

单词 水管

水管 noun ()

plumbing n

水管 ()

water pipe



waste pipe

落水管 n

downpipe n



External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 污水,也可用於造紙業、紡織業和塑膠業、合成染料,或用作建造壩基、 隧道和水管的漿料。
It is also used in paper, textile and
plastic industries, and synthesis of dyes, as a grouting agent in the construction of dam
[...] foundation, tunnels and sewers.
然而,代表团看到整个监狱的水管 道 漏 水 , 并 注意到建筑物尽管较新, 但已经肮脏和破损。
However, the
[...] delegation observed sewage leaking from pipes [...]
throughout the prison, and noted that the buildings, through
relatively new, were already dirty and worn.
国际水文计划第六阶段战略计划(2002 至 2007 年)已经完成了第五年的工作,在报告期间在 不同领域内取得了重大进展:扩大了干旱和半旱地区发展信息全球网(G-WADI);2006 年 11 月在古
[...] 巴成功举办了水资源易变性、变化过程、分析和影响问题第五次 FRIEND(根据国际试验和网络数据 系列确定水流状态)世界会议;开放多条合作渠道,进一步加强同全球环境基金的联系;就重点城水资源管理问 题、包括紧急情况下地 水管 理 在 内的地 水管 理 、共 有 水 资 源 管 理 、生态水文学 以及水资源历史和文化等问题多次举办讲习班和培训活动。
The implementation of the sixth phase of IHP (2002-2007) completed its fifth year, and significant progress was made in different fields during the period reported: G-WADI, the global network on information for development in arid and semi-arid zones was expanded; a successful Fifth FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) World Conference on Water Resources Variability, Processes, Analyses and Impacts took place in Cuba in November 2006; links to the Global Environment Facility were further strengthened
with a number of cooperation lines opened; numerous workshops and training
[...] activities were held on key urban water management issues; groundwater management, including groundwater for emergency situations; shared water management; ecohydrology; [...]
and water history and culture.
大会还呼吁以色列停止破坏包水管 和 污 水 网 络 在 内的重要基础设施,这种做法对巴勒斯坦人民的自然资源产生了不利影响,并请 [...]
秘书长向大会第六十五届会议报告该决议的执行情况(第 64/185 号决议)。
The Assembly further called upon Israel to cease
its destruction of vital
[...] infrastructure, including water pipelines and sewage networks, [...]
which had a negative impact on the
natural resources of the Palestinian people; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/185).
此外,农业水管理的 能力特别需要大大地提高,因 为培训往往是用水项目预算的微不足道的附加项目。
Additionally, there is a particular need for much greater
[...] capacity in agricultural water management, as training is often [...]
a very minor add-on to water project budgets.
为使教科文组织能对联合国发展援助框架和政府的国家发展计划做出贡献,新德 里办事处将要求总部和雅加达地区办事处支助在沿海和小岛屿生态系统管理中的国家 能力建设,包括关键的水管理, 以及支助支付得起的可再生能源适用中的创新。
To prepare for an effective UNESCO contribution to UNDAF and the government’s National Development Plan, the New Delhi Office will require Headquarters and Jakarta Regional Office support in building national capacities in
coastal and small island
[...] ecosystem management, including the vital area of freshwater management and in innovations [...]
in affordable renewal energy application.
要实现这些设施的高效、优化工作则必须始终遵 水管 理 的 相关法规以及最大程度实现自动化。
Efficient and optimized operation of these
installations must always comply with the
[...] regulations governing water management and for efficient [...]
and optimized operation should be
automated to the greatest extent.
促成 2009-10 年度工務計劃修訂預算增 加的主要工程項目包括:淨化海港計劃第 2A 期 (建造污水輸送系統及改善昂船洲
[...] 污水處理廠前期工程)、港島西雨水排放隧道、荔枝角雨水排放隧道、中環填海計 劃第 3 期、更換及修水管工程第 2 階段,及牛潭尾濾水廠。
Examples of major projects contributing to the increase in the revised estimate for PWP in 2009-10 include Harbour Area Treatment Scheme, stage 2A (construction of the sewage conveyance system and advance works for upgrading of Stonecutters Island sewage treatment works); Hong Kong West drainage tunnel; Lai Chi Kok drainage
tunnel; Central Reclamation phase 3; replacement and
[...] rehabilitation of water mains, stage 2; and [...]
Ngau Tam Mei treatment works.
(ii) 公眾期望政府在規劃和設計大型工程項目(例如灣仔發展計劃第 II 期、中 環灣仔繞道及啟德發展計劃)時,能更深入諮詢市民,並給予更多的參與機 會,以致在推展工程項目時需要較長的籌備時間;以及 (iii) 籌劃中的新大型工程項目,例如更換及修 水管 工 程 第 2 及第 3 階段、屯門 公路的重建及改善工程,以及位於沙田的 T4 號主幹路,均會在未來幾年始 能動工,並帶來開支。
(iii) expenditure incurred by new mega projects in the pipeline such as Stages 2 and 3 of Replacement & Rehabilitation of Watermains, Reconstruction & Improvement of Tuen Mun Road and Trunk Road T4 at Sha Tin will only start to kick in in the next few years.
达赫拉和奥塞尔德难民营 已经受益于这水管,减 少了水箱的使用。
Camps Dakhla and Awsard have already
[...] benefited from such pipelines, which reduce the use of water tankers.
鉴于这个职能的核心性质,拟改划一个 P-3 职等的一般临时人员职位,设 为水务工程师员额,任职者将负责外地行动中与政策相关 水管 理 工程任务,并 担任该科政策股的水务和环境卫生协调人。
Given the core nature of this function, it is proposed that a general temporary assistance position at the P-3 level be converted to establish a post of Water Engineer, the incumbent of which
would be responsible
[...] for policy-related water management engineering tasks for field operations and serve as the environmental focal point on water and sanitation [...]
for the Policy Unit in the Engineering Section.
该专家还指出, 用于深水和恶劣条件的水管设备 已经成熟,采矿所需的大型海底动力系统和泵 [...]
This participant
[...] noted further that riser hardware for deepwater [...]
and harsh environments is mature, subsea power systems
and pumps of the magnitude required for mining are now used routinely, and that as long as functional designs for deep seabed mining are ready, equipment would be commercially available.
欧洲联盟委员会人道主义事务处和难民署提供基金,从而能够在斯马拉难 民营的三个区铺水管,让大约 34 000 名难民受益。
European Commission Humanitarian Office
and UNHCR funds have made possible
[...] the installation of water pipelines in three sectors [...]
in Smara camp, benefiting some 34,000 refugees.
非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)着重介绍了统一非洲大地测量系和一 个内含农业、交通、电信水管理和 灾难管理等方面天基数据的非洲基础设施 数据库的发展情况。
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) highlighted the development of the unified African Geodetic Reference Frame and an African infrastructure
database containing space-based data on agriculture, transport,
[...] telecommunications, water management and disaster management.
附有這種標誌的產品已符合加拿大國 水管管 路 規範 (NPCC) 的規定,可於加拿大安裝使用。
Products with this type of Mark have been evaluated
[...] to the National Plumbing Code of Canada [...]
(NPCC) are suitable for installation in Canada.
当海湾村市收水管破裂或管道坍塌的报告时,其技术人员可以使用 RIDGIDConnect 快速访问详细记录,甚至可以在维修诊断和维修作业完成后立即在作业现场提交报告。
When Bay Village
[...] receives a report of a water line break or pipe collapse, [...]
its technicians can use RIDGIDConnect to quickly
access detailed records and even file reports from the job site as repairs are diagnosed and made.
[...] 为“生命之水”国际行动十年努力的组成部分,外 层空间委员会还应当着眼于加强 水管 理 方 案中使 用空间获取的信息。
As part of its efforts to enrich the current
International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, the Outer Space Committee should also focus on enhancing the use of
[...] space-derived water in water management programmes.
常设论坛敦促各国,让土著人民参与 水管 理 各 个领域的决策进程,包括商 业用途、灌溉、环境管理,并确保这种决策进程符合《联合国土著人民权利宣言》 [...]
的原则,特别是第 32 条,其中规定,在批准影响到土著人民土地或领土和其他 资源的任何项目之前,必须得到他们的自由和知情同意。
The Permanent Forum urges States to include indigenous
peoples in decisionmaking
[...] processes in all areas of water management, including commercial [...]
use, irrigation and environmental
management, and to ensure that such decision-making processes are consistent with the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in particular its article 32, under which the free and informed consent of indigenous peoples is required prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources.
(24) 經營鋼鐵製造商、鋼鐵轉爐商、鐵器製造商、煤礦所有人、焦炭製造商
[...] 、礦山經營商、熔煉商、技工、木工、細木工、鍋爐製造商 水管 工、 黃銅鑄工、建築材料供應商及製造商、鍍錫鐵皮製造商及翻砂工於其各 [...]
任何礦山、礦井、採礦場及金屬產地及任何相關權益及勘探、工作、進 行、開發及以其他方式利用上述各項;壓碎、開採、擭取、挖掘、熔煉 、鍛燒、精煉、選礦、混合、操作及以其他方式處理及準備營銷礦石、 金屬、寶石及各類礦物質及經營可助實現本公司目標之任何其他冶金業 務。
(24) To carry on the trade or business of steel makers, steel converters, ironmasters, colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, miners,
smelters, millwrights, carpenters, joiners,
[...] boiler makers, plumbers, brass founders, [...]
building material suppliers and manufacturers,
tinplate manufacturers and iron founders in all their respective branches, and to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any mines, wells, quarries, and metalliferous land and any interests therein and to explore, work, exercise, develop and otherwise turn to account the same; to crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate, and otherwise process and prepare for market ores, metals, precious stones, and mineral substances of all kinds, and to carry on any other metallurgical operations which may seem conducive to the Company’s objects.
例如,作出很大努力使某一地区的全部人口都能得 到供水,但是供水给大多数人口 水管 和 给 被边缘化或被排斥群体 水管 是 分 开 的,因而使被禁止的歧视形式继续存在下去,这一做法虽然符合不获得性标准, [...]
For instance, a
[...] substantial effort to extend access to water to the entire population in a given area, [...]
but which perpetuates
prohibited forms of discrimination by providing separate taps for the majority population and for a marginalized or excluded group, while meeting the criterion of accessibility, cannot be considered a good practice from a human rights perspective.
[...] 法,高效使用地表水,合理开采地下水,在时间上和空间上合理分配与使用水资源, 发展“长藤结瓜”灌溉系统及其灌 水管 理 技术,实现“大、中、小,蓄、引、提” 联合调度,提高灌区内的调蓄能力和反调节能力。
Greatly popularize various agricultural water-consuming projects control and dispatching methods, use surface water with high efficiency, reasonably exploit underground water, reasonably dispatch and use water resources across time and space, develop "long-vine melon"
irrigation systems and
[...] irrigation water management technology, realize the unified dispatching of water and enhance dispatching-storage [...]
anti-dispatching abilities within the irrigation area.
该方案旨在通过落实四个关键支柱做 到这一点,即(a)可持续土地和 水管 理 ; (b)提高市场准入;(c)处理粮食 供应和饥饿问题;以及(d)促进农业研究。
It aims to do this by implementing four key pillars: (a)
[...] sustainable land and water management; (b) improving market [...]
access; (c) tackling food supply
and hunger; and (d) promoting agricultural research.
通过选择综合的方法 参与市政的森林管理、地水管理以 及地方保护 区和诸如海滨与公园等旅游景点的维护,他们可 为私人土地使用者提供可供效仿的行为规范。
By choosing integrated approaches to
[...] municipal forest management, groundwater management and the maintenance [...]
of local reserves and
tourist destinations such as beaches and parks they can provide exemplary practices for private land users to follow.
(o) 在各级促进建立强大的有利环境,以提高发展中国家的农业生产、生产
[...] 力和可持续性,采取的方式包括公共和私营部门投资、土地使用规划、高效率水管理、 足够的农村基础设施(包括灌溉)、发展强有力的农业价值链、改善农民 [...]
(o) Promoting at all levels a strong enabling environment for enhancing agricultural production, productivity and sustainability in developing countries, including through public
and private investment, land-use
[...] planning, efficient water management, adequate rural infrastructure, [...]
including irrigation,
and developing strong agricultural value chains and improving access of farmers to markets and land and supportive economic policies and institutions at the national and international levels
我国水资源短缺、开发潜力有限,用水效率不高,环境问题突出,不 能走传统的以需定供的老路,必须加快推进 水管 理 向 需 水管 理 转 变,在水资源规 划、配置、节约和保护等各个环节都要体现 水管 理 的 理念,实施用水总量控制,遏 制不合理用水需求,提高用水效率和效益,走内涵式发展道路。
So we need to
[...] seep up to promote from water supply management to water demand management, reflect the concept of water demand management in all aspects such [...]
as planning, allocation, conservation and protection of water resources, implement total amount
control, forbid unreasonable water demand, improve water use efficiency and benefits and take the mode of intensive development”.
开展高强度的能力建设,提高参与制定和实施经济和社会发展政策和 方案的相关政策制定者、政府高级官员和管理者的相关能力,使其能
[...] 更好地促进包容性可持续发展并实现千年发展目标,同时亦重点处理 北亚和中亚成员国在贸易与运输便利化 水管 理 、保护环境和减少灾 害风险等领域的具体优先事项。
The above-mentioned issues require intensive capacitybuilding for policymakers, senior government officials and administrators involved in formulating and implementing economic and social development policies and programmes to promote inclusive and sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, focusing on the specific priorities of member countries in North and Central
Asia in the areas of trade and
[...] transport facilitation, water management, environmental protection [...]
and disaster risk reduction.
缔约方大会还通过了一项决定,邀请各缔约方加强可持续森林管理和重要流 域地区的综水管理, 以便维持受影响山地生态系统的服务,防止土壤侵蚀和洪 涝灾害,增加大气中的碳汇规模,养护和可持续地利用生物多样性(见 [...]
4/COP.8 号决定,第 4 段)。
The Conference of the Parties also adopted a decision whereby it invited the
parties to strengthen
[...] sustainable forest management and integrated water management in critical watershed [...]
areas in order to
maintain ecosystem services in affected mountain areas, prevent soil erosion and flooding, to increase the size of atmospheric carbon sinks, and to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity (see ICCD/COP(8)/16/Add.1, decision 4/COP.8, para. 4).




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