

单词 水管工人

See also:


water pipespl





External sources (not reviewed)

The solution is designed to help
contractors and service
[...] professionals, suchas plumbers, HVAC technicians and facility managers, store and [...]
share job site photos
and videos, job reports and histories, maintenance records, customer lists and other project files.
鉴于这个职能的核心性质,拟改划一个 P-3 职等的一般临位,设 为水务工程师员额,任职者将负责外地行动中与政策相关水管务,并 担任该科政策股的水务和环境卫生协调人。
Given the core nature of this function, it is proposed that a general temporary assistance position at the P-3 level be converted to establish a post of Water Engineer, the incumbent of which
would be responsible
[...] for policy-relatedwater management engineeringtasks for field operations and serve as the environmental focal point on water andsanitation [...]
for the Policy Unit in the Engineering Section.
因此,提议续设 1 水工(P-3)一般临位。
Accordingly, it is proposed that 1 general
[...] temporary assistanceposition of WaterEngineer (P-3) be continued.
(24) 经营钢铁制造商、钢铁转炉商、铁器制造商、煤矿所炭制造商 、矿山经营商、熔炼商、技工、木工、细木工、锅炉制造商水管工铜铸工、建筑材料供应商及制造商、镀锡铁皮制造商及翻砂工於其各 自所有的分公司所进行的贸易或业务,及购买、租赁或以其他方式收购 任何矿山、矿井、采矿场及金属产地及任何相关权益及勘探、工作、进 行、开发及以其他方式利用上述各项;压碎、开采、擭取、挖掘、熔炼 、锻烧、精炼、选矿、混合、操作及以其他方式处理及准备营销矿石、 [...]
金属、宝石及各类矿物质及经营可助实现本公司目标之任何其他冶金业 务。
(24) To carry on the tradeor business of steel makers, steel converters, ironmasters, colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, miners, smelters, millwrights, carpenters, joiners, boilermakers, plumbers, brass founders, [...]
building material suppliers
and manufacturers, tinplate manufacturers and iron founders in all their respective branches, and to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any mines, wells, quarries, and metalliferous land and any interests therein and to explore, work, exercise, develop and otherwise turn to account the same; to crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate, and otherwise process and prepare for market ores, metals, precious stones, and mineral substances of all kinds, and to carry on any other metallurgical operations which may seem conducive to the Company’s objects.
这些项目旨在帮助小岛屿发展中 国家建设掌握信息与决能力,以便进行知识管理、监测与评价、拟订国 家可持续发展战略和指标,并处理气候变化、能源全与社区灾专题领域的问题。
These projects aim to build the capacity of small island developing States in regard to the information and
policymaking tools that address knowledge
[...] management, monitoring and evaluation, national sustainable development strategies and indicators, and such thematic areas as climate change, energy,water,humansecurity and community-based disaster management.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案管人单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在流动机会,以便相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies,
monitoring incumbency rates
[...] in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group,managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in thefield operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted [...]
to address gaps in
the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
国际水文计划第六阶段战略计划(2002 至 2007 年)已经完成了第五年在报告期间在 不同领域内取得了重大进展:扩大了干旱和半旱地区发展信息全球网(G-WADI);2006 年 11 月在古 巴成功举办了水资源易变性、变化过程、分析和影响问题第五次 FRIEND(根据国际试验和网络数据 系列确定水流状态)世界会议;开放多条合作渠道,进一步加强同全球环境基金的联系;就重点城题、包括紧急情况下地水管内的地水管共有水资源管理、生态水文学 以及水资源历史和文化等问题多次举办讲习班和培训活动。
The implementation of the sixth phase of IHP (2002-2007) completed its fifth year, and significant progress was made in different fields during the period reported: G-WADI, the global network on information for development in arid and semi-arid zones
was expanded; a successful Fifth FRIEND
[...] (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) World Conference on Water Resources Variability, Processes, Analyses and Impacts took place in Cuba in November 2006; links to the Global Environment Facility were further strengthened with a number of cooperation linesopened; numerous workshops and training activities were held on keyurban watermanagement issues; groundwater management, including groundwater for emergency situations; shared water management; ecohydrology; and water history and culture.
在这方面,委员会认为,目前 正在加强的业绩管理系统(见 A/65/305)应包括为管人员制订的 与培训有关的指标,以确保方案管理人员负责查明技能差距并评估培训活动对本 单位业绩的影响。
In this regard, the Committee takes the view that
[...] the performance management system,which is currently being strengthened (see A/65/305), should include training-related indicators for supervisors as [...]
well as staff, in orderto ensure that programme managers
take responsibility for identifying skills gaps and assessing the impact of training activities on the performance of their units.
大会还呼吁以色列停止破坏包水管在 内的重要基础设施,这种做法对巴勒斯自然资源产生了不利影响,并请 秘书长向大会第六十五届会议报告该决议的执行情况(第 64/185 号决议)。
The Assembly further called upon
Israel to cease its
[...] destruction of vital infrastructure,includingwater pipelinesand sewagenetworks, which had a negative impact [...]
on the natural resources
of the Palestinian people; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/185).
Burch 部长针对建筑业非法增多表示,政府在这个部门中将继续严格审 查发放工作许可证,电工、木工、泥瓦匠水管工于严格控制类别。
Minister Burch said that in response to
[...] increasing complaints about illegal workers in construction, the Government had instituted closer scrutiny of all work permits in the sector and had placed electricians, carpenters, masons andplumbers in the restricted [...]
我们估计这一期更换 及修水管工需费用约为 63 亿元,以及会创造约 1 440 个职位,提供合共 73 800 就业机会。
We estimate that this
[...] phase of the R&R works will cost about $6.3 billion and will create about 1 440 jobs, providing a total employment of 73 800 man-months.
促成 2009-10 年度工务计划修订预算增 加的主要工程项目包括:净化海港计划第 2A 期 (建造污水输送系统及改善昂船洲
[...] 污水处理厂前期工程)、港岛西雨水排放隧道、荔枝角雨水排放隧道、中环填海计 划第 3 期、更换及修水管工2 阶段,及牛潭尾濾水厂。
Examples of major projects contributing to the increase in the revised estimate for PWP in 2009-10 include Harbour Area Treatment Scheme, stage 2A (construction of the sewage conveyance system and advance works for upgrading of Stonecutters Island sewage treatment works); Hong Kong West drainage tunnel; Lai Chi Kok drainage
tunnel; Central Reclamation phase 3; replacement and
[...] rehabilitation ofwater mains,stage 2; and Ngau Tam Mei treatment works.
(d) 请列出在 2009-10 年度有关更换及修水管工划的第 1、 2、 3 阶段建造 工程所需的支出何?
(d) Please list the expenditure and manpower required for the construction works of stages 1, 2, and 3 of the replacement and rehabilitation programme of water mains in 2009-10.
(ii) 公众期望政府在规划和设计大型工程项目(例如湾仔发展计划第 II 期、中 环湾仔绕道及启德发展计划)时,能更深入谘询市民,并给予更多的参与机 会,以致在推展工程项目时需要较长的筹备时间;以及 (iii) 筹划中的新大型工程项目,例如更换及修水管工2 及第 3 阶段、屯门 公路的重建及改善工程,以及位於沙田的 T4 号主干路,均会在未来几年始 能动工,并带来开支。
(iii) expenditure incurred by new mega projects in the pipeline such as Stages 2 and 3 of Replacement & Rehabilitation ofWatermains,Reconstruction & Improvement of Tuen Mun Road and Trunk Road T4 at Sha Tin will only start to kick in in the next few years.
秘书长作为《总部协定》的管人加强该协定的执特别是关 于东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有会员国官员入境签证的第四条 [...]
第 11 款和 13(a)款的执行工作”,并对此后的段落重新编号。
The Secretary-General, as the custodianofthe Headquarters Agreement, [...]
shall reinforce the implementation of the Agreement,
in particular its article IV, section 11 and section 13 (a), governing the host country’s legal obligation to grant entry visas to the officials of all Member States attending United Nations meetings.
但是,因考虑事受管工适合性 (以及考虑某人对 《2007 年法令》中指定的任何其他相关目的之适合性) [...]
而询问其之前的判罪,仍视为询问豁免问题,因为此类职 位属於 ROA 2003 年修正令规定排除的职位类型。
However, asking a person about their previous convictions forthe consideration of that
[...] person’s suitability to do regulated work (and consideration [...]
of a person’s
suitability for any of the other related purposes specified in the 2007 Act) is still deemed to be asking an exempted question because it is these types of positions are excluded from the provisions of the ROA by amendments made to the 2003 Order.
当海湾村市收水管或管道坍塌的报告时,其技以使用 RIDGIDConnect 快速访问详细记录,甚至可以在维修诊断和维修作业完成后立即在作业现场提交报告。
When Bay Village receives a report of awater line break orpipe collapse, its technicians [...]
can use RIDGIDConnect to quickly
access detailed records and even file reports from the job site as repairs are diagnosed and made.
(i) 就起重机及所有其他起重机械(吊车及升降机除外)而言,任何工厂内(aa) 其中每一部分(包括固定或不固定的工作装备、绳索及链条及锚及固定装 置)须为(i)结构良好、材质坚实及具足够强度;(ii)妥善保养;(iii)由管人少每十二个月彻底检验一次,且须保存载有每次检验规定详情的登记 册;(bb)该等机器的负荷不得超出其上清楚标示的安荷;及(cc)倘 任何人士受雇在起重机轮道或接近轮道的地方工作,因而可能受到起重机 碰伤,须采取有效措施以确保起重机无法到达该地方的二十英尺之内。
(i) In respect of cranes and all other lifting machinery, other than hoists and lifts, in any factory (aa) every part thereof, including the working gear, whether fixedor movable, ropes and chains and anchoring and fixing appliances shall be (i) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength; (ii) properly
maintained; (iii) thoroughly
[...] examined by a competent personat least once in every period of twelve months, and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particularsofevery such examination; (bb) no such machinery shall be loaded beyond the safe working loadwhich [...]
shall be plainly marked
thereon; and (cc) while any person is employed or working on or near the wheel-tract of a travelling crane in any place wherehe would be liable to be struck by the crane, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within twenty feet of that place.
[...] 程项目,以改善城市的环境质素,例如港岛西、荃湾和荔枝角的雨水排放隧道工 程计划,以及更换和修水管工划第 3 及第 4 期工程。
At the same time we are also implementing other important projects to improve the quality of city environment, for example the drainage tunnel projects in
Hong Kong West, Tsuen Wan and Lai Chi Kok; and the stages 3 and
[...] 4 of the watermains replacement andrehabilitation [...]
例如,作出很大努力使某一地区的全部人口都能得 到供水,但是供水给大多水管被边缘化或被排斥群体的水管是分开 [...]
的,因而使被禁止的歧视形式继续存在下去,这一做法虽然符合不获得性标准, 但从人权角度来看不能算是良好做法。
For instance, a substantial effort
[...] to extend accessto water to the entire population [...]
in a given area, but which perpetuates
prohibited forms of discrimination by providing separate taps for the majority population and for a marginalized or excluded group, while meeting the criterion of accessibility, cannot be considered a good practice from a human rights perspective.
(iii) 筹划中的新大型工程项目,例如更换及修水管工2 及第 3 阶段、屯门 公路的重建及改善工程,以及位於沙田的 T4 号主干路,均会在 2006-07 年 度之後始能动工,并带来开支。
(iii) expenditure incurred by new mega
[...] projects in the pipeline such as Stages 2 and 3 of Replacement & Rehabilitationof Watermains, Reconstruction [...]
& Improvement of
Tuen Mun Road and Trunk Road T4 at Sha Tin will only start to kick in after 2006-07.
(66) 经营铸铁工、机械工程师及农具及其他机器之制造商、工具制造商、黄
[...] 铜铸工、金属工、锅炉生产商、技工、机械师、钢铁转炉商、铁匠、木 工、建筑商、油漆工、冶金家、电器工程师、水工、燃气生产商 、农民、印刷商、搬运商及务,以及购买、出售、制造、修理 、转换、改制、出租及处置各类机械、工具、机车车辆及五金器具,及 [...]
(66) To carry on the business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, and manufacturers of agricultural implements and other machinery, tool-makers, brass-founders, metal-workers, boiler-makers, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel converters, smiths,
wood-workers, builders,
[...] painters, metallurgists, electricalengineers, watersupply engineers, gas-makers, farmers, printers, [...]
carriers, and merchants,
and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, and deal in machinery, implements, rolling-stock, and hardware of all kinds, and to carry on any other business (manufacturing or otherwise) which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above, or otherwise calculated, directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of any of the property and rights of the Company for the time being.




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