

单词 水火不容

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与这些目标平行的是,在这些中心的专业研究仍在继续,主要是关于婚姻 准备、配水火不容亲父母、亲子关系引发的问题、家庭角色的分配和责任 [...]
Parallel to these objectives, professional studies continue at these
centres regarding
[...] preparation for marriage, incompatibilitybetweenspouses, [...]
single parenthood, problems stemming from parent – child relations, distribution of roles and responsibilities inside thefamily, care of the elderly and
the disabled, elimination of the problems before and after divorce, and helping family be self-sufficient.
特别委员会令人不安的报告明确指出,以色列 在被占领土上胡作非为,侵犯了巴勒斯坦人和阿拉 伯人的权利,与缔造和平的愿水火不
It was clear from the Special Committee’s distressing report that the abusive Israeli practices in the
occupied territories were a violation of Palestinian and Arab
[...] rights andwere incompatiblewith any desireto make peace.
然而,将文化与发展连接起来,也会给当代事实上的多元社会带来挑战,这 些都是土着人民非常熟悉的挑战:(a) “社会问题的超文化”,即把文化作为各 种问题的唯一原因;(b) 在假设文化是对民族团结、社会凝聚力和发展的威胁前 提下制定实施的同化政策;及(c) 以独特之处为由而实施的隔离,或强调差别之 大以至于与公共生水火不容
Nevertheless, connecting culture and development entails challenges for contemporary, de facto plural, societies, challenges that are well known to indigenous peoples: (a) the “hyperculturalization” of social issues, which makes culture the single cause of all kinds of problems; (b) assimilation policies based on the assumption that cultures are a threat to national unity, social cohesion and development; and (c) segregation in the name of particularism, or stressing differences to the extent that they become incompatible with a public life.12 Indigenouscultures may furthermore be confrontedwith major risks of folklorization, mummification andcommercialization.
将利润置于共同福祉之上的融资模式 与享有安全饮用水的权水火不为水是基本 的人类生活必需品,不应用于谋取利润。
Financing models that prioritized profit over common
[...] welfare were notcompatible with theright towater,as itwas a [...]
basic human necessity for life
and should not be used to make a profit.
加剧人为制造的矛盾,使本可以相辅 相成的价值观更水火不种做法是令人无 法接受的。
It was inadmissible to promote artificial contradictions and clashes of values which could be mutually enhancing.
最后,沙特阿拉伯重申,和平与占领水火不我们的战略选择是,在执行安全理事会第 242(1967)号和第 338(1973)号决议、马德里框架、土 地换和平的原则以及《阿拉伯和平倡议》的基础上, 实现公正、全面的和平。
In conclusion, Saudi Arabia reaffirms that peace and occupation are mutually exclusive and that our strategic option is a just and comprehensive peace based on implementation of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), the Madrid terms of reference, the principle of land for peace and the Arab Peace Initiative.
但我们仍然坚持认为, 定居点活动与和平进程不可能共存,两者水火不
We remain supportive of President Obama’s efforts, and our commitment to peace is clear, but we also remain insistent that settlement activities and the peace process cannot coexist and that one negates the other.
目前有一个 P-3 员额专门负责支助关于 水的研究、供应和养护,评估非洲各特派团的水资源并支助特派团管理这些资源; 评估地下水和水容就恢复技术提供咨询意见,以满足特派团要求,还就环 境行动提供咨询意见,以养护、回收和补给资源,同地人口产响。
There is currently one post (P-3) dedicated to supporting water research, supply and conservation, assessing water resources in African missions
[...] supporting missions in the management of these resources; assessing groundand rain water capacities and providing advice on recovery techniques to meet mission requirements and environmental action to conserve, recycle [...]
and replenish
resources without adversely affecting the local population.
出现下列情况时,各方认为违约, 求另一方承担责任:任一方遭受地震、暴风雨、自然灾难、天灾、战争、恐怖主义、武装斗争、工人罢工、停工、抵制或其他超过此方合理控制能力之外之类似事件,而导致其停止、中断或延迟履行本协议义务 (支付义务除外),但前提是援引本条款 (第 17 条) 的此方 (i) 就此迅速发出书面通知;且 (ii) 采取所有必要合理之措施以减轻不可抗力事件之影响;更进一步,假设不可抗力事件持续之时间总计超过 30 天期限,则各方均可在书面通知後立即终止本协议。
Neither party shall be deemed in default hereunder, nor shall it hold the other party responsible for, any cessation, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder (excluding payment obligations) due to earthquake, flood, fire, storm, natural disaster, act of God, war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strike, lockout, boycott or other similar events beyond the reasonable control of such party, provided that the party relying upon this Section 17: (i) gives prompt written notice thereof; and (ii) takes all steps reasonably necessary to mitigate the effects of the force majeure event; provided further, that in the event a force majeure event extends for a period in excess of thirty (30) days in the aggregate, either party may immediately terminate this Agreement upon written notice.
30 由于妇女不能平等获得资源以及流动受到限制,在许多情况下,她们受泥石流等自然灾害的影例。粮农组织目前正在开展研究,以 更好地认识气候变化影响的性别差异以及妇女和男子所采用的不同应对策略,以 [...]
期将这一认识贯穿于气候变化政策、适应做法和更加可持续的生计应对策略之 中。
FAO is currently undertaking research to better understand the gender-differentiated [...]
impact of climate change and the different
coping strategies adopted by women and men, with a view to informing climate change policy, adaptation practices and more sustainable livelihood coping strategies.
尽管我们会尽最大努力链接那些同样注重客户信息隐私的网站,但是我 容火私政策负责。
Although we try to link only to Web sites that
share our concern for customer information
[...] privacy, wearenot responsible for their contentor their privacy [...]
Similar in its mode of operation and display the dial, movement renounces contrast to the power reserve indicator, whose presence was incompatible with the train to enable resetting of the two barrels caliber.
此外,本保固不适用於:(i) 表面损害,如刮痕、刻痕与凹痕;(ii) 消耗性零件,如电池,但若因材质或制造技术产生的瑕疵而造成产品损害者,限;(iii) 产品因搭配非 Garmin-Asus 产品使用而造成的损害;(iv) 因意外、滥用、误用、其他天灾,或外部原因所造成的损害;(v) 任何非 Garmin 或 Asus 授权服务人员提供之服务所造成的损害;或 (iv) 未获 Garmin 或 Asus 书面许可而修改或改装之产品所引发的损害。
In addition, this warranty does not apply to: (i) cosmetic damage, such as scratches, nicks and dents; (ii) consumable parts, such as
batteries, unless
[...] product damage has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (iii) damage caused by use of the product with non Garmin-Asus products; (iv) damage caused by accident, abuse,misuse,water,flood,fire,orother acts of [...]
nature or external causes;
(v) damage caused by service performed by anyone who is not an authorized service provider of Garmin or Asus; or (iv) damage to a product that has been modified or altered without the written permission of Garmin or Asus.
今年婚宴展特色包括场地布置、婚纱服装等婚礼服务优惠、 容水 惠套餐、宴会娱乐表演及优惠套餐、餐饮展示如结婚蛋糕、下午茶、现场提供脆皮乳猪试食,以 不容的大抽奖。
This year our
[...] wedding fair features venue decoration, wedding gowns, special wedding packages,spa & beauty special packages, entertainment performance with special packages, food & beverage corner [...]
with wedding
cakes display, afternoon tea, live suckling pig carving station for your tasting and lucky draw.
由於水质的原因,暗 渠 N 必须在因缩短海堤而形成的内湾以外排放( 水不放入内湾以免污染物积聚,从而使水质变坏及产生异 味),因此,海堤的转向位置需要向东延伸,形 暗渠排水口结构。
For water quality reasons, the drainage culvert N must discharge outside the embayment that is created by this cutting
back of the seawall
[...] (outfalls should notdischarge into embayed areas to avoid entrapment of pollutants and consequent deterioration of water quality and odour problems), therefore the seawall is extended eastwards to accommodate the box [...]
culvert outfall structure, before the return seawall is introduced.
试验设备(见图35.1) 包括一的( 可加热) 耐压试一个测量和记录系统,记录火容的压力;供气设备;带防爆盘和蜂鸣器 的通风系统,装有遥控阀门的旋塞。
daccess-ods.un.org The test apparatus (see Figure 35.1) consist of a pressure resistant test vessel (heatable)made of stainless steel;an ignition source;ameasuring and recording system to record the pressure inside the ignition vessel; agas supply; [...]
a venting system
with bursting disc and additional piping, fitted with remote-controlled valves and cocks.
除依照保证等级测试级及第一级运作之凭证机定外,依 照保证等级第二级以上运作之凭证机构必须保护系统相关的储存媒 体免於遭受意外的损害(磁场等)。
Except for CA that operates under test assurance level
and level 1 where
[...] stipulationsarenot required, CA that operates under assurance level at or above level 2 shall protect the relevant storage media of the system from accidental damage (such asflood, fire andmagnetic field, etc.)
釉与坯同样都是岩石或瓷土等原料所组成,但釉比坯比融,釉原料在高温完全熔融成液体状态,冷却後这种液体凝固而成一种玻璃,这就是釉 烧成样板: 烧制瓷器有一定的偶然性,因此买去的釉能烧出和店内样板一模一样的效果,亲们请知悉。
Glaze and blank are in the same rock or china clay and other raw materials,
composition, but glaze the parisoneasier than in the fire moltenglaze raw materials in high temperature completely melted into a liquid state, after cooling, solidification of liquid from a glass, this is the glaze Firing a model: Certain chance, firing porcelain bought glaze may notbe able to burn out and store template identical effect, pro, please be aware of.
工业环境对所有产品提出了极高的要求,因为它们根应用领域要求具备传、便于安装、高耐热性和 高电电磁兼容性(EMC)、坚固耐用和紧凑的设计的特点.
The industrial environment represents a real challenge for all products due to the significance of high
[...] capacities, easy installation, resistance toheat or fire, high current capacity, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), robustness and compact design, [...]
depending on the area of application.
(c) 回 收 废 物 活邻 近 地 方 造 成 环 境 影 响 , 例 如 噪 音 滋 扰 、 异 味 、 毒 气 、 衞 生 问 题 、 阻 塞 通 道 、 排 放险 等 ( 除 非 把 影 响 减 低 , 并 达 到 可 接 受 水 平 。 )
(c) Operation of the
[...] recycling activitiesshould notcause anyenvironmental impact such as noise nuisance, unpleasant smell, toxic gas, hygienic problems, obstructions,effluent discharge, potential fire hazard,etc in the neighbourhood [...]
mitigated to acceptable level)
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运 法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).




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