单词 | 水族 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 水族 noun —aquascape n水族 —Shui ethnic group of GuangxiExamples:水族箱—aquarium • fish tank 水族馆—aquarium (building or park) 彭水苗族土家族自治县—Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality 陵水黎族自治县—Lingshui Lizu autonomous county, Hainan See also:族—race • nationality • ethnicity • clan
漁護署除定期巡查領有許可證售賣瀕危物種的本地商鋪外,亦對售 賣寵物及水族生物 的商鋪進行巡查及教育探訪。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from conducting regular inspections to local shops which are licensed to sell [...] endangered species, the AFCD also conducts inspection and education visits to shops [...] engaging in the pet and aquarium trade. legco.gov.hk |
展示着大约有580种68,000条海洋生物,是日本数一数二的大 型 水族 馆 ,特别是以鲨鱼种类最多而闻名。 ibarakiguide.jp | Aqua World is one of [...] the biggest aquariums in Japan and [...]contains over 68,000 fish from 580 different species. ibarakiguide.jp |
展览包括世界各地水下遗产的大幅图片、泰国沉船残骸实物尺寸复制品、海底发现的遗 产展示、水下文化遗产电影、水下考古学家 在 水族 箱 工 作的特别演示以及儿童的互动游戏区 ,展览还放映了教科文组织--Moonscoop [...] 卡通片。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The exhibit included large format photographs of underwater heritage scenes from around the world, a life-size replica of a Thai ship wreck, a showcase of discoveries recovered from the [...] seabed, a film on the underwater cultural heritage, special [...] demonstrations of underwater archaeologists in action in the aquarium tank and an interactive [...]play zones [...]for children and featuring among others the UNESCO-Moonscoop Cartoons. unesdoc.unesco.org |
作为对 第十五届《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方大会(COP15)所作的贡献,秘书处编制和传 播了有关气候变化以及可持续发展教育的《可持续发展教育十年季刊》专刊;在青年和后代 人日(12 月 10 日)参与了一个关于气候变化教育问题的活动;在 12 月 15 日,与联合国可 持续发展委员会的教育小组、可持续未来相关方论坛、世 界 水族 馆 、 保护海洋基金会一起, 共同发起和组织了为期半天的“气候变化问题工作论坛:让各利益相关方参与民间社会”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As a contribution to the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Secretariat also produced and disseminated a special DESD Quarterly Highlights on climate change and ESD; participated, during the Young and Future Generations Day (10 December), in a side event on Education on Climate Change; and co-sponsored and organized, on 15 December, a half-day “Working Forum on Climate Change: Engaging Stakeholders in Civil Society” with the United Nations CSD Education Caucus, the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future and the World Aquarium and Conservation for the Oceans Foundation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鸭川海洋世界位于太平洋海岸,是一座综合 性 水族 馆 , 长达1.6公里,以动感虎鲸表演著称。 nikken.jp | The Kamogawa Sea World is a 1.6-kilometer long general aquarium facing the Pacific Ocean, famous for its dynamic Orca show. nikken.jp |
紧接其后的是蒙特雷加速研究系统, 由美国加州莫斯兰丁的蒙特雷湾水族 馆 研究所安装和运作。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was closely followed by the Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS), installed and operated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in Moss Landing, California, United States of America. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,立法、信息与政策委员会主席Mark [...] Xitco先生将在下一届海洋哺乳动物公园 与 水族 馆 联 盟的会议上发表关于这个标准的演讲。 imata.org | Mark Xitco, Legislation, Information and Policy Chair, presents these standards at the next Alliance of Marine [...] Mammal Parks and Aquariums meeting. imata.org |
在本报告所述 期间,与相关伙伴(包括联合国森林论坛、世界旅游组织、零灭绝联盟、保护国 [...] 际、国际热带木材组织、东亚海域环境管理伙伴关系、世界动物园 和 水族 馆 协 会、 加拿大环境网络、法语国家能源和环境研究所)以及与亚马逊河国家、拉丁美洲 [...] 国家公园、其他保护区和野生生物技术合作网络、国际自然及自然资源保护联盟 [...]和世界自然基金会联合一起,签署了 10 项谅解备忘录或合作备忘录。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the reporting period, 10 memorandums of understanding on cooperation were signed with relevant partners, including the United Nations Forum on Forests, the World Tourism Organization, the Alliance for Zero Extinction, Conservation International, the International Tropical Timber Organization, Partnerships in Environmental Management for [...] the Seas of East Asia, the World [...] Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Canadian Environmental [...]Network, the Institute of Energy [...]and Environment of La Francophonie and, jointly with Amazonian countries, the Latin American Technical Cooperation Network on National Parks, Other Protected Areas and Wildlife, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the World Wide Fund for Nature. daccess-ods.un.org |
海洋公園的獸醫隊伍成員均擁有豐富的動物園 或 水族 館工 作經驗。 legco.gov.hk | The veterinary team of the Ocean Park has extensive experience working in zoos or aquaria. legco.gov.hk |
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大 的 水族 馆 、 鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。 int-tm.com | At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia " and the return of memorial photo-taking, lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel. en.int-tm.com |
不得在海洋公園內的任何水族館、水 箱 、池塘、槽、噴 泉、水池、溪澗或河流沐浴、玩水、涉水、洗濯或將其污 染 oceanpark.cn | (c) bath in, paddle, wade, wash in or pollute an aquarium, tank, pond, trough, fountain, pool, stream or river in Ocean Park; (d) act in a manner likely to endanger persons or property in Ocean Park oceanpark.cn |
LED燈泡、LED雙端燈管以及各類LED燈具等,例如應急燈具、普通固定式燈具、可擕式燈具、道路街道照明燈具、投光燈具 、 水族 箱 燈具、夜燈、燈串、舞臺照明、游泳池照明,等等。 tuv-sud.cn | LED bulbs, LED double-end tubes, and various other LED light fixtures, such as emergency lights, common fixed lamp fixtures, portable lamp [...] fixtures, street lights, [...] floodlights, aquarium lighting, nightlights, light ribbons, stage lights, underwater lamps, etc. Including [...]LED luminaries [...]as well as LED modules and LED drivers. tuv-sud.cn |
约有130位贵宾、客户和媒体代表出席,欣赏 Overseas 纵横四海系列表款的展出,以及播影了一部记录 Overseas [...] 纵横四海系列腕表的电影短片,置身在巨型 的 水族 箱 裝 置之间,令人联想到海洋、旅行和远方地平线的国度。 vacheron-constantin.com | Some 130 VIP guests, clients and media representatives were on [...] hand to admire the Overseas presentation, [...] set among giant aquariums suggestive of [...]seas and oceans, travel and distant horizons. vacheron-constantin.com |
Liittschwager [...] 口中的「特設裝備」其實是指一片玻璃和一個有機玻 璃 水族 箱 ,用來放置隊友為他從海浪裡捕捉的大量模特兒,從喜愛淺灘活動的、海底漫步的、到夾縫求生的,應有盡有,在他的影棚裡盡顯美態,爭豔鬥麗,比紐約的攝影工作絕不遜色。 mammals.org | Liittschwager’s “special set up” includes a glass [...] and plexiglass aquarium that he used [...]to hold an astonishing variety of shallows-swimming, [...]bottom-walking, crevice-skulking creatures pulled by his team out of the tide pools to “sit” for portraits that are as exotic and, well, fabulous as any image he’d ever made in New York City. mammals.org |
拉古那種射線和小鯊魚,以及與沿海地區,如 xiphosura 和海膽居民戶外水族館海 洋區的完整的巡迴演出。 okeanarium.g-sochi.ru | Complete tour of the maritime zone Laguna with species of rays and small sharks, as well as outdoor aquarium with the inhabitants of the coastal zone, such as the xiphosura and sea urchins. okeanarium.g-sochi.ru |
第八届年会由位于佛罗里达州的迈阿 密 水族 馆 在 Biscayne皇家酒店和度假村举办。 imata.org | The eighth annual conference is hosted by Miami Seaquarium in Miami, Florida at the Royal Biscayne Hotel and Resort. imata.org |
而芝加哥酒店周围便利的交通也可让游客们顺畅抵达市内海军码头、谢 德 水族 馆 等任一旅游景点。 marriott.com.cn | Do shopping along Michigan Avenue, check out Navy Pier, the Midwest’s top tourist attraction, or catch an afternoon Cubs game within Wrigley Field’s ivy-walled confines. marriott.com |
由於澎湖為中華台北著名之觀光景點 人 們往往在假日期間 尤是夏季 造訪該島 因 此 呂總經理也與員工協商 在夏季 旺季 減少休假 在冬季 淡季 則增加休假 另一 方面 呂總經理也指出 他們不僅在公司內部 管理方面努力在地化 在與當地社群的對外連 結 各種影響水族館營運的外部因素 如物流 等方面亦付出同樣的努力 例如 大東山珠寶 適應當地文化 改善當地物流基礎設施 藉以 促進成長 助益於當地社群 對於在各處有分 支機構的中小企業來說 將在地化與文化調適 納入管理考量 可協助中小企業因應不同地區 的文化差異 也能更有效地進行經營管理 apecscmc.org | As a result, Lu has negotiated with her employees to take less day off during summer (peak season), but more during winter (off-season). On the other hand, as Lu indicated, localization efforts are not only made on the internal management but also on the external links with local community as well as some external factors that could affect the operation of the aquarium, such as logistics. apecscmc.org |
活性成分:氧化鋅18.6%其他成份:去離 子 水 ( 水族 ) , 癸/ Capryllic甘油三酯,蔬菜甘油,硬脂酸甘油酯東南,山梨糖醇,白茅(根)提取物,辛乙二醇,山梨醇硬脂酸,植物提取物,車前子杉木(芭蕉)葉提取物,番木瓜(木瓜)果提取物,浮游生物提取物,黃原膠,維生素C(維生素C)。 littlegiant.com.hk | Other Ingredients: Aqua (Deionized Water), Capric/Capryllic [...] Triglycerides, Vegetable Glycerin, Glyceryl Stearate SE, Sorbitol, [...]Imperata Cylindrical (Root) Extract, Caprylyl Glycol, Sorbitan Stearate, Arabidopsis Extract, Plantago Lanceolata (Plantain) Leaf Extract, Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Plankton Extract, Xanthan Gum, Ascorbyl Palmitate (Vitamin C). littlegiant.com.hk |
根据项目计划,在2,8数千公顷的一块宿营的一个重要的国际商务中心,几家旅馆,海 洋 水族 馆 及太平洋地区研究和教育中心,其中包括多家科研院所的RAS。 zh-cn.import40.ru | According to the project plan, on a plot of 2,8 thousands of hectares have been billeting of [...] a major international business center, [...] several hotels, oceanarium and Pacific Research [...]and Education Center, which will [...]include several research institutes of RAS. en.import40.ru |
这里是美国占地范围最长的海洋水族 馆 , 不仅有众多海洋哺乳动物,还有很多不同种类的鱼,鲨鱼,海龟,鸟,爬行动物和海牛等等。 abgcorp.com | In addition to the marine mammals, the Miami Seaquarium also houses various fish, sharks, sea turtles, birds, reptiles and manatees. abgcorp.com |
2011年11月20日至28日,在亚洲动物基金的组织和陪同下,中国动物园代表团一行顺利对英国数家优秀动物园进行访问,并且同世界动物园 和 水族 馆 协会(WAZA)、欧洲动物园 和 水族 馆 协 会(EAZA)、英国及爱尔兰动物园 和 水族 馆 协 会(BIAZA)、伦敦动物学学会(ZSL)的代表们展开了会谈。 animalsasia.org | Animal Welfare Director, David Neale, Animal Welfare Officer, Lisa Yang and Veterinary Welfare Education and Outreach Manager, Dr Heather Bacon (University of Edinburgh and Animals Asia) accompanied the Vice-President and Secretary General of the CAZG, Mm Hu, the Vice-Secretary General of the CAZG, Mm Xie, Vice-Director of Beijing Zoo, Mr Zhang, Director of Chengdu Zoo, Mr Wang and the Director of Shanghai Zoo, Mr Zhang to meet with the directors and staff of London, Chester and Bristol zoos and the British & Irish, European and World zoo associations. animalsasia.org |
平成23年(2011)9月策划制定了《都立动物园总体规划》,都立动物园 • 水族 园 (包 括恩赐上野动物园、多摩动物公园、葛西临 海 水族 园 、 井之头自然文化园)为了对应周边状况的变化,提出了“面向世界发布饲养繁殖技术的信息,致力发展成为东京、日本以及世界的野生动物保护做出贡献的动物园”、 “实现以培养人们对动物及自然的感性认识、架起一座人与野生动物之间的桥梁的动物园”等目标,并大力做好其完善与实施工作。 taito-culture.jp | The "Master Plan for Municipal Zoos" was formulated in September 2011, and with the themes, such as "Zoos that disseminate handling and feeding techniques to the world and contribute to preservation of wild animals in Tokyo, Japan and the world" and "Zoos that nurture a sense for animals and nature and build bridges between human beings and animals," the zoos' facilities have been upgraded responding to changes of circumstances around the municipal zoos and aquarium (Ueno Zoological Gardens, Tama Zoological Park, Tokyo Sea Life Park and Inokashira Park Zoo). taito-culture.jp |
世界各地的水族造景的爱好者更被香港光荣的成绩及成就感到惊讶… 薏景堂各成员造景水平高的原因是他们眼中看到的大自然景象及他们的热情及奉献精神 在 水族 造 景中,不仅是造景的布局上,他们还奋力钻研拍 摄 水族 造 景 的拍摄手法。 cau-aquascape.net | Aquarium hobbyists in the world were amazed by glorious achievement of Hong Kong people… I think I can find the reasons of Hong Kong CAU members’ high layout levels in their eyes of seeing the Mother Nature, and their dedication to the planted aquarium hobby. cau-aquascape.net |
另外 呂華苑總經理亦舉出大東山珠寶將 觸角延伸至不同產業的實例 與我們分享多角 化經營與管理之道 大東山珠寶目前在中華台 [...] 北南端的小島澎湖與政府合作進行一 間 水族館 的營運移轉 OT 計畫1 由於澎湖具不同的 [...]文化及環境 大東山珠寶將管理風格在地化 配合該地的旺季與淡季 apecscmc.org | In order to diversify and extend its reach to different industries, Lucoral & Lupearl is currently cooperating with the government by [...] holding an Operation-Transfer (OT) plan1 [...] at hand of an aquarium in Penghu, a [...]small island located at the south of Chinese Taipei. apecscmc.org |
优雅视角” 一种意大利式的优雅家居: 天然石地板上的丝质地毯,精美的木、漆、玻璃珠墙纸与天然材质做成的墙面,为空间带来丰富感的宽 敞 水族 缸 , 单件特制的家具和摆设──这就是一个香港商人的居家。 chinese-architects.com | Elegant perspectives” An elegant, seemingly Italian-style living variant: Natural stone floors adorned by silk carpets. chinese-architects.com |
沖繩美麗海水族館是世界上最大型 水族 館 之 一,有著碩大的鯊魚(如鯨鯊)和魟魚(如巨蝠魟);在海豚劇場裡,從開園到現在我們的海豚表演依然精彩;海牛池裡養著的海牛是墨西哥政府送給我們的禮物;在海龜池,觀光客可以看到海龜如何從下蛋一直到發育成熟;在海豚樂園裡,觀光客既可以觀看和瞭解海豚的各種技巧和能力,也可以看到一隻名叫「富士」(FUJI)的人造鰭海豚;而在綠寶石海灘上,觀光客從4月到10月期間都可以游泳,並且盡情享受6畝大小的人造白沙海灘 – 這個海灘被選為日本88個最好的海灘之一。 apoc11.jp | The ocean area features facilities such as the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, one of the largest aquariums in the world and home to enormous sharks and rays such as the whale shark and manta ray, the Okichan Theater, where our dolphin show has been running since the Ocean Expo days, the Manatee Pool, home to manatees that were a gift from the Mexican government, the Sea Turtle Pool, where visitors can watch sea turtles develop from laying eggs to maturation, the Dolphin Lagoon, where visitors can watch and understand the various skills and abilities of dolphins as well as our artificial finned dolphin “FUJI”, and the Emerald Beach, where visitors can swim (April-Oct) and enjoy the man-made 6-hectare white sand beach, which was selected as one of the 88 best beaches in Japan. apoc11.jp |