

单词 水牛

水牛 ()

water buffalo


水牛奶 n

buffalo milk n


(dialect) snail

See also:


cow n
cattle n
beef n
bull n
ox n

(slang) awesome
surname Niu

External sources (not reviewed)

大猩猩、森水牛、黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩 和森林大象等大概都是促使我们采取行动的因素,因 [...]
Gorillas, forest buffaloes, chimpanzees, [...]
bonobos and forest elephants — these are what must inspire our action, as they
help to maintain the ecological functions of natural systems.
水牛饲养 潜能巨大,但是,我们似乎对温顺 水牛 、 其 产奶能力及局限性知之甚少。
In spite of the immense
[...] potential of buffalo farming, we seem to know very little about the humble buffalo, its productive [...]
capabilities and limitations.
全身性含氟产品则是指那些被摄入体内(添加 水 、 牛 奶 及 盐中),被生长中的牙齿吸收,帮助其抵抗蛀牙的产品。
Systemic fluorides are those that are ingested
[...] (fluoride added to water, milk and salt) [...]
into the body and then absorbed by developing
teeth to make them decay resistant.
業界可參閱《公眾衞生及市政條例》(香港法例第132章)第2條“釋義”部 分,當中訂明“奶類”牛奶、水牛 奶 及山羊奶,並包括忌廉及離脂奶,但不包括奶粉、 [...]
The trade might refer to Section 2 “Interpretation” clause of Hong Kong Law Chapter 132 “Public Health and Municipal
Services Ordinance” for the definition of
[...] “milk”, namely cows milk, buffaloes milk and [...]
goats milk, and included cream and separated
milk, but does not include dried milk, condensed milk or reconstituted milk.
陆 地动物有野牛 、 野水牛、 野公 牛、 老 虎和 苍鹭。
Ground animals
[...] consist of wild cows, wild buffalo, wild ox, tiger [...]
and heron.
不胜枚举,例如, MilkoScan FT+ 牛奶分析仪可同时测量牛奶、山羊奶、绵羊奶 水牛 奶 中的脂肪、蛋白质、乳糖、固形物、尿素、冰点降低值、游离脂肪酸、酪蛋白、脂肪酸组成、酮病和其他如pH值。
Too numerous to list here, for example, the MilkoScan FT+ milk analyser alone can simultaneously measure fat, protein, lactose, solids, urea, freezing point depression, free fatty acids, casein, fatty acids profile, ketosis and others such as PH and H-index in cow, sheep, goat and buffalo milk.
保護濕地之旅」:必維於美水牛城 ( Buffalo) 的辦事處將於6月10日由必維綠色小組及義工同事組成的必維團隊前往當地 Tifft 自然保育區,進行植樹並除掉入侵植物種群,協助維持保育區的生態平衡。
Preserve Our Wetlands Trip": Bureau VeritasˇBuffalo location in the US has scheduled a visit to the local Tifft Nature Preserve to plant trees and shrubs as well as to remove invasive species on 10 June.
[...] anoa种,野生山牛包括扫落,Auroch,野牦牛,野牛,半躺,Kouprey,美洲野牛,欧洲 牛 , 野 水牛 , Ta maraw,低地Anoa和美国布法罗。
Species: Though the pictures shown are of domestic cattle, there are 13 species of wild cattle including the Saola, Auroch, Wild Yak,
Gaur, Bantang, Kouprey, AMerican Bison,
[...] European Bison, Wild Water Buffalo, Tamaraw, [...]
Lowland Anoa, Mountain anoa, and American Buffalo.
随着湿婆驱逐舰有关联的可怕,嗜血,神奇的女神杜尔加,或卡利,前身为受害的人们喜出望外,现在山羊 水牛 牺 牲 姑息。
With Siva the destroyer there was associated the terrible, blood-thirsty,
magical goddess Durga, or Kali, formerly delighting in human victims, now appeased with
[...] sacrifices of goats and buffaloes.
根據《規例》,"奶類" 指牛奶、水牛奶及 山羊奶,並包括忌廉、離脂奶及奶類飲品, 但不包括奶粉、煉奶或再造奶。
Under the
[...] Regulations, "milk" means cows milk, buffaloes milk and [...]
goats milk, and includes cream, separated milk and milk
beverage, but does not include dried milk, condensed milk or reconstituted milk.
當然,局長聽我這樣說可能還會微微笑說,無須擔心,我透過演辭已經 對你說出,那些甚水、牛油、 雞蛋、發粉,麪 包是還原不了的,由於還原 [...]
Of course, on hearing me say so, the Secretary may smile and say, "Do
not worry, I have already told you in
[...] my speech that the water, butter, eggs, baking [...]
powder and flour cannot be reverted
to their original states and since they cannot be reverted, I do not have to be afraid of you.
[...] belt)的临近城市克里夫兰、底特律 水牛 城 一起被人们称为繁华已逝的都市,作为曾经的工业重镇,匹兹堡正寻求新的发展。
With a slowly declining greater metropolitan area population of little over two million, it is often considered
along with its “rust belt”
[...] neighbors—Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo—a city past [...]
its prime, a former industrial powerhouse trying to reinvent itself.
客人可選鮮牛肉薄片、煎香蔥吞拿魚、煙三文魚、巴馬腿蜜瓜或蕃 水牛 軟 芝 士為前菜,佐以Renato Ratti [...]
Dolcetto Colombe DOC 2011可謂配搭一流。
Appetizers ranging from Beef Carpaccio with Truffles, Seared Tuna with Chives,
Capsicum, Olives and Smoked Salmon,  Parma Ham
[...] with Melon and Buffalo Mozzarella & [...]
Tomato  are accompanied by the Renato Dolcetto
Colombe DOC 2011, a perfect combination.
本手册根据Mikaela Ståhl Högberg 和Ole Lind撰写的原文水牛奶生 产》编写,提供乳 水牛 产 奶 、其适用范围及局限性的简要介绍。
This handbook, developed from an original text written by Mikaela Ståhl Högberg and Ole Lind: Buffalo Milk Production, provides an overview of dairy buffalo production, its scope and its limitations.
从大约十年前在比利时发生的 “二恶英污染危机 ”,该国的奶类和家禽类制品验出含有甚高的二恶英,到近日在意大利发 水牛 芝 士受二恶英污染的食物事故,食物中的有毒污染物可见不时成为人们关注的焦点。
From the “Belgium Dioxin Crisis” happened almost a decade ago that unusually high level of dioxins was found in dairy and poultry products in Belgium , to the recent food incident on dioxins contamination of mozzarella cheese in Italy , concerns over toxic contaminants in food have been raised from time to time.
不含氣泡的軟性飲料、果汁和果汁飲料、葡萄酒和烈酒、礦 水 、 牛 奶 、啤酒和蘋果汁。
Still soft drinks, fruit juice and fruit drinks, wine and
[...] spirits, mineral water, liquid milk, beer and cider.
第三座穀倉亦陳列多項裝置藝術,包括迴聲音樂、燈光展演、壁畫,還 水牛 城 天際線的三百六十度畫作,都運用穀倉的圓身造型。
The third elevator had a series of art installations including echo music, light
shows, murals and – the highlight – a 360°
[...] painting of the Buffalo Skyline, all [...]
of which played into the circular spaces of the silos.
吉瑞1016: 不好意思,最近好忙忘評價了,背景顏色很好,和圖片沒有多大區別,比我原來買的好多了,謝謝啊! 下次再光顧9.0 評價: 5分雪花使者8: 背景質量很好圖案很漂亮來店拍照的也都挺喜歡的過短時間在來選點呼 水牛: 背 景很不錯的,顏色非常好哦,下次 還要買這家的84.0 評價: 5分dida2582: 很​​好的賣家,與賣家描述的一致,發貨很快,我很喜歡,期待下次繼續合作,謝謝賣家。
Next to patronize 9.0 Evaluation: 5 minutes of snow messenger 8: The background quality is pretty good pattern to the shop to take pictures also came to love over a short period of time in snore buffalo: very good background to the choice of site, color is very Ay, the next still want to buy a 84.0 Rating: This dida2582 5 points: good seller, the same as that described with the seller, shipped quickly, I really like and look forward to the next continue to cooperate, thank you and the seller.
这是一种无脂肪性的奶酪,与其它所有类型的奶酪相比,“mozzarella” 水牛牛 乳 奶 酪)和stracchino除外,脂肪含量是最低的(约20%);而且在熟化过程中这些脂肪进行转化, [...]
It is a non fat type of cheese the fat content (about 20%) is the lowest compared to all other
types of cheese with the exception of
[...] “mozzarella” (milky buffalo cheese) and stracchino; [...]
moreover the maturing process transforms
these fats thus making them easily absorbable by the organism.
[...] raw milk from cow, sheep, goat and buffalo.
牛童和水牛也畫 得好傳神,可以跟Treasury 4, 編號486和497騎牛童圖像的高超藝術相比。
It is also one of his finest
[...] renditions of the boy on a water buffalo, in a class with [...]
the masterly Treasury 4, nos. 486 and 497.
三十歲之後的朱銘從工藝正式進入純藝術的階段,發展出最早的「鄉土系列」, 牛 車 、 水牛 、 雞 等農家題材為主,1976年首度在國立歷史博物館展出時,受到藝文界的矚目,朱銘的「鄉土系列」雕刻甚至成為1970年代台灣鄉土運動的象徵之一。
Ju Ming formally became an artist from craftsman at thirty, and then developed the earliest
"Nativist Series" mainly on rural
[...] subjects like carts, buffalos and chickens, which [...]
attracted attention in art and literature
circles with the first exhibition at the National Museum of History in 1976, and was even turned into one of the symbols of the Taiwanese Native Movement in the 70s.
每种动物的象征代表着某种形式的权力:公牛象征着首领、阳刚、坚强; 大象与被交易的货物有关; 水牛代表防御的姿态; 老虎则被低级的官员使用; [...]
Each animal symbol represented some form of power: the bull symbolized the leader of the herd, virile and strong; the
elephant symbol was attached to goods
[...] being traded; the buffalo represented a posture [...]
of defense to protect; the tiger was
used by minor administrative officers; the unicorn appears to be an important symbol of the elite and was used in governing the different settlements, assuming the economic and political power in the major cities.
当我们开车驶过,我们看到两侧的稻田 水牛。
As we were driving out we saw the rice paddies
[...] on both sides, the water buffalo.
不過在一群年輕專家與古蹟維護人士眼中,大穀倉不僅象徵產業歷史,也是創造新意義的機會,他們在夏季提供步行與搭船導覽行程,不過「夜之城」活動更不一樣,讓人們有機會走 水牛 城 的歷史,親身與穀倉近距離接觸。
Groups offer walking and boat tours through the summer, but The City of Night event offered
something different: a chance for people to
[...] enter the world of Silo City and get up [...]
close and personal with the elevators.
透明玉髓、墨、水色;凹唇、略凸斂底、突出凸形圈足;兩側雕獸首啣環耳;一面內畫蓮池二子採菱圖, 其上書“採菱圖,習三作於京都”,其後繪“王”
[...] 、“習三”二白文篆印,其前繪難辨認的一印,另一正面內畫牧童牽池塘 水牛 , 其 上題“浴牛圖,壬寅正月”,題後落白文“印”一篆印
Transparent chalcedony, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and recessed, slightly convex foot surrounded by a protruding convex footrim; the narrow sides carved with mask-and-ring handles; painted on one side with a scene of two children in a boat picking water caltrops in a lotus pond, inscribed in draft script with the title ‘Gathering Water Caltrops’, followed by ‘Painted by Xisan at the capital’, with three seals of the artist, an indecipherable one preceding the inscription, and Wang and Xisan, both in negative seal script, following it, the other main side with a herdboy leading his water buffalo ashore from a river beneath dangling willow
branches, inscribed in draft script with
[...] the title ‘Bathing a Water Buffalo’, followed by, [...]
‘[Painted] in the first month of
the year renyin’, followed by one seal of the artist, yin (seal), in negative seal script
[...] Parreno的一部科幻短片《火星来的男孩》准备的,他以此为主角拍摄了这部影片:神秘的夜空,缓慢移动的星光 水牛 在 水 田 里 踩下的脚印,它用力拉动和没入池塘水面的身影,炯炯有神的牛眼睛,慢慢变亮的灯泡,白天田野上空的太阳,塑料棚与周围的树木被风吹动的诗意画面,以及片尾黑幕时一个苍老男人的吟哦,渲染出一种令人过目不忘的迷幻氛围。
Indeed, the building was originally constructed for Philippe Parreno’s architectural sci-fi film The Boy from Mars; he made the film with the building as the lead actor: the mysterious night sky, the
slowly moving starlight, the
[...] footprints left in the rice field by the buffalo, its silhouette [...]
pulling hard and submerging into
the pond, the buffalo’s bright and piercing eyes, the slowly illuminating light bulbs, the sun above the field during the daytime, the poetic tableau of the plastic canopy and the surrounding trees blown by the wind, and the chanting of an aged man at the end of the film, all contributed to a hallucinatory atmosphere that was hard to forget after viewing.
諸多專案小組正在開會討論,這些遊戲是否該受嚴格管制或是禁止,或採用其他的措施,專案成員包括Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton
[...] LLP的亞當查理斯,Fleming律師事務所的帕特里克弗萊明,紐約州立大 水牛 城 分 校的約瑟夫凱利教授,Mathis & [...]
Murphy PA的凱利瑪菲斯和易威爾金森,還有Weston Garrou & Mooney的傑里穆尼。
Whether these games should be more tightly regulated or banned, and what other options should be considered, are discussed by the roundtable panelists, including Adam Charnes (Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton LLP), Patrick
Fleming (Fleming Law Office), Joseph Kelly
[...] (SUNY College Buffalo), Kelly Mathis [...]
and Miriam Wilkinson (Mathis & Murphy PA),
and Jerry Mooney (Weston Garrou & Mooney).




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