actazool.org |
多项研究发现, 多溴联苯醚会影响实验动物的发育( [...] 尤其是脑部和生殖器官)、改变其神经 行为发育和干扰甲状腺素( 甲状腺激素) 水平。cfs.gov.hk | A number of studies [...] foundthat PBDEs affected the [...]development particularly the brain and the reproductive organs of experimental animals. cfs.gov.hk |
产品以经发酵的小麦或玉米秸杆、牛粪及草炭等有机物为主,为保持有优良的物理性能,配用了适量的蛭石、珍珠岩,只占总容积的21.09%;含植物主要营养元素氮、磷、钾≥3%,而秸杆及牛粪发酵物的含量即达≥2.62%,不仅能保证瓜菜幼苗生长发育的营养需要,而且可供应缓苗期及生长发育前期的需要,较传统育苗基质更能促进作物根系和植株的生长发育达到抗病、丰产、优质;PH值7±2,属中性,应用范围广;发酵最高温度达80℃以上,不含线虫、草籽等,有一定量的有益菌群存在,有利土壤有机物质的分解,长期施用有改良土壤的作用。 sfwsh.com | Products with the fermented wheat or corn stalk, cow muck and offer, such as organic have excellent physical [...] properties, with the right amount [...] ofvermiculite,pearlite, occupy only total volume of 21.09%, Contain plant mainly nutrition elementsnitrogen,phosphorus, [...]potassium, straw [...]and experiment.it 3% of the content of Jehovah dung 2.62% p, can not only ensure the melon seedling growth dish of nutritional needs, but can supply slow seedling growth and the needs of more than traditional nursery substrates, can promote crop growth and development of the plant roots and resistance to achieve high quality; and, 7 ± 2, PH value of neutral, application scope, Fermentation temperature reaches 80 degrees above, excluding nematodes, seed, have a certain amount of beneficial bacterium, soil organic matter, favorable quality of soil is the role. sfwsh.com |
教科文组织-国际原子能机构国际同位素水文联合计划”正在开展能 力培养活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO-IAEA Joint [...] International Isotope HydrologyProgramme is [...]carrying out capacity-building activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据医学历史记载:当时对抗疗法所采用的医疗方法有三种:(一)以小刀或水蛭来放血〈Leeching〉、(二)以火烧灼病人身体〈cauterizing〉、(三)以毒性极高的药物, [...] 如水银、砒霜等给病人服用,作用是要使病人肚泻〈purging〉。 homeopathyhongkong.org | According to history of the medicine, the Allopathic at that time were [...] carried out in three ways: (a) [...] using knifeor leech to bleed, i.e.leeching,(b) burning [...]the patient's body with fire, [...]i.e. cauterizing, (c) using highly toxic drugs, such as mercury, arsenic, etc. to treat a patient in order to cause his/her diarrhea, i.e. purging. homeopathyhongkong.org |
但是,在一些地区,蛭石、孔雀 石、僞微闪长岩和附属填充物更重要。 glencore.com | In some places [...] however, vermiculite, malachite [...]pseudomalachite and accessory wad are more important. glencore.com |
这些活动 包括:制定重视环境、生命和政策的水文(HELP)计划和国际同位素水文学联合计划 (JIIHP),并建立有关机构,如教科文组织国际水文计划设在德尔夫特(Delft)的水教 育学院,建立国际地下水交流评估中心(IGRAC),在智利设立拉丁美洲和加勒比地区 [...] 干旱与半干旱区水中心,在埃及设立干旱与半干旱水资源研究地区中心和在伊朗设立地 [...]区城市水资源管理中心。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These initiatives embrace the development of [...] the Hydrologyfor Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) Programme and the Joint International Isotopesin Hydrology [...]Programme (JIIHP), as [...]well as the establishment of institutions such as the UNESCO/IHE Institute for Water Education in Delft; an International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC); a Water Centre in Chile for Arid and Semiarid Regions of Latin America and the Caribbean; a Regional Centre in Egypt for Water Studies of Arid and Semi-arid Zones and a Regional Centre for Urban Water Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在所报道的水蛭捕食两栖类卵例子中,无尾类(3.6%, n=591)明显多于有尾类 [...] (1.6%, n=255)。 actazool.org | Amphibian egg [...] predationby leeches waspreviously [...]reported for a greater percentage of anurans (3.6%, n=591) than urodeles (1.6%, n=255). actazool.org |
主要产品蛭石,膨胀蛭石,云母,石英砂,氧化铁红,氧化铁灰,钾长石等。 business-china.com | Main productvermiculite,inflation vermiculite, mica, quartz sand, oxidized iron oxide red, ferric oxide ash, potash feldspar. business-china.com |
由 位于美国,英国和新加坡的海外子公 司负责蛭石的销售和营销。 riotinto.com | Overseas subsidiaries in the US, UK and Singapore are responsible for the [...] sale and marketing of vermiculite. riotinto.com |
原子能机构通过 区域项目,还一直在支持采用同位素水文,在东非大裂谷体系开采和管理地热资 源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through a regional project, IAEA has also been supporting the [...] introduction ofisotope hydrology for exploration [...]and management of geothermal resources [...]in the East African Rift Valley System. daccess-ods.un.org |
众所周知,25-羟基维生素D的血药浓度是维生素水平的最佳衡量标准,它反映了评估前的几周内,人体内维生素D的总产量和摄入量。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Blood levelsof 25-hydroxy vitaminDis widely recognized as the best measure of vitamin D status and reflects its production and intake the few weeks prior to the assessment. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在水资源管理方面,国际原子能机构(原子能机构)利用同位素水文技术,协 助非洲各国开发和管理地下水和地面水资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | In water resource management, the International [...] Atomic Energy Agency [...] (IAEA) uses isotope hydrology techniques to help African countries in exploitation and management of groundwater and surface water resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
在印度尼西亚,同位素水文技术有助于缓解用水 卫生存在问题的地区的水源短缺问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Indonesia, isotope hydrology has contributed to the mitigation ofwater shortages in [...] areas that have a problem with water sanitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
防治这些疾病的战略应瞄准两个方面的目标,减少国家的风险因素水平,并预防 高危人群的疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Strategies to combat these diseases should aim both at reducing [...] national levels of risk factors and preventing [...]disease in highrisk individuals. daccess-ods.un.org |
有关研究涵盖多项事宜,包括评估工 程项目在噪音、空气质素、水质、废物管理及生态等方面可能造成的环境影响, [...] 以及建议适当的缓解措施。 devb.gov.hk | Among other things, the study will include an assessment of the project’s potential [...] environmental impacts on such aspects as [...] noise, air quality, waterquality, waste management [...]and the ecology, as well as recommendations [...]of appropriate mitigation measures. devb.gov.hk |
总理云母公司 [...] (PMC),成立於1945年,为云母Gudur在印度南部的贸易公司,多年来已演变成一个知名的开采,加工和出口公司在该领域的一个全球性的存在,云母,蛭石,石榴石,和二氧化矽服务工业矿物,特殊化学品和化妆品行业。 micaindia.com | The Premier Mica Company (PMC), established in 1945 as a Mica trading company from Gudur in Southern India, has over the years evolved into a reputed mining, processing and [...] exporting company with a global presence in the [...] field of Mica,Vermiculite,Garnet, and [...]silica serving the Industrial Minerals, Speciality [...]Chemicals and Cosmetic Industry. micaindia.com |
当男性体内的雌激素水平上升,男性荷尔蒙就不能发挥功效。 hsbc.com.hk | When estrogen levels inaman increase, [...] the effects of testosterone are negated. hsbc.com.hk |
结果显示:1)不同繁殖组哺乳高峰期的摄食量、泌乳能量支出(MEO)、胎仔数和胎仔重差异不显着,静止代谢率(RMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)、褐色脂肪组织(BAT)线粒体细胞色素c 氧化酶(COX)活性、血清甲状腺激素(T3 、T4 )和催乳素水平也无明显变化;2)摄食量与MEO、胎仔重和RMR 呈显着正相关。 mammal.cn | The present study showed that 1)asymptotic food intake,milk energy output (MEO),litter size and mass,resting metabolic rate (RMR),nonshivering thermogenesis (NST),mitochondria cytochrome c oxydase (COX) activity of brown adipose tissue (BAT),serum T3 ,T4 and prolactin levels did not differ between the four bouts of lactation; 2)the asymptotic food intake was significantly correlated with MEO,litter mass and RMR. english.mammal.cn |
自 2005 年以来,已经实施了涉及 64 个成员国的 110 [...] 多个跨界含水层、地下水和地 表水资源管理技合项目,并对近 200 名科学家进行了同位素水文学技术方面的培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | More than 110 TC projects dealing with transboundary aquifers, groundwater and surface water resource management [...] involving 64 Member States have been implemented since 2005, with nearly 200 [...] scientists trained inisotope hydrology techniques. daccess-ods.un.org |
理特曼和德克萨斯州大学工作的布朗和高德斯丁发现,如果老鼠体内脂肪丢失(所谓脂代谢异常),体内瘦素水平会急剧降低,导致糖尿病,这种症状可以用瘦素进行治疗。 shawprize.org | Furthermore, Marc Reitman at NIH and Brown and Goldstein at the University of Texas showed that loss of body fat – so called [...] lipodystrophy – in mice results in [...] drastically lowleptin levelsand onset of [...]diabetes, which could be treated with leptin. shawprize.org |