

单词 水相



strangers coming together by chance [idiom.]


You can't judge a person by appearance, just as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot. [idiom.]


underwater camera

External sources (not reviewed)

科学股所进行的计划主要是遵循教科文组织的主要优先活动 水 和 相关 的生态系统”,着重于在水相关的 专家和决策者中加强能力建设和交流。
The programmes conducted in the Science Unit were mainly
in line with UNESCO’s
[...] principal priority “Water and Related Eco-Systems” with focus on enhancing capacity-building and networking among the relevant water related experts and [...]
水相关 项目上,也存在同样的不透明情况;这些项目没有暂 停,并有可能到 2013 年底开始投入运转。
The same opaque situation applies
[...] with regard to heavy water-related projects; those [...]
projects were not suspended and may
begin to be operational by the end of 2013.
本次会议要讨论的新增专题可能包括绿色经济水相关问 题和国际环境治理系统改革等。
Additional topics for discussion at the event might include
[...] the green economy, water-related issues and reform [...]
of the international environmental governance system.
政府當 局 向 委員保證,當污水收集隧道開始運 作後,地下水便不會流 入隧道, 因為所有隧道均 會 鋪砌上 混凝土 的 永久襯層,而且 污水是以隧道外地水相 同 的水壓貫滿隧道。
The Administration assured members that no groundwater would enter the sewage collection tunnels after they were put into operation, as these tunnels would be permanently lined with concrete and would carry sewage at the same hydrostatic pressure to that of the external groundwater.
分离之 后水相物中 将包含大部分乳状液分解剂和最多 0.1% 的油类,因此在弃置此混和物时应该谨慎 [...]
After separation, the water phase will contain most [...]
of the emulsion breaker and up to 0.1% of oil and therefore, care should
be exercised when disposing of this mixture.
虽然原子能机构根据伊朗的“保障协定”继续开展核查活动,但伊朗并没有 履行以下一些义务,包括:没有执行其“附加议定书”的规定;没有执行其“保 障协定”经修订的“辅助安排”总则第
[...] 3.1 条;没有中止浓缩相关活动;没有中 止水相关活 动;以及没有澄清引起对其核计划可能的军事层面关切的遗留未决 [...]
While the Agency continues to conduct verification activities under Iran’s Safeguards Agreement, Iran is not implementing a number of its obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements General Part to its Safeguards Agreement;
suspension of enrichment related activities;
[...] suspension of heavy water related activities; [...]
and clarification of the remaining outstanding
issues which give rise to concerns about possible military dimensions to its nuclear programme.
这些努力促成了至今所取得的显著进 步,并帮助使水及水相关问 题上升到了政治议程的首要位置。
These efforts have contributed to the achievement of
significant progress to date and have
[...] helped to bring water and water-related issues to [...]
the top of the political agenda.
与会者还认为教科文组织应该清楚地界定其发挥引导全球政策作用的 领域,如全民教育、水相关的 问题、文化、信息社会世界峰会(WSIS)的相关后续活动 [...]
It was also agreed that UNESCO should clearly identify the areas where it is
taking a global policy leadership
[...] role such as EFA, water-related issues, culture, [...]
relevant follow-ups to WSIS, and the various United Nations Decades.
总干事敦促伊朗按照理事会有约束力的决议和安全理事会具有强制性的各 项决议的要求采取步骤充分履行其“保障协定”及其他义务,包括执行其“附加
[...] 议定书”的规定、执行其“保障协定”的“辅助安排”总则经修订的第 3.1 条、 中止浓缩相关活动和中止水相关活 动。
The Director General urges Iran, as required in the binding resolutions of the Board of Governors and mandatory Security Council resolutions, to take steps towards the full implementation of its Safeguards Agreement and its other obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements General Part to
its Safeguards Agreement; suspension of enrichment related activities; and
[...] suspension of heavy water related activities.
Hydro SM是一款经济实惠的湿法样品分散装置,专为溶剂用量需最小化的 水相 分 散样品测量而设计。
The Hydro SM is a cost effective wet
sample dispersion unit designed for measuring
[...] samples in non-aqueous dispersants where [...]
solvent usage needs to be minimized.
條例第27(1)條訂明,如主管當局覺得任何處所內有或相當可能有 積水,而水相當可 能含有蚊幼蟲或蚊蛹,主管當局可安排向該處所的佔 用人,或在特定情況下,向該處所的擁有人,又如該處所內有任何建築地 盤或任何建造中的建築物,則可安排向有關地盤的獲委任承建商送達通 [...]
Section 27(1) of the Ordinance provides that where
[...] it appears to the Authority that there is, or likely to be, upon any premises any accumulation of water likely to contain [...]
larvae or pupae of mosquitoes,
the Authority may serve a notice upon the occupier, or under specified circumstances upon the owner, or where the premises consist of a building site or a building under construction, upon the appointed contractor in respect of the site requiring him to take certain remedial actions.
工业 可位于其它任何地方,而鲑鱼生境必须位于淡水与 潮汐水相遇的地方。
Industry could be located elsewhere, whereas salmon habitat must be situated where
[...] freshwater meets tidal salt water.
我要通知安理会另外两起举报案件,这次涉嫌违 反第 1737(2006)号决议第 3 段,该段禁止向伊朗出口
[...] 和禁止伊朗采购可能有助于伊朗的浓缩相关活动、后 处理或水相关活动,或有助于发展核武器运载系统 的物项。
I would like to inform the Council of two additional reported cases of alleged violations, this time of paragraph 3 of resolution 1737 (2006), which imposes a ban on the export to and procurement by Iran of items that
could contribute to enrichmentrelated,
[...] reprocessing or heavy water-related activities [...]
by Iran, or to the development of nuclear-weapon delivery systems.
他继续指出,“生命之水”国际行动十年(2005-2015)展示了会员国将其对水 的重要性的集体认知转化为行动的政治意志,尤其是转化为实现国际商定 水相 关目标,包括千年发展目标和环境可持续性的行动。
He went on to state that the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005-2015 demonstrated the political will of Member States to translate their
collective recognition of the
[...] importance of water into action, particularly action to achieve the internationally agreed water-related goals, including [...]
the Millennium Development
Goals and environmental sustainability.
该项目减少或消除了与水相关的人员伤亡及经济损失:财产损失;清理成本;社区分裂;失业;商业 [...]
The project reduced
[...] or eliminated flood-related human and economic [...]
casualties: property damage; cleanup costs; community
disruption; unemployment; lost business revenue and the need for flood insurance.
洪水综合分析系统由国际水灾和风险管理中心开发,该中心是 现行技术援助“支水相关灾 害管理方面的投资”项目(TA7276)的执行机 构。
IFAS was developed by ICHARM, the implementing
agency of the ongoing technical assistance “Supporting
[...] investments in water-related disaster management” [...]
project (TA7276).
该 决定除其他外重申了有关规定:禁运武器和有关材料、可能有助于浓缩、后处理 或水相关活 动或研发核武器运载系统的某些货物和技术、几乎所有其他两用货 [...]
物和技术和可能用于国内镇压的装备;控制某些其他敏感货物和技术的出口和服 务和投资的提供以及扩大旅行禁令名单。
The decision, inter alia, reiterated the terms of the embargo on arms and related materiel, certain goods and technology which
could contribute to enrichment-related,
[...] reprocessing or heavy water-related activities, [...]
or to the development of nuclear weapon
delivery systems, and on nearly all other dual-use goods and technology, and equipment which might be used for internal repression, introduced controls on export of certain other sensitive goods and technology and provision of certain services and investments, and expanded travel ban lists.
这次峰会将为领导人和与 会者提供一个机会讨论水相关的各种问题,预计将对找到水资源开 发和管理的解决方法作出积极贡献。
The Summit would provide leaders and participants with the
[...] opportunity to discuss water-related issues and was [...]
expected to make a positive contribution
to the discovery of solutions regarding water resource development and management.
在安全理事会和委员会确定物项的基础上,扩大对可能有助于伊朗浓缩 相关活动、后处理活动和水相关活动;有助于发展核武器运载系统的 活动;有助于开展与国际原子能机构表示关切或认为悬而未决的其他问 [...]
Export ban on further items, in addition to those determined by the Security Council or the Committee, that could
contribute to Iran’s enrichment-related,
[...] reprocessing or heavy water-related activities, [...]
to the development of nuclear weapon delivery
systems or to the pursuit of activities related to other topics about which the International Atomic Energy Agency has expressed concerns or identified as outstanding, or to other weapons of mass destruction programmes.
由 于水问题与可持续发展直接相关,联合国也应该探 索合作举措,以加强国际社会应 水相 关 危 机的能 力。
Since water issues were directly related to sustainable development, the United Nations should also
explore cooperation initiatives designed to enhance the international community’s ability
[...] to respond to waterrelated crises.
与享有安全饮用水和卫生设施有关的人权义务问题独立专家卡塔丽娜·德 阿尔布克尔克,利用 2009 年专门审查了有关享受卫生设施的人权义务问题,并 且确认,如果水相关的 领域相比较,这一问题已在很大程度上被人们所忽视。
The independent expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque, devoted 2009 to examining the issue of human rights obligations related to access to sanitation, recognizing that this topic has been relatively neglected if compared with the associated area of water.
西班牙认真对待其对国际社会所做关于全面落实千年发展目标的承诺,特 别重视实现千年发展目标的目标 7,即到 2015 年将无法持续获得安全饮用水的人
[...] 口比例减半这一目标,为此与德国一起发起了一项倡议,呼吁在联合国框架内落 实与获得安全饮水相关的人权。
In accordance with the international community’s commitments to fully attaining the Millennium Development Goals, and particularly the goal of halving, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, as established in Goal 7, Spain has launched (together with Germany) an initiative within the
framework of the United Nations on human rights obligations relating to access
[...] to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
1)用户使用吸液管水相或非水相悬 浮 液样品添加至仪器:所需样品量一般为1-5ml之间。
(1) The user adds their sample in the
[...] form of an aqueous or non-aqueous suspension to [...]
the instrument using a pipette: typically
between 1-5ml of sample is required.
天津泰達津聯自來水有限公司(「自來水公司」)主要從事在 天津開發區供應自來水,此外亦從事水管安裝及維修、自水相關技術顧問服務,以及經水管 及 相 關 部 件的零售及批 發。
It is also engaged in installation
[...] and maintenance of water pipes, tap water related technological consulting, and retail and wholesale of water pipes and related parts.
在雅各布河与北巴拉河之间,兄弟俩种植设拉子葡萄,并把葡萄园命名为“Moorooroo”,这一原住民词义为“ 水相 汇 ”
Situated between Jacob's Creek and the North Para
River, the brothers planted Shiraz, naming the vineyard 'Moorooroo' - an aboriginal word
[...] meaning 'meeting of two waters'.
自 2005 年以来,理事会通过了四项与在伊朗伊斯兰共和国执行保障有关的 决议。12 安全理事会也通过了与伊朗伊斯兰共和国核计划有关的决议,其中详细 规定了要求伊朗伊斯兰共和国采取的除其他外特别是与伊朗伊斯兰共和国暂停 所有浓缩相关活动和后处理活动以及所有 水相 关 项 目有关的行动,以及与原子 能机构的合作问题,以使其能够核实决议中所述核活动的暂停情况,并解决原子 能机构报告中确定的悬而未决的问题。
Since 2005, the Board has adopted four resolutions relevant to the implementation of safeguards in the Islamic Republic of Iran.12 The Security Council also has adopted resolutions related to Iran’s nuclear programme that detailed the actions required of the Islamic Republic of Iran related to, inter alia, the suspension by the Islamic Republic of Iran of all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and all heavy water-related projects, and the cooperation with IAEA to enable it to verify the suspension of nuclear activities as outlined in the resolutions and to resolve outstanding issues identified in the IAEA reports.13 The Islamic Republic of Iran is not implementing the requirements contained in the relevant resolutions of the Board of Governors and the Security Council.
[...] 元30 好評w********9吉多喜BOX40 公文包式水相機包攝影包可裝筆記本送防雨罩型號: BOX [...]
40BOX系列採用公文包式設計,穩重而不呆板, 讓低調的您自由遊走在城市之間進行攝影創作;大容量設計,可以同時容納兩部連鏡頭相機放置,頂部大開口設計方便您迅速選擇合適套機進行捉拍,不錯失任何精彩瞬間。
My wedding 168.00 yuan 30 good w ******** Guido hi
[...] BOX40 briefcase waterproof camera bag camera bag can hold [...]
a notebook send rain cover model:
briefcase-style design the BOX 40BOX series, stable but not rigid, so low-key you the freedom to walk in the city between creative photography; design of large capacity, can accommodate two even lens camera placed large opening at the top of the design easy to quickly select the appropriate set of machines to catch the shot, do not miss any exciting moments.
气候变化的一些作用,例如全球海平面变化,是近来人类历史 的新事件,基本没有处理这类影响的经验33。 气候变化和更急性事件之间不断增加的相互联系显示,有必要集中灾害风
[...] 险管理和气候变化适应的备灾和救灾措施,特别在土地 水相 互 作 用的地区,渔 民、养殖渔民及其社区感受最为强烈。
Adaptation to climate change not only means addressing changes in the intensity and frequency of extreme events, but also more subtle changes in climate conditions as well as emerging risks that have not been experienced in a region before.32 Some effects of climate change, such as global changes in sea levels, are new within recent human history, and little experience is available to tackle such impacts.33 This growing interconnectedness of climate change and more acute events suggests a need for a convergence of DRM and CCA
preparedness and response approaches,
[...] particularly at the land–water interface where the effects [...]
are felt most strongly and particularly
by fishers, fish farmers and their communities.
城市污水再生利用,宜根据城市污水来源 与规模,尽可能按照就地处理就地回用的原则合理采用相应的再生水处理技术和输配 技术;鼓励研究和制订城市水系统规划、再生水利用规划和技术标准,逐步优化城市 供水系统与配水管网,建立与城水 系 统 相 协 调 的城市再生水利用的管网系统和集中 处理厂出水、单体建筑中水、居民小区 水相 结 合的再生水利用体系;制定和完善污 水再生利用标准。
Urban sewage recycled water use should follow the principle of local use for the area where the treatment is handled according to the source and scale of urban sewage while using reasonable recycled water treatment technology and transfer technology.
免费维修用户供水管网或为此提供补贴:很大比例的管网渗漏都与用户方 水相关 – 这一现象出现在辽宁省进行的案例研究中。
Free/subsidised repairs on customer supply: A significant proportion of network leakage can be related to the customer-side supply (this was observed in studies under this project in Liaoning Province).




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