

单词 水稻

See also:

rice (Oraza sativa)


External sources (not reviewed)

国际农业研究磋商组织,包括国 水稻 研 究所应该为其对小规模粮食生产者所 造成的危害负责。
Hold CGIAR systems, including
[...] the International Rice Research Institute [...]
(IRRI), accountable for the harm they have done to the small food producers.
[...] 进经济增长和发展,并特别注重通 水稻 栽 培 来促 进农业发展和粮食安全。
Domestically, Myanmar had been implementing market-oriented policies to promote economic growth and development, focusing on the promotion of
the agriculture sector in order to foster rural development and food security, in
[...] particular through paddy cultivation.
[...] 2010 年签署的其他协定,帮助乍得开展灌溉活动 水稻种 植、渔业、养蜂和食品加工。
Under other agreements signed in 2010,
Vietnamese experts are helping with
[...] irrigation activities, rice cultivation, fishing, [...]
bee-keeping and food processing in Chad.
养育了一半世界人口水稻是世界上最重要的谷 物,它的生产过程创造了数百万个工作岗位。
Rice, which feeds a half of the world [...]
population, is the most important crop in the world and its production process generates millions of jobs.
次主题 1.1 下审查的问题包括,土壤和土地可持续管理和农业实践对农业生
[...] 产力(产量,作物欠收)的影响,包括作物的生物多样性对产量的影响;推动可持 续土地管理实践;改变主食作物形态,特别 水稻 强 化 栽培制。
The issues examined under sub-theme 1.1 included the impact of sustainable soil and land management and agricultural practices on agricultural productivity (yields, crop failure), including the impact of crop biodiversity on yields; advances in
sustainable land management practices; and changing paradigms for staple crops, in
[...] particular the system of rice intensification.
随着雨季第一场雨的到来,用刮泥刀或穴播棒将包 水稻 和 玉米等谷类 在内各种不同品种的粮食种子植入地上的小洞。
With the onset of the first rain of the season,
seeds of different species of food,
[...] including grains such as rice and corn, are planted [...]
in small holes in the ground with a
blunt metallic knife or dibble stick.
他们赞扬古巴和委内瑞拉将于 2009 年 6 月 26 日(星期五)对海地进行访问, 为一个大米加工厂奠基,这标志着海地、古巴和委内瑞拉三方委员会框架内的阿 蒂博尼特河谷增加种水稻项目 开始启动。
They commended the fact that on Friday, 26 June 2009, Cuba and Venezuela would conduct a visit to Haiti to lay the cornerstone of a rice processing plant, thus marking
the beginning of the
[...] Project to Increase Rice Cultivation in the Artibonite Valley, in the framework of the Tripartite Commission between Haiti, [...]
Cuba and Venezuela.
为了发展可持续农业,确保粮食安全,2009 年,秘书处
[...] 相关项目,该项目的专题是:“通过南南合作了解杂 水稻 栽 培 技术,促进 亚太区域的粮食安全”, 以便通过开展农业技术转让工作、传播知识和技能 [...]
以及加强成员国粮食生产和农业研发能力,帮助相关成员国处理与粮食不安 全有关的问题。
With a view to ensuring food security through sustainable agriculture, in 2009 the secretariat, through the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery
(UNAPCAEM), launched a project on the theme
[...] “Understanding hybrid rice cultivation technology [...]
for food security in the Asia-Pacific
region through South-South cooperation” to help member countries to address issues relating to food insecurity through the transfer of agricultural technology, the dissemination of knowledge and skills and the enhancement of member countries’ capacity in grain production and agricultural research and development.
v) 由于被推荐的剂量会在 2-3
[...] 季农作物中有剩余效应,可以每年对土壤只施一次肥,如可只水稻-小麦生长带水稻施肥 ,或者只对棉花-小麦生长带的棉花施肥。
v) As the recommended dosage may remain effective at least for 2—3 crop seasons, soil
application may be made only to one
[...] crop per annum; e.g., to rice crop in rice-wheat system and to cotton [...]
in cotton-wheat system.
(b) 分别在缅甸、尼泊尔和孟加拉国开展了关于高 水稻 和水 稻生产技术的有针对性的培训方案
(b) Tailored training
[...] programmes on high-yield rice and rice production technologies [...]
in Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh
该法案已获得美国商会以及各州和联邦农业协会的支持,如农业联合会水 稻联合 会、全国牛奶生产者联合会,全国玉米种植者联合会和美国大豆协会等等。
That bill has the support of the United States Chamber of Commerce and state and federal agricultural
associations, such as the Agricultural
[...] Federation, the USA Rice Federation, the National [...]
Milk Producers Federation, the National
Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association.
获得财政款项的农民,不再种植耗水量大 水稻 , 而 转为种植玉米和其它低耗水 的旱地作物。
These payments provide financial incentives to convert
[...] water-intensive rice paddies to corn [...]
and other low water-use dryland crops.
东侧靠近树林的院子私密幽静;西侧的院子成为四畦大小不一共约两亩的田地,可随季种 水稻 、 小 麦、油菜、玉米等作物,营造闲散恬静的农耕氛围。
The courtyard close to the eastern side is secret and quiet while the
western side becomes four small fields in
[...] different size where rice, wheat, vegetables [...]
and corn can be grown as the seasons change,
thus creating a tranquil and pleasant farming atmosphere.
转基因甜椒和木瓜已畅销中国各地,此外中国也在栽培改良杨木和转Bt 基因棉2,并开始试点培水稻和玉米的新基因品种。
Transgenic sweet peppers and papaya are widely sold across China,
modified poplars and Bt cotton2 are cultivated, and new
[...] genetic varieties of rice and maize are currently [...]
in field trials.
In the interview, rice expert, Professor Lu Yixuan, explains what potential there is in wild rice varieties and why a shortage of water is one of the biggest problems when growing rice.
科科波举行的磋商会即着重举例指出,凯瑞瓦特监狱在非政府组织、 政府机构,诸如产业、精神和文化促进机构,日本国际合作机构和国家农业研究 所等的支持下,开展一些诸如,贸易技能 水稻 种 植 和捕鱼技能、畜牧业及他项 目的生活技能培训。
In the Kokopo consultation, it was highlighted, as an example, that the Kerevat Prison conducts life-skills training such as trade skills, rice and fish farming, animal husbandry and other projects with the support of NGOs and government agencies, such as Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement, Japanese International Cooperation Agency and the National Agriculture Research Institute.
两个突出的例子是棉花的硼和锌缺乏的确定以 水稻 的 硼 缺乏的确定(第6节 详谈)。
Two salient examples are the establishment of B and Zn deficiency in cotton and
[...] B deficiency in rice (elaborated in section 6).
有效生产和利用自然资源加上环境效益的组合推动了最 近在国水稻委员 会、生物多样性公约、拉姆萨尔公约的国 际会议上提出建水稻生产 国推进综合稻田养鱼系统的进一 步发展,作为提高粮食安全水平和农村可持续发展的手段。
It is the combination of efficient production and use of resources coupled with environmental benefits that has prompted
recent international gatherings of
[...] the International Rice Commission, the Convention of Biological Diversity, and the Ramsar Convention to recommend that riceproducing countries promote the further development of integrated rice and fish systems [...]
as a means of enhancing
food security and sustainable rural development.
致力于改善效率和提 高水价被视为水稻种植 和小农的威胁,引起了公愤,同时忽视了内生设计的节水战 略作为赋予水权和需求管理的可能替代方案。
The focus on efficiency and increasing tariffs was seen as a threat to paddy cultivation and small farmers, causing public anger, while endogenously-designed strategies for water conservation were ignored as possible alternatives to entitlements and demand-management.
[...] 粮食保障,包括向包考地区 3 500 家粮食无保障的农户派发高质量玉米 水稻和 蔬菜的种子和肥料。
The Food and Agriculture Organization supported the Government’s efforts to improve food security through other
initiatives, including the distribution of
[...] high-quality maize, rice and vegetable seeds [...]
and fertilizer to 3,500 food-insecure
farming households in Baucau District.
他忆 及,委员会曾讨论过高水稻品种 问题,而且共同商 定的条款及条件始终适用于这些品种,他想知道是否 [...]
有任何特别规定可以允许将这些高产品种提供给发 展中国家,以解决粮食保障问题。
Recalling that the Committee had
[...] discussed high-yield rice varieties and that [...]
mutually agreed terms and conditions always
applied to them, he asked whether there were any special provisions under which high-yield varieties could be made available to developing countries to address the issue of food security.
在亚洲,杂水稻的种 植可 能会加重农民的债务,而不是提高产量。
In Asia,
[...] the use of hybrid rice has resulted to higher [...]
incidence of indebtedness, rather than high yield, among farmers.
该基金通过一个伙伴关系,与联 合王国国际发展署和印度政府共同设立促进国际发展可持续作物生产研究方案,
[...] 从而使科学家能够研究气候变化和病虫害等压力因素对五种主要作物(木薯、玉 米水稻、高 粱和小麦)的影响,以可持续地提高作物产量,让发展中国家受益。
In one partnership, it joined the United Kingdom Department for International Development and the Government of India to establish the Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development programme, enabling scientists to research, for example, the impact of stressors such as
climate change and pests on five key crops
[...] — cassava, maize, rice, sorghum and wheat [...]
— to boost sustainable crop yields that
would benefit developing countries.
有一次一项专利许可权协议用了几年的时间才谈 成,因为专利人已经允许另一家公司享有对该技术的专用特许使用权。还有一次,一水 稻品种 基因组的所有权数据库的使用许可条件是无法令人接受的。
Of course, the story will be different for producers wishing to export to markets where the technology is subject to patent protection.
尽管 2010 年谷物水稻大幅 增产,粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、世界粮食 计划署(粮食署)等国际伙伴采取多项举措稳定国家粮食生产水平,但总体上粮食 [...]
Despite a substantial
[...] increase in cereal and rice production in 2010 [...]
and multiple initiatives by international partners
to stabilize the level of national food production, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP), the overall food security situation remained fragile owing to a combination of low income of producers and high food prices.
水稻是发展中国家许多人三分之二的口粮,在发展中国家许多人每天的生活费还不到1美元,因 水稻 减 产 会对农民和他们的家庭带来灾难性的影响。
Because rice provides up to two thirds of the diet of many people in the developing world, many who live on less than $1 day, these losses have devastating [...]
impacts on farmers and their families.
29 另外,特别报告员还得知,布基纳法索研究了与下列方面有关的问题:粮食安 全、适水稻品种 和环境,以及解决贫穷的科技办法、水的管理,特别是在饲养 牲畜的情况下。
Mauritius has established research groups to address priority issues, including with regard to food, water and building research capacity.29 Furthermore, the Special Rapporteur was informed that Burkina Faso has addressed
issues concerning food
[...] security, suitable rice varieties and the environment, science and technology solutions to poverty, and water management, particularly [...]
in the context of raising
cattle.30 Specific research is also being conducted in the area of Aboriginal health, rare diseases including those affecting unique ethnic groups, diseases associated with the elderly and the disabled.31 33.
中国的人口数量正在不断增长 但 是 可利用的耕地却不会无限增加 这意 味着我们必须培育出更加高产的品种 也
[...] 就是说单位面积的产量必须更高 不过 一般来讲 这些高产品种多为对水具有较 大需求量水稻 我们的主要忧虑是水资 源正在减少
China’s population is growing at a tremendous speed, [...]
but the amount of available arable land cannot be extended indefinitely.
该分析考虑了四种不同的方案,并表明了两点:第一,生态系统服务观 点显示,仅 16% 的家庭可水稻栽培(水槽最重要的用途)中获益,而 93% 的家庭可通过该系统获取生 [...]
The analysis considers four different scenarios and shows two things: First, the ecosystem services perspective
revealed that only 16% of households obtain
[...] benefits from paddy rice cultivation, the most [...]
prominent purpose of the tank, while
93% benefit from access to domestic water.
积极发展不同作物、不同降水条件下田间水管理技术, 推广协调作物耗水和天然降水的灌溉制度与灌水技术;在旱作农业区,推广以滞蓄天 然降水为主要目的的土地平整技术和改进耕作技术; 水稻 种 植 区,积极推 广 水稻浅 灌深蓄技术;在干旱半干旱地区以及保水能力差的山丘区,推广鱼鳞坑、水平沟等集 雨保水技术。
In rice planting zones, actively popularize rice shallow-irrigation and deepstorage techniques. In drought and semi-drought zones and hilly areas that have poor water conservation capacities, popularize rain-collection water-preservation techniques with rhegmalypts and level furrows.




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