

单词 水泄不通

See also:


be illogical
be impassable
make no sense
be obstructed
be blocked up


have running water (in a house etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

中環街水泄不通,車 水馬龍,行人路上更是人頭湧湧;但當穿越過海 隧道到達那裏時,卻會發現馬路和街道差不多都是空空的。
The streets in Central are
[...] jammed, full of traffic, and the pavements are spilling over [...]
with people. Just over there, across
the harbour, the roads and the sidewalks are almost empty.
後來,我聽市民說,銅鑼灣的地鐵站和巴士站簡直 水泄不通。
Later, I gathered from some members of the public that the Causeway Bay MTR Station and the bus stops there were simply jam-packed.
当时,了解无极灯的人并不多,为了推广无极灯,为了让更多的世人了解和认识无极灯这一高新技术产品,公司几乎参加了包括德国、美国、日本、阿联酋、澳大利亚以及国内北京、上海、广州所有有影响力的照明展览会,可以很自豪的说,宏源LVD无极灯所参加的展会,都成了展会上的主角和亮点,展台几乎被包围 水泄不通 , 从 中我们可以看到:宏源 LVD无极灯的研发成功,引起全球关注并获高度认可,小小光源以国际领先的技术第一次在强手如林的高科技领域异军突起,引起很大轰动。
In order to promote it and to let more people get to know such new technical products, the Company took part in almost all the lighting fairs including Germany, US, Japan, UAE, Australia as well as domestic Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
劉漢銓 劉漢銓 劉漢銓 劉漢銓議員 議員 議員 議員:主席,據報,在剛過去的農曆新年期間(即農曆年初三至 年初八期間)的入境高峰期,羅湖管制站未有開放所有入境櫃檯,導致回港 市民在該管制站一帶擠水泄不通, 情 況極度混亂。
MR AMBROSE LAU (in Cantonese): Madam President, it has been reported that not all the immigration counters at the Lo Wu Control Point were opened during the peak hours of inbound travel during the last Lunar New Year period (that is, between the third and the eighth days of the Lunar New Year).
跨境的人流和物流急速發展,兩地人民對各條跨境通道可無縫連接的需 求越來越大,但過去數年,我們只能盡量利用現有的基建和口岸,又或進行 小規模的改善工程,結果是各個口岸在平日已見人頭湧湧,假日更 水泄不 通。
Given the rapid increase in the flow of cross-boundary goods and passengers, there is an ever increasing demand from people across the boundary for a seamless link at all control points.
就我的个人研究事业 而言,我从万人大会获得的东西永远都比不上我从那个小型专题
[...] 会议获得的东西;因为在那个万人大会上,我的周围总是簇拥着 无数人,每一个演讲室都被挤 水泄不通。
There is no doubt that I achieved much more at the small boutique conference with regard to my own personal research career than I ever
could have by being surrounded by thousands of other attendees who often filled the available
[...] lecture rooms to overflowing.
除了超频表演, 华擎也分别邀请了欧洲和亚洲的超级明星电竞战队SK Gaming和Incredible Miracle (IM)进行星际争霸II表演赛, 比赛激烈赛况吸引爆满人潮, 将华擎摊位挤水泄不通。
Besides the overclocking show, ASRock also presented a gaming show at CeBIT, two ASRock sponsored gaming teams SK Gaming and Incredible Miracle (IM) were at ASRock's booth playing StarcarftII.
这使得轴的角位可以改变,由于偏心作用 水 闸 会 压紧密封, 使 通 道 不 会 泄 露。
This enables the angular position of the shaft
to be changed so that
[...] the gate is pressed against the seal due to the eccentricity and the tunnel is sealed water tight.
通 过 O 型圈的渗透泄漏率随温度 的升高而增大。
The leak rate increases as temperature increases due to permeation through the O-ring.
每逢發生天災人 禍 (例如2009年泰國紅衫軍示威,以及本年的日本地震及核輻 泄漏 和水災等 事件),本人的議員辦事處(“辦事處”)均會接到大量自由 行旅客的查詢及急切求助,指他們 不 斷 嘗 試聯絡相關政府部門及機 構 (包括香港旅遊業議會(“旅議會”)、旅遊事務署及消費者委員會(“消 委會”)等 ),但卻得不到其所急需的協助。
In the event of natural or man-made disasters (for example, Thailand's red-shirt protest in 2009,
as well as the earthquake and radiation leak incidents in Japan, and the flood disaster in Thailand this year, and so on), my Member's office (my office) would receive a large number of enquiries and urgent requests for assistance from DIY travellers, who indicated that despite their incessant attempts to contact the relevant government departments and organizations (including the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC), Tourism Commission (TC) and Consumer Council (CC), and so on), they could not get the assistance they urgently needed.
Plumbers generally recommend repiping after three or four leaks at a cost that [...]
can run in excess of $6,000.
(g) “补给区”系指向含水层供水的区域,包括雨水汇集区域以及雨水从地 面流入通过土壤渗入水层的区域; (h) “泄区”系指水层的水流向诸如水道、湖泊、绿洲、湿地或海洋等 出口的区域。
( h ) “discharge zone” means the zone where water originating from an aquifer flows to its outlets, such as a watercourse, a lake, an oasis, a wetland or an ocean.
应注意确不会有水通过充 气阀或红色插塞进 入本装置。
Care should be
[...] taken to ensure that water does not enter the device through the valve [...]
or the red plug.
一些代表团重申了他们对和平利用和探索外层空间的承诺,并强调了以下 原则:所有国家,无论其科学、技术和经济发 水 平 如 何,均可平等而不受歧 视地进入外层空间,对所有国家条件均等 不通 过 主 权要求、使用、占领或任 何其他手段,将外层空间包括月球和其他天体据为已有;不将外层空间军事 化,仅为在地球上改善生活条件和增进和平利用外层空间;开展区域合作以促 [...] [...]
Some delegations reiterated the commitment of their countries to the peaceful use and exploration of outer space and emphasized the following principles: equal and non-discriminatory access to outer space and equal
conditions for all
[...] States, irrespective of their level of scientific, technical and economic development; non-appropriation of outer space, including the [...]
Moon and other celestial
bodies, by claim of sovereignty, use, occupation or any other means; non-militarization of outer space, and its exploitation strictly for the improvement of living conditions and peace on the planet; and regional cooperation to promote space activities as established by the General Assembly and other international forums.
居屋方面我們當不會做 ,但如果有些公屋有 這樣的設計,我們在維修時也會 水通 過 喉管流出,以減輕對居民造成的滋 擾。
Of course, we will not do this for HOS courts, however, if such a design is found in public housing estates, we will also channel the condensation to a drain pipe when [...]
carrying out repairs
and maintenance, so as to reduce the nuisance caused to residents.
对加沙实行封锁,这不仅给当地居民带不 利影响,而且驱使激进分通过暴力 发 泄 他 们 的挫折 感,从而使当地局势变得更加复杂,增加了以色列的 脆弱性和安全关切。
The blockade
[...] of Gaza is not only adversely affecting the population, but also driving militant elements to vent their frustration through violence, [...]
thereby further complicating
the situation on the ground and increasing Israel’s vulnerability and security concerns.
[...] 我們不談,只談工聯會向政府提出的3點︰第一,我們認為政府注資 強積金戶口,這種“蛋家雞水不能 飲”的做法,無法幫助市民應對當 前的通脹; 第二,很多沒有強積金戶口的“打工仔”,尤其是公務員、 教師,他們對此均很有意見;再者,“N無 [...]
”人士經濟有困難,政府如 何幫助他們呢?
I will only mention the three points that the FTU raised: first, we opined that if the Government were to inject money into the MPF accounts, it would not be
immediately accessible and
[...] could not help people fight the current high inflation; second, many employees who do not have MPF [...]
accounts, in particular
civil servants and teachers, had strong objections to this measure; third, how would the Government help the so-called "n have-nots" who are in financial difficulties?
毛里求斯面临的挑战是适应越来越无法预测的气候变化,海平面的上升,全不断地向所有家庭提供水,通过 更 多地利用再生能源和更有效地利用能源减 少化石燃料的使用,同时实现到 [...]
2028 年使自给率达到 65%的目标。
The challenge for Mauritius is to adapt to the increasingly unpredictable climatic change,
the rise in sea level,
[...] having a continuous supply of fresh water to all households throughout the [...]
year, and to decreasing
the use of fossil fuel while achieving a target of 65 per cent autonomy by 2028 through increased utilization of renewable energy and more efficient use of energy.
不过,就性质而 言,油泄漏通常是 需要快速采取应对措施的 紧急情况,除非对在应急计划制定期间对废物 管理给予了足够的考虑,否则最实用、经济高 [...]
效的弃置选项将优先于可持续性更佳的废物管 理选项。
However, oil spills are often, by their nature, emergencies [...]
that require a rapid response, and unless due consideration
has been given to waste management during contingency planning, the most practicable and costeffective disposal options may take precedence over more sustainable waste management options.
研究人员制作了一个Marte Vallis的三维再现;Marte Vallis是被“雕凿”到火星上的最大 泄 流 通 道 ,而据推测它是被过去5亿年内的一场古老的特大 水 雕 凿 而成的。
Researchers have produced a three-dimensional reconstruction of
[...] Marte Vallis, the largest of the outflow channels that were carved into Mars -- presumably by an ancient mega-flood -- within the [...]
past 500 million years.
阀杆和阀体密封是按使用检漏液检不 到泄漏的要求来进行测试的。
Stem and body seals
[...] are tested to a requirement of no detectable leakage using a liquid leak detector.
一些红衫成员心怀怨 愤,感到遭受不公正的待遇,而且认为和平手段已 然失败,因此他们认为需要自己作出抉择,并且采 用暴力手段来泄不满。
Driven by anger, a sense of injustice, and a feeling that peaceful options have failed, some Red Shirts have felt compelled to take matters into their own hands and resort to violence.
电网缺电时,随即将高处水通过 泄水 闸 排 放下去。
The water causes the pump turbines to move, [...]
which now operate in turbine mode and are used in turn to drive the generators.
核查的目的是:比较核实原料最终用户提供的甲基溴贸易数据和甲 基溴生产者提供的数据通过检 查生产过程、应用技术、生产设备、库存 泄 漏 , 分析并 核实将甲基溴作为原料的实际使用数量;确认甲基溴生产和消费企业严格遵守相关的法律 规定 。
The objective of the verification was to: crosscheck the trade data of MB provided by
feedstock end-users
[...] with data from MB producers; analyze and verify the actual application of MB as feedstock by checking the production process, technologies applied, production facilities and stocks as well as leakage; and [...]
confirm that MB producing
and consuming enterprises strictly follow relevant laws and regulations.
原始设备 (OE) 燃料过滤器水盛接通常有一个泄 阀 或 泄水 塞 , 并可使用燃油含水量传感器 (WIF)、加热器探头或两者兼备。
The OE bowl typically includes a drain valve or plug and may accommodate the use of a water-in-fuel (WIF) [...]
sensor, a heater probe or both.
49.2010 年修订了《关于对儿童提供最低限度和 通水 平 照 料的法律》,目的 是建立一种措施框架,据以使有行为问题的儿童为社会所接受、促进他们成长发 展和对他们进行教育,并向他们提供其他类型的援助,从而有助于这些儿童消除 已形成不良行为,并培养他们关于有意义的个人和社会生活的观念。
49. In 2010, the Law on the Minimum and Average Care of the Child was revised to create a framework of measures for socialization, development and education of and extending other types of assistance to the child with behavioural problems that could help the child to overcome their formed ill [...]
behaviour and to develop the notions of
meaningful individual and social life.
然后,检查通过出入监控点被带往高级别 安全区(见下图),其中东道方采用了许多限制准入技术,以确保检查活动不违反 健康和安全法规、不披露扩散信息 不泄 露 国 家安全信息。
The inspectors were then taken through an entry/exit control point into the high security area (see figure) where the host party deployed a number of managed access techniques to ensure that the inspection activities did not breach health [...]
and safety regulations, disclose proliferative information or reveal information related to national security.
[...] 态系统或依赖这些含水层或含水层系统生存的生态系统,包括采取措施确保含水 层或含水层系统所保留水以及经排 泄 区 排出 的 水 的 质 量和数量足以保护和保 全这些生态系统。
Aquifer States shall take all appropriate measures to protect and preserve ecosystems within, or dependent upon, their transboundary aquifers or aquifer systems, including measures to ensure that the quality and quantity of water retained in an aquifer
or aquifer system, as well as
[...] that released through its discharge zones, are sufficient to [...]
protect and preserve such ecosystems.
我们时有耳闻一些来自世界各地的非政府 组织和一些环保部门的报告,比如意外的水泄漏进 入了清洁的水库、过度的污水 排放、还有经常通过净 化就被排放的废 气等等。
We all know the studies provided by the NGOs and several environmental protection agencies from around the world. pollution caused by accidental spilling of wastewater into freshwater reservoirs, excessive pollution of the sewage.




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